2400 - Los Angeles County Flood Control District - Load Reduction Strategy for Rio Hondo River and TributariesAGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AND THE CITIES OF ALHAMBRA, MONTEREY PARK, PASADENA, ROSEMEAD, SAN GABRIEL, SAN MARINO, SOUTH PASADENA, AND TEMPLE CITY, AND THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS REGARDING THE ADMINISTRATION AND COST SHARING FOR THE PREPARATION OF DESIGN PLANS FOR THREE LOAD REDUCTION STRATEGY PROJECTS FOR THE RIO HONDO RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES This AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the date of the last signature set forth below by and among the SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS (SGVCOG), a California Joint Powers Authority, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES (COUNTY), a political subdivision of the State of California, and the CITIES OF ALHAMBRA, MONTEREY PARK, PASADENA, ROSEMEAD, SAN GABRIEL, SAN MARINO, SOUTH PASADENA, and TEMPLE CITY, municipal corporations. Collectively, these entities shall be known herein as PARTIES or individually as PARTY. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, for the purpose of this AGREEMENT, the term PARTIES shall mean the COUNTY, the SGVCOG, and the Cities of Alhambra, Monterey Park, Pasadena, Rosemead, San Gabriel, San Marino, South Pasadena, and Temple City; WHEREAS, the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (REGIONAL BOARD) has adopted National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit Order No. R4-2012-0175; and WHEREAS, the MS4 Permit became effective on December 28, 2012, and requires that the COUNTY, the LACFCD, and 84 of the 88 cities (excluding Avalon, Long Beach, .Palmdale, and Lancaster) within the Los Angeles County comply with the prescribed elements of the MS4 Permit; and WHEREAS, the MS4 Permit identifies the PARTIES, except SGVCOG, as MS4 permittees (PERMITTEES) that are responsible for compliance with the MS4 Permit requirements pertaining to the Los Angeles River Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load (LAR Bacteria TMDL) Resolution No. R10-007; and WHEREAS, the LAR Bacterial TMDL was adopted by the REGIONAL BOARD on July 9, 2010 and became effective March 23, 2012; and WHEREAS, the LAR Bacteria TMDL requires the responsible PERMITTEES to protect recreational uses in the Los Angeles River watershed by meeting targets and waste load allocations (WI -As) for the indicator bacterium E: coli; and Page 1 of 24 WHEREAS, the PERMITTEES have agreed to collaborate on the development of a Load Reduction Strategy (LRS) for the PERMITTEES to comply with the LAR Bacteria TMDL; and WHEREAS, the PERMITTEES have hired a consultant to develop the LRS for Rio Hondo River and Tributaries; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY, on behalf of the PERMITTEES, submitted the Rio Hondo LRS to the REGIONAL BOARD on March 23, 2016, as shown in Attachment A; and WHEREAS, the Rio Hondo LRS identifies twenty-six (26) priority outfalls that would have to be diverted or "turned off' by 2020 in order to meet the LAR Bacteria TMDL requirements for Alhambra Wash, Rubio Wash, Eaton Wash, and the Rio Hondo; and WHEREAS, the regional phased approach proposes to construct three (3) diversions at the mouth of Alhambra Wash, Rubio Wash, and Eaton Wash; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY, on behalf of the PERMITTEES, retained a consultant on September 13, 2016, as shown in Attachment B, to prepare a supplemental LRS document discussing the details of the regional phased approach, which was submitted to the REGIONAL BOARD on October 25, 2017, as shown in Attachment C; and WHEREAS, the PERMITTEES have agreed that hiring a consultant to prepare the design plans and other planning activities for the three (3) regional phased projects as described in Attachment C will be beneficial to the PERMITTEES; and WHEREAS, the PERMITTEES have agreed to cost share the preparation of design plans and other planning activities for three (3) regional phased projects; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES have agreed to credit the COUNTY twenty-seven thousand five hundred twenty-four dollars ($27,524) towards its cost share for providing consultant services to develop the supplemental LRS document discussing the regional phased approach; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES have agreed that the total of each PARTY's cost share shall not exceed the total amount shown in Table 1 of Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES have agreed to have the SGVCOG, under the direction of the PERMITTEES: (a) administer this AGREEMENT; (b) to retain and manage a consultant to prepare design plans and other planning activities; (c) negotiate and enter into agreements with consultants for as -needed services to prepare design plans and other planning activities for three (3) regional phased projects; and (d) invoice and collect funds from the PERMITTEES to cover the cost of the aforementioned consultant(s); and Page 2 of 24 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived by the PERMITTEES, and of the promises contained in this AGREEMENT, the PARTIES agree as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The recitals set forth above are fully incorporated into this AGREEMENT. Section 2. Purpose. The purpose of this AGREEMENT is to cooperatively fund the preparation of design plans and other planning activities for three (3) LRS projects and to coordinate the payment between the PERMITTEES and SGVCOG. Section 3. Cooperation. The PARTIES shall fully cooperate with one another to attain the purposes of this AGREEMENT. Section 4. Voluntary. The PARTIES have voluntarily entered into this AGREEMENT for the preparation of design plans and other planning activities for three (3) LRS projects. Section 5. Term. This AGREEMENT shall become effective to each PARTY on the date the last PARTY signs this AGREEMENT, and shall remain in effect until (1) the SGVCOG has provided written notice of completion of the design plans and all other planning activities, and (2) the SGVCOG has received payment by all PERMITTEES of their allocated pro -rata share hereunder. Section 6. SGVCOG AGREES: a. Consultant Services. To act as lead agency and hire a consultant to prepare the PROJECT documentation required under the California Environmental Quality Act, and to deliver said documentation to the PERMITEES, for their review, comment, and approval prior to formal adoption. To hire a consultant to prepare all required