PKC - Item 2A - Minutes of November 7, 2017MINUTES OF THE ROSEMEAD PARKS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 2017 The regular joint meeting of the Rosemead Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Lin INVOCATION was led by Commissioner Ruvalcaba ROLL CALL: Commissioners Lin, Ly, Ruvalcaba, and Tocki ABSENT: Chair Chavira 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Barbara Murphy presented the Commission with a proposal for a Community Garden at the vacant lot at Garvey Park. Ms. Murphy would like to see this item placed on a future agenda. Vice -Chairman Lin thanked Ms. Murphy for her time and thoroughness with her proposal. 2. CONSENT CALENAR - None 3. MATTERS FROM STAFF A. POTENTIAL PARK PROJECT Director of Parks and Recreation Jason Chacon presented the staff report below: SUMMARY City staff is currently working with Global Urban Strategies, a grant consultant, to submit an application for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant that is due in February of 2018. The LWCF is a federally funded grant administered locally by the California Department of Parks and Recreation, to preserve natural resources and create opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation. The funding for the LWCF grant has been inconsistent and sparse in recent years, which leads officials to believe this grant cycle will be highly competitive. City staff has identified two potential park projects for the LWCF grant application. Option 1 The development of a dog park at Garvey Park on the west side of the property as presented at the Parks Commission meeting on October 3, 2017. The dog park would include a large and small dog section with various amenities to be determined at a later time. Commissioner Ly asked if there is any funding included without seeking this grant. Director Jason Chacon stated that there is no other funding secured for it, but the City Council is aware of it, and has made their desire known that they would possibly look at doing if brought back to them. Option 2 The land acquisition and development of a new neighborhood park through an agreement with Southern California Edison (SCE). SCE has provided the City with three locations that would be available for the development of a new neighborhood park. 1. Mission Dr. & Walnut Grove Dr. 7 acres 2. Hellman Ave. & Stallo Ave. 4.3 acres 3. Earle Ave. & Artson St. 3.33 acres STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the Parks Commission provide a recommendation of a preferred park project for the Land and Water Conservation Fund grant application. FISCAL IMPACT The LWCF grant is a reimbursement grant and has a 50% matching funds requirement. The City would be required to pay for the entire project upfront and then submit reimbursement for up to 50% of the project. This project amount would differ depending on which project was selected. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The project would meet either Strategy 4, Action Item A: "Study and evaluate the potential to increase park space by 25%, including the potential use of vacant SCE acreage under electrical transmission lines for recreational use development,..." or Action Item B: "Evaluate the development of a dog park". Vice -Chairman Lin asked if a dog park could be worked into any of the land acquisition plans. Director Chacon stated that unfortunately SCE does not allow dog parks under their transmission lines. Commissioner Ly asked. if there is a limit on how much they would reimburse. Director Chacon stated that this grant has a 2 million dollar maximum per project. Commissioner Tocki asked if there is a limit to what the City will pay. Director Chacon stated that there is no dollar amount given by our City Council, but have been wanting to increase the park and open space for our residents. Commissioner Ly confirmed that the City would not begin the project without the grant being approved. Director Chacon stated that the grant will be due in February. They will announce the winners sometime in October and then at that point it would come back to the City Council and begin accepting bids. If we do not get the Grant, then the City would look at the dollar amount to see if it's within Council's agenda for them to continue with the project through other avenues of funding. Commissioner Ruvalcaba asked if they were to choose the Dog Park, would SCE still have it open for us in the near future. Director Chacon stated that SCE has made both properties available, and they are willing to work with the City in the future to develop these into parks. Commissioner Ly asked, "What is the level of interest from the Conununity and residents for a dog park in Rosemead". Director Chacon stated that there is a diverse group of park users in the City that have asked City Council for a Dog Park. There was also a community meeting forum held in 2006, and they established a parr list of what the residents thought was important, and a Dog Park was on the top of the list. Commissioner Lin asked how competitive is this kind of grant, and how can we be more successful in getting the grant. Director Chacon stated that we recently applied for a grant through the California Natural Resource Agency in which they received $134 million worth of calls from proposals, and they only funded 8 million worth of those projects. Therefore, this grant is going to be very competitive. Many cities will be taken out of the running because they do not have the means to front the money up front. Commissioner Lin asked approximately how many acres do we need in order to reach our goal of increasing park acreage, and if we were to acquire SCE areas, how close does that get us to meeting our goal. Director Chacon stated that we have approximately 55 acres total in the City. This includes any open grass space. Therefore, approximately 48 square feet of park space, so 25% of that would be around 10 acres to add. Commissioner Ly asked if SCE was to sign a lease, what would be the duration of that lease. Director Chacon stated that each property would be different. This would be a Federal grant and would have to be in perpetuity, and would have to remain a park forever. Commissioner Tocki asked if there were any adverse health effects of us having a park at a joint tower location. Director Chacon stated that he would have to get that information to him at a later date. ACTION: Commissioner Ly made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Ruvaleaba to go with Option 2, Number #2 (Hellman Avenue and Stallo Avenue). B. RESCHEDULE DECEMBER MEETING SUMMARY The December Parks Commission meeting is scheduled for December 5, 2017, which is also the date of our annual Christmas Tree Lighting and Dinner with Santa event. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the Parks Commission cancel the regular December Parks Commission meeting on December 5, 2017 and schedule a special meeting on December 12, 2017 at the regularly scheduled time. ACTION: Commissioner Tocki made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Ruvalcaba to cancel the December 5, 2017 Parks Commission meeting and schedule a special meeting on December 12, 2017. 4. MATTERS FROM COMMISSION A. Commissioner Ly asked if the Commission should ask Barbara Murphy to come back with more of the logistics for a Community Garden. . Director Chacon stated that he will get together with Ms. Murphy, work out some details and talk to the City Council, to see if this is something they would like to pursue, and they will direct staff to look into areas that could possibly facilitate a Community Garden. Director Chacon thank Commissioner Ruvalcaba for being one of our Trunk or Treat judge. Commissioner Ruvalcaba stated that she had a great time at the Trunk or Treat and it was a great experience, and would love to be involved in other events. Commissioner Ly asked if sometime in the future we can schedule a site visit to go out and take a look at potential sites. 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m. The next regular Parks Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 12, 2017, at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers. v Sandy Berm a Administrative Specialist Chairman