CC - Item 5G - Review of Traffic Conditions at Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue E M F S p � 9 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL PH:�E STAFF REPORT /��RPORA� O TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS, CITY MANAGER�v DATE: SEPTEMBER 12, 2017 SUBJECT: REVIEW OF TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT LAWRENCE AVENUE BETWEEN MUSCATEL AVENUE AND IVAR AVENUE SUMMARY The Traffic Commission received a request from a resident to review traffic conditions on Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue. The resident is concerned with vehicles speeding and the safety of children attending Muscatel Middle School. On August 3, 2017, the Traffic Commission reviewed the traffic conditions and recommended the installation of school speed limit signs along Lawrence Avenue. DISCUSSION Staff reviewed a residential request for the installation of traffic calming measures along Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue with Transtech Engineering, a City approved Traffic Engineering consulting firm. Based on a Radar Speed Survey, conducted by Transtech Engineering, it was determined that there is a slight speeding issue along Lawrence Avenue. Therefore, it was recommended that "School Speed Limit Assembly C" signs be installed on Lawrence Avenue to remind motorist of the speed limit, that they are within a school zone, and to slow down. Lawrence Avenue is a residential street that is approximately 30-feet wide and has a presumed speed limit of 25 miles per hour. There are no existing marked centerline or posted speed limit signs along Lawrence Avenue. Parking is permitted on both sides of Lawrence Avenue, except for street sweeping restrictions. There is a distance of approximately 595-feet along Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue. Land use along Lawrence Avenue is defined as single-family residential. Muscatel Middle School is on the south side of Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue. Lawrence Avenue at Muscatel Avenue forms a "T" intersection, is uncontrolled in the northbound and southbound direction, and "STOP"controlled in the westbound direction. There is a strip of circular non-reflective raised pavement markers on the south leg of the Lawrence Avenue and Muscatel Avenue intersection to warn motorists of the approaching intersection and ITEM NUMBER: 5E7 City Council Meeting September 12,2017 Page 2 of 5 any potential crossing pedestrians. Lawrence Avenue at Ivar Avenue also forms a "T" intersection, is uncontrolled in the northbound and southbound direction, and "STOP" controlled in the eastbound direction. There is a yellow striped marked crosswalk on the west leg of the Lawrence Avenue and Ivar Avenue intersection. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to install "School Speed Limit Assembly C" (SR4-1) signs on Laurence Avenue east of Muscatel Avenue for eastbound traffic and west of Ivar Avenue for westbound traffic. FISCAL IMPACT Funding for this type of roadway improvement is included in the Annual Maintenance and Operations Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18, under the Public Works Department, Field Services Division. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT —None ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (C) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Submitted By: .(itu Rafael M. Fajardo, P.E., City Engineer Michelle G. Ramirez, Directo f Public Works Attachment A—Vicinity Map Attachment B - Diagram of Proposed Plans Attachment C - Traffic Commission Staff Report(August 3, 2017) City Council Meeting September 12,2017 Page 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT A VICINITY MAP a a 5. 