CC - Item 5E - Request For Traffic Improvements - Intersection of Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue (Near Bitely Elementary School) S E M f OIket&q it. ° ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL PH.DE STAFF REPORT NI TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS, CITY MANAGER, ,4t DATE: OCTOBER 24, 2017 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS — INTERSECTION OF FERN AVENUE AND JACKSON AVENUE (NEAR BITELY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) SUMMARY The Traffic Commission received a request from the Garvey School District's Chief Business Officer, Grace Garner, regarding traffic concerns at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Fern Avenue. This intersection serves two nearby schools: Bitely Elementary School and Garvey Intermediate School. On September 7,2017,the Traffic Commission reviewed conditions at this intersection and recommended to paint advance"Stop"lines 4-feet prior to the crosswalks in all four legs of the intersection of Fern Avenue i and Jackson Avenue, paint 20-feet of red curb on all corners at the same intersection, and repaint all existing red curbing within the area. DISCUSSION Ms. Garner expressed her concerns with heavy traffic building up in the AM and midday peak hours at the intersection of Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue, which are in direct conflict with students crossing this same intersection to get to and from each of the two adjacent schools. Fern Avenue is considered a local residential street that is approximately 32-feet wide and has a posted school speed limit sign of 25 miles per hour(mph) for vehicles traveling east bound. There is no existing marked centerline. Parking is permitted on both sides of Fern Avenue with the exception of street sweeping restrictions and intermittent red curb approaching Bitely Elementary School. Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue is an all-way stop controlled intersection with yellow ladder crosswalks on all four legs. Land use along Fern Avenue is defined as medium density residential with public facilities. Bitely Elementary School is located on the northwest corner with Jackson Avenue. Jackson Avenue is considered a residential street that is approximately 32-feet wide. Along Jackson Avenue,between Fern Avenue and Garvey Avenue,is a dashed yellow center line. Between Egley Avenue and Garvey Avenue, there is a posted school speed limit sign of 25 mph on the west side of Garvey Intermediate School for the south bound direction and a 30 mph posted speed limit south of the intersection with Fern Avenue. Parking is permitted on both sides of Jackson Avenue with the exception of street sweeping restrictions and a 2-hour parking limit from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on the east side of Jackson Avenue. The intersection with Fern Avenue is east of Bitely Elementary. Land use along Jackson Avenue ITEM NO. 5.E City Council Meeting October 24,2017 Page 2 of 5 is defined as medium density residential with public facilities. Garvey Intermediate School is located northeast of the corridor between Fern Avenue and Garvey Avenue. Staff reviewed the request with Transtech Engineering, a City approved Traffic Engineering consulting firm,and determined a number of improvements to mitigate traffic concerns at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Fern Avenue to increase pedestrian visibility. By painting advance "Stop" lines 4-feet prior to the crosswalks in all four legs of the intersection of Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue and painting 20- feet of red curb on all corners at the same intersection, motorist will be reminded that they approaching a school zone and to watch for pedestrians. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to paint advance"Stop" lines 4-feet prior to the crosswalks in all four legs of the intersection of Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue, paint 20-feet of red curb on all corners at the same intersection, and repaint all exiting red curbing within the area. FISCAL IMPACT Funding for this type of roadway improvement is included in the Annual Maintenance and Operations Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18 under the Public Works Department, Field Services Division. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT—None ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (C) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Submitted By: ,J C R ael M. Fajardo, P.E., City Engineer Michelle G. Ramirez, Directo Public Works Attachment A—Vicinity Map Showing Existing Curb Markings Attachment B —Diagram of Proposed Plans Attachment C —Traffic Commission Staff Report(September 7, 2017) I City Council Meeting October 24,2017 Page 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT A VICINITY MAP - - arve Av- - _ . _e; ` LEGEND A �o- a -� ;I1 _ I s " ie R. r-as 5 _i."' •1 :_� .. Fern Ave and Jackson y • '� '',I''` r- 4 '�'! O Ave Intersection i +;-+ m r • ,_ ,D _ `g° .1 ...Awe, ,. m�_ a .` : 1. All Way Stop rr a D �' Richard Garvey k . Control s < • I f< }=ice �, ,�,._,• -- -k ?r,V*. �c+ 1: Intermediate mar = 2 Marked '"'III-. �'� - School - "'r Crosswalks in 1'' --,] •- "i'i 'e. ' >�t i i T All Legs •§ t'" • Stripped Yellow I9 e m .11.• t J Ladder Am,;-, a Newmark Ave ► o , $$ ,,., .� .. 'via,_ _.J a -,,,t.., :E Bitely Elementary < .4$ � *. •� School (7501 Fern .A _ tis • ii, y Avenue, Rosemead, CA cam: t *_ >L �. ' 91770) } �` em Av —� Mr -1,, a ' ' -t JF` ' Richard Garvey .y; • 1—.. '• ■ Intermediate School • 7 „� #1 -=.- ;. ii1 , I.?" ' (2720 Jackson Avenue, i-4' , JrJa!ave . t.. . •,. _�,, D .-'.z?=•� - Ave. . -I '"-11L----L-:"-AL. ^' _' `i r�" a ----r -- i City Council Meeting October 24,2017 Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT B DIAGRAM OF PROPOSED PLANS Bitely -- W'14La>J'e111i -fie•�I . •mentary „.a , ; --P maw► 1'1001 ii f•: tV1 .,. .•� $ --- - 11111111 4wl141111.'FT -T' Fern Avenue "� ..� �— 11.: -,-?:—...,,..::,4„:=:-.. i •i I • - • . ... \ HUM \ . . _ • AR . , . ill { • , fir . _ ___ „iiiii. . .., ,, ter- i s ...� Iii LEGEND Please note this is a conceptual diagram and is not be to scale. !/ Recommended Proposed Hardscape Improvements at Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue: N 0 Paint 20' (feet)of red curb on all corners of the intersection approaching the crosswalks and repaint existing 20' (feet) of red curb on the southwest corner CI Install advanced stop line 4' (feet) prior to the crosswalk approach City Council Meeting October 24,2017 Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT C TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT (September 7,2017) -Sri M- • R-ill„,,f 4ar0 ,u(4. 7_.--.-...--1-.1. ,r OSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION Civ1C PRIDE STAFF REPORT 4HctivoRAT6°.°6 9 , TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: MICHELLE G. RAMIREZ, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: SEPTEMBER 07, 2017 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT AT FERN AVENUE AND JACKSON AVENUE (INTERSECTION NEAR BITELY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) BACKGROUND The Traffic Commission received a request from the Garvey School District's Chief Business Officer, Grace Garner, regarding the support of a crossing guard (crossing guard is not part of this report) at the intersection of Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue due to heavy traffic during the AM and midday peak. This intersection serves two nearby schools: Bitely Elementary School and Garvey Intermediate School. While the crossing guard is under the purview of the ( City Manager's Office, staff did review the traffic flow at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Fern Avenue to determine needed improvements to increase pedestrian visibility. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission propose to the City Council, painting advance "Stop” lines 4-feet prior to the crosswalks in all four legs of the intersection of Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue, and painting 20-feet of red curb on all corners at the same intersection. If red curb is already existing, it should be repainted. ANALYSIS Ms. Garner expressed her concerns with heavy traffic building up in the AM and midday peak hours at the intersection of Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue, which are in direct conflict with students crossing this.same intersection to get to and from each of the two adjacent schools. Staff reviewed the request with Transtech Engineering, a City approved Traffic Engineering consulting firm. Transtech Engineering recommended a number of improvements, including striping and red curbing at the intersection of Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue to increase pedestrian visibility. Fern Avenue is considered a local residential street that is approximately 32-feet wide and has a posted school speed limit sign of 25 miles per hour (mph) for vehicles traveling east bound. There is no existing marked centerline. Parking is permitted on both sides of Fern Avenue with the exception of street sweeping restrictions and intermittent red curb approaching Bitely ( Elementary School. Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue is an all-way stop controlled intersection with yellow ladder crosswalks on all four legs. Land use along Fern Avenue is defined as medium density residential with public facilities. Bitely Elementary School is located on the northwest corner with Jackson Avenue Traffic Commission Meeting September 07,2017 Page 2 of 8 Jackson Avenue is considered a residential street that is approximately 32-feet wide. Along Jackson Avenue, between Fern Avenue and Garvey Avenue, is a dashed yellow center line. Between Egley Avenue and Garvey Avenue, there is a posted school speed limit sign of 25 mph on the west side of Garvey Intermediate School for the south bound direction and a 30 mph posted speed limit south of the intersection with Fern Avenue. Parking is permitted on both sides of Jackson Avenue with the exception of street sweeping restrictions and a 2-hour parking limit from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on the east side of Jackson Avenue. The intersection with Fern Avenue is east of Bitely Elementary. Land use along Jackson Avenue is defined as medium density residential with public facilities. Garvey Intermediate School is located northeast of the corridor between Fern Avenue and Garvey Avenue. Driver Observance of Stop Signs As a part of the traffic review, counts of driver observance of the stop signs at the intersection of Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue were taken. These counts intended to determine whether the motorists: 1. Failed to Stop 2. Stopped in the Crosswalk 3. Did Not Let Pedestrians Clear the Intersection According to the data obtained in the am peak hours of 7:30 am to 9:00 am, a maximum of 11 vehicles traveling eastbound through the intersection failed to stop, a maximum of 47 northbound vehicles traveling through the intersection stopped in the crosswalk, and a maximum of 1 vehicle did not let pedestrians clear the intersection. In the PM peak hours of 12:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m., a maximum of 9 northbound travelers going through the intersection failed to stop, a maximum of 25 vehicles traveling eastbound through the intersection stopped in the crosswalk, and 0 vehicles did not let pedestrians clear the intersection. The painting of advance "Stop" lines 4-feet prior to the crosswalks in all four legs of the intersection of Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue and painting 20-feet of red curb on all corners at the same intersection, will remind motorist that they approaching a school zone and to watch for pedestrians. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, which includes a 300-foot radius notice to 38 property owners and postings of the notice at the six public locations. Prepared By: Submitted By: e fael M. Fajardo, P.E. Michelle G. Ramirez 0 City Engineer Director of Public Works Traffic Commission Meeting September 07,2017 Page3of8 Attachments: 1. School District's Request 2. Vicinity Map 3. Proposed Recommendations 4. Public Notification • • 4 • Traffic Commission Meeting September 07,2017 Page 4 of 8 Attachment 1 School District's Request(Page 1 of 2) From: Garner,Grace Sent:Wednesday,March 01,2017 4:37 PM Subject:Fwd: Crossing Guard Request-Corner of Jackson and Fern Hello, The Garvey School District is requesting the City of Rosemead traffic division check the traffic flow on the corner of Jackson and Fern to support a crossing guard position under the safe routes to school grant if available. When your schedule permits,could you please let me know how we can make our request for consideration of a crossing guard position at this corner?Also,what would be the timeline to evaluate this corner to see if the city can support this position? School Hours: Bitely • Start: 8:20 a.m. • End:2:35 p.m. • Wed.End: 1:35 Garvey • Start: 8:02 a.m. • End:2:30 p.m. • Wed.End: 1:30 Thank you in advance for your time.We look forward to working with you. Kind Regards, Chief Business Officer Garvey School District 2730 N.Del Mar Ave. Rosemead,CA 91770 • ggarnerc garvey.k12.ca.us Tel: 626-307-3404 Fax: 626-307-3232 "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." • Eleanor Rooselvelt ' I • { Traffic Commission Meeting September 07, 2017 Page 5 of 8 Attachment I School District's Request(Page 2 of 2) Forwarded message From: Garner,Grace Date:'I'ue,Jan 24,2017 at 3:50 PM Subject: Crossing Guard Request-Corner of Jackson and Fern Happy New Year Michael, I hope all is going well in the city for you and your team! We continue to have safety concerns of the traffic flow on Jackson and Fern due to the cars from the parents of Bitely School and Garvey Intermediate School that cause a heavy traffic build up in the AM and PM times with