PC - Item 3A - Conditional Use Permit 15-02 and Minor Exception 17-18 at 7915 Hellman AvenueROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DIVISION DATE: SEPTEMBER 18, 2017 SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 15-02 AND MINOR EXCEPTION 17-18 7915 HELLMAN AVENUE SUMMARY Frank Contreras of Open Bible Church has submitted a Conditional Use Permit and Minor Exception application, requesting to enlarge the existing legal nonconforming church, located at 7915 Hellman Avenue. The proposed project would add 3,092 square feet to the existing 13,595 square feet church, for a total of 16,687 square feet of floor area. The project site is located in a Light Multiple Residential (R-2) zone. In the R-2 zone, approval of a Conditional Use Permit is required for place of religious assembly use and approval of a Minor Exception is required for enlargement of a legal nonconforming structure. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines exempts projects consisting of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. Accordingly, Conditional Use Permit 15- 02 and Minor Exception 17-18 are classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 of California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 17-18 with findings (Exhibit "A"), and APPROVE Conditional Use Permit 15-02 and Minor Exception 17-18, subject to the 28 conditions outlined in Attachment "A" attached hereto. PROPERTY HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION The project site is located on the north side of Hellman Avenue, between Brighton Street and Kelburn Avenue. The project site consists of one parcel totaling approximately 51,103 square feet of lot area. The construction and establishment of the existing church occurred prior to the incorporation of the City of Rosemead. /£/ ƒ/F 2Cw \?// ///\ CC 0 [\E$ CD ///E R. - \ / ® EƒCD c % /\CD o /\ o { / ( ( \ \ [ { ( { / CD CL CD \\ \ \ �\ /£/ ƒ/F 2Cw /Jf CC 0 CD CD ƒ� ( CD EƒCD c 2\CD c /\CD o /\ o CD / // // } / CD CL CD \\ \ \ �\ \R \E to ƒE Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 2017 Paoe 3 of 18 ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYSIS Project Description As illustrated in Exhibit "B the applicant has proposed to expand the existing legal nonconforming place of religious assembly use and to enlarge the existing legal nonconforming structure. In the R-2 zone, approval of a Conditional Use Permit is required for place of religious assembly use and approval of a Minor Exception is required for enlargement of a legal nonconforming structure. The proposed project would add 3,092 square feet to the existing 13,595 square feet structure, for a total of 16,687 square feet of floor area. As proposed, the floor -area ratio would be 0.33:1. Business Operations The existing church has been in operation since 1948. In addition to the regular Sunday church services, the church also provides other various services, such as Sunday school, prayer meetings, bible study, church fellowship, and youth services. The applicant has proposed the following hours of operation: Sunday — 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday — 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Tuesday — 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday - 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Thursday - 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday - 9`00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Saturday — 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Conditional Use Permit Per Rosemead Municipal Code Table Uses in Residential Districts, approval of a Conditional Use Permit is required for a place of religious assembly use within a Light Multiple Residential (R-2) zone. The existing place of religious assembly use is deemed legal nonconforming as the use was established without a Conditional Use Permit prior to the incorporation of the City of Rosemead. The use may continue to operate provided that there is no increase or enlargement of the area, space, or volume occupied by or devoted to the nonconforming use. Therefore, the applicant is required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit for the enlargement of the area, space, or volume occupied or devoted to the place of religious assembly use. Minor Exception Per Rosemead Municipal Code Table Residential District Development Standards, in the R-2 zone, a minimum front yard setback of 20 feet is required. The existing structure is setback approximately 18'-8" from the front property line. As such, the existing structure is deemed legal nonconforming. Per Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.72.040(B)(1), a structure that is legal nonconforming due to setbacks, height, or other similar development standard, but not including floor area, may be enlarged or extended provided that the enlargement shall not Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 2017 Paqe 4 of 18 increase the degree of nonconformity nor shall it extend into any conforming setback area. Such enlargement shall be processed pursuant to the standards set forth in Chapter 17.142 (Minor Exceptions). The applicant has requested a Minor Exception for the proposed addition to the existing structure. Accordingly, the proposed addition would not increase the degree of nonconformity nor extend into any conforming setback area, as the proposed addition complies with the minimum setback requirements of the R-2 zone. Per Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.12.030(B)(1)(a), a