PKC - Item 2A - Minutes of October 3, 2017MINUTES OF THE ROSEMEAD PARKS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 3, 2017 The regular joint meeting of the Rosemead Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Lin INVOCATION was led by Commissioner Tocki ROLL CALL: Commissioners Chavira, Lin, Ly, Ruvalcaba, and Tocki ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATION OF THE OATH OF OFFICE The Secretary administered the Oath of Office to the 5 newly appointed Commissioners REORGANIZATION Commissioner Lin nominated Commissioner Chavira to the position of Chairman, the nomination was seconded by Commissioner Ruvalcaba. Motion passed. Commissioner Chavira nominated Commissioner Lin to the position of Vice -Chairman, and was seconded by Commissioner Tocki. Motion passed. 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE James Berry congratulated the Commissioners on their newly appointed positions as Park Commissioners. Brian Lewin also congratulated the Commissioners on their newly appointed positions. Mr. Lewin spoke on the need for stronger staff and public safety presence at Rosemead Park, in addition to the enforcement of leashing dogs. Chairman Chavira inquired if Mr. Lewin has communicated these issues with the City Council and City staff. Jason Chacon, Director of Parks and Recreation reminded the Commissioners that the focus of this Commission is to seek out new park open space, and they don't have an advisory oversight over other issues in the parks or other recreation areas. Mr. Chacon did reiterate that Mr. Lewin has brought this issue up to staff, and the City Manager and City Council has directed staff to look at different options with Public Safety and other concerns such as the enforcement of leashing dogs, etc. 2. CONSENT CALENAR - None 3. MATTERS FROM STAFF A. Overview of the Parks and Recreation Department Jason Chacon also congratulated the Commission on their newly appointed positions, and expressed his desire to work closely with each and every one of them on matters such as increasing park and open space and updated them on past and upcoming projects in the City. Mr. Chacon also gave the Commission an overview of our current open space and shared the results of the latest County Needs Assessment, categorizing Rosemead as moderate. The Commission will also explained how the Commission will be working closely with other departments, i.e., Parks and Recreation, Community Development, Public Safety, etc. Mr. Chacon had his staff introduce themselves, give their years of service and what area they currently oversee. Chairman Chavira asked if the Commission could obtain a copy of the County Needs Assessment study. B. Doe Park At the direction of the City Council and as a part of the Rosemead 2016-2018 Strategic Plan, staff was asked to evaluate the development of a dog park. Parks & Recreation Department staff has been working with the public works department and the community development department to identify possible dog park locations. With the opening of our new public works yard on River Rd., a portion of the west side of Garvey Park has become available and is the most project ready location. City staff is currently working to find available grant funding and will then proceed with preliminary designs. Once grant funding approval has been received from the City Council, staff will work with the Parks Commission to discuss layout and amenities that are within budgetary guidelines. Staff Recommendation Receive dog park update from staff Jason Chacon, Director of Parks and Recreation presented the staff report and explained the necessary steps to move forward with the grant funding approval process. Chairman Chavira inquired if there was any controversy regarding the dog park, or any concerns coming from the City Council. Mr. Chacon stated that with many people exercising at Garvey Park, there seems to be a need for a place for people to walk their dogs. The City has also received several calls from residents to have a space dedicated to animal lovers and people that would like to have a pet park. Commissioner Tocki asked how large of an area will the dog park be. Mr. Chacon stated that it is approximately 14,000 sq. ft. Vice -Chair Lin stated that since the dog park is part of the City's strategic plan is there a deadline for the park to be completed. Mr. Chacon stated that there are usually no deadlines. In this instance, the exact wording was to evaluate the development of a dog park. Commissioner Ly asked if there were other locations that were available, would the City look at other locations besides this one. Mr. Chacon said that is definitely an option, and staff would bring it back for discussion. Chairman Chavira asked if the park was accessible for the handicap. Mr. Chacon stated that all our parks are ADA accessible. With Garvey Park being an older facility, with this new development we would have to comply with all ADA standards Chairman Chavira asked what the City's relationship is with the school districts in Rosemead. Mr. Chacon stated that we have a long standing relationship with all three school districts. The joint use agreement with the Garvey School District is over 45 years old. Brian Lewin asked the commission to please take into consideration the amenities for the dog park, and also strictly enforce dogs on a leash at Rosemead Park, as not all people want to take their dogs to a dog park. Chairman Chavira asked if we have heard from others in the Community regarding the dog park. Mr. Chacon stated that there have been several groups in the Community that have spoken on this issue, and we will definitely do a community outreach for this project. ACTION: No action was taken, and more information will be brought back to the commission in November. 4. MATTERS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF Commissioner Lin thanked staff for getting the Commission started and congratulated the other commissioners on their appointment. He also suggested perhaps a meet and greet with staff and other commissioners that they will be working with, and start to meet some of the residents. 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m. The next regular Parks Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers. Sandy Bernica, Administrative Specialist Chen Lin, Vice -Chairman