preliminary and final plans, specifications, and cost estimates for PROJECT, and to deliver said preliminary and final plans, specifications, and cost estimates to the PERMITTEES, for their review, comment, and. approval thereof. b. Permits and rights of way. To acquire on behalf of PERMITTEES all required authorizations and permits from government agencies necessary to design and construct the PROJECT and to identify what rights of way may need to be acquired. Should PERMITTEES desire to have the SGVCOG acquire such rights of way, a separate agreement for that work will be required. c: Invoice. To invoice the PERMITTEES for their share in the cost for the preparation and delivery of the design plans, as described in Table 1 of Exhibit A. The one- time invoice for the cost will be sent upon the effective date of this AGREEMENT, as set forth in Section 5, or in December 2018, whichever comes first. Page 3 of 24 Expenditure. To utilizethe funds deposited by the PERMITTEES only for the administration of the consultant contract(s) and the preparation of design plans and other planning activities for the LRS projects. Contingency. To notify the PERMITTEES if actual expenditures are anticipated to exceed the cost estimate shown in Exhibit A and obtain written approval of such expenditures from all PERMITTEES. A 10 percent contingency will be not be invoiced unless actual expenditures exceed the original cost estimate. Expenditures that exceed the 10 percent contingency will require an amendment to this AGREEMENT - -- f. Report. To provide the PERMITTEES with an electronic copy of the draft and final LRS design plans. g. Accounting. To provide an accounting upon termination of this AGREEMENT. At the completion of the accounting, SGVCOG shall return to PERMITTEES any unused portion of all funds deposited with SGVCOG in accordance with the cost allocation set forth in Exhibit A. h. Permit. To work with the consultant(s) to obtain all necessary permits and approvals for installation of permanent or temporary infrastructure, if needed, and/or modifications to monitoring sites, and access to storm drains, channels, catch basins, and similar properties (FACILITIES) during monitoring events and maintenance necessary to perform the services for which consultant(s) have been retained. i. Responsibility. Upon completion of all work under this AGREEMENT, SGVCOG will relinquish all ownership of design plans and products stemming from planning activities to the PERMITTEES. Section 7. THE PERMITTEES AGREE: a. To provide SGVCOG all available plans, and survey data of existing PERMITTEE infrastructure necessary to design PROJECT. b. If the location of existing facilities of public and/or private utilities conflicts with the construction of PROJECT, SGVCOG will identify such facilities located within PERMITTEES' right of way and request that the PERMITTEES enforce available rights under existing franchise agreements or encroachment permits held by PERMITTEES for facilities' protection, relocation, or removal at no cost to SGVCOG. PERMITTEES may choose to authorize SGVCOG to coordinate and inspect such protection, relocation, or removal work, at PERMITTEES's discretion. Nothing in this AGREEMENT shall restrict or affect PERMITTEES's or SGVCOG's ability to enter into separate agreements with utilities for any purpose, including for reimbursements of utility costs for protection, relocation, maintenance, or removal of their facilities. Page 4 of 24 c. To inform SGVCOG in writing within fifteen (15) days after receipt of each set of plans, studies, specifications, and/or cost estimates from SGVCOG, if any of the materials are incomplete or if additional information is necessary in order to facilitate PERMITTEE' review of the materials. d. To review and provide to SGVCOG any comments and suggestions to, or required approvals/disapprovals of each set of plans, studies, specifications, and/or cost estimates submitted to PERMITTEE within thirty (30) days after receipt of the complete materials. That the plans shall be considered complete and acceptable by PERMITTEES when the plans involving PROJECT have been reviewed and approved by the PERMITTEE' City Engineer, or his/her designated agent. Receipt by SGVCOG of PROJECT plans signed by PERMITTEE's City Engineer or his/her designated agent shall constitute PERMITTEE' approval of said plans. f. That the funds provided by PERMITTEES for this work shall be eligible for such expenditures. g. Payment. To pay the SGVCOG for its proportional share of the estimated cost for managing the consultant(s) and administering this AGREEMENT as shown in Exhibit A, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the invoice from SGVCOG. The cost estimates presented in Exhibit A have been agreed upon by the PARTIES and are subject to changes in the LRS pursuant to new REGIONAL BOARD requirements and/or unforeseen challenges in the field. Any such changes proposed to the PERMITTEES' proportional share are subject to funding appropriation and will require written approval of the PERMITTEES as explained in section 6(d). h. Documentation. To make a good faith effort to cooperate with one another to achieve the purposes of this AGREEMENT by providing all requested information and documentation, in their possession and available for release to the SGVCOG and its consultant(s), that are deemed necessary by the PARTIES to prepare the design plans. i. Access. Each PERMITTEE will allow reasonable access and entry to the consultant, on an as needed basis during the term of this AGREEMENT, to the PERMITTEES' FACILITIES to achieve the purposes of this AGREEMENT, provided, however, that prior to entering any of the PERMITTEE'S FACILITIES, the consultant shall obtain all necessary permits and approvals, including executing a Right -of -Entry Agreement as may be necessary, and provide written notice 72 hours in advance of entry to the applicable PERMITTEE. Permittees shall provide any required permits at no cost to the SGVCOG or its consultants. Section 8. Indemnification Page 5 of 24 a. Each PARTY, which includes the SGVCOG, shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless each other PARTY, including their special districts, elected and appointed officers, employees, agents, attorneys, and designated volunteers from and against any and all liability, including, but not limited to demands, claims, actions, fees, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney's and expert witness fees), arising from or connected with, and in relative proportion to, its own