CC - Item 5B - Minutes of July 25 , 2017MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AND CITY COUNCIL AND THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONJOINT REGULAR MEETING JULY 25, 2017 Closed session The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 6:05 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Ly Council Members (Arrived to the meeting at 6:29 p.m.) STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Manis, City At McKinney, Director of Finance Lieu, Director of Parks Works Ramirez, Interim Director of Community Donohue CLOSED SESSION The City Council will meet in A. CONFERENCE WITH LEC City of Gardena v. Regional LASC Case # BS156342 7:00 p.m: Session to meeting 5495 Armenta, and Clark nt City Manager Director of Public ,,,.,and City Clerk following item: LITIGATION , City of Rosemead et al p.m. to closed session and reconvened at was no reportable action taken during closed TO REGULAR MEETING The regular meatipg of the Xo�emead City Council and the Housing Development Corporation was called to order b,Mayor-'1ow at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Bo- Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Ly Council Members Alarcon, Armenta, and Clark STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Manis, City Attorney Murphy, Assistant City Manager McKinney, Director of Finance Lieu, Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon, Director of Public Works Ramirez, Interim Director of Community Development Valenzuela, and City Clerk Donohue PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Councilmember Alarcon Rosemead City Council and the Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting ITEM NO. 5.B Minutes ofJuly 25, 2017 Page 1 of 7 INVOCATION was led by Councilmember Clark 2. 0 PUBLIC COMMENT Alberto Juarez, political science instructor at Pasadena City College introduced his political science students who are observing the City Council meeting. Mr. Juarez invited the City Council to tour the Rosemead Pasadena City College campus. Francisco Puente, resident and student at Pasadena City College introduced himself to the City Council. Ray Jan, Executive Director of the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce thanked Mayor Low and Council Member Clark for attending the Chamber of Commerce 90th celebration event. She distributed the program pamphlet to the Coutneil and anrJo ced the Double Tree Hotel was recognized as the business of the year and outgoing "Chamber of Commerce member Chester Gee was presented with a military banner. Ms. Jan added the Chamber of Commerce updated the hospitality program brochure which is to be disfribUed to tourists. PRESENTATIONS IN Sheriff Deputy Chief of Police Lieutenant Deputies. He explained the checks. surveillance onera detective and r City al Assignment Sheriff is in parole compliance major crimes bureau, the Special Assignment Team for their Deputies for their work in the community. crime was due to AB 109 passed by the State Legislator passed by the voters. .rmenta thanked and commended the Sheriff Deputies for their them to the next Contract Cities Board of Directors Meeting on Out Proclamation Public Safety Supervisor Wong invited the City Council and the pubic to attend the 34a` Annual National Night Out in conjunction with the Emergency Preparedness Fair and Back to School Resource Fair at Zapopan Park on August 1 St. Council Member Armenta stated she had a vision for a School Resource Fair in which Mrs. Wong assisted in making it possible for children to receive school supplies. She thanked Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Ray Jan Rosemead City Council and the Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting Minutes of July 25, 2017 Page 2 of 7 4. 5. for obtaining donations for the program. In addition, she thanked sponsors and donors such as Jones Moy, Jeff Foutz, Rosemead School District Education Foundation, Willdan, Garvey School District Education Foundation, Southland Transit, Cal Poultry, Garvey Community Senior Lunch Program, community leaders, residents, and staff. The City Council presented Public Safety Supervisor Wong a proclamation for National Night Out. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None CONSENT CALENDAR A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2017-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE `CII ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AND DEMANDS IN THE Sl 96821 THROUGH, NUMBED AND NUMBERED ,968417 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH'IS_A A PART HEREOF Adopt • `'R2solutionNo.2017-33 OF THE CITY OF No. 2017-32 A RESOLUTION ,OF TI4E''CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ]2OSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND, DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $473,191.16 NUMBERED 96823 -THROUGH NUMBER 96838, AND NUMBERED 96840, AND =,NUMBERED 96914 THROUGH NUMBERED 96949 INCL6§1VELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART`HEREOF Adopt Resolution No. 2017-33 B. City Council Meeting Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council approve the minutes from the regular meeting on May 9, 2017, the regular meeting on June 27, 2017, the special meeting on July 10, 2017, and the regular meeting on July 11, 2017. C. Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Funds Commitment Agreement between the City of Rosemead and the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation (RHDC) for the Implementation of Certain HOME Funded Programs Rosemead City Council and the Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting Minutes of July 25, 2017 Page 3 of 7 Recommendation: It is recommended that the RHDC and the City Council take the following actions: 1. Approve a HOME Funds Commitment Agreement between the RHDC and the City Council for the implementation of the City's Owner -Occupied Rehabilitation Loan Program in the amount of $523,503 (approximately) and Mortgage Assistance Program in the amount of $190,000; 2. Authorize the Mayor to execute the contract on behalf of the City; and 3. Authorize the President to execute the contract on,' ehalf of the RHDC. D. Los Angeles County Regional Park and Operi,Space District Competitive Tree Planting Grant — Resolution No. 2017-34,- Approving the A#option of a Youth Employment Plan Recommendation: It is recommended tliiji 2017-34, approving the adoption of a Yd received through the Competitive Tree P] Angeles County Regional. perk and Open A RESOLUTION ROSEMEAD, C7 OF A YOUTH y Council approvc�Rasolution No. iployment Plan for all grant funds Grant Program offered by the Los �_OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PROVING THE ADOPTION PLAN FOR ALL GRANT CHP'COMPETIVTIVE TREE [ OFFERED BY THE LOS PARK AND OPEN SPACE E. Request to Insfall;ParkirigRestrictions — 7715 Garvey Avenue Recomimndation ItAs recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commissrori'.