CC - Item 4D - Acceptance of Bids and Award Contract - CBG Project No. P9802 & 98802 /4,M'F ,,. �I : � stafléport TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER FROM: KEN RUKAVINA, CITY ENGINEER( 71 DATE: JANUARY 18, 1999 RE: ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT - STREET RESURFACING, STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS,AND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP PROGRAM ON VARIOUS STREETS FISCAL YEAR 1998/1999, CDBG PROJECT NOS. P98902 AND 98802 The following bids were received for the subject project on Wednesday, January 13, 1999: 1. Sequel Contractors $586,613.50 2. Silvia Construction $598,843.10 3. Sully-Miller Contracting Co. $617,740.00 4. Excel Paving Company $689,922.00 Attached are copies of the three low bids, a bid analysis, and Dun and Bradstreet reports for the low bidders. The lowest bid was submitted by Sequel Contractors, Inc., a responsible contractor, in the amount of$586,613.50, which is approximately 2 percent below the Engineer's estimate of$598,000.00. The average bid was $623,279.40. RECOMMENDATION t 1. Accept all bids and award the project to Sequel Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $586,613.50. 2. Authorize the Mayor to sign the contract on behalf of the City. Attachments COUNCIL AGENDA C'V 999RSMD\STAFFRPTICITYWward-Street Resurfacing project fy 1998-99 wp0 JAN 2 6 1999 ITEM No. n P K 5ituUi=L CONTRACTORS, INC. 12240 S. WOODRUFF AVE. DOWNEY, CALIF. 90241 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL FOR STREET RESURFACING, STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS, AND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP PROGRAM ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 CDBG FUND NO. P98802 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD TO THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, as AGENCY In accordance with AGENCY's NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS, the undersigned BIDDER hereby proposes to furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals required for the above-stated project as set forth in the Plans, Specifications, and contract documents therefore, and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER declares that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, and all other contract documents. If this proposal is accepted for award, BIDDER agrees to enter into a contract with AGENCY at the unit and/or lump-sum prices set forth in the following BID SCHEDULE. BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in the manner and time prescribed will result in forfeiture to AGENCY of the proposal guarantee accompanying this proposal. BIDDER understands that a bid is required for the entire work,that the estimated quantities set forth in the BID SCHEDULE are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final compensation under the contract will be based upon the actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. THE AGENCY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE OR DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF ANY QUANTITY SHOWN AND TO DELETE ANY ITEM FROM THE CONTRACT. It is agreed that the unit and/or lump-sum prices bid include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the amounts bid, unit prices shall govern overextended amounts, and words shall govern over figures. If awarded the Contract, the undersigned further agrees that in the event of the BIDDER's default in executing the required contract and filing the necessary bonds and insurance certificates within 10-working days after the date of the AGENCY's notice of award of contract to the BIDDER, the proceeds of the security accompanying this bid shall become the property of the AGENCY and this bid and the acceptance hereof may, at the AGENCY'S option, be considered null and void. C-1 SEQUEL CONTRACTORS, INC. BID SCHEDULE "A" FOR STREET RESURFACING, STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS, AND CONCRETE REPAIRS ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 CDBG FUND NO. P98802 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Asphalt-concrete cold milling, varies per table on Plan Sheet No. 2. 