negligence or willful misconduct under this AGREEMENT; provided, however, that no PARTY shall indemnify another PARTY for the latter PARTY'S own negligence or willful misconduct. b. The PARTIES agree that any liability borne by or imposed upon any PARTY or PARTIES hereto, arising out of this AGREEMENT and that is not caused by or attributable to the negligence or willful misconduct of any PARTY hereto, shall be fully borne by all the PERMITTEES in accordance with their respective pro rata cost shares, as set forth in Exhibit A. c. If any PERMITTEE pays in excess of its pro rata share in satisfaction of any liability described in subsection b. above, such PERMITTEE shall be entitled to contribution from each of the other PERMITTEES; provided, however, that the right of contribution is limited to the amount paid in excess of the PERMITTEE's pro rata share and provided further that no PERMITTEE may be compelled to make contribution beyond its own pro rata share of the entire liability; and provided further that no PERMITTEE shall indemnify another PERMITTEE for the latter PERMITTEE's own negligence or willful misconduct. d. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the SGVCOG shall require any contractor retained pursuant to this AGREEMENT to agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless each PARTY, which includes the SGVCOG, their special districts, elected and appointed officers, employees, attorneys, agents, and designated volunteers from and against any and all liability, including but not limited to demands, claims, actions, fees, costs, and expenses (including attorney and expert fees), arising from or connected with the contractor's performance of its agreement with the SGVCOG. In addition, the SGVCOG shall require any such contractor to carry, maintain, and keep in full force and effect an insurance policy or policies, and each PARTY, its elected and appointed officers, employees, attorneys, agents and designated volunteers shall be named as additional insureds on the policy(ies) with respect to liabilities arising out of the contractor's work. These requirements will also apply to any subcontractors hired by the contractor. Section 9. Termination and Withdrawal 1. This AGREEMENT may be terminated upon the express written agreement of all PARTIES. If this AGREEMENT is terminated, then all PARTIES must agree on the equitable redistribution of remaining funds deposited, if there are any, or payment of invoices due at the time of termination. Completed work shall be owned by the PARTY or PARTIES who fund the completion of such work. Rights Page 6 of 24 to uncompleted work by the consultant still under contract will be held by the PARTY or PARTIES who fund the completion of such work. 2. If a PARTY fails to substantially comply with any of the terms or conditions of this AGREEMENT, then that PARTY shall forfeit its rights to work completed through this AGREEMENT, but no such forfeiture shall occur unless and until the defaulting PARTY has first been given notice of its default and a reasonable opportunity to cure the alleged default. 3. SGVCOG will notify all PARTIES in writing of any PARTY failing to cure an alleged default in compliance with the terms or conditions of this AGREEMENT. The non - delinquent PARTIES will determine the next course of action. The remaining cost will be distributed based on the existing cost allocation formula in Exhibit A. If the increase is more than the 10 percent contingency, an amendment to this AGREEMENT must be executed to reflect the change in the PARTIES'. cost share. 4. If a PARTY wishes to withdraw from this AGREEMENT for any reason, that PARTY must give the other PARTIES and the REGIONAL BOARD prior written notice thereof. The withdrawing PARTY shall be responsible for its entire share of the LRS development costs shown in Exhibit A. The effective date of withdrawal shall be the 6th day after SGVCOG receives written notice of the PARTY'S intent to withdraw. Should any PARTY withdraw from this AGREEMENT, the remaining PARTIES' cost share allocation shall be adjusted in accordance with the cost allocation formula in Exhibit A. Section 10. General Provisions a. Notices. Any notices, bills, invoices, or reports relating to this AGREEMENT, and any request, demand, statement, or other communication required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the representatives of the PARTIES at the addresses set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The PARTIES shall promptly notify each ether of any change of contact information, including personnel changes, provided in Exhibit B. Written notice shall include notice delivered via e-mail or fax. A notice shall be deemed to have been received on (a) the date of delivery,; if delivered by hand during regular business hours, or by confirmed facsimile or by e-mail; or (b) on the third (3rd) business day following mailing by registered or certified mail (return receipt requested) to the addresses set forth in Exhibit B. b. Administration. For the purposes of this AGREEMENT, the PARTIES hereby designate as their respective PARTY representatives the persons named in Exhibit B. The designated PARTY representatives, or their respective designees, shall administer the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT on behalf of their respective PARTY. Each of the persons signing below on behalf of a PARTY represents and warrants that he or she is authorized to sign this AGREEMENT on behalf of such PARTY. Page 7 of 24 c. Relationship of the PARTIES. ,The PARTIES are, and shall at all times remain as to each other, wholly independent entities. No PARTY to this AGREEMENT shall have power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability on behalf of any other PARTY unless expressly provided to the contrary by this AGREEMENT. No employee, agent, or officer of a PARTY shall be deemed for any purpose whatsoever to be an agent, employee, or officer of another PARTY. d. Binding Effect. This AGREEMENT shall be binding upon, and shall be to the -benefit of the respective successors, heirs, and assigns of each PARTY; provided, however, no PARTY may assign its respective rights or obligations under this AGREEMENT without prior written consent of the other PARTIES. e. Amendment. The terms and provisions of this AGREEMENT may not be amended, modified, or waived, except by an instrument in writing signed by all non -delinquent PARTIES. For purposes of this AGREEMENT, a PARTY shall be considered delinquent if that PARTY fails to timely pay an invoice