'fiSs/on0, fashion Park Apartments Rosemead High School p O O n — A 0 o MrSSro q 0, A Edmond Dr Edmond Dr MU ? California Tint t=' ate Qwckly©Sca I U-Haul of Rosemead 0 Ave O e _J--awrence_Ave-—+e Q -N Out Burger 595' c, 0 ml eS ,wrenceAve Mrss,onor ii m Iva r co a ©Jack in the dm Scott St Muscatel A e v Newb Ave Newby A'.' Nrwhv Scott Si Intermediate School iY y Newly Ave O Pasadena City r vey St ; College at Rosemead (J iii Great Wall Supermarket © Bernie!Ave Bente!Ave o © US Post Office Q g ?.' optUniversal Square Bente''Ave ' ShoppingCenter a 0 yt _ 0 a ;call- g';i; •✓elloy t31v - Valley Blvd -' 9 A Dr Cellula• City Council Meeting September 12,2017 Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT B PROPOSED RECOMMENDATIONS 1Ng- ,,. ,, 150111111 % .., y- t . t Ai 8' Ril . •' ' sy[ t� If 1 1 ,. rb=iik. limpt' .. _ . . Q_– .E . i 1. in '. . " '.44= .."..' -'IL"" — riA I ` �'• _Install"School Speed Limn i,. , ti —- ' ••ssembly C' (SR4-1)signs A ti— 4-; n ,,, ,,.__ ip IL N t tlila, is:: 4 , '.," i. i. ✓ .. _ , City Council Meeting September 12,2017 Page 5of5 ATTACHMENT C TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT (August 3,2017) E MF 5 * , ../ 0 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION CIVIC PRIDE STAFF REPORT �. :`I ^/OORPOAATE0'4'4 I TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: MICHELLE G. RAMIREZ, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: AUGUST 3, 2017 SUBJECT: REVIEW OF TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT LAWRENCE AVENUE BETWEEN MUSCATEL AVENUE AND IVAR AVENUE BACKGROUND The Traffic Commission received a request from a resident to review traffic conditions at Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivan Avenue. The resident's concerned with vehicles speeding along Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue. The resident is requesting that the City install traffic calming measures to slow down the speed of the vehicles traveling along Lawrence Avenue. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission recommend to the City Council that "School Speed Limit Assembly C" (SR4-1) signs be installed on Lawrence Avenue east of Muscatel Avenue for eastbound traffic and west of Ivar Avenue for westbound traffic. The speed limit signs will remind motorist of the speed limit and that they are on a school zone and to slow down. ANALYSIS Lawrence Avenue is a residential street that is approximately 30-feet wide and has a prima facie speed limit of 25 miles per hour (mph). There is no existing marked centerline or posted speed limit signs along Lawrence Avenue. Parking is permitted on both sides of Lawrence Avenue, except for street sweeping restrictions. -There is a distance of approximately 595-feet along Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenud and Ivar Avenue. Land use along Lawrence Avenue is defined as single family residential. Muscatel Intermediate School is on the south side of Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue. Lawrence Avenue at Muscatel Avenue forms a "T" intersection and is uncontrolled in the northbound and southbound direction and "STOP" controlled in the westbound direction. There is a strip of circular non-reflective Raised Pavement Markers (RPM) on the south leg of the Lawrence Avenue and Muscatel Avenue intersection to warn motorists of the approaching intersection and any potential crossing pedestrians. Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 2 of 9 Lawrence Avenue at Ivar Avenue also forms a "T" intersection and is uncontrolled in the northbound and southbound direction and "STOP" controlled in the eastbound direction. There is a yellow striped marked crosswalk on the west leg of the Lawrence Avenue and Ivar Avenue intersection. RADAR SPEED SURVEY To determine actual speeds along Lawrence Avenue, a radar speed survey was conducted on Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue on Tuesday, May 02, 2017, from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm. The radar measurements followed guidelines and procedures outlined in the CVC Sections 627, 21400, 22358 and the CAMUTCD 2B.13. Speed samples were taken from an unmarked vehicle so as not to alter or impede the free flow of traffic. The table below shows the 2017 speed survey results: Table 1 Radar Speed Survey for Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue Location Dir. Of Date/Time 85%ile 50%ile` Posted Travel of Survey Speed Speed Limit MPH 05/02/17 25 Prima 1 Lawrence Ave between Muscatel Ave and Ivar Ave EB/WB 9:00 am- 10:00 pm 27.3 23.9 Facie As shown in the table above, the speed samples taken on May 02, 2017, show that the 85th percentile speed of vehicles is at 27.3 mph for Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue in both directions, which is slightly above the prima facie speed limit of 25 mph. The speed samples determined that there is a slight speeding issue along Lawrence Avenue; therefore, it is recommended that "School Speed Limit Assembly C" (SR4-1) signs be installed on Lawrence Avenue east of Muscatel Avenue for eastbound traffic and west of Ivar Avenue for westbound traffic. The speed limit signs will remind motorist of the speed limit and that they are on a school zone and to slow down. AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) A field investigation and average daily counts were conducted along Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue on Tuesday, May 23, 2017, to determine the amount of traffic volume traveling along Lawrence Avenue. It was determined that the 24- hour vehicle counts were as follows: Table 2 2017 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Location [EB(Veh per Day) WB(Veh per Day) Daily Total(Veh per Day) Lawrence Ave between Muscatel Ave and Ivar Ave 458 518 976 Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 3 of 8 COLLISION INVESTIGATION An accident investigation was conducted using the last 6.5 available years from Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) records for the segment along Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue. There was a total of 4 accidents reported in the last 6.5 years (2011 to current available data as of June 2017). Table 3 - Summary of Collision History provides a detailed list of the collisions at the segment along Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue. 0 accidents in 2017 (January to June 2017) 1 accident in 2016 0 accidents in 2015 1 accident in 2014 1 accident in 2013 1 accident in 2012 0 accidents in 2011 Table 3 Summary of Collision History No. Date Road Dist. Time Day/Night Collision Severity Injured Factor PCF Type # Violation SB Passing Ivar Ave at 1 12/19/2016 Lawrence Ave 0 08:30. Day Sideswipe Pdo Veh Hit SB Lt Improp Pass Veh SB U-Turn 2 9/10/2014 Muscatel Ave at 30' E 19:15 Dusk/Dawn Sideswipe Injury 1 Veh Hit SB Improp Turn Lawrence Ave Thru Veh Lawrence AveEB Lt Veh Hitlmprop Turn 3 8/12/2013 at Muscatel Ave 54' E 2:40 Dark Other Pdo EB Pked Veh p p Lawrence AveWB Veh Hit Improp Turn 4 1/5/2012 at Ivar Ave 72 W 17:11 Dusk/Dawn Rear End Pdo WB Pked Veh (Impaired) None of the collisions involved pedestrians or bicyclists. According to the accident data, all collisions were due to vehicles making an improper turn or improper pass. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, which includes a 300-foot radius notice to 111 property owners, and postings of the notice at the six public locations. Prepared By: Submitted By: / (1. Rafae . Fajardo, P.E, Michelle G. Ramirez City Engineer Director of Public Works i Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 4 of 9 Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Proposed Recommendations 3. Traffic Volumes, and Speed Surveys 4. Public Notification I t Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 5 of 8 ATTACHMENT 1 VICINITY MAP LN4 !!,;.......„1•7.....:).4 nff.,,i,:.tiiiili. ,„. ;. .,..1.,,.,,Ii..4,,i.l. . ,,,,..... ;. „ ei:4.7":,..:,;...,!. .1::---:...,, •.,4 ...i.., 1. 1 1• ° S.•w _ f� •if rT," 10� .;y. + Fobli�rnPcrk mr=mcnlg: l q •1 - ft oBdHIphS1=icW ' {it .s. 4.44_,-: 4_ i r'}i i �`i . ii I I'' :ii•,. :� 4(.;:i_ L, It.....•...1.: it l ^l ) �, i 1 i`Mi 1 �,(/i.,.:• , is ':. ! '"... ,(.R .ii ;A:: I r..rrl. _ )•• l' ....co_.!::.:: : INtNY •n..qw'....•' m...NNNRRR ) !I..Y .Its 1 ..0'•::!1'1 {..; • •'r.. •N,iilai i»:• ; �i u,:.• I , �1 •a .. ,:..,. )(:i141ryln1 rnt ): . ' I I : i. w.Ifl rrrLI�2�...._`. 