118,000 S.F. $ ..?a $ –23,4,z.est- 2. Apshalt-concrete cold milling, 1%-inch full depth. 10,600 S.F. $ •30 $ 3. Asphalt-rubber hot mix p0 pper� t0 (ARHM). 3,160 TON $ a $ Iyt,/0/ 4. Sawcut, remove, and construct X-gutter per APWA SW. No. 122-1, as modified. 1,050 S.F. $ � $ ‘2,575: 5. Crack filling with Crafcc as- Polyflex Type III or equal. 4,130 L.F. $ /. $ 6 JEQ.� 6. Adjust to grade survey monu- m merits,well frame, and cover. 3 EACH $ /£d9: $ SYO.- 7. Adjust to grade manhole frame and cover. 44 EACH $ 071z,. $ 8,een� 8. Adjust to grade water meter e a (see Appendix). 6 EACH $ /Doe $ 6CC. 9. Remove 6-inch thick AC and AB or existing AC thickness, whichever is greater, before cold milling, and construct 6- inch thick AC pavement over .Sri compacted subgrade. 1,850 S.F. $ �J: — $ $3e)S: C-2(a) SEQUEL CONTRACTORS, ING. ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 10. Remove and construct 8-inch thick AC or AB over so m compacted native. 3,100 S.F. $ S. $ /7D670. 11. Remove and construct curb and gutter, including 6-inch aggregate base to match existing and per APWA Standard Plan No. 120-0 00 e,Ct (including quantities in 1,300 L.F. $ .O(/ $ y Appendix). 12. Remove and reconstruct existing curb drain per APWA Std. Plan No. 150-2. 1 EACH $ /0co. $ /,[Cage 13. Remove and construct curb only, including 6-inch aggregate base to match existing and per APWA Standard Plan No. 120-0 (seea, co Appendix). 330 L.F. $ j6. $ YO. 14. Remove and construct residential driveway per APWA Standard Plan No. 110-0 and to match existing (including quantities in ,eo Appendix). 3,450 S.F. $ ` $ /3&i• 15. Remove and construct 4-inch thick AC over compacted sub- base at back of driveway (including quantities in o, m Appendix). 1,000 S.F. $ 3.'— $ 300p• 16. Remove and construct 4-inch thick PCC side-walk(including q, quantities in Appendix). 3,800 S.F. $ 9. $ /S,dLb. C-2(b) Sa.:U'EL CONTRACTOR-5411W. ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 17. Remove existing PCC sidewalk and excavate 12- inch thick of native soil, backfill with top soil and plant sod, including irrigation per Specification. (See Appendix.) 1 L.S. $ 4 U $ %Cra 18. Remove existing 4-foot high block wall and construct chain-link fence to match co existing. (See Sheet No. 5.) 15 L.F. $ 54: $ 19. Remove and construct wheelchair ramp, including retaining curb at back of walk, per LACDPW Std. Plan No. m co 1200-1. 2,000 S.F. $ .5 — $ 20. Repair 5-linear feet of existing parkway drain and backfill with top soil per Specification. (See Appendix II). 1 L.S. $ /an $ Jab. 21. Remove existing tree and root L ball (see Appendix). 10 EACH $ 00.E $ 7�•g 22. Striping, complete per plan. --- L.S. --- $ g000.E 23. Furnish and install 24-inch box tree in kind, as specified in Appendix II including staking u> e_ and root control barriers. 10 EACH $ Set'. $ 30C). 24. Install 6-foot diameter cc 5 inductivetrafficloop detectors. 6 EACH $ SOO. $ 0700. 25. Furnish and install new 11/2- inch street lighting conduit and pull rope, complete per SCE co oo requirements. 7,600 L.F. $ A.1. " $ 9/0ZI.— C-2(c) J�uutL L .JN I HAG I unb, IIVv. ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 26. Furnish and install new 3-inch street lighting conduit and pull rope, complete per SCE ,, requirements. 3,100 L.F. $ /7.o0 $ 27. Furnish and install new street lighting handhole, complete per SCE requirements. 16 EACH $ 7sv. $ Q4'C&.g` 28. Project improvement sign. 4 EACH $ Coo. $ 4O07.92 TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN FIGURES (SCHEDULE "A") $ 508° TOT L AMOUNT BID IN WORDS (SCHEDULE "A") 17-1/ �I/y11�D c U.3inkb li/NSy 5 1/Fi1/ D//1 .1^ MD A ty CC, C-2(d) SEQUEL CON T RAGTOHS, INC. BID SCHEDULE "B" FOR HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP PROGRAM ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 CDBG FUND NO. P98802 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. Remove and construct curb and portion of crossgutter spandrel, alley intersection, and driveway approach, including aggregate >� base. 600 L.F. $ _2o. $ /,?OO7. 