as required by Section 7(a) or withdraws pursuant to Section 9(d). f. Law to Govern. This AGREEMENT is governed by, interpreted under, and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California. g. Severability. If any provision of this AGREEMENT is determined by any court to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable to any extent, then the remainder of this AGREEMENT will not be affected, and this AGREEMENT will be construed as if the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained in this AGREEMENT. h. Entire Agreement. This AGREEMENT constitutes the entire agreement of the PARTIES with respect to the subject matter hereof. i. Waiver. Waiver by any PARTY to this AGREEMENT of any term, condition, or covenant of this AGREEMENT shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition, or covenant. Waiver by any PARTY to any breach of the provisions of this AGREEMENT shall not constitute a waiver of any other provision, nor a waiver of any subsequent breach or violation of any provision of this AGREEMENT. j. Counterparts. This AGREEMENT may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument, provided, however, that such counterparts shall have been delivered to all PARTIES to this AGREEMENT. k. All PARTIES have been represented by counsel in the preparation and negotiation of this AGREEMENT. Accordingly, this AGREEMENT shall be construed according to its fair language. Any ambiguities shall be resolved in a collaborative Page 8 of 24 manner by the PARTIES and shall be rectified by amending this AGREEMENT as described in section 10(e). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have caused this AGREEMENT to be executed by their duly authorized representatives and affixed as of the date of signature of the PARTIES: Page 9 of 24 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES By MARK PESTRELLA, Director of Public Works APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARY C. WICKHAM County Counsel Deputy Page 10 of 24 Date Date CITY OF ALHAMBRA By Name Date Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Name, Esq. City Attorney Page 11 of 24 CITY OF MONTEREY PARK Name Title APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: By Name Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: By,, arae, Esq. City Attorney Page 12 of 24 Date CITY OF PASADENA By Name Date Title APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: By Name Title APPR VED AS TO FORM: -® 1 Byr Name, Esq'.( City Attorney Page 13 of 24 CITY OF ROSEMEAD BY sz/�/! 8 loria Molleda Date City Manager APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: By 0/&— Ericka Flemandez City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: `s l BY_. -- Rachel Richman City Attorney Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP Page 14 of 24 CITY OF SAN GABRIEL By Name Date Title APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: By Name Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Name, Esq. City Attorney Page 15 of 24 CITY OF SAN MARINO By Name Title APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: By Name Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: r7 ? f( BY / '4 Name, Esq. City Attorney Page 16 of 24 Date CITY OF SOUTH PASADENA By Name Title APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: By Name Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: By L Dame, Esq. City Attorney Page 17 of 24 Date CITY OF TEMPLE CITY By Name Title APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: By Name Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: '� y2 BY ame, Esq. City Attorney Page 18 of 24 Date SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS By Marisa Creter Date Executive Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Richard D. Jones Counsel for the SGVCOG Page 19 of 24 EXHIBIT A Rio Hondo and Tributaries Funding Contributions for LRS Implementation Table 1. Not -To -Exceed Party Cost -Share Jurisdiction Total Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Alhambra;, $89;938 $85,362 $1,633 $2,943• Monterey Park $51,895 $49,274 $934 $1,687 Pasadena $86(1,530 $8161451 $15,7,'17.. $28,362 Rosemead $13,179 $12,492 $246 $441 S,an. Gabriel $*6,800 $15,962 $299 $539 I San Marino $256,417 $243,061 $4,761 $8,595 Total Table 2: Party's Design Cost Per Waterbody Table 3: Rio Hondo LRS Addendum Report Table 4: SGVCOG Admin Fee Page 20 of 24 N C O -o'ou,C) O: N O .O c N o o0 LO o c o lC � N •L Q O O A O O �U) O Q o m L C O X MN O C W0 O 3 V S O O 0 T 'D O a .0 O Lu: � CD r d N` 0- W 0 O U C L d N CL 7a O' (D CL 0 0 (V LO O- d (D.�.p� g O O F- N U -o'ou,C) O: ro m O .O � OD rto o o0 LO o c o lC O) O O a O O a O OOD o Y N cq V N O d O d CD r N` W L CL C) O' (D o 0 0 LO O- (D.�.p� O O O 'tel O C' O O 0.. O V^.^-- Mn-. W f�C �' n Lo O CV L L ❑ Q r r M O Si O `O O ;N O ,., N',, N a4"1': O N O: a O .O lC O -00 N cq V N O d W dv C) O' (D o 0 0 LO O- w co ,{J CD Mn-. W 'p OOD L L ❑ Q r r M OD O LO U cfr 6- v> ter CD h Vii, r go OR Lq :a r (D r -M e,N N N ST' ; (N � V s a Q d C) N (()0) r r O N N (D M r (O N' O ca .. r O (O N n N D) CD _ R ti' 1 r CO M r O r N ❑ Q O M M CDO M- r LO co N Nm . M: N V V d) O D) M O .r+ Ld W (D N IO C) O al N a N GO r� OD EF fA • M_V N (`") h _ Y cm n m m O c •� m U Ncu L c s Q O N -Oj N O N O N 00 a i m (n(na F U r EXHIBIT A Rio Hondo and Tributaries Funding Contributions for LRS Implementation Table 3. Rio Hondo LRS Addendum Report' Jurisdiction Total Rio Hondo LRS Addendum Report Percentage Arhainbra $2,943 Drainage Area (ac)2 4.91% Percentage $1,687 Cost Altiambra.. 633$1;633 1.17% Temple City $6,398 Monterey Park $934 430.37 bounty, 2.81% $10,332 $934 Pasaderia $1;5.,717 r 7,237w38,' ,.. 