minimum of twenty (20) percent of the entire parcel shall be fully landscaped with plant materials. Based on the total lot area of 51,103 square feet, a minimum landscape area of 10,221 square feet is required. Per Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.142.020(A)(1), Minor Exceptions of the rear yard, side yard, lot coverage, driveway, or parking stall size as may be necessary to secure an appropriate improvement of a lot to prevent unreasonable hardship or to promote uniformity of appearance, provided such exceptions do not exceed a 20 -percent exception from existing regulations. As part of the Minor Exception application, the applicant has requested a 17 -percent exception from the existing regulation. Granting the maximum 20 -percent exception from existing regulations would require the applicant to provide 8,177 square feet of landscape area. The proposed site plan provides 8,531 square feet of landscape area. Allowing additional off-street parking spaces to be provided in lieu of satisfying the minimum landscape area requirement, would benefit the community by lessening the need for church members to park off-site. To improve the aesthetics of the parking area from public view, the applicant has proposed to allocate a significant amount of landscaping towards the front of the project site. Site Plan As part of the proposed project, the existing single-family dwelling unit and garage, located towards the west property line of the project site, must be demolished. A condition of approval has been recommended to require such buildings to be demolished prior to issuance of any building permits associated with the proposed project. Development Standards Standard Proposed Front Yard Setback 20'-0" (Minimum) 18'-8" Side Yard Setback 28'-0" (Minimum) 48'-8" (West Side Yard) 47'-0" (East Side Yard) Rear Yard Setback 20'-0" (Minimum) 30'-10" Floor -Area Ratio 0.35:1 (Maximum) 0.33:1 Landscape Requirement 20% (Minimum) 16.7% Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 2017 Paae 5 of 18 In addition, the applicant has proposed to implement the following improvements to the project site: 1. Restripe the parking lot; 2. Provide directional signage; 3. Erect new 6'-0" perimeter walls along the rear and side property lines; 4. Paint existing 4'-0" fence in front yard to match new walls; 5. Provide additional landscaping; 6. Rehabilitate existing landscaping; 7. Construct a new fully enclosed trash enclosure; 8. Provide Fire Department access lane; and 9. Provide additional parking lot lighting. Floor Plan The proposed project would add new floor area and reconfigure existing floor area to provide five classrooms, a nursery, a lobby, a multi-purpose room, a kitchen, seven restrooms and three offices for church members. The existing worship area and other various offices and storage rooms located on the first and second floor are proposed to remain. Elevations The applicant is proposing to update the colors and materials of the building, while maintaining the architectural design. The proposed elevations indicate that the roof would utilize dark brown asphalt shingle, while the exterior walls with cement plaster finish would incorporate gray -tan and white paint colors. The windows, doors, and trims would be painted brown. Off -Street Parking Based on the scope of the proposed project, a minimum of 35 off-street parking spaces are required. The applicant has proposed to provide 54 off-street parking spaces. Per Rosemead Municipal Code Table Required Parking, place of religious assembly use is parked at the following ratio: One space per five fixed seats (One space per 20 linear inches of bench seating area shall be considered a fixed seat) Or One space per 75 square feet of floor area used for assembly not containing seats The proposed assembly area contains 24 fixed bench seats. Each of the fixed bench seats would be 12 feet long (144 linear inches). The total length would amount to 3,456 linear inches of fixed bench seats. Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 2017 Page 6 of 18 Off -Street Parking Analysis Total Linear Inches of Fixed Seats Parking Spaces Required Parking Spaces Provided Assembly Area 3,456 35 54 The applicant has indicated that the participants in the classrooms and multi-purpose room are the same participants of the general service in the assembly area. The facilities are to be utilized by church members. A condition of approval has been recommended to limit the maximum number of fixed seats occupying the assembly area at any given time to ensure that the minimum number of parking space require will not exceed the number of parking spaces provided. MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIREMENTS Conditional Use Permit Per Rosemead Municipal Code Table Uses in Residential Districts, approval of a Conditional Use Permit is required for a place of religious assembly use within a Light Multiple Residential (R-2) zone. Per Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.132.040, all of the following findings shall be made by the Planning Commission in conjunction with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit: A. Approval of the application will not be or incompatible or injurious to other properties or land uses in the vicinity or create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. The existing place of religious assembly use has been in operation prior to the incorporation of the City of Rosemead. The existing assembly area will not be enlarged, and all other accessory uses are designed to benefit the church members. Based on the scope of the project, the anticipated operation will be typical of a religious assembly use and will not attract injurious activity. Conditions of approval will add protection for the public health, safety, and general welfare. As such, the project will not create any foreseeable substantial negative impacts to the vicinity of the project site. B. The use is consistent with the General Plan. According to the Land Use Element of the General Plan, in residential areas, in addition to the primary residential use, other uses, such as religious organizations, are permitted. The design of the project will be compatible with and complement the existing established residential neighborhood. Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 2017 Paae 7 of 18 C. The use is consistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. Approval of the Conditional Use Permit with Conditions of Approval will ensure that the use is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Zoning Code. D. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines exempts projects consisting of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. Accordingly, Conditional Use Permit 15-02 is classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 of California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. E. If development is provided for under the Conditional Use Permit, the project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the applicable standards and Design Guidelines in the overlying district. The project site is located in a R-2 zoning district. The R-2 zoning district identifies areas characterized by single-family dwellings and duplexes. The R-2 standards are intended to maintain the character of existing neighborhoods while allowing the opportunity for duplex and smaller lot single-family development that is consistent with the General Plan Medium Density Residential land use designation. In addition to the residential use, the General Plan Land Use Element permit other uses, such as religious organizations. The existing structure has been utilized by a religious organization prior to the incorporation of the City of Rosemead. The project will maintain the character of the existing neighborhood as it was designed based on applicable R-2 zoning district standards. Minor Exception Per Rosemead Municipal Code Sections 17.72.040(B)(1) and 17.142.020(A)(1), all of the following findings shall be made by the Planning Commission in conjunction with the approval of Minor Exception: A. A structure that is legal nonconforming due to setbacks, height, or other similar development standard, but not including floor area, may be enlarged or extended provided that the enlargement shall not increase the degree of nonconformity nor shall it extend into any conforming setback area. The proposed addition would not increase the degree of nonconformity nor extend into any conforming setback area, as the proposed addition complies with the minimum setback requirements of the R-2 zone. Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 2017 Paae 8 of 18 B. Minor Exceptions of the rear yard, side yard, lot coverage, driveway, or parking stall size as may be necessary to secure an appropriate improvement of a lot to prevent unreasonable hardship or to promote uniformity of appearance, provided such exceptions do not exceed a 20 -percent exception from existing regulations. The project includes a 17 -percent exception from the minimum landscape area requirement of 20 -percent lot coverage. Allowing additional off-street parking spaces to be provided in lieu of satisfying the minimum landscape area requirement, would benefit the community by lessening the need for church members to park off-site. To improve the aesthetics of the parking area from public view, the applicant has proposed to allocate a significant amount of landscaping towards the front of the project site. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, which includes a 300 -foot radius public hearing notice to 69 property owners, publication in the Rosemead Reader on September 7, 2017, and postings of the notice at the six public locations and on the subject site. Prepared by: Submitted by: .11 -*QL Cory Hanh Lily T. Valenzuela Associate Planner Interim Community Development Director EXHIBITS: A. Planning Commission Resolution 17-18 with Conditions of Approval B. Site Plan, Floor Plan, Elevations (Dated August 14, 2017) C. Assessor Parcel Map (APN: 5287-015-022) Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 2017 Pape 9 of 18 EXHIBIT "A" PC RESOLUTION 17-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 15-02 AND MINOR EXCEPTION 17-18, PERMITTING THE EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING LEGAL NONCONFORMING PLACE OF RELIGIOUS ASSEMBLY USE AND ENLARGEMENT OF AN EXISTING LEGAL NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE, LOCATED AT 7915 HELLMAN AVENUE (APN: 5287-015- 022), IN A LIGHT MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL (R-2) ZONE. WHEREAS, on January 14, 2015, Frank Contreras of Open Bible Church submitted a Conditional Use Permit and Minor Exception application, a request to expand the existing legal nonconforming place of religious assembly use and to enlarge the existing legal nonconforming structure, located at 7915 Hellman Avenue; WHEREAS, 7915 Hellman Avenue is located in a Light Multiple Residential (R-2) zoning district; WHEREAS, Section 17.132.