2. Remove and construct 8-inch thick AC over ,S m compacted native. 1,500 S.F. $ S. $ BPts7- 3. Relocate sign and co ea post. 8 EACH $ $ el'An 4. Remove and reestab- lish sprinkler system per Specifications. — L.S. --- $ 'oo0. 5. Remove and construct curb and gutter, including 6-inch aggregate base to match existing and per APWA Standard Plan No. 120-0 (including eo pu Appendix). 625 L.F. $ 30.— $ 14, 792. C-2(e) SEQUEL CONTRACTORS, INC. ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 6. Remove and construct wheelchair ramp, including retaining curb at back of walk, per ""y��/ �f , LA 12ODPW Std. Plan No.-1. 6,140 S.F. $ ' //71 I� $ O jW�6 00 7. Adjust to grade water m y valve frame and cover. 9 EACH $ ..2o0. $ ac (see Appendix). 8. Adjust water meter to a grade. (See Appendix) 3 EACH $ ./GO. $ ,1411. 9. Remove and construct 4-inch thick PCC side- walk (see Appendix). 1,500 S.F. $ 4/:11-° $ G .� C /06 TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN FIGURES (SCHEDULE "B") $ . 5/6- TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN WORDS (SCHEDULE "B") VIA)/ 6� konto@4o SIXi�� 4 --1)nf fh'3 TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN FIGURES ON SCHEDULE "A"AND 673 Sa TOTAyy OUNT BID I�N��'ORDS ON SCHEDUL "A" AND "B" 1!/ V�0 �jU /7 7G��c�S SAXvirorFf� II '✓ snl gi a ��y c�N 5 C-2(f) SEQUEL CONTRAGTOHS, INC• DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of one- half of 1 percent of the total amount bid or $10,000, whichever is greater, as follows: NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF SUBCONTRACTORS, PORTION OF WORK 7141 l i/l Z 6ryCi er? • SEQUEL GONTRAC-TORS! INC. DESIGNATION OF ASPHALT-RUBBER BINDER PRODUCER BIDDER proposes to acquire Asphalt-Rubber BINDER from: ,:orke Ary i 4(15?rn V %7 ii f(y Name Address This section shall be completed even if the apparent low bidder plans to produce asphalt- rubber binder with its own forces. Name of producer must be the actual company producing the binder, not any intermediary. For example, do not list the AC plant where ARHM is to be produced, unless AC plant owns the asphalt-rubber binder plant. Within 3-working days of bid opening, the apparent low bidder shall provide the Agency copies of all required South Coast Air Quality Management District(SCAQMD) documents which expressly permit the use of propane fuel for heating the Asphalt-Rubber binder. Failure to complete this portion of the bid or provide the foregoing documentation shall, at the Agency's discretion,constitute the basis to either declare the apparent low bidder's bid non-responsive or disqualify the Asphalt-Rubber producer from performing work on this contract. If the Asphalt-Rubber producer is disqualified by the Agency, and the low bidder is not declared non-responsive, then if an Asphalt-Rubber producer was initially listed, the low bidder may, within 3-working days from this declaration request of the Agency that it be allowed to substitute the listed producer with another. The apparent low bidder's written election in this regard shall be sent to the Agency along with copies of all SCAQMD documentation permitting either the Asphalt-Rubber producer's use or the apparent low bidder's use of propane fuel for heating Asphalt's Rubber binder. If this documentation is not provided in a timely fashion, it will be cause for determining the low bidder's bid to be deemed non-responsive. By acknowledging the asphalt-rubber producer herein, BIDDER certifies that the asphalt- rubber plant has been investigated as to whether the heating element of the reaction tank is of the gas retort type capable of raising temperature 20 degrees per hour. If the equipment does not so conform, the BIDDER further certifies that the asphalt-rubber hot mix plant owner, the paving subcontractor, and asphalt-rubber