-�,reconinloildation to paint 3 -feet of red curb on the west side of the driveway apfp and 5-116et of red curb on the east side of the driveway apron of the business at 7715Garvey Avenue. F. Re,i�'w of Traffic Conditions at Hart Avenue and Steele Street Recomm,e dation: It is recommended that City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to install 25 mph speed limit signs on Steele Street for eastbound and westbound traffic and on Hart Avenue north of Guess Street for northbound traffic and to install DIP (W8-2) signs on Hart Avenue north and south of Steele Street. G. Keep Clear Markings — Rio Hondo Avenue Between Valley Boulevard and Steele Street Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Rosemead City Council and the Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting Minutes of July 25, 2017 Page 4 of 7 Commission's recommendation to install "KEEP CLEAR" pavement markings with limit lines in the northbound travel lane of Rio Hondo Avenue south of Valley Boulevard in front of the alley with one "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" (R10-7) sign opposite the "KEEP CLEAR" pavement legend for the NB direction. H. Right Turn Only Sign at Driveway Exit of Frances Willard Elementary School Parking Lot Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Commission's recommendation to install a "RIGHT' of the northern driveway on the west side of Willarc the School District paint pavement arrows designate exit driveway as well as post Entrance Only and Exit gates and a white travel stripe delineating the„ drop parking lot. Council Member Armenta pulled theminutes 4 ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem,Ly, ; Armenta to approve the Consent Calendar iter exception of the minutes of;,Tgly 11, 2017. Mot'i AYES: Alarcon, Armenta;, Qar1, Low, and 6. MATTERS FROM CITY A. Tobacco Council approve the Traffic URN ONLY” sign at the exit Avenue. It is suggested that %g an entrance driveway and only signage at the driveway off;�lane to be striped in the 11, 2017. I seconded by Council Member A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, with ,vas carried by a unanimous vote: Reco�niiie idation: It Is recommended that the City Council select Option 1 and direct staff 61mmediately enforce t o Tobacco Retail License to all new tobacco retail s. ;;All exisiii%g tobaccoretail stores shall be permitted to continue. 'R, w6er, any t66isl'er of ownership or business expansion of an existing tobacco retail store,'shall require,the compliance with the Tobacco Retail License. Interim Dire 6, of Community Development Valenzuela explained that in order to encourage responsible tobacco 'retailing and discourage violations of tobacco - related laws, staff is requesting the City Council to select one of three options to assist -in prom ng the health, safety, and general welfare of residents. Brian Lewin, resident expressed support of the City Council's legal action towards the 710"'freeway matter. He suggested the City Council consider option 3 for more oversight and incorporate vaping. Mr. Lewin explained some tobacco retailers are morphing into retailers of other things that could be smoked. He suggested adopting an ordinance similar to City of Santa Monica's definition of smoking to address vaping. Council Member Armenta stated she and Assistant City Manager McKinney were approached with this issue and the City of Rosemead is the only City that did not have an adopted ordinance or title relating to tobacco. She reiterated, staff discussed Rosemead City Council and the Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting Minutes of July 25, 2017 Page 5 of 7 all three options and option 1 was the best fit. Option 3 would force staff to conduct an inventory of every single business that sells some type of tobacco and a new business license requirement. In speaking with staff, it was also mentioned option 1 could deter many from using the vapors and scented vapors. Option 3 could be a second alternative, if option one did not work. Interim Director of Community Development Valenzuela explained that Tobacco 21 law came in to effect on June 9, 2016, increasing the age requirement from 18 to 21 to purchase tobacco. In addition, the State redefined tobacco to include any vape products and e -cigarettes, which addresses many public concerns. Council Member Armenta recommended option one tb, the City Council. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Ly and seconded, by Council Member Alarcon to enforce Chapter 11.35 (Tobacco Retailing) of tie County of Los Angeles Code of Ordinances and requireany business who sells, offers for sale or distribution, exchanges, or offers to exchange for any form of consideration, tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco paraphernalia without regard to the quantity sold, distributed, exchanged, or offered for exchange to obtain a Tobacco Retail License. Motion was carried by a,t2nanimous vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, and,Ly MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CIMCOUNCIL A. City Council Comments Mayor Pro Temthe'Council and the public on the Garvey Avenue SpecJf flan stafing,lhere was suppdaed,to be a joint session with the City Council, Planning C6mmissi'm sand the Tram Commission. Unfortunately, due to some concerns expYessed by`soie architects and business owners, the Garvey Avcnue Speed Plan Sub :Committee approved the delay of the approval of the Garvey Avenue Specific PIfor up to 3 months. Mr. Ly also spoke on the legal claim filed by the City o'lzoseme'ad�against the Los Angeles Metro regarding the 710 freeway issue. He explained surrounding and nearby communities near the 710 freeway suffer twice tf d,}cancer risk rates than cities up north. All traffic stops at the 10 fr��way, 60 freeway and along corridors in the City of Rosemead on New Avenue, Del Mesar Avenue, San Gabriel Boulevard, Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead Bouleyatd,and Temple City Boulevard congesting the north and south streets as well as th'& east and west streets. Council Member Clark concurred the traffic where the 710 freeway ends is horrendous. Council Member Armenta commended Mayor Pro Tem Ly for leading and addressing the 710 issue affecting the City of Rosemead. 8. ADJOURNMENT Rosemead City Council and the Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting Minutes of July 25, 2017 Page 6 of 7 The meeting adjourned in memory of Tiffany Ching, wife of Mayor Eric Ching of the City of Walnut, at 7:46 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on August 8, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Marc Donohue, City Clerk APPROVED: Polly Low, Mayor Rosemead City Council and the Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting Minutes of July 25, 2017 Page 7 of 7