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N I 1 , , .. .ti.-:„. ,.• ,...--1 ._ it... .. � � rte _ ��`"� ~Install School Speed Lim w ,.. ' ' 'ssembly C"(SR4-1 signs s. G t , i 1 cr.- I rt,r.w li..... 1 , \ aii, . • I r-' r_ . Lap Ilia , i.4-:,!,iir; .1,.1,.. ., i - sA.sk 4,r f ✓. ...'.'-i,..d&,- 'i .1.... ' .�.-F- ', LL k ( Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 7 of 8 ATTACHMENT 3 TRAFFIC VOLUMES AND SPEED SURVEY (1 OF 2) Prepared by NOS/ATO VOLUME Lawrence Ave Bet.Muscatel Ave&!vat'Ave Day:Tuesday City:Rosemead Date:5/23/2017 Project it:CA17_5347 001 NB SB EB W iB Total DAILY TOTALS —o------ 0 F 458 518 97G AM Period NB SB ED WB TOTAL PM Period NB SB ER WB TOTAL 00:00 1 0 1 12:00 7 S 12 00:15 1 2 3 12:15 2 3 5 00:30 0 1 1 12:30 3 4 7 00:45 0 2 0 3 0 5 12:45 6 18 7 19 13 37 01:00 1 0 1 13:00 3 5 8 01:15 0 0 0 13:15 3 5 8 01:30 0 0 0 13:30 7 5 12 01:45 ____0 1 0 0 1 13:45 _ 5 18 1 16 6 34 02:00 0 0 0 14:00 17. 6 18 02:15 0 0 0 14:15 22 9 31 02:30 0 0 0 14:30 31 35 66 02:45 0 0 0 14:45 8 73 10 60 18 133 03:00 0 0 0 15:00 9 11 20 03:15 0 0 0 15:15 2 8 10 03:30 0 1 1 15:30 8 9 17 03:45 0 1 2 1 2 15:45 8 27 10 38 18 65 04:00 0 0 0 16:00 7 9 16 04:15 0 0 0 16:15 6 6 12 04:30 0 0 0 16:30 2 9 11 04:45 0 0 0 16:45 6 21 8 32 14 53 05:00 1 1 2 17:00 6 12 18 • 05:15 D 0 0 17:15 7 / 14 05:30 0 1 1 17:30 11. 9 20 05:45 0 1 1 3 1 4 17:45 18 42 15 43 33 85 06:00 0 1 1 18:00 14 11 25 06:15 1 1 2 18:15 10 11 21 06:30 7 5 7 18:30 4 18 22 06:45 4 7 6 13 10 29 18:45 _- 735 7 47 , 14 82 07:00 4 7 11 19:00 3 8 11 07:15 22 21 43 19:15 2 8 10 07:30 60 29 89 19:30 3 3 6 07:45 _ 48 134 29 86 77 220 19:45 _-__ - 2 10 5 24 7 34 08:00 8 13 21 20:00 0 7 7 08:15 3 7 10 20:15 0 4 4 08:30 2 13 15 20:30 2 2 4 08:45 5 18 13 46 18 64 20:45 7 9 3 16 10 25 09:00 3 5 8 21:00 0 4 4 09:15 3 8 11 21:15 3 3 6 09:30 3 5 8 21:30 1 3 4 09:45 7 16 3 21 10 37 21:45 0 4 0 10 0 14 10:00 3 14 17 22:00 0 0 0 10:15 3 2 5 22:15 0 0 0 10:30 2 5 7 22:30 0 0 0 10:45 0 8 3 74 3 32 22:45 0 0_ 0 11:00 3 2 5 23:00 0 0 0 11:15 4 7 11 23:15 0 0 0 11:30 3 2 5 23:30 0 0 0 11:45 4 e 14 4 15 ' 8 29 23:45 0 0 ' 0 TOTALS 201 213 414 TOTALS 257 305 562 SPLIT% 48.6% 51.4% 42.4% SPUT% 45.7% 54.3% 57.6% NB SB EB WBTotal DAILY TOTALS o 0 I 458 518 I 976 • AM Peak Hour 07:15 07:15 07:15 PM Peak Hour 14.00 14:15 14:15 AM Pk Volume 13B 92 230 PM Pk Volume 73 65 135 _Pk Hr Factor 0.575 0.793 0.646 Pk Hr Factor 0.589 0.464 0.511 7.9 Volume 152 132 284 4.6 Volume 63 75 138 1, 7-9 Peak Hour 07:15 07:15 07:15 4-6 Peak Hour 17:00 17:00 1700 7.9 Pk Volume 138 92 230 4-6Pk Volume 42 43 85 Pk Hr Factor 0.575 0.793 0.646 Pk Hr Factor _ 0.583 0.717 0.644 Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 8 of 8 ATTACHMENT 3 TRAFFIC VOLUMES AND SPEED SURVEY (2 OF 2) City of Rosernead Public Works ' Street Name:. LRW} E t E AIM Limina. ef1SAT.t.AVE to iyAR Avg Radar Survey Street •• XGrlvtyat/7-2aet 5 10 15 25 25 30 35 40 a 34ea maa.% -II MIR 4011: : ___.' I —U in_ :.._r__. ..■ .�.. _1!!=iài - .. imi•r•i -1- 35III. . ........_,31111111 _1•11;111 i INVi , . t III - 1111111111111111 it ". - - Igoe ,aa&. e 5.7% B3.£ i 25Nr1r /4!4W Ago �.. ■..A...■....i. 17 1&. 'law I *-,4 9 +! Ii__- B ii irje.2.4% iird; 7$' 21,8% 20!Are. At r ai.4_p . ■ 0 7894 14.3% ' . _IFI 1011 I 4 8,391M . l ww1111111111111111111111111112111201111% 1.3 I - ---1111111111111111111 1 -.- -. = I q ir WI IUIRII 1 ■.. w -_. .1 ■ w.I I �. 111 MO .S I. IIIIII1MMERNM . =i UU'....■ jjjjfljn.-= --- iIMIIII w_ NAM �` - MN • IP ..:;...111.111-•I Mom .