CC - Agenda - 11-14-17CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AND CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL, THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION JOINT REGULAR MEETING AGENDA City Hall Council Chamber 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 www.citvofrosemead.org Tuesday, November 14, 2017, at 6:00 P.M. - Special Meeting & 7:00 P.M. - Regular Meeting City Council Polly Low, Mayor Steven Ly, Mayor Pro Tem William Alarcon, Councilmember Sandra Armenta, Councilmember Margaret Clark, Councilmember OOE 4 Public Comment from the Audience If you ivish to address the City Council, please complete a Speaker Request Card, as it must be handed to the City Clerk before the start of the meeting. • The City Council will hear public comments on matters not listed on the agenda during the Public Comments from the Audience period. • Opportunity to address the City Council (on non -agenda items) is limited to 3 minutes per speaker. • The City Council will hear public comments on items listed on the agenda during discussion of the matter and prior to a vote. Brown Act Pursuant to provisions of the Brown Act, no action may be taken on a matter unless it is listed on the agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist The City Council may direct staff to investigate and/or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future City Council meeting. Rules of Decorum Persons attending the meeting shall observe rules of propriety, decorum, good conduct, and refrain from impertinent or slanderous remarks. Violation of this rule shall result in such persons being barred from further audience before the governing body. Pursuant to Gov. Code Sect. 54954.3(c), any person who engages in unlmvful interference shall be removed from chambers. Americans with Disabilities Act In compliance with the ADA, ifyou need special assistance to participate in this meeting please contact the City Clerk's office at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to allow the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting or service. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Rosemead City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office during normal business hours. City Council, the Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Joint Meeting Agenda November 14, 2017 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL 1. WORKSHOP A. Website Redesign Update 2. CLOSED SESSION The City Council will meet in Closed Session to discuss the following items: A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (d)(1) Case Name: City of Rosemead vs. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Case Number: BS169937 B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- ANTICIPATED LITIGATION: Significant exposure to litigation 54956.9(d)(2) : (I potential case) RECONVENE TO REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P.M. Fff.va�] �:I ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Low INVOCATION — Councilmember Armenta 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. PRESENTATIONS - None 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Extension of Citywide Moratorium on Non -Medical Marijuana Facilities and Private Marijuana Cultivation Under Ordinance Nos. 969 and 971, the City has enacted a temporary moratorium pertaining to private marijuana cultivation and non-medical marijuana facilities. This moratorium will expire on December 12, 2017. The proposed urgency ordinance will extend the moratorium for one year while City Staff continues to study a potential permanent ordinance regulating all marijuana land uses in the City. City Council, the Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Joint Meeting Agenda November 14, 2017 Recommendation: That the City Council adopt urgency Ordinance No. 977 under Government Code section 65858(a), extending the citywide moratorium on non- medical marijuana facilities and private marijuana cultivation, except for private indoor cultivation of six marijuana plants or less, which are subject to reasonable regulations. This extension ordinance requires a four-fifths vote for adoption. AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, EXTENDING A TEMPORARY MORATORIUM PERTAINING TO PRIVATE MARIJUANA CULTIVATION AND NON-MEDICAL MARIJUANA FACILITIES B. Public Hearing on Modification 17-05, A City Initiated Request for Review The City is initiating a Request for Review, requested by Council Member Margaret Clark, under Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) Section 17.160.060, to further review Modification 17-05. On October 16, 2017, the Planning Commission approved Modification 17-05, a request to modify the commercial component of a previously approved mixed-use project to a shopping center use, for the incorporation of restaurant use. Recommendation: That the City Council either uphold or reverse the Planning Commission's decision for Modification 17-05. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Claims and Demands Resolution No. 2017-62 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,222,430.10 NUMBERED 97999 THROUGH NUMBER 98114 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2017-62 B. City Council Meeting Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council approve the minutes from the regular meeting on October 24, 2017. C. Installation of Red Curb — 9428 Valley Boulevard The Traffic Commission received a request from the business owner at 9428 Valley Boulevard to paint the red curbing on the east and west side of the property's driveway. The business owner's complaint describes a lack of visibility when City Council, the Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Joint Meeting Agenda November 14, 2017 exiting the property's driveway due to vehicles parked along the curb. On October 5, 2017, the Traffic Commission reviewed the traffic conditions and recommended the installation of 5 -feet of red curb on the east and west side of the driveway apron. