CC - Item 5A - Claims and Demands 2017-52 RESOLIIl ION NO. 2017-52 A RESOLUTION OFTHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF 536,650.75 NUMBER 97623 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND M:DE A PART HEREOF Now. LHERItFORE. '111 k CITY COUNCIL OF IIIE CITY OF ROSEMEAD. DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DELLARE, DELL RHINE. AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I.the Finance Diee(OL has certilled as to the accuracy of the attached listine of demands and as to the availability of funds. SE(:TION 2.1 he attached listed cl:,iins and demands have been audited as required by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certi f) to the adoption of this resolution and hereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. [he same are hereby allowed in the amour! set forth above. In accordance tv°ith Section 37202 of the Government Code, the finance Director does hereby ccrtili as to to the accuracy of the above checks and as to the availability of ummds for payment thereof. 43's / Q2 . w�� /L ' Bill R titan!, City Manager Pearl Lieu, Finance Director PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 24'° day of October. 2017. Polly, LOw, Mayor APPROVED AS !U FORM: NI PSI` Rachel Richman. City Attorney Marc Donohue, City Clerk STATIC 01 CAL(I'URN IA ITEM NO. 5.A COI N IY OF 1.0S ) ( iiYO1' ROSLMLU ) I, Marc Donohue. City Clerk of the City Council of th : City of Rosemead, Califbmia. do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution, No. 2017-52. was duly adopted by the (tit} Council of the Cit) of Rosemead, California. at a recu'ar meeting thereof held on the 24° day of October, 2017, by the Col fowing vote. to wif AYES: NOES: ABSItN l : ABS"AIN: \'. to Donohue City Clerk -- City expense Approval Report # 17-52 A7 a of Rosemead, CA By Vendor Name 1�.i, _ t tv I Post Dates 06/30/2017-06/30/2017 Payment Dates 09/07/2017 -09/19/2017 \.:fit_ -/ Payment Number Payable Number Description(Payable) (None) Account Number Amount Vendor:6664-ST.FRANCIS ELECTRIC 97623 1665615 TRAFFIC SIGNAL 2453010-5365 4 6950 MAINT/RESPONSE/IUNE 2017 97623 1665616 TRAP FIC SIGNAL MAIM/JUNE 245-3010-5355 4,32125 201/ 9/623 1665617 TRAFFICSTGNAL 2453010-5365 5,480.00 MAINT/RESPONSE/UNE 2017 97623 1665618 EMERGENCY RESPONSE/06 29 245-3010-5365 22,15200 2017/WALNUT GROVE Vendor 6664-STT.FRANCIS ELECTRIC Total 36,650.75 Grand Total 36,650.75 City expense Approval Report p 17-52 Post Dates:06/30/2017-06/30/2017 Payment Dates:09/07/2017-09/19/2017 Report Summary Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount Payment Amount 245-Street ii^lnl es Dlstrkt 36 650.75 35,650.75 Grand Total: 36,650.75 36,650.75 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount Payment Amount 2453010-5365 Ira Ric ndnal msntenance 36.650.75 36,650.75 Grand Total: 36,650.75 36,650.75 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount Payment Amount "None" 36,650.75 36.650,75 Grand Total: 36,650.75 36,650.75