CC - Item 5D - Garvey Avenue Resurfacing Project - Contract Award rt M f c ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL ,1 STAFF REPORT DRKN srtD,039 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS, CITY MANAGER%@;ti DATE: SEPTEMBER 12, 2017 SUBJECT: GARVEY AVENUE RESURFACING PROJECT—CONTRACT AWARD SUMMARY As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved a program entitled "Garvey Avenue Resurfacing Project," which consists of asphalt concrete overlay, sidewalk repairs, traffic striping, curb ramps construction and appurtenances along Garvey Avenue from Del Mar Avenue to Easterly City Limit. Staff has completed the bidding process and is requesting that the City Council award this project to the lowest responsive bidder. DISCUSSION According to the City of Rosemead Pavement Management Program report from 2015, Garvey Avenue from Del Mar Avenue to Easterly City limit has a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) that range from the mid-20s to the mid-50s. The Pavement Management Program identifies and evaluates pavement conditions and rates the pavement from 0 (worst) to 100 (best). According to this report,this portion of Garvey Avenue is listed as one of the worst in the City. The Garvey Avenue Resurfacing Project includes the construction of 1.5-inch rubberized pavement overlay, curb ramps, sidewalks, traffic striping, and appurtenances. At 11:00 a.m. on August 30, 2017, the City Clerk publicly opened and read six (6) sealed bids with the following results: RANK CONTRACTOR LOCATION BID AMOUNT 1 All American Asphalt Corona, CA $ 629,645.00 2 Excel Paving Company Long Beach, CA $ 771,972.00 3 Hardy & Harper, Inc. Santa Ana, CA $ 777,000.00 4 Sully Miller Contracting Anaheim, CA $ 787,360.00 5 EC Construction, Inc. South El Monte, CA $ 818,952.68 6 Gentry Brothers, Inc. Irwindale, CA $ 822,070.00 ITEM NUMBER: SD City Council Meeting September 12.2017 Page 2 of 3 Staff reviewed the bid documents for completeness and concluded that All American Asphalt is the lowest responsible bidder to perform the construction of this project. All American Asphalt has satisfactorily completed similar projects for other agencies including the City of Arcadia, City of Burbank, and City of West Covina. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: 1. Approve the plans and specifications for the Garvey Avenue Resurfacing Project; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with All American Asphalt for the Garvey Avenue Resurfacing Project in the amount of $629,645.00 and authorize a contingency in the amount of $70,355.00 (approximate 10%) to cover the cost of any unforeseen constructions expenses. FISCAL IMPACT A funding amount of$1,100,000 has been allocated in the City's approved Fiscal Year 2017-18 Capital Improvement Program Budget (Measure R. Measure M, and Prop C funds) for this project. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST Construction Cost Description Amount Contract Amount $ 629,645.00 Construction Contingencies(10%) $ 70,355.00 Total Contract Amount $ 700,000.00 Contract Administration (Material Testing, Inspection and $ 60,000.00 Survey Monument) Total Construction Cost $ 760,000.00 Soft Cost Description Amount Design $ 39,800.00 Printing and Reproduction $ 1,000.00 Publication $ 1,000.00 Staff Time $ 8,220.00 Total Soft Cost $ 50,020.00 Total Project Cost S 810,020.00 City Council Meeting September 12,2017 Page 3 of 3 STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT —None ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (a) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Submitted By: � �. iche afael M. Fajardo, P.E., City Engineertche le G. Ramire , Direct of Public Works Attachment A: Plans and Specifications (Available in the City Clerk's Office) Attachment B: Bid Analysis Attachment C: Bid Proposal of All American Asphalt M o,POFg0Q Attachment A Plans and Specifications (Available in the City Clerk's Office) 4Ili M ��,�1!{�'1]� - PRIDE i �,I Gini" oRPDX4TE0 ,g Attachment B Bid Analysis CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVFNIT RFS'IRF ACING PROJECT BID ANC!Y91$ BID SUBMITTAL AI GUST 70 2017 11'00141 All AMERICAN ASPHALT I BBASSEE 77L(I QTY I EMIT I UNITPRICETOTAL CLEARINGISPOSL WASTE MATERIALS 1.00 100 LS :0.50000 S '0,50000 DISPOSALOF15"ESIS PAVEM 100 F 500,103 S _ 90600 0 CONSRUCI S"EXISTINGAVEENTOVERNI 55323600 SF _ D.008 _ 73.392.00 REMOVE CONSTRUCT S OF EXISTNGPAYANDG{(PG 6 IF 5,036 0000,00 FS ]250 S 37039200 REMOVEEXISTIPS.DISPOSTINGE CONSTPAVEMENT AND REPLACNCHES _ 5.00036 SF � 4,00 5 20000,00 REMOVE EXISTING DISPOSE AND CONSTRCT 8-INCHES THICK 3I 00 SF 850 S 33,@2,50 _ REMOVE EXISTING,DISPOSE AND CONSTRUCTB-LACUS CURB _ IW 00 LF 7000 S - 7000.00 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS PER SPPWC STD PLAN III-4 IW EA 5.4I500S 5,60D.W ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE PER SPPWC STD PI AN'205.1 8536. SF 41500' S 3521500 :ADJUST WATER AND GAS VALVES TO GRADE _ TOO LS 18500 S 1850000 INSTALL SURVEY WELL ING.TR FFI CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2400 EA 18500 S L INSTALL TRAFFIC STRIPING,TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOPS,AND 1.00 LS 39,999 50 39.99930 TOTAL BASE BID PRICE SII 629,615,00 EXCEL PAVING COMPANY 2 T20A1 litailkWN I %Y EMI ONIIW TOTAL CLEARINGI AND GRUBBING PER PLANS/SPECS 100 LS 15,,000.00 15.000 00 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS I 00 LS .1,50000 3000.00 3 COLD MILL IS EXISTING PAVEMENT 55310000_ SF 020 110!51 00 4 CONSTRECI IS PAVEMENT OVERLAY AIIM-60-C(PG 64.161 51860 TONY 8300 415132.00 5 REMOVE 6-INCIIES OF EXISTING PAVEMENT AND REPLACE IT 5,000 00 SF _ BW _ 401Rtl0 6 REMOVE EXISTING.DISPOSE AND CONSTRUCT 4-INCHES THICK 3.88500 SF 800 . 