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code provides the criteria for a Conditional Use Permit; WHEREAS, Section 17.72.040(B)(1) and 17.142.020(A)(1) of the Rosemead Municipal Code provides the criteria for a Minor Exception; WHEREAS, Sections 65800 and 65900 of the California Government Code and Sections 17.132.040 and 17.142.020(A) of the Rosemead Municipal Code authorize the Planning Commission to approve, conditionally approve, or deny Conditional Use Permit and Minor Exception applications; WHEREAS, on September 7, 2017, 69 notices were sent to property owners within a 300 -foot radius from the subject property, the notice was published in the Rosemead Reader, and notices were posted in six public locations and on site, specifying the availability of the application, and the date, time, and location of the public hearing for Conditional Use Permit 15-02 and Minor Exception 17-18; WHEREAS, on September 18, 2017, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed and advertised public hearing to receive oral and written testimony relative to Conditional Use Permit 15-02 and Minor Exception 17-18; and WHEREAS, the Rosemead Planning Commission has sufficiently considered all testimony presented to them in order to make the following determination. Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 2017 Paae 10 of 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead as follows: SECTION 1. The Planning Commission HEREBY DETERMINES that Conditional Use Permit 15-02 and Minor Exception 17-18 are classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines exempts projects consisting of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. SECTION 2. The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that facts do exist to justify approving Conditional Use Permit 15-02, in accordance with Section 17.132.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code as follows: A. Approval of the application will not be or incompatible or injurious to other properties or land uses in the vicinity or create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. FINDING: The existing place of religious assembly use has been in operation prior to the incorporation of the City of Rosemead. The existing assembly area will not be enlarged, and all other accessory uses are designed to benefit the church members. Based on the scope of the project, the anticipated operation will be typical of a religious assembly use and will not attract injurious activity. Conditions of approval will add protection for the public health, safety, and general welfare. As such, the project will not create any foreseeable substantial negative impacts to the vicinity of the project site. B. The use is consistent with the General Plan. FINDING: According to the Land Use Element of the General Plan, in residential areas, in addition to the primary residential use, other uses, such as religious organizations, are permitted. The design of the project will be compatible with and complement the existing established residential neighborhood. C. The use is consistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. FINDING: Approval of the Conditional Use Permit with Conditions of Approval will ensure that the use is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Zoning Code. D. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. FINDING: Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines exempts projects consisting of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 2017 Paae 11 of 18 equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing of the time of the lead agency's determination. Accordingly, Conditional Use Permit 15-02 is classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 of California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. E. If development is provided for under the Conditional Use Permit, the project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the applicable standards and Design Guidelines in the overlying district. FINDING: The project site is located in a R-2 zoning district. The R-2 zoning district identifies areas characterized by single-family dwellings and duplexes. The R-2 standards are intended to maintain the character of existing neighborhoods while allowing the opportunity for duplex and smaller lot single-family development that is consistent with the General Plan Medium Density Residential land use designation. In addition to the residential use, the General Plan Land Use Element permit other uses, such as religious organizations. The existing structure has been utilized by a religious organization prior to the incorporation of the City of Rosemead. The project will maintain the character of the existing neighborhood as it was designed based on applicable R-2 zoning district standards. SECTION 3. The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that facts do exist to justify approving Minor Exception 17-18, in accordance with Section 17.72.040(B)(1) and 17.142.020(A)(1) of the Rosemead Municipal Code as follows: A. structure that is legal nonconforming due to setbacks, height, or other similar development standard, but not including floor area, may be enlarged or extended provided that the enlargement shall not increase the degree of nonconformity nor shall it extend into any conforming setback area. FINDING: The proposed addition would not increase the degree of nonconformity nor extend into any conforming