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to install 5 -feet of red curb on the east and west side of the driveway apron. D. Traffic Calming at Fern Avenue Between Walnut Grove Avenue and La Presa Street The Traffic Commission received a request from a resident to review traffic conditions at Fern Avenue between Walnut Grove Avenue and Muscatel Avenue. The resident is concerned with vehicles speeding along this street. On October 5, 2017, the Traffic Commission reviewed the traffic conditions and recommended the installation of speed limit signs along Fern Avenue. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to install Speed Limit 25 mph" (R2-1) signs on Fern Avenue and Paljay Avenue for eastbound traffic and Fern Avenue and La Presa Avenue for westbound traffic. E. Traffic Conditions at Olney Street and Temple City Boulevard The Traffic Commission received a request from a resident to review traffic conditions at Olney Street and Temple City Boulevard. The resident is concerned with vehicles making U-turns in the middle of Olney Street to avoid entering westbound 10 freeway. On October 5, 2017, the Traffic Commission reviewed the traffic conditions and recommended a number of improvements to Olney Street to help alleviate this problem. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendations to: 1. Install approximately 80 -feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 -feet apart west of Temple City Boulevard along the centerline; 2. Install "Entrance Only" sign to the existing "10 -West Fwy" sign at Olney Street and Ellis Lane; 3. Install freeway entrance pavement marker on the roadway; and, 4. Remove a right turn only sign and, instead, install a right lane freeway only sign on Olney Street. F. Introduction and Adoption of Ordinance No. 976 — Moving the Date of the City's General Municipal Election Date to the First Tuesday after the First Monday in 4 City Council, the Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Joint Meeting Agenda November t4,2017 March of Even -Numbered Years and Resolution 2017-63 — Adopting a Plan to Consolidate with a State Wide Election Date On October 24, 2017, the City Council received a report regarding Senate Bill (SB) No. 415, the California Voter Participation Rights Act. SB 415 prohibits a local government from holding an election other than on a statewide election date if holding an election on a nonconcurrent date has previously resulted in a significant decrease in voter turnout. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: 1. Introduce and adopt, by title only, Ordinance No. 976, moving the date of the City's general municipal election date to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March of even -numbered years. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 1.12.010 OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO MOVING THE CITY'S GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS TO THE FIRST TUESDAY AFTER THE FIRST MONDAY IN MARCH OF EACH EVEN -NUMBERED YEARS BEGINNING IN MARCH OF 2020 2. Approve Resolution No. 2017-63, adopting plans pertaining to the future consolidation of elections with a statewide election no later than the November 8, 2022, statewide general election. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING PLANS PERTAINING TO THE FUTURE CONSOLIDATION OF ELECTIONS WITH A STATEWIDE ELECTION NO LATER THAN THE NOVEMBER 8, 2022, STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION G. City Wide Tree Planting Project (Jay Imperial Park —Project No. 12027) —Award of Contract On May 5, 2014, the City received a $100,000 award letter from the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District for the Jay Imperial Park Grant (#58H8-14-2428), which will be used to plant parkway trees around the vicinity of Jay Imperial Park. This project will beautify the City and improve the environment. Staff has completed the bidding process for this project and is requesting that the City Council award this project to the lowest responsive bidder. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: 5 City Council, the Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Joint Meeting Agenda November 14, 2017 1. Approve the plans and specifications for the City Wide Tree Planting Project (Project No. 12027); and 2. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Green Giant Landscape, Inc for the City Wide Tree Planting Project in the amount of $105,750 and establish an amount of $10,000 (approximate 10%) to cover the cost of unforeseen construction expenses. H. Rejection of Bid for Sidewalk Installation Project — Klingerman Street from La Presa Avenue to Paljay Avenue (Project No. 21006) On October 24, 2017, the City Council approved a budget appropriation of $57,000 for sidewalk repairs from the General Fund unassigned fund balance to meet the "Maintenance of Effort" (MOE) requirement as part of the City's match under Senate Bill (SB) 1, known as the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (RMRA). It is staff s intent to use these funds towards the "Sidewalk Installation Project — Klingerman Street from La Presa Avenue to Paljay Avenue." This project consists of installation of sidewalk on the north side of the street, including parkway trees and others, and is intended to fill the missing sidewalk at this location as requested by residents and to be in compliance with ADA. Staff has completed the bidding process and is requesting that the City Council reject the bid and authorized staff to rebid. The City only received one bid, from M. W. Loyd, Inc, in the amount of $83,860. Unfortunately, this bid amount is approximately 40% more than the City Engineer's estimate of $50,000. Staff contacted other potential bidders to find out why additional bids were not submitted. Respondents indicated that they were busy with other projects and due to the large amount of work currently available, they are able to be selective in the bidding of projects. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council reject the bid submitted by M. W. Loyd, Inc., in the amount of $83,860.00, for the Sidewalk Installation Project (Project No. 21006) and authorize staff to re -bid the project as proposed. I. Quarterly Interim Financial Update for the Quarter Ending on September 30, 2017 The City of Rosemead Quarterly Financial Update for the Quarter that ended on September 30, 2017, is attached for City Council review. The Treasurer's Report of Cash and Investments for the City as of September 30, 2017, is also attached for review. It should be noted, that the annual financial reports for the Fiscal Year that ended on June 30, 2017, are currently being prepared and reviewed by the City's auditor. These reports should be available in early January 2018. Recommendation: That the City Council receive and file the Financial Update report (Attachment A) and the Treasurer's Report of Cash and Investments (Attachment B). Treasurer's Report for the City of Rosemead Successor Agency to the Rosemead City Council, the Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Joint Meeting Agenda November 14, 2017 Community Development District for the Quarter Ending on September 30, 2017 The City of Rosemead Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development District (Successor Agency) prepares a quarterly Treasurer's Report of Cash and Investments. This report is reviewed by the Finance Committee each quarter. The attached Treasurer's Report is as of September 30, 2017. Recommendation: That the Board Members receive and file the Treasurer's Report of Cash and Investments (Attachment A). K. Treasurer's Report for the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation for the Quarter Ending on September 30, 2017 The Rosemead Housing Development Corporation (RHDC) prepares a quarterly Treasurer's Report of Cash and Investments. This report is reviewed by the Finance Committee each quarter. The attached Treasurer's Report is as of September 30, 2017. Recommendation: That the RHDC Board receive and file the Treasurer's Report of Cash and Investments (Attachment A). L. Rosemead Boulevard Highway Safety Improvement Program — Status Report As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2010-11 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) project that involves traffic safety and calming enhancements along Rosemead Boulevard from the Union Pacific Railroad Underpass (North City limit) to Mission Drive. This project is funded primarily through the State of California HSIP Program, with a total approved grant of approximately $454,000 and required City matching contribution of approximately $58,000, for a total grant of approximately $512,000. The projects original scope of work included the installation of wider crosswalks, pedestrian lighting, landscaped parkways, new traffic safety striping, a bike lane, signage, countdown pedestrian signals, and traffic signal improvements. Since Rosemead Boulevard is a State-owned highway, the project requires an encroachment permit from Caltrans prior construction. As a result, Caltrans has eliminated most of the original proposed items and is only allowing the installation of sidewalks and minor traffic modifications at the intersection of Mission Drive and Valley Boulevard, along Rosemead Boulevard. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. M. Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant for the Development of a Dog Park City staff is currently working with Global Urban Strategies to submit an application for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant that is due in February of 2018. The LWCF is a federally funded grant administered locally by City Council, the Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Joint Meeting Agenda November 14, 2017 the California Department of Parks and Recreation, to preserve natural resources and create opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation. The funding for the LWCF grant has been inconsistent and sparse in recent years, which leads officials to believe this grant cycle will be highly competitive. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to submit a grant application for the Land and Water Conservation Fund grant. The total project cost is $395,000. The local matching funds required are $197, 500 from unassigned general fund balance of which $197,500 will be reimbursed by this grant. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Appointment to the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District The City recently received a letter (attached) stating that the term of office for the representative from the City of Rosemead to the Board of Trustees for the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District ends on December 31, 2017. The Board of Trustees is respectively requesting that the City Council appoint a representative to the Board prior to its January 12, 2018, meeting. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council appoint a representative from the City of Rosemead to the Board of Trustees for the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District. 8. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. City Council Comments 9. ADJOURNMENT The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on December 12, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. I, Marc Donohue, City Clerk, or my designee, hereby certify that a true and correct, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted seventy-two hours prior to the meeting, per Government Code 54954.2, at the following locations: City Hall, 8838 East Valley Boulevard; Rosemead Community Recreation Center, 3936 N. Muscatel Avenue; Garvey Community Center, 9108 Garvey Avenue; Public Safety Center, 8301 Garvey Avenue; United States Post Office, 8845 Valley Boulevard; Rosemead Library, 8800 Valley Boulevard; and on the City's website (www.cityofrosemead.ora) Marc Donohue, City Clerk Date City Council, the Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Joint Meeting Agenda November 14, 2017 II spy N n ID ID n IDS 3 CL M no,3 < S N 0o 33m M ®, r o Q to CL ' Q° M OD co W 0 13D CO m -Q cn �3s w w�- Qa= MU) CL �A) Q `< ® 1I O (n Q Q O D1 �< < O Q x Q O N N ._ Q 3 Q DI O_ .� 4 Z U) mom Q CL 3 N CL m v Q n Q cr Q 3 m w 0 v 3 1 n -� O CL N 3 N KN v ID v n K Q s 3 Q m N V 3 =r V V RWR C N a m v Q Q Q 3 S Q N S C� Cl v 3 LA N 3 40 C N a a z O Q 3 S Q w O 0 0 0 v 3 40 2 + CO O N Q C 7 CL CL C1 DI l' _ --< lu Z z O O M N 3 3 U MI s Q Q ii N 0 3 z (p� m (P7 Vr V r o m c o v v a 3 E M 0 M v C M