31,08000 7 REMOVE EXISTING,DISPOSE AND CONSTRUCT TT-INCHES CURB 10000 IF 1 7500 8 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS PER SPPWC STD PLAN 1110.. IW EA 5,OW_W 5000.00 9 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE PER SPPWC STD PLAN 205-1 8500 I SF 500.00 42,50000 10 ADJUST WATER AND GAS VAI VES TO GRADE 10000 I LS 400.0 4000000 I I INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENT PER CITY OP ROSEMEAD_ 24 dOI EA SOOW' 1:00000 12 INSTALL TRAFFIC STRIPING,TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOPSAND 100+ LS I 40.000.00r 4000000 TOTAL BASE BID PRICE 771972.00 HARDY&HARPER,INC. 3 IDPRI E ITEM %Y 1 UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL I CLEARING AND GRUBBING PER PLANS5PECS. _ 100 LS 40,000.00 40.00000 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS 100 LS 209018 209078 COID MILL 15"EXISTING PAVEMENT _ 5.53.20000 SF 0.167 8851200 _ CONSTRUCT 15-"PAVEMENT OVERLAY ARHM-GG-C(PG 64-16) 5,18600 IONS 72.27 _ 374,792.22 REMOVE 6-INCHES OF EXISTING PAVEMENT AND REPLACE II 5.00000 SF 650 3150000 REMOVE EXISTING,DISPOSE AND CONSTRUCT 4-INCHES THICK 188500 SF _ 1300. _. 50,50500 REMOVE EXISTING,DISPOSE AND CONSTRUCT 8-INCHES CURB 100.00 LF 9600 9,60000 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS PER SPPWC STD PLAN 11H. _ 1.00 EA 450.00 650000 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE PER SPPWC STD PLAN 205-I 8500 SF 700.00 59.50000 ADJUST WATER AND OAS VALVES TO GRADE 10000 LS 200,00 20,00000 I INSTALL I INSTALL TRAFFIC STRIPING.TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOPS AND 100 LS l00n00 6900000 SURVEY WELL MONVNE PER CETT OF ROSEMEAD 2J 00 LSi... _69.050'.00 790000 'TORAL BASE BID PRICE 1720000,00 SULLY MILLER CONTRACTING CO 4 BTS ASE R}�Q AE�ITON QTY UNIT I ONE:P01EI TOTAL 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING PER PLANSSPECS. 100 LS 30.00" 00 S 70,00000 2 DISPOSAI.OF WASTE MATERIALS i IW LS 150000 S 1.500,00 3 COLD C I EMS AVEMENPAVEMENT 555,100 8600 $E 3.00 I .__ 82980,00 4 CONSTRUCTVE/INCHES OF EXISTNGFRIAYANT A DGEP'(AC II 5.186 W TSF$ 8500 S 5-2750000 5 :REMOVE EXISTINOF PAVEMENT AND REPLACE II 538500 SF 550 I 27,5-0000 6 REMOVE EXISTING,DISPOSE AND CONSTRCC BENCHES THICK _ 3,885.00 SF 900 5 3396500 7 REMOVE EXISTING DISPOSE AND CONSTRUCT BPLNCHES CURB IW.00 LF _ 7500 5 5,50000 8 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS PER SPPWC STD PLAN 111-4. IW EA 5.000.00. 5 .000.00 9 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE PER SPPWC STD PLAN 205-I 8500 SF 80000 5 688,0.00.00 10 ADJUST WATER AND GAS VALVES TO GRADE _ 10000 LS 250.0015 _ 25.00000 11 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENT PER CFI Y OF ROSEMEAD 24.00 EA 1.225.WI S 2540000 13 INSTALL TRAFFIC STRIPING,TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP!AND - 100 LS 45077111:3 4507700 'TOTAL BASE BID PRICE 'S 781060,00 EC CONSTRUCTION 5 ""Ba ASE BI law QTY I UNIT Win PRICE TOTAL 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING PER PLANSSPECS. 100:._ LS 40,00000 5 40000(11) _2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS _ 100 LS _ 5.00000 S 5W0W 3 COLD MILL I,5'EXISTING PAVEMENT 553,10000 SF 024 5 132.76800 4 CONSTRUCT 15"PAVEMENT OVERLAY ARHM-GG-C(PG 64-161 _ _5.18600 TONS 82' 13 S 425,926 18 5 REMOVE 6-INCHES OF EXISTINGPAVEMENT AND REPLACE IT 5.00000 SF 673 S 3365000 6 REMOVE EXISTING,DISPOSE AND CONSTRUCT 4-INCHES THICK J.B95W SI' 12.10 S 4.7.008 50 REMOVE EXISTING,DISPOSE AND CONSTRUCT 8-INCHES CURB 10000 LF i 12500 S 12500.W 8 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS PER SPPWC STD PLAN 111-4 100 6A $110000 S 5,00000 9 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE PER SPPWC STD P1 AN 205-1 . - 8500 SF 42000 S 3570000 10 ADJUST WATER AND GAS VALVES TO GRADE 100.00_ LS 10000 8 10.00000 I I INSTALL.SURVEY WELL MONUMENT PER CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2400' EA 1,100,00 E 2640000 12 INSTALL TRAFFIC STRIPING,TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOPS,AND 1 00, LS45,000,00 S 45,00000 TOTAL BASE BID PRICE I 5 818952,68 GENTRY BROTHERS 6 BASE BID PRICE lava ppi,EsrflON lnY 11011 UNIT PRILE TOTAL CLEARING AND GRUBBING PER PLANSSPECS. 100 LS 13000000 S IIO,OW00 DISPOSAL OF WAST L MATERIALS I W LS 25.P"000 S 2500000 COLD MILL Li'EXISTING PAVEMENT 553,200 00 SF 030LS 11064000 CONSTRUCT I.5"PAVEMENT OVERLAY ARHM-GG-C(PG 64-15) 5,18600 TONS 2500 S 388.95000 REMOVE 6-INCHES OF EXIST NG PAVEMENT AND REPLACE IT 5,000.00 SF 400 I 2000000 REMOVE EXISTING,DISPOSE AND CONSTRUCT 4-INCHES THICK ?885.00 SF 800 S 31 080.00 REMOVE.EXISTING,DISPOSE AND CONSTRUCT 8-INCHES CURB 10000_ LF 5000 S 5000.00 CONSTRUCT FCC CURB RAMPS PER SPPWC STD P1-AN 111-4 100 FA 3.OW.W I 3. 