4Z27°lo: $60,000 x$15,7.17 Rosemead $246 112.65 0.74%e $246 San,Gabriel, $299 137:59 Q`90% $299 San Marino $4,761 2,193.21 14.32% $4,761 !South Pasadena t Temple City $3,545 1,632.35 10.66% $3,545 2,636 1,7 22% • $5;726 TOTAL $33,250 15,310.76 100%1 $33,250 1. Countv's credit is 827.524 (833.25045.72) 2. Drainage Area = Drainage areas from Alhambra Wash + Eaton Wash + Rubio Wash Table 4. SGVCOG Admin Fee' Jurisdiction Total Drainage Area (ac) Percentage Arhainbra $2,943 751:10 4.91% Monterey Park $1,687 430.37 2.81% 11 San Marino $8,5951 2,193.21 14.32% South Pasadena $703 179.51 - 1.17% Temple City $6,398 1,632.35 10.66% bounty, $10,332 2,636,60 17.22% Total $60,000 15,310.76 100% 1. SGVCOG Admin Fee= $60,000 Page 22 of 24 EXHIBIT B Rio Hondo River and Tributaries Responsible Agency Representatives AGENCY ADDRESS . G'ENCY CONTACT County of Los Angeles Paul Alva Department of Public Works Email: palva@dpw.lacounty.gov Stormwater Quality Division, 11th Floor Phone: (626)458-4325 900 South Fremont Avenue Fax: (626) 457-1526 Alhambra, CA 91803 City of Alhambra C CitSouth David Dolphin Email: ddolphin@cityofalhambra.org 111 First Street Phone: (626) 300-1571 Alhambra, CA 91801 Fax: (626) 282-5833 City of Monterey Park Bonnie Tam Email: btam@montereypark.ca.gov 320 West Newmark Avenue Phone: (626) 83 Monterey Park, CA 91754 -2500 Fax: (626) 307-2500 Steve Walker City of Pasadena Email: swalker@cityofpasadena.net 15 P.O. Box 7115 Phone: (626) 744-4271 Pasadena, 91409 Fax: (626) 744-3823 Elroy Kiepke Cit of Rosemead City Email: ekiepke@willdan.com 8838 East Valley Boulevard Phone: (562) 908-6278 Rosemead, CA 91770 Fax: (626) 307-9218 Daren Grilley City of San Gabriel Email: d org 425 South Mission Avenue 626)y 08-28 Phone: (626) San Gabriel, CA 91776 -283006 Fax (626p458-2830 Cindy Collins City of San Marino C CityHuntington Email: ccollins@cityofsanmarino.org 2200 Drive Phone: San Marino, CA 91108 Fax: Page 23 of 24 Rio Hondo River and Tributaries Responsible Agency Representatives City of South Pasadena 1414 Mission Street South Pasadena, CA 91030 Shin Furukawa Email: sfurukawa@ci.south-pasadena.ca.us Phone: (626) 403-7246 Fax: (626) 403-7241 City of Temple City Andrew Coyne 9701 Las Tunas Drive Email: acoyne@templecity.us Temple City, CA 9178D Phone: Fax: San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Marisa Creter 1000 S. Fremont Ave. Unit 42 Email: mcreterna sgvcog.org -Bldg A10 -N, Suite 10210 Phone: (626) 457-1800 Alhambra, CA 91803 Fax: (626) 457-1285 Page 24 of 24 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT, AND THE CITIES OF ALHAMBRA, MONTEBELLO, MONTEREY PARK, PASADENA, ROSEMEAD, SAN GABRIEL, SAN MARINO, SOUTH EL MONTE, SOUTH PASADENA, AND TEMPLE CITY REGARDING THE ADMINISTRATION AND COST SHARING AMONG THE PARTIES RELATED TO THE LOAD REDUCTION STRATEGY FOR THE RIO HONDO RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), made and entered into as of the date of the last signature set forth below by and among the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES (COUNTY), a political subdivision of the State of California, the LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT (LACFCD), a body corporate and politic, and the CITIES OF ALHAMBRA, MONTEBELLO, MONTEREY PARK, PASADENA, ROSEMEAD, SAN GABRIEL, SAN MARINO, SOUTH EL MONTE, SOUTH PASADENA, and TEMPLE CITY, municipal corporations. Collectively, these entities shall be known herein as PARTIES or individually as PARTY. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (REGIONAL BOARD) adopted National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit Order No. R4-2012-0175 (MS4 Permit); and WHEREAS, the MS4 Permit became effective on December 28, 2012, and requires that the COUNTY, the LACFCD, and 84 of the 88 cities (excluding Avalon, Long Beach, Palmdale, and Lancaster) within Los Angeles County to comply with the prescribed elements of the MS4 Permit; and WHEREAS, the MS4 Permit identified the PARTIES as MS4 permittees that are responsible for compliance with the MS4 Permit requirements pertaining to the Los Angeles River Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load (LAR Bacteria TMDL) Resolution No. R10-007; and WHEREAS, the LAR Bacterial TMDL was adopted by the REGIONAL BOARD on July 9, 2010 and became effective March 23, 2012; and WHEREAS, the LAR Bacteria TMDL requires the responsible PARTIES to protect recreational uses in the Los Angeles River watershed by meeting targets and waste load allocations (WLAs) for the indicator bacterium E. coli; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES have agreed to collaborate on the development of a Load Reduction Strategy (LRS) for the PARTIES to comply with the LAR Bacteria TMDL; and Page 1 of 23 WHEREAS, the PARTIES have determined that hiring a consultant to develop the LRS will be beneficial to the PARTIES, and the COUNTY, on behalf of the PARTIES, agreed to retain and manage the consultant to assist in the development of the LRS; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY, on behalf of the PARTIES, has retained a consultant, CDM Smith Inc. (CONSULTANT); and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT submitted a proposal to conduct non-stormwater monitoring/screening and development of Bacteria Load Reduction Strategies for Rio Hondo River and Tributaries dated June 1, 2015; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES have approved the CONSULTANT's proposal, which includes Tasks 1 through 5; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES have agreed to pay the COUNTY the total amount shown in Table 4 of Exhibit A for all Tasks, which includes a 5 percent administration fee; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES have agreed to have the COUNTY pay the CONSULTANT to initiate Tasks 1 through 4 shown in Table 1 of Exhibit A of this MOU; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES will determine whether to initiate Task 5 shown in Table 1 of Exhibit A of this MOU after the completion of Tasks 1 through 4 and have the COUNTY pay the CONSULTANT the associated costs for Task 5; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY will reimburse the PARTIES who are not participating in Task 5 their cost share shown in Table 3 of Exhibit A and will amend Table 3 to show an updated cost share among the participating PARTIES; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY will reimburse all PARTIES their cost share shown in Table 3 of Exhibit A if Task 5 is not initiated; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived by the PARTIES, and of the promises contained in this MOU, the PARTIES agree as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The recitals set forth above are incorporated into this MOU. Section 2. Purpose. The purpose of this MOU is to cooperatively fund the development of the LRS and to coordinate the payment between the COUNTY and the PARTIES. Section 3. Cooperation. The PARTIES shall fully cooperate with one another to attain the purposes of this MOU. Page 2 of 23 Section 4. Voluntary. This MOU is voluntarily entered into for the development of the LRS. Section 5. Term. This MOU shall become effective to each PARTY on the date that PARTY signs this MOU, and shall remain in effect until (1) the COUNTY has provided written notice of completion of the LRS, and (2) the COUNTY has received payment by all PARTIES of their allocated pro-rata share hereunder. Section 