setback area, as the proposed addition complies with the minimum setback requirements of the R-2 zone. B. Minor Exceptions of the rear yard, side yard, lot coverage, driveway, or parking stall size as may be necessary to secure an appropriate improvement of a lot to prevent unreasonable hardship or to promote uniformity of appearance, provided such exceptions do not exceed a 20 -percent exception from existing regulations. FINDING: The project includes a 17 -percent exception from the minimum landscape area requirement of 20 -percent lot coverage. Allowing additional off-street parking spaces to be provided in lieu of satisfying the minimum landscapearea requirement, would benefit the community by lessening the need for church members to park off-site. To improve the aesthetics of the parking area from public view, the applicant has proposed to allocate a significant amount of landscaping towards the front of the project site. Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 2017 Paae 12 of 18 SECTION 4. The Planning Commission HEREBY APPROVES Conditional Use Permit 15-02 and Minor Exception 17-18, permitting the expansion of the existing legal nonconforming place of religious assembly use and enlargement of the existing legal nonconforming structure, located at 7915 Hellman Avenue, and subject to the conditions listed in Attachment "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 5. This action shall become final and effective ten days after this decision by the Planning Commission, unless within such time a written appeal is filed with the City Clerk for consideration by the ,Rosemead City Council as provided in Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.150.040 —Appeals of Decisions. SECTION 6. This resolution is the result of an action taken by the Planning Commission on September 18, 2017, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: SECTION 7. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall transmit copies of same to the applicants and the Rosemead City Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 18th day of September 2017. Sean Dang, Chair Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 2017 Page 13 of 18 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead at its regular meeting, held on the 18th day of September 2017, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Lily T. Valenzuela, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kane Thuyen, Planning Commission Attorney Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 2017 Paqe 14 of 18 ATTACHMENT "K" (PC RESOLUTION 17-18) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 15-02 AND MINOR EXCEPTION 17-18 7915 HELLMAN AVENUE (APN: 5287-015-022) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SEPTEMBER 18, 2017 Standard Conditions of Approvals 1. Conditional Use Permit 15-02 and Minor Exception 17-18 ('Project') is approved for the expansion of the existing legal nonconforming place of religious assembly use and enlargement of the existing legal nonconforming structure, located at 7915 Hellman Avenue, in accordance with the plans marked Exhibit "B", dated August 14, 2017. Any revisions to the approved plans must be resubmitted for Planning Division review and, if satisfactory, approval. 2. The following conditions must be complied with to the satisfaction of the Planning Division prior to final approval of the associated plans, building permits, occupancy permits, or any other appropriate request. 3. The conditions listed on this exhibit shall be copied directly onto any development plans subsequently submitted to the Planning and Building Divisions. 4. Approval of Project shall not take effect for any purpose until the applicant(s) have filed with the City of Rosemead ("City") a notarized affidavit stating that he/she is aware of and accepts all of the conditions of approval as set forth in the letter of approval and this list of conditions within ten (10) days from the Planning Commission approval date. 5. The on-site public hearing notice posting shall be removed by the end of the 10 - day appeal period of Project. 6. Project is approved for a period of one (1) year. The applicant(s) shall commence the approved project or request an extension within 30 calendar days prior to expiration. The one (1) year initial approval period shall be effective from the Planning Commission approval date. For the purpose of this petition, project commencement shall be defined as beginning the permitting process with the Planning and Building Divisions, so long as the project is not abandoned. If Project has been unused, abandoned, or discontinued for a period of one (1) year, it shall become null and void. 7. The Planning Commission hereby authorizes the Planning Division to make and/or approve minor modifications to the project and to these conditions of approval. Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 2017 Paae 15 of 18 8. Project is granted or approved with the City and its Planning Commission and City Council retaining and reserving the right and jurisdiction to review and to modify the permit, including the conditions of approval based on changed circumstances. Changed circumstances include, but are not limited to, the modification of the use, a change in scope, emphasis, size, or nature of the use, or the expansion, alteration, reconfiguration, or change of use. This reservation of right to review is in addition to, and not in lieu of, the right of the City, its Planning Commission, and City Council to review and revoke or modify any permit granted or approved under the Rosemead Municipal Code for any violations of the conditions imposed on Project. 