PC - Item 1A - Garvey Specific Plan WorkshopCITY OF ROSEMEAD garvey avenue specific plan JOINT SESSION: CITY COUNCIL/ PLANNING COMMISSION/ TRAFFIC COMMISSION/ BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE DECEMBER 12, 2017 overview of the planning process garvey avenue specific plan plan area 3 garvey avenue specific plan plan impetus and purpose Impetus •Slow economic growth contributed to buildings falling into disrepair and increased building and site vacancies •Scattered mix of commercial and light industrial land uses, many underperforming •Potential to become a noted shopping and entertainment destination Purpose •Establish a vision and objectives for new development—a diversity of land uses with public improvements •Define actions to reinvigorate the corridor 4 garvey ave corridor specific plan elements of planning process Community Input Stakeholder Interviews •Local residents, business owners, community leadership Ad-Hoc Committee •Discuss issues/opportunities, current standards, and land use alternatives City Meetings •With various City departments’ staff Community Survey •In-person and online survey about issues/opportunities for the corridor Technical Analysis Technical Compendium of Existing Conditions •Baseline Land Use and Urban Design Analysis •Traffic and Circulation Analysis •Sewer Area Study Report •Water and Infrastructure Report •Storm Drainage Infrastructure 5 garvey avenue specific plan 1 Discovery Background research, existing conditions and technical studies 2 Foundation Community Participation: Ad Hoc, Stakeholders, Internal planning charrettes and planning framework 3 Plan Preparation Work with Ad Hoc Committee on Draft Specific Plan concepts and alternatives 4 Environmental Review and Approvals Environmental impact report (EIR) and formal public hearings specific plan process 6Technical FocusOutreach FocusFindings Combined5 Public Review -Joint Study Session -PC Hearing (anticipated) -CC Hearing (anticipated) -CC Second Reading (anticipated) key plan characteristics garvey avenue specific plan character transformation Shift towards pedestrian orientation through: •Active transportation •bikeways •streetscape improvements •Urban design •building orientation/placement •ground floor design •streetscape, plazas, street trees •wayfinding 8 garvey avenue specific plan “layers of change” •New infill development •Phased development approach RemodelRe-UseRedevelop 9 Remodel Re-Use Redevelop Existing garvey avenue specific plan content overview garvey avenue specific plan plan content | table of contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Context and Conditions Chapter 3: Land Use, Zoning, and Development Standards Chapter 4: Opportunity and Project Sites Chapter 5: Infrastructure and Streetscape Chapter 6: Implementation 11 garvey avenue specific plan plan content | chapters 1 & 2 Introduction, Context, and Conditions •Outreach effort •Relationship to other plans and legal authority •Planning context —location, setting, and context of planning issues •Existing conditions: land use, urban design, mobility, and infrastructure 12 garvey avenue specific plan plan content | chapters 1 & 2 Specific Plan Vision “To revitalize the Garvey Avenue corridor from a commercial/industrial area into a vibrant commercial, residential, and mixed-use district, with a compliment of local and subregional serving retail, entertainment, and service businesses, office space, and community uses, all tied together with public improvements that create a vibrant and enjoyable pedestrian environment.” 13 Specific Plan Key Objectives •Phase out conflicting industrial uses •Enhance character with design •Create “placemaking” public spaces •Encourage investment and maintenance •Create neighborhood “main street” •Provide new opportunities for mixed use •Encourage catalytic developments garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) Land Use, Zoning, and Development Standards Site planning, building, parking, architectural, and open space provisions 14 garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) Creates new zoning for the Specific Plan Area 15 garvey avenue specific plan New Zones GSP R/C: Residential/CommercialSimilar to R-2 zone, modified to facilitate greater opportunity for either residential or commercial development GSP: Specific Plan Zoning District Adapted C-3 zone focused on commercial uses. Stand alone residential or mixed use residential are not permitted GSP MU: Incentivized Mixed Use Active pedestrian-oriented retail and mixed use residential zone GSP OS/P: Open Space/Parking 16 plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) garvey avenue specific plan Community Benefits Program Allows increased residential density and/or nonresidential intensity with the provision of specific community benefits •Each benefit assigned Community Benefit points •Community Benefit points earned is translated into increased density or FAR 17 Excerpt of Benefits Listed: •Open space •Public parking •Lot consolidation •Sustainable design •Family-friendly development plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) garvey ave corridor specific plan plan content |zoning and standards (chapter 3) Development Standards Table, excerpt Maximum Heights Map 18 garvey ave corridor specific plan plan content |zoning and standards (chapter 3) 19 Excerpt: Design Standards, visualized Figure 3.10 Minimum Usable Depth Figure 3.7 Minimum Building Glazing Figure 3.6 Façade Plane Modulation garvey avenue specific plan plan content | opportunity sites (chapter 4) Identifies catalyst sites that can spur development changes 20 garvey avenue specific plan plan content | opportunity sites (chapter 4) Example site: LA Auto Auction-Landwin Site Design Concept 21 garvey avenue specific plan plan content | opportunity sites (chapter 4) Concept site: West Gateway, 7430-7450 Garvey Avenue lot 22 SUGGESTED CONCEPT TYPES A:2014 Baseline B:Garden Mall C: Retail/Office C BA garvey ave corridor specific plan plan content | infrastructure & streetscape (chapter 5) Garvey Avenue will be improved to include: •Landscaped