6. COUNTY AGREES: a. Consultant Services. To manage the CONSULTANT and to be responsible for coordinating the activities of the CONSULTANT. The COUNTY will be compensated for the administration of the CONSULTANT contract at a rate of 5 percent of each PARTY'S contract cost as described in Exhibit A. b. Invoice. To invoice the PARTIES for their share in the cost for the preparation and delivery of the LRS, as described in Table 4 of Exhibit A. The one-time invoice for the cost of all five Tasks will be sent upon the effective date of this MOU, as set forth in Section 5, or in December 2015, whichever comes first. c. Expenditure. To utilize the funds deposited by the PARTIES only for the administration of the consultant contract and the development of the LRS. d. Contingency. To notify the PARTIES if actual expenditures are anticipated to exceed the cost shown in Exhibit A and obtain written approval of such expenditures from all PARTIES. Upon approval, the PARTIES agree to reimburse COUNTY for their proportional share of these additional expenditures at an amount not to exceed 10 percent of the original cost estimate as shown in Exhibit A. This 10 percent contingency will not be invoiced unless actual expenditures exceed the original cost estimate. Expenditures that exceed the 10 percent contingency will require an amendment to this MOU. e. Report. To provide the PARTIES with an electronic copy of the draft and final LRS submittals and reports as submitted to the Regional Board within 5 business days of receipt from the CONSULTANT. f. Accounting. To provide an accounting upon termination of this MOU. At the completion of the accounting, COUNTY shall return any unused portion of all funds deposited with COUNTY (including funds for Task 5 if not initiated by the PARTIES) in accordance with the cost allocation formula set forth in Exhibit A. g. Permit. To work with the CONSULTANT to obtain all necessary permits for installation of permanent or temporary infrastructure, if needed; or modifications to monitoring sites; and access within storm drains, channels, catch basins, and similar properties (FACILITIES) during monitoring events and maintenance. Page 3 of 23 Section 7. THE PARTIES FURTHER AGREE: a. Payment. To pay the COUNTY for their proportional share of the estimated cost for the development of the LRS and contract administration not exceeding the invoice amounts as shown in Exhibit A, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the invoice from COUNTY. The cost estimates presented in Exhibit A have been agreed upon by the PARTIES and are subject to changes in the LRS pursuant to new REGIONAL BOARD requirements and/or unforeseen challenges in the field. Any such changes proposed to the PARTIES' proportional share are subject to funding appropriation and will require written approval of the PARTIES as explained in Section 6(d). b. Documentation. To make a good faith effort to cooperate with one another to achieve the purposes of this MOU by providing all requested information and documentation in their possession and available for release to the CONSULTANT that is deemed necessary by the PARTIES to develop the LRS. c. Access. Each PARTY will allow reasonable access and entry to the CONSULTANT, on an as needed basis during the term of this MOU, to the PARTY'S FACILITIES to achieve the purposes of this MOU, provided, however, that prior to entering any of the PARTY'S FACILITIES, the CONSULTANT shall obtain all necessary permits and execute a Right-of-Entry Agreement and provide written notice 72 hours in advance of entry from the applicable PARTY. d. Task 5. To determine, after the completion of Tasks 1 through 4, whether to initiate Task 5 shown in Table 1 of Exhibit A of this MOU. If any PARTIES agree, in writing, to initiate Task 5, then the COUNTY will direct the CONSULTANT to complete this task and COUNTY will pay the CONSULTANT with the funds previously collected from those PARTIES. If any PARTIES do not agree to initiate Task 5, then the COUNTY will refund those PARTIES their share of the cost of Task 5, as set forth in Table 4 of Exhibit A. Table 3 will be amended to show an updated cost among the participating PARTIES for Task 5. Section 8. Indemnification a. Each PARTY shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless each other PARTY, including its special districts, elected and appointed officers, employees, agents, attorneys, and designated volunteers from and against any and all liability, including, but not limited to demands, claims, actions, fees, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney's and expert witness fees), arising from or connected with the respective acts of each PARTY arising from or related to this MOU; provided, however, that no PARTY shall indemnify another PARTY for that PARTY'S own negligence or willful misconduct. b. In light of the provisions of Section 895.2 of the Government Code of the State of California imposing certain tort liability jointly upon public entities solely by reason Page 4 of 23 of such entities being parties to an agreement (as defined in Section 895 of said Code), each of the PARTIES hereto, pursuant to the authorization contained in Section 895.4 and 895.6 of said Code, shall assume the full liability imposed upon it or any of its officers, agents, or employees, by law for injury caused by any act or omission occurring in the performance of this MOU to the same extent such liability would be imposed in the absence of Section 895.2 of said Code. To achieve the above stated purpose, each PARTY indemnifies, defends, and holds harmless each other PARTY for any liability, cost, or expense that may be imposed upon such other PARTY solely by virtue of said Section 895.2. The provisions of Section 2778 of the California Civil Code are made a part hereof as if incorporated herein. Section 9. Termination and Withdrawal a. This MOU may be terminated upon the express written agreement of all PARTIES. If this MOU is terminated, then all PARTIES must agree on the equitable redistribution of remaining funds deposited, if there are any, or payment of invoices due at the time of termination. Completed work shall be owned by the PARTY or PARTIES who fund the completion of such work. Rights to uncompleted work by the CONSULTANT still under contract will be held by the PARTY or PARTIES who fund the completion of such work. b. If a PARTY fails to substantially comply with any of the terms or conditions of this MOU, then that PARTY shall forfeit its rights to work completed through this MOU, but no