many students crossing on this corner to get to and from school. The Garvey School District is requesting the City of Rosemead traffic division check the traffic flow on the corner of Jackson and Fern to support a crossing guard position under the safe routes to school grant if available. When your schedule permits,could you please let me know how we can make our request for consideration of a crossing guard position at this corner?Also,what would be the timeline to evaluate this corner to see if the city can support this position? Thank you in advance for your time. I look forward to working with you. Best, Grace Garner Chief Business Officer Garvey School District 2730 N. Del Mar Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 agarner(a�garvev.k 12.ca.us Tel: 626-307-3404 Fax: 626-307-3232 "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." Eleanor Rooselvelt Ng 1 • :•l i�Jul rri� Traffic Commission Meeting September 07,2017 Page 6 of 8 Attachment 2 Vicinity Map .05140---- -�-- Carve Av:-. ,, _ � ` ` ' - .. . . LEGEND N , 1. - a „ 7E - ,- 1 _ r'� m_ Fern Ave and Jackson i :`;r - 1>./.1.70.:. -. Ave Intersection 'ssk t✓ c r . ,<t.0."-• A..—`a„ , 1. All Way Stop omin .,c.:77am .L ,� s J.y — .io zi:A I r Control •.. ,. tt. _— _* t°► i 2. Marked •= �`7►� —'�°1- ' = -y Crosswalks in 01-• All Legs • _j, __ � i_ .i'�+ Stripped Yellow �► _ 1 t._L Ladder a» i- ewmark Av: -1 - { , ); ,t ,,�',L `T j t Bitely Elementary r < _.r ' School (7501 Fern ` i r ..% 1 , •. ' Pr w '. , r ;' . Avenue, Rosemead,CA p,::G4.4"1" ----:1�....°.�..� r`*Ave'''. -_ .. .-' . 1 1.al �1 ^ 4 r 91770) Fern - K �1P+' * ... 'F .,. -"al . - : �' �, 1 :,1 ,� 1".‘ • Richard Garvey -i+ �" i Intermediate School ii,„,. 1.. • �i » a, 6. y + .`,: w (2720 Jackson Avenue, • •� s or`: . IW--.. a j • � `A!.. Ir , ....Ad,.1„ .,.r............. (`A C11 7711\ zii r- -_ - .s., y -Garvalia Aver, _ �1 "''r Traffic Commission Meeting September 07,2017 Page 7 of 8 Attachment 3 Proposed Recommendations i 11��t1 '_R ..• -I I ,I.. 1 1 �n i 16 _' 4 lei...._..v_ , LS i . -r--:---- - ''11111111 !8i 11=127121C —.I c, , ,,,..., " . i •3 t.. . , . , _ ,..,,,, _, ... .i_ llIr'''"' , I . 9 1 f fes. ' 11111111111114 TT ! T LEGEND Please note this is a conceptual diagram and is not be to scale. �/� Recommended Proposed Hardscape Improvements at Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue: N OPaint 20'(feet)of red curb on all corners of the intersection approaching the crosswalks and repaint existing 20' (feet)of red curb on the southwest corner OInstall advanced stop line 4' (feet) prior to the crosswalk approach i Traffic Commission Meeting September 07,2017 Page 8 of 8 Attachment 4 City of Rosemead Traffic Concern Notification NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, September 7, 2017, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Rosemead Traffic Commission will hold a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall,8838 E.Valley Boulevard,Rosemead,California 91770. for the purpose of reviewing traffic conditions at the intersection Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue as requested by the Garvey School District. You are being notified of this meeting because your property is within close proximity to the location. We encourage your comments regarding traffic safety in this area. Citizens'wishing to comment may do so by either attending the Traffic Commission meeting, or by sending a comment letter by 5:00 p.m.on Thursday, September 7, 2017. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Attention: Mrs. Michelle Ramirez, Director of Public Works Mitten comments may be mailed to the above address, emailed to mramirezAcityofrosemead.orq, or faxed to(626) 307-9218. Again, only letters 'eceived by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 7, 2017, will be accepted. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of Rosemead. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the City Engineer, Rafael Fajardo, at(626)569-2151. For information please call: Para obtener más informacibn,favor de Ilamar al: V.l7 1, AIM: fNi: De biet them chi tiet,xin pi: 626-569-2150 Proposed Recommendations Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue , .7. .„„,..,, ElliTic -. g- .7' .• . . ... ..„ . , ... 7111C:4.-9111111-1: 14*-11 1:;17 LEGEND A Please note this is a conceptual diagram and is not be to scale. Recommended Proposed Hardscape Improvements at Fern Avenue and Jackson Avenue: N OPaint 20'(feet)of red curb on all corners of the intersection approaching the crosswalks and repaint existing 20'(feet)of red curb on the southwest corner 0 Install advanced stop line 4'(feet)prior to the crosswalk approach