00 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE PER SPPWC STD PLAN 205-1 8500. SF 50000 I 4250000_ I ADJUST WATER AND GAS VALVES TO GRADE 10000' L$ 7500 S 1500.00 I INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENT PER CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2400 EA 60000 S 14700.00 _ I INSTALL TRAFFIC STRIPING,TRAFFICSIGNAI.II X)PS,AND 100j LS 4400000 S 41.000.00 ,TOTAL.BASE BID PRICE 5 822,070.00 tit \roanT¢o Q'4 Attachment C Bid Proposal of All American Asphalt CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE RESURFACING PROJECT FROM DEL MAR AVENUE TO EASTERLY CITY LIMIT PROJECT No. 21026 CONTRACT BID FORM$ BIDDER All American Asphalt CONTRACT BID FORMS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 BID SCHEDULE _. .. . . .. 1 SECTION2 BID DATA FORMS. _ . _.. _._. _. .... _.. . . . __. .__5 2..0 BID BOND _. _ ... _ _ __6 2 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS __ 7 SECTION 3 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT _. 10 BIDDER All American Asphalt SECTION 1 •BID SCHEDULE CBF - t BIDDER All American Asphalt BID SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR GARVEY AVENUE RESURFACING PROJECT FROM DEL MAR AVENUE TO EASTERLY CITY LIMIT PROJECT No. 21026 BASE BID SCHEDULE UNIT OF ! EST. UNIT ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE QTY. PRICE - COST 1 Clearing &Grubbing per plans J I S and specifications See technical 101000 2 O too 0 provisions TP TP-3&TP-4 2 Disposal of Waste Materials LS 1 Soo o0 5 00 . o0 3 Cold mill 1 5-inches thick exist un SF E 553,200 l q lb I pavement 0. 4 Construct I5 inches Ihicx ION 5.186 pavement overlay ARHM-GG.0 1 1.0 0 313 3q a (PG 64-1(i1 as indicated on IN: plans 5 Remove Cinches of existing I SF 5 000 1 pavement and rep'ace it WEVi 4 5 y .00 a0r0O o inches of AC B-PG 64-10 Ease Course over compacted native 6 Remove Existing, Dispose and SF :.885 Construct 4-inches thick PC0 8.5 0 35i0a a So Sidewalk per SETA'S'. Std. 'tai 113-1 7 Remove Existing, Dispose and LF 100 Constmct 8-inches Curb and 24- 10 o e -,00 u inches Gutter per SPPWC Sid Plan 120 2 I8 Remove Existing. Dispose and EA 1 c L Construct PCC Curb Ramps per SPPWC Std_Plan 111-4 CBF - 2 BIDDER All American Asphalt UNIT OF EST. UNIT j ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE QTY. PRICE COST 9 Adjust Sewer Manhole to Grade FA 85 per SPPWO Sid Plan 205-1 and HIS.0o }5175 206-1 10 Adjust Water Valve'Gas Valve In EA 1t1G 195 0o I`i SJ c Grade. 11 Install Survey Well Monument per EA 24 City of Rosemead Std. Plan SUB- 001 See Section 2-9 Surveying at 5 0- the General Provision-7 per details(Cover, Sleeve & Donne will be provided by the City at no cost) 12 Install Traffic Striping, Traffic L5 1 Signal Loops and Pavement 3 ,919.5 J 9,499.5 Markers per the Striping Pans and Specifications Complete. TOTAL BASE BID PRICE (SCHEDULE BID PRICE): S Ea9 64 S.00 .lr° 4.0(4, Dollar amount in written lane 51x 6�ndr<cI4 ,en4`jnir.r +ho,is a ‘L) six henF...c dollar r_�roccrk9 snd Note. The City of Rosemead reserves the right to reduce or increase the quantities of any items in the schedule of bid items above.within the limits define in Section 3-2 2.1 of the Standard Specifications. to stay within the budgeted amount of this project. If the Bid Documents specify alternate bid items,the following Alternate Bid amounts shall be added to or deducted from the Total Bid Price entered above.The owner can choose to include one or more of the alternates in the Total Bid Price of the Project.If any of the Alternate Bids are utilized by the Owner, the resulting amount shall be considered the Total Bid Price for the Project. The undersigned agrees that mese Contract Bid Forms constitute a tarn ofer to the Owner with cannot he withdrawn for the number of Working Days indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids(ruin and after the bid opening date,or until a Contract for the Work is fully executed by the Owner and a third party,whichever is eadier. The undersigned also agrees that if there is a discrepancy between the written amount of the Bid Price and the numerical amount of the Bid Price. the wntten amount shall govern. CBE - 3 BI DUE �IAmer can Asphalt __ Attached hereto is a certified check, a cashier's check or a bid bond in the amount of 10%Dollars (S ) said amount being riot less than ten percent t-10°/y) of the Total Bid Price The undersigned agrees that said amount shall be retained by the Owner if upon awardwe fad or refuse to execute the Contract and furnish the required bonds, certificates and endorsements of insurance and other certifications within the time provided If awarded a Contract, the undersigned agrees to execute the formal Contract, which will be prepared by the Owner for execution, within five (5) Calendar Days following the Letter of Award for the Contract, and will deliver