such forfeiture shall occur unless and until the defaulting PARTY has first been given notice of its default and a reasonable opportunity to cure the alleged default. c. COUNTY will notify all PARTIES in writing of any PARTY failing to cure an alleged default in compliance with the terms or conditions of this MOU. The non- delinquent PARTIES will determine the next course of action. The remaining cost will be distributed based on the existing cost allocation formula in Exhibit A. If the increase is more than the 10 percent contingency, an amendment to this MOU must be executed to reflect the change in the PARTIES' cost share. d. If a PARTY wishes to withdraw from this MOU for any reason, that PARTY must give the other PARTIES and the REGIONAL BOARD prior written notice thereof. The withdrawing PARTY shall be responsible for its entire share of the LRS development costs shown in Exhibit A. The effective date of withdrawal shall be the 6th day after COUNTY receives written notice of the PARTY'S intent to withdraw. Should any PARTY withdraw from this MOU, the remaining PARTIES' cost share allocation shall be adjusted in accordance with the cost allocation formula in Exhibit A. Section 10. General Provisions Page 5 of 23 a. Notices. Any notices, bills, invoices, or reports relating to this MOU, and any request, demand, statement, or other communication required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the representatives of the PARTIES at the addresses set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The PARTIES shall promptly notify each other of any change of contact information, including personnel changes, provided in Exhibit B. Written notice shall include notice delivered via e-mail or fax. A notice shall be deemed to have been received on (a) the date of delivery, if delivered by hand during regular business hours, or by confirmed facsimile or by e-mail; or (b) on the third (3rd) business day following mailing by registered or certified mail (return receipt requested)to the addresses set forth in Exhibit B. b. Administration. For the purposes of this MOU, the PARTIES hereby designate as their respective PARTY representatives the persons named in Exhibit B. The designated PARTY representatives, or their respective designees, shall administer the terms and conditions of this MOU on behalf of their respective PARTY. Each of the persons signing below on behalf of a PARTY represents and warrants that he or she is authorized to sign this MOU on behalf of such PARTY. c. Relationship of the PARTIES. The PARTIES are, and shall at all times remain as to each other, wholly independent entities. No PARTY to this MOU shall have power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability on behalf of any other PARTY unless expressly provided to the contrary by this MOU. No employee, agent, or officer of a PARTY shall be deemed for any purpose whatsoever to be an agent, employee, or officer of another PARTY. d. Binding Effect. This MOU shall be binding upon, and shall be to the benefit of the respective successors, heirs, and assigns of each PARTY; provided, however, no PARTY may assign its respective rights or obligations under this MOU without prior written consent of the other PARTIES. e. Amendment. The terms and provisions of this MOU may not be amended, modified, or waived, except by an instrument in writing signed by all non-delinquent PARTIES. For purposes of this MOU, a PARTY shall be considered delinquent if that PARTY fails to timely pay an invoice as required by Section 7(a) or withdraws pursuant to Section 9(d). f. Law to Govern. This MOU is governed by, interpreted under, and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California. g. Severability. If any provision of this MOU is determined by any court to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable to any extent, then the remainder of this MOU will not be affected, and this MOU will be construed as if the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained in this MOU. Page 6 of 23 h. Entire Agreement. This MOU constitutes the entire agreement of the PARTIES with respect to the subject matter hereof. i. Waiver. Waiver by any PARTY to this MOU of any term, condition, or covenant of this MOU shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition, or covenant. Waiver by any PARTY to any breach of the provisions of this MOU shall not constitute a waiver of any other provision, nor a waiver of any subsequent breach or violation of any provision of this MOU. j. Counterparts. This MOU may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument, provided, however, that such counterparts shall have been delivered to all PARTIES to this MOU. k. All PARTIES have been represented by counsel in the preparation and negotiation of this MOU. Accordingly, this MOU shall be construed according to its fair language. Any ambiguities shall be resolved in a collaborative manner by the PARTIES and shall be rectified by amending this MOU as described in Section 10(e). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have caused this MOU to be executed by their duly authorized representatives and affixed as of the date of signature of the PARTIES: Page 7 of 23 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES By /14-4-44- GAIL FARBER, Director of Public Works Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARY C. WICKHAM County Counsel i _ r By tic �'.e�-- _ 7/l D/2C/S— Deputy Date Page 8 of 23 LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT By / SC�t 0/ L GAIL FARBER, Chief Engineer Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARY C. WICKHAM County Counsel By /2/10 /zO / Deputy Date Page 9 of 23 CITY OF ALHAMBRA nn By _ 10 [5Mary S ink Date City Manager APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: By 41- 'A//,/L/af N Cog_ Lauren Myle Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Joseph . Montes, Esq. City Attorney Page 10 of 23 CITY OF MONTEBELLO BY l l(!G((ftet / �� Ct-2:7!Liz_ /0 // //57 Francesca Tucker-Schuyler Date ((( City Manager APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: BY L. C—'- Dane'ernanoe City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4t&4a z-GlpIman City Attorney Page 11 of 23 CITY OF MONTEREY PARK By \ T C to/Ric Paul Talbot Date City Manager APPROVED TO NTE1,f AND FORM: ( � ��, 7 By Karl H. Berger Assistant City Attorn- Page 12 of 23 CITY OF PASADENA By I sif �A A z-2s — l,(, ael J. Beck Date C y Manager ATTEST: By alegif 2 26 / Mark Jom'y City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By 1 , V2f Brad L. Fuller Assistant City Attorney Page 13 of 23 CITY OF ROSEMEAD i BY ANL. .,� ' f()AVs J: Are. Date City Manager APPROV D AS TO CONTENT: BY / Carol Cowley S Interim City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: "-`.e 'ache) H. Richman City Attorney Page 14 of 23 CITY OF SAN GABRIEL By .G /- 7 /4 Seven A. Preston Date City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: By Robert L. Kress City Attorney Page 15 of 23 CITY OF SAN MARINO John chaefer DaleCity anager APPROVED AS TO CONTENT:/ By V A a Veronica Ruiz City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Steve Dorsey, Esq. City Attorney Page 16 of 23 CITY OF SOUTH E k ONTE /SY— iisv di �7 2/r ( tame 4,, 'g i� ter.