medians •Bikeways •On-street parking •Bus loading bays •Restriping to create additional through lanes, dual left turn lanes, and right turn pockets; and •Traffic signal upgrades 23 Figures are illustrative. Funding and future development opportunities will influence the implementation. garvey ave corridor specific plan plan content |infrastructure & streetscape (chapter 5) 24 Sections of proposed roadway configurations Raised Bike Lanes with Parking and Median Separated Bike Lanes with Parking, Reduced Median, and Left Turn garvey avenue specific plan plan content | infrastructure & streetscape (chapter 5) Capacity accommodates the Specific PlanWater System Existing capacity and structural deficiencies: two lines require pipe replacements Sewer capacity analysis based on an assumed General Plan buildout projection shows additional capacity issues Specific Plan calls for additional study and improvement plans Sewer System Requires project level analysis Storm Drainage System 25 garvey avenue specific plan plan content | implementation (chapter 6) Financing tools recommended for implementation: •Financing Districts: i.e. Local tax increment and assessment or reimbursement districts •Fees and Programs:i.e. Capital improvements program, Impact fees •Grants: i.e. Caltrans Planning Grants 26 garvey avenue specific plan plan content | implementation (chapter 6) 27 Administrative provisions: •Interpretation •Severability •Required action and entitlements environmental analysis garvey avenue specific plan environmental impact report (EIR) •Evaluates potential impacts that a proposed project might have on people or the environment •Helps to avoid or mitigate project impacts 29 Initial Study NOP EIR Public Hearings Certification EIR process garvey avenue specific plan 30 environmental impact report (EIR) Findings: No Impact or Less than Significant Impact •Aesthetics •Land use and planning •Agriculture resources •Mineral resources •Air quality -odor •Noise -airport •Biological resources •Population and housing •Cultural resources -human remains •Public services •Geology and soils •Recreation •Greenhouse gas emissions •Transportation and traffic - air traffic, CMP, hazardous designs, emergency access •Hazards and hazardous materials •Utilities and service systems •Hydrology and water quality garvey avenue specific plan 31 environmental impact report (con’t) Findings: Less than Significant Impact with Mitigation Significant and Unavoidable Impacts •Cultural resources –historic, archaeological, paleontological resources •Noise –project related, short term construction •Transportation and traffic Air quality –AQMP, volatile organic compounds and oxides errata garvey avenue specific plan specific plan errata Minimum Building Placement on Lot Frontage, GSP-MU, 1.00 –6.99 acre sites •60% building frontage OR •25% minimum building frontage and 35% minimum public amenity space with a vertical feature (highly landscaped vertical decorative walls screening parking; highly landscaped and amenitized open spaces or public plazas that incorporate a decorative wall or other vertical feature; or outdoor dining. 33 garvey avenue specific plan specific plan errata (continued) 34 Curb Cuts •Maintain 1 curb cut/300’ of linear frontage But •Allow variations to curb cut frequency with Community Development Director and City Engineer, or City Manager approval garvey avenue specific plan specific plan errata (continued) 35 Private Usable Open Space, GSP R/C and GSP/MU •75 s.f./dwelling unit minimum OR •60 s.f.per dwelling unit minimum; •Private usable open space square footage per unit and usable private common open space square footage per unit shall total at least 350 s.f.per unit*; and •Approval of the Community Development Director. * Sidewalks, walkways, pool equipment areas associated with usable private open space are not eligible for inclusion in the calculation unless the sidewalks or walkways are constructed and maintained in a manner that encourages walking as exercise. garvey avenue specific plan specific plan errata (continued) •Permit on sale alcohol licenses by-right for restaurants that are 6,500 square feet or larger. Restaurants less than 6,500 square feet must obtain the approval through a Conditional Use Permit process. 36 questions/comments CITY OF ROSEMEAD garvey avenue specific plan JOINT SESSION: CITY COUNCIL/ PLANNING COMMISSION/ TRAFFIC COMMISSION/ BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE DECEMBER 12, 2017 CITY OF ROSEMEAD garvey avenue specific plan PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING | INSERT DATE HERE garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) 40 Table 3.3 Land Use Table garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) 41 Table 3.3 Land Use Table (cont.) garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) 42 Table 3.3 Land Use Table (cont.) garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) 43 Table 3.3 Land Use Table (cont.) garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) 44 Table 3.3 Land Use Table (cont.) garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) 45 Table 3.3 Land Use Table (cont.) garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) 46 Table 3.3 Land Use Table (cont.) garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) 47 Table 3.3 Land Use Table (cont.) garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) 48 Table 3.3 Land Use Table (cont.) garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) 49 Table 3.4 Development Standards garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) 50 Table 3.4 Development Standards (cont.) garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) 51 Table 3.4 Development Standards (cont.) garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) 52 Table 3.5 Community Benefit Amenities and Associated Points garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) 53 Table 3.5 Community Benefit Amenities and Associated Points (cont.) garvey avenue specific plan plan content | zoning and standards (chapter 3) 54 Table 4.6 Community Benefit Incentive Maximum FAR or Density