to the Owner within that same period the necessary original Certificates of Insurance,Endorsements of Insurance. Performance Bond Payment Bond and all othei documentation and certification resulted by the Contract The undersigned offers and agrees that if this bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body all rights. title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 OS.0 Section 15) or under the Canwright Act (Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professional Code), arising from purchases of goods, materials or services by the Bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid Such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to he Contractor Bidder understands and agrees that,when requested by Owner,he shall provide:(1)evidence satisfactory to the Owner of Bidder's California contractor's license(s)in good standing,(2)evidence that the person signing this Bid is authorized to bind Bidder to this Bid and to a contract resulting therefrom: and (3) any other information and documentation, financial or otherwise, needed by Owner to award a Contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder Bidder understands and agrees that liquidated damages shall apply to this Contract_n the amounts of live hundred dollars($500.00) if project is not completed in THIRTY (30)calendar days. The Contract Time will begin to run ten (10) Working Days from the date of the Notice of Proceed and subject to the terms and conditions described in the Contract Form and the Contract Documents. Bidder acknowledges that data submitted with its Contract Bid Forms which it requires to be incorporated into a Contract ansing out of this Submittal has been so identified by Bidder. Bidder further acknowledges that the Owner may. al its discretion, incorporate any of the remaining data submitted herewith into a contract ansing out of this Bid. The undersigned acknowledges receipt understanding and full consideration of the following addenda to the Contract Dncumem=_ Addenda Nos The Bidder understands and agrees that the Total Bid Price is inclusive of all labor-materials,and equipment or supplies necessary to complete the Work as described in the Bid Documents. If tnis bid is accepted, the undersigned Bidder agrees to enter into and execute the Cnntract with the necessary bonds and accept the Total Bid Price as compensation in full lot all Work under the contract CBF - 4 BIDDER All American Asphalt By' /c- 400 E_Sixtn SVaet Sig tuna Business Street Address Edward J. Carlson Corona.CA92§1.9. Type or Print Name City State and Zip Code Vice President _ (951)736-7600.. - Title Telephone Number Bidders/Contractors State of Iccoiaoratinu. California Partners or Joint Venturers. Nle Bidder's License Number(s). _267.073 Department Industrial Relations Registered No .1000001051 NOTES: 1) By its signature un this Bid the Bidder certifies under penally of perjury the accuracy of the representations made on the Contract Bid Forms 2) If Bidder is a corporation, enter State of Incorporation in addition to Business Address J) It Bidder is a partnership or joint venture,give full names of all partners or loot venturers As further discussed in the Instructions to Bidders, Bidder will be required to provide evidence that the person signing on behalf of the corporation, partnership or joint venture has the authority to do so. CBF - 5 ��\ \ ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES (hl ]S 00 o 76 I OSI 71')467/ M «,v ERICAN � ALL A ,,co .kunA I A '°SVS 1220 IV Vni n co I ICP4 2'20°071 A L I! —r15PHAt 1 — DIR n10110010s1 An IipsAI iProrllu.ullc I.uiu»Ir. CORPORATE RESOLUTION Resolved, that this Corporation. All American Asphalt,on January 3, 2017 authorizes Edward J. Carlson to execute contracts and agreements on behalf of the Company in the capacity of Vice President. CThL___ Michael Farkas Secretary BIDDER. All American Asphalt SECTION 2 BID DATA FORMS ORF-6 Bond No.08597423 BIDDER All American Asphalt_ _ Bidder shall submit Is Bid data in accordance with the format shown on each of the toliowirg bid Data Form_ Bidders shall prepare and use as many sheets as are necessary to adequatel provide the mtormation required. Bidder shail ensure mal every page „t its Bid Data Forms are properly d-r,tided v:to tri Butlers name and page numbe, 2.A BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN NV THESE PRESENTS THAT All American Asphalt Frer._ipal and Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland as Sarety are •r h1 hrrilr hound unrtr, the CITY OF ROSEMEAD Ihereutaher called the Gv1HER; in the sum of Ten Percent of Total Amount Bid----- . . DOLLARS (510%ofBig 1 being not less than d horror? 