( Date Title /4 - a4 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: By Name/0,471/20 ,Q, Ad/ba, Title Lily //o.,qfr,n APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Na4VEsrl City Attorney Page 17 of 23 CITY OF SOUTH PASADENA By � - I6 - 0) 015 Sergio Gonzalez - Date City Manager APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ,v a By , Evelyn e4'ne er City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Byv eresa L. Highsm , Esq. City Attorney Page 18 of 23 CITY OFTEMPLE 3CITY �f�1 By ��!Ctl1 9 VOS Michael D. Forbes Date Community Development Director APPROVED AS TOCOONTENT: By Bryan Cook City Manager APPROVED AS TO F1 'M: By t /I_ Eric ' r it/r sq. City Attorney Page 19 of 23 EXHIBIT A Rio Hondo and Tributaries Funding Contributions for LRS Implementation Table 1. Contract Cost TASK DESCRIPTION COST Task 1 Non-stormwater Snapshot Monitoring/Screening $253,980.00 Task 2 Outfall Drainage Area Assessment $33,630.00 Task 3 LRS Development $85,230.00 Task 4 Prepare LRS Report $34,010.00 Tasks 1-4 Sub-Total $406,850.00 Task 5 BMP Structural Controls and Concept Designs $98,050.00 - - Tasks 1-5 Total $504,900.00 Table 2. Tasks 1 through 4 Cost Allocation Formula CITY PERCENT LRS ADMIN FEE TOTAL LAND AREA COST SHARE' (5%) Alhambra 7.86% $28,780.57 $1,439.03 $30,219.60 Montebello — 12.15% $44,489.05 _ $2,224.45 $46,713.50 Monterey Park 9.40% $34,419.51 $1,720.98 $36,140.49 Pasadena 21.22% $77,700.21 $3,885.01 $81,585.22 Rosemead 7.86% $28,780.57 $1,439.03 $30,219.60 San Gabriel 6.28% $22,995.16 $1,149.76 $24,144.92 San Marino 5.73% $20,981.25 $1,049.06 $22,030.31 South El Monte 3.79% $13,877.65 $693.88 $14,571.53 South Pasadena 0.43% $1,574.51 $78.73 $1,653.24 Temple City 6.13% $22,445.91 $1,122.30 $23,568.21 County UA 19.15% $70,120.61 $0.00 $70,120.61 LACFCD (10% Contribution) 0.00% $40,685.00 $0.00 $40,685.00 TOTAL 100.00% $406,850.00 $14,802.23 $421,652.23 Table 3. Task 5 Cost Allocation Formula CITY PERCENT LRS ADMIN FEE TOTAL LAND AREA COST SHARE' (5%) Alhambra 7.86% $6,936.06 $346.80 $7,282.86 Montebello 12.15% $10,721.77 $536.09 $11,257.86 ' LACFCD's share of contract cost is 10 percent of the total cost. The LRS Cost Share therefore shows this 10 percent amount for the LACFCD. The amount shown for the remaining PARTIES is calculated by multiplying the total cost for the Task(s)minus the LACFCD's share by the percent land area for each PARTY. Page 20 of 23 EXHIBIT A Rio Hondo and Tributaries Funding Contributions for LRS Implementation Monterey Park _ 9.40% $8,295.03 $414.75 $8,709.78 Pasadena 21.22% $18,725.59 $936.28 $19,661.87 Rosemead 7.86% $6,936.06 $346.80 $7,282.86 San Gabriel 6.28% $5,541.79 $277.09_ $5,818.88 San Marino 5.73% $5,056.43 $252.82 $5,309.25 South El Monte 3.79% $3,344.49 $167.22 _ $3,511.71 South Pasadena 0.43% $379.45 $18.97 $398.42 Temple City 6.13% $5,409.41 $270.47 $5,679.88 County UA _ 19.15% $16,898.92 $0.00 $16,898.92 LACFCD (10% 0.00% $9,805.00 $0.00 $9,805.00 Contribution) TOTAL 100.00% $98,050.00 $3,567.29 $101,617.29 Table 4. Total Cost (Table 2 + Table 3) CITY TASKS 1-4 TASK 5 TOTAL Alhambra $30,219.60 $7,282.86 $37,502.46 Montebello $46,713.50 $11,257.86 $57,971.36 Monterey Park $36,140.49 $8,709.78 $44,850.27 Pasadena $81,585.22 $19,661.87 $101,247.09 Rosemead $30,219.60 $7,282.86 $37,502.46 San Gabriel $24,144.92 $5,818.88 $29,963.80 San Marino $22,030.31 $5,309.25 $27,339.56 South El Monte $14,571.53 $3,511.71 _ $18,083.24 South Pasadena $1,653.24 $398.42 $2,051.66 Temple City $23,568.21 $5,679.88 $29,248.09 County UA $70,120.61 $16,898.92 $87,019.53 LACFCD $40,685.00 $9,805.00 $50,490.00 (10% (10°/ Contribution) TOTAL $421,652.23 $101,617.29 $523,269.52 Page 21 of 23 EXHIBIT B Rio Hondo River and Tributaries Responsible Agency Representatives AGENCY ADDRESS AGENCY CONTACT County of Los Angeles Paul Alva Department of Public Works Email: palva@dpw.lacounty.gov Watershed Management Division, 11th Floor Phone: (626)458-4325 900 South Fremont Avenue Fax: (626)457-1526 Alhambra, CA 91803 Los Angeles County Flood Control District Terri Grant Department of Public Works Watershed Management Division, 11th Floor Email: igrant@dpw.lacounty.gov 900 South Fremont Avenue Phone: (626)458-4309 Alhambra, CA 91803 Fax: (626)457-1526 City of Alhambra David Dolphin 111 South First Street Email: ddolphin@cityofalhambra.org Alhambra, CA 91801 Phone: (626)300-1571 Fax: (626) 282-5833 City of Montebello D Batson 1600 West Beverly Boulevard Email: dbatson@cityofmontebello.com Montebello, CA 90640 Phone: (323)887-1462 Fax: (323)887-1464 City of Monterey Park Amy Ho 320 West Newmark Avenue Email: amho@montereypark.ca.gov Monterey Park, CA 91754 Phone: (626) 307-1383 Fax: (626)307-2500 City of Pasadena Steve Walker P.O. Box 7115 Email: swalker@cityofpasadena.net Pasadena, CA 91109 Phone: (626) 744-4271 Fax: (626) 744-3823 Sean Sullivan City of Rosemead Email: ssullivan@cityofrosemead.org 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Phone: (626) 569-2189 Fax: (626)307-9218 Page 22 of 23 EXHIBIT B Rio Hondo River and Tributaries Responsible Agency Representatives City of San Gabriel Daren Grilley 425 South Mission Avenue Email: dgrille 308-28.org San Gabriel, CA 91776 Phone: (626) 308-2806 Fax: (626)458-2830 City of San Marino Lucy Garcia 2200 Huntington Drive Email: Igarcia@sanmarinoca.gov San Marino, CA 91108 Phone: (626)300-0700 Fax: (626) 300-0709 City of South El Monte Tony Ybarra 1415 North Santa Anita Avenue Email: t(626)652-3163onte.org South El Monte, CA 91733 Phone: (626) Fax: (626) 579-2409 City of South Pasadena Shin Furukawa 1414 Mission Street Email: sfurukawa@southpasadenaca.gov South Pasadena, CA 91030 Phone: (626)403-7240 Fax: (626)403-7241 City of Temple City Andrew J. Coyne 9701 Las Tunas Drive Email: acoyne@templecity.us Temple City, CA 91780 Phone: (626) 285-2171 Fax: (626)285-8192 Page 23 of 23