�....._. — Da*IASurr.r;4y: Start Timm 0:0 d5th Percentile Speed; ni • Seib Percentile SGCCd: 23.s Weather: ii�48[ d lime: 1. ;�9 95th Percentile Spaeth al, Road Condition: Lit Posted Spaad: 2.4 10 MN PACA: 19 pi Strixt Gets.: Obscrver. ER i, Numb@rin RIM!. 9a crAdltiorits riot sch Nit Zon0s in Stiporx Percent In Nice: gtrii Appar rt; Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2017 Page 9 of 9 ATTACHMENT 4 CITY OF ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC CONCERN NOTIFICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, August 3, 2017, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Rosemead Traffic Commission will hold a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770, for the purpose of reviewing traffic conditions along Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue. The City received a request from a concerned resident for the installation of traffic calming measures to slow down the speed of the vehicles traveling within the noted area. You are being notified of this meeting because your property is within close proximity to the location. We encourage your comments regarding traffic safety in this area. Citizens' wishing to comment may do so by either attending the Traffic Commission meeting, or by sending a comment letter by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 3, 2017. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Attention: Mrs. Michelle Ramirez, Director of Public Works N sten comments may be mailed to the above address, emailed to mramirezCa�cityofrosemead.orq, or faxed to (626) 307-9218. Again, only letters received by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 3, 2017 will be accepted. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of Rosemead. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the City Engineer, Rafael Fajardo, at (626) 569-2151. For information please call: Para obtener más informacion, favor de Ilamar al: fiiNT—i , a`r- R : fle bit them chi tiet, xin gpi: 626-569-2150 Proposed Conditions Lawrence Avenue between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue -n - x 4Ny' ,•, ,, . ) _1 tf 1 ' .� .1 i..1 11 1s.. -.tial•. ,iii 4' i '! • .g WtNF , I'i 1 sw --______...,r ,. 1 *-�., G• . , ull f' Im -1 I�._, tW^" '``. ' 1 -.7.00q 4 F i ; `/7 - M�S` . `� i.4 ( ,,N _ ii... ll. w Michelle Ramirez From: Elise frederick <tomandelise@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 6:27 PM To: Michelle Ramirez Subject: Re:Traffic Concern Notification Thank you. Sent from my iPad On Jul 27, 2017,at 5:53 PM, Michelle Ramirez<mramirez@cityofrosemead.org>wrote: Mr. & Mrs. Frederick: Thank you for your below email. It will be presented to the Traffic Commission at their meeting next week and made part of the City's official record. If you have any further comments and/or questions, please feel free to contact me. Have a great evening. Michelle G. Ramirez Director of Public Works '1 626.569.21581 g 626.307.9218 V1 mramirez a.cityofrosemead.ore <image001.png> 8838 E.Valley Blvd. Rosemead,CA 91770 wwv.citvofrosemcad.orx PLEASE FOLLOW US ON: <image002.jpg> <image003.jpq><image004.jpg><image005.jpg> <imayeoo6.jp9> Original Message From: Elise frederick [mailto:tomandelise(c�yahoo.com] Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 5:47 PM To: Michelle Ramirez <mramirez(c�cityofrosemead.orq> Subject: Traffic Concern Notification > Re: Lawrence Ave. (between Muscatel Ave. and Ivar Ave.) > Thank you for giving us the opportunity to respond to concerns about drivers on Lawrence Avenue. We are unable to attend the meeting and appreciate the opportunity to respond by email. > We have lived at 8843 Lawrence Avenue for more than 30 years. > We have experienced, over the years, an increasing number of cars using our residential street as a short cut, both east and west, as they use Ivar and Muscatel as a short cut between Valley and Mission. > We have had our cars hit when parked in front of our house, one time doing significant damage to our sons car. > When Muscatel Junior High School is in session the street backs up, and we have witnessed minivans scrap parked cars and just keep moving. > Our street has many students walking both to Muscatel and Rosemead High School. We have witnessed some close calls as kids dart across the street and others run to the school or their parents cars. > We support the addition of these traffic signs and we are hopeful it may curb the speed and potentially the volume of cars using our one block long residential street. > Tom and Elise Frederick > 8843 Lawrence Ave > Rosemead, CA 91770 • 2