110° et Pie Intal Hid Price for the payment el which sun: will and truly to be riadc. rvc bi o✓se :es uur heirs executorsadministrators_ successors and assigns par Cy an Sc;etaUy. frilly by trese presents WHEREAS, said Principal has submitted a bid to the GW'NE H to;clout'ail Work required for the GARVEY AVENUE RESURFACING PROJECT - FROM DEL MAR AVENUE TO EASTERLY CITY LIMIT as set forth ri the Notice Icvdr,:; Rids and &carpanyinq H:d Documents dated August 30,2017 NOW THEREFORE if said Principalis awarded a Contract fir the Wor4 by HHER and. within Inc time and in the manner required by the abu a rvturenced Bid Docun lents ante's into the written form of Contract bound with said Bid Ito:uments,furnishes the required tito-rids (one to guarantee faithful performance and the other to guarantee payment or iaho: and materials) furnishes the required insurance certificates and endorsementsssand furnishes any other certifications as may be required by the Contract. Then this obligation shad be null and voidotherwise it shall remain in lull force and effect In the event suit is brought Upon this bond by the OWNER and ludgnent is recovered sad Sun Pty sti til nay a:p Is inc erred [y the OWNER m Si],'i suit inadduiu reasonable alt goysfirs I- bo I if by Ira /nt SIGN!D AND SLAT.EG this 25th day of August ,117 All American Asphalt ISEld;F,deiey and Deport Company of Mrymraf;,L_AL. Pnncipa; 'unny By .,l tits a tNr By Signal n e William SyrkinAttorney-in-Fad CHF CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE 9 1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the • document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document. State of California County of Orange _ ) On 0825/2017 before me, A.MacFarlane,Notary Public Date Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer personally appeared William Sorkin Name($,of Signe/($ who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(* whose names). is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(IL%J,and that by his/her/Mee signaturejs).on the instrument the person(*, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(*acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seeal.l.� te , vCf-CGG«ice I Signature Stgneture of Notary Public Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Bid Bond Document Date: 08252017 Number of Pages: One(I) Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: All American Asphalt Capacily(les)Claimed by Signers) Signer's Name: William Sorkin Signer's Name: ❑Corporate Officer — Title(s): ]Corporate Officer — Title(s): 1 'Partner — Ti Limited -General .2 Partner — I Limited 7 General Individual /Attorney in Fact L Individual ;L Attorney in Fact E Trustee "1 Guardian or Conservator H 7 Trustee C Guardian or Conservator L Other: n Other Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: Fidelib and Deposit Company of Mar land 02014 National Notary Association•www NationalNotaryorg• 1.800-US NOTARY(1-800-876-6827) Item e5907 EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF THE COMPANIES "Article V.Section X.Altorne%s-in-lap. the Chief IL ecutise Officer.the President or any Exceutise Vice/'resident or Vice President may, by written Instrument under the attested corporate scat. appoint attorneys-in-fact with authority to execute bonds. policies. ecognizances stipulations. undertakings.or other like instruments on behalf of the Company. and may authorize any officer or any such attorney-in-fact to allic the corporate seal thereto:and may with or without cause modify of revoke am such appointment or authority at any time" CERTIFICATE I. the undersigned. Vice /'resident of the /URI('ll AMERICAN INSURANCE. COMPANY. the lt)I.ONIAL AMERICAN CASUAL(Y AND SI[RI IY COMPANY. and the I ID11(111' AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND. do hereby certify that the linegoing Power of.Attorney is still in full force and Mixt on the date of this certificate,and I do further cenitj that Article V.Section 8,of the By-Laws of the Companies is still in force. Iii is Power of Attorney and('en iticate may he signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the ZURI('I I AMERICAN INSURANCE:COMPANY at a meeting July called and held on the 15th dun of Ikeember 1998. R ESOT.VI-..I): "l hat the signature of the President ora Vice President and the attesting signature of a Seeretan or an Assistant Secretan and the Scat of the Company may he affixed by facsimile on at. Parer of Attune).Any such Power or sup ecniticate thereof hearing such Iacsimile signature and seal shall he sa lid and binding nn the(onipany." 'his Power of Attorney and Certificate may he signed by facsimile under and by authority of the fullno ing resolution of the Board of Directors of the COLONIAL. AMERICAN CASILYI,I Y ANI) SURETY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 5th day of May. 1994,and the following resolution of the Hoard of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY Of MARYLAND)at a meeting duly called and held on the 10th day of May. 1990. RESOLVED: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company :aid facsimile or mcchanically reproduced signature of any Vice-President. Secretary.or Assistant Secretary of the Company. whether made heretofore or hereaticr, where'cr appearing upon u certified copy of am power of attorney issued by the tompaun shall be solid and binding upon the Compaq with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. qIN TESTIMONx WHEREOF'.REOF'. I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate scats of the said Companies this 2'day of }- ,yryaA� .20t7 . «TT sem. • Atb Michael Bond.Vice President TO REPORT A CLAIM WITH REGARD TO A SURETY BOND, PLEASE SUBMIT ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION TO: Zurich American Insurance Co. Ann: Surety Claims 1299 Zurich Way Schaumburg,II.60196-1056 ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW Al.l.MEN liY I III SI PRLSEN IS:l hat the/I IRI('iI AMERICAN INSI IRANCF.COMPANY.a cngwealian of the State of New York.the COLONIAL AMI'RI( AN CASDAI.TY AND SIERL I COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Maryland.and the FIDII .i I AND DUPOSII Ci MPANY (11MARYLAND a corporation of the State o1'Man land therein collectncl) called the "Companies"1 by GERALD F. HALEY,Vice President,in pursuance of authority granted by Article V.Section 8.of the 11,,-Lav,s of said Companies.which are sin forth on the reverse side hereof and are herehy cenilied to be in lull force and effect on the date hereof. do hereby nominate. constitute, and appoint William SYRKIN, Rebecca HAAS-BATES, Sergio D. BECHARA and Richard ADAIR, all of Irvine, California, EACH its true and lawful agent and Attorney-in-Fact to make.execute,seal and deliver.S.and on its behalf as surety,and as its act and deed:any and all bonds and undertakings,and the execution ufsuch bonds or undertakings in pursuance orthese presents.shalt he as binding upon said Companies.as fully and:amply. to all intents and purposes,us if they.had been dub executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY at its office in New York. New York.. the regularly elected oticers of the COLONIAL AMERICAN('AM IA.11' AND SURETY COMPANY al its otiice in Owings Mills. Maryland..and the regularly. elected officers of the FIDELITY AND DRI't.sI i COMPANY OF MAR VI AND at its alike in Owings Mills. Maryland..in their own proper perxms. the said Vice President does hereby ceni tl that the extract set forth on the remorse side hereof is a true cops of Article V. Section S.of the By-laws of said Companies.and is now in lona. IN WITNESS WHEREOI',the said Vice-President has hereunto subscribed hisdmr manes and Shed the Corporate Seals or the said ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, and FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND.this 18th day ret April.Al). .2012. ATTEST: ZURICH AMERICAN INS)RAN('E COMPAM COLONIAL AMERICAN('ASU A dal ,AND SURETY COMPAM FIDELITY AND DEPOStI COMPANY OF MARYLAND C� ea, yy' �.n wa SIAL • x.1.44 "r L • .n. , , r... ,--1 arc 9.ssimant Secretory rice/'resident Umrn I. Oren Gerard I Haler State of Man land Counts of Baltimore On this 18th day of.April.A It 21117.benne the suhseohn. a Notary Public of the State ret Marland,duly commissioned and Suahfied.GERALD I-. DALES,Vice President.and DAWN E. BROWN. Anistanl Secretary, of the('ompa Ley. to me personalh known to be the individuals and,nicers described in and who executed the preceding instmmeni,ad acknowledged the execution rel same and being by me duly sum.deposed)and saith.that he/she is the said officer of the c'umyany aforesaid.and that the seals affixed to the preceding tnauument arc the Corporate Seats of said Companies.and that the said Corporate Seals and the signature as such officer were duh alfxed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations IN'IFSTIM(INV Will RLUI_I hoe hcrcunmo set my hand and aimed nn(Itbnal Sal the day and yea lint atonc written t'unstance A.Dunn,Nolan Public My C011111a6aa Aspires hits 9.2014 P0A-F D12-0033D CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CIVIL CODE § 1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document o which this certificate is attached-and not the tmthfulnecs.accuracy_or validity of that document. Slate of California County of Riverside On 08/29/2017 before me, Rebecca Angela Parra,Notary Public Dab lin hart w...d in of N.On c- personally appeared Edward J. Carlson a.n.pt of Spell) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shethey executed the same in hisTeMbeir authorized capadly(ies), and that by his/nerkhefr r • REBECCA ANGELA PARRA signature(s)on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf nae nryen cocuntorn. i of which the person(s)acted,executed the instrument. n `.z,.n,� tommuvm r nsyase My[wnm.Expire May 1/.1021 certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the forgoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand I seal. '7 7 Signature / z�/%! /07/( G12� Non Notary Ufa Am.. Nowlinan"%^ k OPTIONAL Though the information below n not required by law,tl may prove valuable to person relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of the form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document Bid Bond Document Date: 08/2512017 Number of Pages: One(1) Signer(s)Other Than Named Above: Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland Capacitypes)Claimed by Signer(s) Signers Name:Sward J.Carlson Signers Name: Individual o Individual X Corporate Officer—Title(s): Vice President o Corporate Officer—Title(s): o Partner I o Limited o General o Partner t o Limited o General o