9. The applicant(s) shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Rosemead or its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Rosemead or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set side, void, or annul, an approval of the Planning Commission and/or City Council concerning the project, which action is brought within the time period provided by law. 10. The applicant(s) shall comply with all Federal, State, and local laws relative to the approved use, including the requirements of the Planning, Building, Fire, Sheriff, and Health Departments. 11. Building permits will not be issued in connection with any project until such time as all plan check fees and all other applicable fees are paid in full. Prior to issuance of building permits, any required school fees shall be paid. The applicant shall provide the City with written verification of compliance from the applicable school districts. 12. The numbers of the address signs shall be at least six (6) inches tall with a minimum character width of 3/4 inch, contrasting in color and easily visible at driver's level from the street. Materials, colors, location, and size of such address numbers shall be approved by the Community Development Director, or his/her designee, prior to installation. 13. The hours of construction shall be limited from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. No construction shall take place on Sundays or on any federal holiday, without prior approval by the City. The applicant shall abide by the noise control sections of the Rosemead Municipal Coder 14. The Building Division, Planning Division, and Engineering Division shall have access to the project site at any time during construction to monitor progress. 15. All requirements of the Building and Safety Division, Planning Division, and Engineering Division shall be complied with prior to the final approval of the proposed construction. Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 2017 Paae 16 of 18 16. Violations of the conditions of approval may result in citation and/or initiation of revocation proceedings. Project Specific Conditions of Approval 17. The number of fixed seats provided within the assembly area shall not exceed 270 fixed seats, provided that a minimum of 54 off-street parking spaces are maintained on the project site. At the discretion of the Community Development Director, changes to the scope of the project shall utilize the following ratio to determine the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required: a. One off-street parking space per five fixed seats (one space per 20 linear inches of bench seating area shall be considered a fixed seat); or b. One off-street parking space per 75 square feet of floor area used for assembly not containing seats. 18. Prior to the issuance of any building permits associated with Project, the single- family dwelling unit and garage located towards the west property line shall be demolished and removed. 19. Adequate lighting shall be maintained in the parking areas. All lighting sources shall be directed towards the interior of the property and shielded downwards. 20. The parking lot and driveway shall be periodically re -slurry sealed and re -striped per City of Rosemead standards, to the satisfaction of the Planning Division. The parking area shall be striped in accordance with the approved plans. 21. All existing and proposed fences and walls shall be consistent in design and complement the approved design of the primary building. All proposed fences, walls, and landscape screening shall comply with the Rosemead Municipal Code. 22. All landscape areas shall be rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the Planning Division. 23. A new fully enclosed trash enclosure shall be constructed. A solid roof cover, to the satisfaction of the Planning Division, shall be provided for the trash enclosure. The roof shall provide adequate clearance to allow complete access of waste bins. The trash enclosure shall be equipped with self-closing, solid, doors. 24. Project shall comply with the City of Rosemead Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and any other drought tolerant requirements in effect. Public Works Department Conditions of Approval 25. Remove and replace any broken sidewalk. 26. Install two 36 -inch box parkway trees. Planning Commission Meeting September 18, 2017 Paoe 17 of 18 27. An Encroachment Permit from Public Works Department shall be obtained for any improvements on the right-of-way. Geological Condition of Approval 28. In concurrence with the recommendations provided by GeoSystems, Inc. in their response letter, the excavation for the proposed retaining wall on the west side of the property shall be observed and recorded by a geologist from that firm. The field review shall verify that their conclusions regarding the potential for surface fault rupture are correct, and that no fault trace or evidence of ground deformation is exposed in the excavation. The geological findings of that review shall be submitted to the City as a supplemental report upon completion of the retaining wall excavation. If evidence of faulting is encountered, the City's Building Department and the undersigned shall be notified immediately, and a site meeting scheduled. 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