Attorney in Fact °F` ' " c Attorney in Fact TOP a Nero'we op of thumb fono Trustee o Trustee o Other: c Other: Signer is Representing: Signer is Representing: BIDDER All American Asphalt 2.8 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS In compliance with the "Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act,' Sections 4100 through 4114 of the Calitomia Public Contract Code,and any amendments thereto,each Bidder shall provide the information requested below for each subcontractor who will perform work,labor orrender service to Bidder in or about the construction of the Work in an amount in excess of one-hall of one percent (greater than 0.5%)of the Bidders Total Bid Price.or,in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways,including bridges,in excess of one-half of 1 percent of the Contractoes total bid or ten thousand dollars($10,000).whichever is greater, and shall further set forth the portion of the Work which will be done by each subcontractor Bidder shall list only one subcontractor for any one portion of the Work Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4104, the Owner has determined that it will allow Bidders twenty-four(24) additional hours after the deadline for submission of bids to submit the information requested by the Owner about each subcontractor, other than the name and location of each subcontractor. If the Bidder fails to specity a subcontractor for any portion of the Work to be performed under the Contract, it shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion itself,and shall not be permitted to subcontract that portion of the Work except under the conditions hereinafter set forth below. Subletting or subcontracting of any portion of the Work in excess of one hal'of one percent(greater than 05%) of the Total Bid Price or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one-half of 1 percent of the Contractors total bid or len thousand dollars ($10.000), whichever is greater, for which no subcontractor was designated in the original bid shall only be permitted in cases of public emergency or necessity, and then only after Owner approval. CBF - 8 BIDDER All American Asphalt 2.8 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS(continued) ("Duplicate Next 2 Pages if needed for listing additional subcontractors "1 Name and Location Description of Nork of Subcontractor tc be Suhcuntrasled t goes Name._5n;W40nLk«tr c Address: 191,c5 I;,c} Wokabt a.c ofawfy C Ka6(,T License No.. 6145(c' Department of Industrial Relation Registration No Wpw„(Lit o Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Stf1pird) Name: _IJC {rakci 59c4,4l Address: 671 (otsi 50.4fr °` T arcR._aSC5 License No: %77686 Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Ipgot,o5 5 a] Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor t„ be Subcontracted Name. Address. License No Department of Industrial Relation Registration No Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address. --- - _- License No Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address. License No Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. ___ _. CBF - 9 BIDDER. All Amencan Asphalt 2.0 REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past two(2)years *See Attached* 1 Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person famrtiar with project Contract amount Iype of Work Dale Completed 2 Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 3 Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 4. Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed CBF - 10 "2016" PAST WORK REFERENCES City of Riverside 2014/2015 Preservation and Maintenance 3900 Main St. Contract Amount: 53,400.725.00 Riverside,CA 92501 Start: 01/2016 Contact: Steve Howard. (951)826-5708 Completed: 06/2016 City of Rancho Santa Margarita Annual Residential Overlay 2212 El Paseo Contract Amount: $245.190.00 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Start: 01/2016 Contact: Max Maximous. (949)635-1800 Completed: 09/2016 City of Diamond Bar Grand Ave. Beautification Project 21810 Copley Drive Contract Amount: 51 939.000.00 Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Stan: 08/2015 Contact: Kimberly Young. (909) 839-7044 Completed: 05/2016 City of Bell Florence Avenue Overlay 6330 Pine Avenue Contract Amount: $643,000.00 Bell,CA 90201 Stan: 04/2016 Contact: Dahi Kim. (323)923-2628 Completed: 09/2016 Department of Transportation Route 111, Contract No. 08-IC4604 72-800 Dinah Shore Dr. Ste. 104 Contract: $1.536.207.00 105 Palm Desert. CA 92211 Stan: 04/2016 Contact: Khoi Vu. (951)232-6263 Completed: 09/2016 Department of Transportation Route 73. Contract No. 12-0M1104 3251 7. University Dr. Trailer No. 2 Contract Amount: S1.545.163.00 Irvine,CA 92612 Start: 4/2015 Contact: Peter Shieh. (949)279-8636 Completed: 07/2016 City of Victorville Bear Valley Road Reconstruction 14343 Civic Drive Contract Amount: $2,611.215.00 Victorville. CA 92392 Start: 04/2016 Contact: Bruce Miller. (760) 269-0045 Completed: 07/2016 City of Perris 4'll Street Improvement Project 101 N. D Street Contract Amount: $545,680.00 Penis,CA 92570 Start Date: 03/2016 Contact: Brad Brophy. (951)943-6504 Completed: 07/2016 City of Palos Verdes Estates FY 15-16 St. Resurfacing& Slurry Seal Project 340 Palos Verdes Drive West Contract Amount: $876.455.00 Palos Verdes Estates,CA 90274 Start: 11/2015 Contact: Ken Rukavina, (310)378-0383 Completed: 06/2016 City of Newport Beach Corona Del Mar Entry Improvements 100 Civic Center Drive Contract Amount: $497,497.00 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Start Date: 02/2016 Contact: Alfred Castanon, (949)644-3314 Completed: 05/2016 City of Newport Beach Cameo Shores Pavement Reconstruction 100 Civic Center Drive Contract Amount: $3363.363.00 Newport Beach. CA 92660 Start Date: 06/2016 Contact: Frank Tran. (949)644-3340 Completed: 12/2016 City of Aliso Viejo Pacific Park Rehab.-Chase to 73 Fwy 12 Journey. Suite 100 Contract Amount: $633.633.00 Aliso Viejo. CA 92656 Start Date: 1012016 Contact: Chris Tanio.(949)425-2531 Completed: 12/2016 "2015" PAST WORK REFERENCES City of Hawthorne Hawthrone Blvd Reconstruction 4455 W. 162nd Street Contract Amount: $12.579,000.00 Hawthorne,CA 90250 Start: 4/2014 Contact: Heecheol Kwon.(310) 349-2980 Completed: 5/2015 City of Inglewood Florence Ave One Manchester Blvd. 3'd Floor Contract Amount: $2,639,000.00 Inglewood.CA 90301 Start: 4/2015 Contact: Hunter Nguyen, (310)412-4252 Completed: 10/2015 County of Ventura Pavement Resurfacing, Phase II 800 S. Victoria Ave Contract Amount: $2.401,970.00 Ventura,CA 93009 Start: 4/2015 Contact: ]eewoong Kim, (805) 654-3987 Completed: 10/2015 City of Montclair Northeast Montclair Street Rehabilitation 5111 Benito Street Contract Amount: $514,150.00 Montclair, CA 91763 Start: 4/2015 Contact: Steve Stanton. (909)625-9444 Completed: 7/2015 Riverside County Transportation Commission Route 74 Widening 4080 Lemon Street. 3'd Floor Contract: $1,970,004.00 Riverside,CA 92501 Start: 4/2014 Contact: Bill Seitz, (949) 300-9132 Completed: 7/2015 City of Riverside 2014/15 Arterial Streets 3900 Main Street Contract Amount: $1.683.076.00 Riverside. CA 92501 Stan: 4/2015 Contact: Steve Howard, (951) 826-5708 Completed: 9/2015 Long Beach Unified School District Garfield Elementary School Pavement 2201 E. Market Street Contract Amount: $1,976,508.00 Long Beach, CA 92805 Stan: 6/2015 Contact: Nancy Chinchilla, (562) 997-7513 Completed: 11/2015 BIDDER. All American Asphalt SECTION 3 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT CBF - 11 BIDDER. All American Asphalt NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT In accordance wit Public Contract Code Section 7106, the undersigned. bung first duly sworn deposes and says that he or she holds the position listed below with the bidder.the party making the foregoing bid, that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person. partnership, company, association organization. or corporation. Mat the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham, that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded conspired.connived. or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid,or that anyone shall refrain from bidding. that the bidder has not in any manner. duecty or indirectly sought by agreementcommunication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder,or to fix any overhead. profit, or cost element of the bid price. or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contmct of anyone interested in the proposed contract, that all statements contained in the bid are true, and. further, that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly. submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereofor divulged information or data relative thereto,or paid, arid will not pay,any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association,organization,bid depository,or to ally member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham hid. Siga!u rl' Edward J. Carlson Typed or Printed Name Vice President Title All American A sphalt _. . Bidder Subscribed and sworn before me This day of_ _ _ . 20 (Seal) '"-enst :ilct 4 &ie CwvJ nt t, Jy.\ g Notary Public in and far the State of California My Commission Expires. CBF- 12 CALIFORNIA JURAT OOY CODE§ 8202 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness accuracy.or wlidity of that document. State of California County of Riverside Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this 29'" day of August 2017, Date Month By (1) Edward J. Carlson Name of Signer Proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence be the parson who appeared before me (.) C) REBECCA ANGELA PARRA r..,..1 Notary ir-CMaarMr land Of�• N Caumy I / Commdsion ii 2191458 E (2) My Camra Expires May 17.2021 Namaetbgner Signature i/ c4/Po dti, a-c plc.Navy SOS Avow. Signature of No Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law.it may prove valuable to person relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Further Description of Any Attached Document Tale or Type of Document Non Collusion Affidavit Tm a eene we Teo Cl Hero here Document Date. None Number of Pages t Sgnerls)Other Than Named Above. Nona