supplier have been made fully aware of the provisions of Subsection 600-2.3.2 that "inability to maintain temperatures above specified minimums will be cause to terminate paving operations." C-4 SEQUEL CONTRACTORS, INC. REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past 2 years: 1. Name and address of owner 5cE AT7ACiiC-� Name and Telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed 2. Name and address of owner Name and Telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed 3. Name and address of owner Name and Telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed The following are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all brokers and sureties from whom BIDDER intends to procure insurance and bonds: FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY o'.5; Wci.-,Ea, (:a.vJars:y 07vo1 (SW) V.517— 10( c) C-5 SEQUEL CONTRACTORS, INC. ST.LIC.*610600A 12240 Woodruff Ave. Downey, CA 90241 Fax (562) 803-6025 (562) 803-5881 Office STATEMENT OF EXPERIENCE 1. OWNER: CITY OF CULVER CITY ADDRESS: 9770 CULVER BLVD CULVER CITY CA 90232 PHONE NO: (805) 558-3140 CONTACT: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT INC./ HOTCH BEDROSIAN 2ND CONTACT: (310) 253-5769 MARGARET LIU PROJECT: WASHINGTON BLVD STREETSCAPE PROJECT P-645 PROJECT AMOUNT: $4,270,526.00 COMPLETION DATE: AUGUST 28, 1998 2. OWNER: CITY OF ARCADIA ADDRESS: 240 W. HUNTING DR ARCADIA CA 91006 PHONE NO: (818) 474-5408 CONTACT: PETE KINIHAN PROJECT: STREETSCAPE 2000 PROJECT AMOUNT: $ 3,287,000.00 COMPLETION DATE: APRIL 10, 1997 3_ OWNER CITY OF CARSON ADDRESS: 701 R CARSON STREET CARSON CA 90749 PHONE NO: (310) 952-1700 CONTACT: PATRICIA ELKINS,ENGINEER PROJECT: FIGUEROA ST IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT AMOUNT: $ 1,485,000.00 COMPLETION DATE: JANUARY 4, 1997 2 4. OWNER. - -. JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ADDRESS: 3151 AIRWAY DRIVE COSTA MESA CA 92643 PHONE NO: (714)252-2570 CONTACT: DAVE McMILLER PROJECT: ANNUAL MAINTENANCE PROJECT AMOUNT: $ 1,000,000.00 COMPLETION DATE: JULY OF 1996, 1997 & 1998 5. OWNER: CITY OF ARCADIA ADDRESS: 240 W. HUNTINGTON DR ARCADIA CA 91006 PHONE NO: (818) 474-5408 CONTACT: PETE KINIHAN PROJECT: HUNTINGTON DR EMERGENCY PROJECT AMOUNT: $ 593,000.00 COMPLETION DATE: JUNE 25, 1995 6. OWNER: PORT OF LOS ANGELES ADDRESS: 425 S. PALOS VERDES ST SAN PEDRO CA 90733 PHONE NO: (310) 732-3524 CONTACT: KURT AREND PROJECT: ANNUAL PAVING CONTACT '96 PROJECT AMOUNT: $ 794,100.00 COMPLETION DATE: DECEMBER 1995, 1996, 1997, & ONGOING 7. OWNER: CITY OF FULLERTON ADDRESS: 333 W. COMMONWEALTH FULLERTON CA 92632 PHONE NO: (714) 738-6867 CONTACT: MIRDOCK MIRALAIE PROJECT: HARBOR BOULEVARD PROJECT AMOUNT: $ 544,000.00 COMPLETION DATE: JULY 20, 1996 8. OWNER CITY OF DOWNEY ADDRESS: 11111 BROOKSHIRE RD DOWNEY CA 90241 PHONE NO: (562) 904-7118 CONTACT: LEA SHARP-PROJECT MANGER PROJECT: DOWNEY AVE/STEWART & GREY PROJECT AMOUNT: $ 247,448.00 COMPLETION DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1995 3 9. OWNER PORT OF LOS ANGELES ADDRESS: 425 S. PALOS VERDES SAN PEDRO CA 90733 PHONE NO: (310) 732-3524 CONTACT: KURT AREND PROJECT: ANNUAL PAVING CONTACT '93 PROJECT AMOUNT: $ 468,46000 COMPLETION DATE: DECEMBER 1993 10. OWNER CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS ADDRESS: 455 REXFORD DR BEVERLY HILLS CA 90210 PHONE NO: (310)285-2512 CONTACT: ROB BESTE PROJECT: BURTON WAY RECONSTRUCT PROJECT AMOUNT: $ 1,594.605.00 COMPLETION DATE: NOVEMBER I, 1997 11. OWNER: CITY OF TUSTIN ADDRESS: 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN CA 92780 PHONE NO: (714) 573-3162 CONTACT: FRED PAGE PROJECT: "B"& "C" STREETS RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT AMOUNT: $350,689.00 COMPLETION DATE: AUGUST 12, 1998 12. OWNER CITY OF ANAHEIM ADDRESS: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 210 S. ANAHEIM BLVD ANAHEIM CA 92805 PHONE NO: (714) 765-4300 CONTACT: LAURA MUNA-LANDA PROJECT: DISNEY TRAVEL OFFSITES PROJECT AMOUNT: $559,198.00 COMPLETION DATE: AUGUST 28, 1998 13. OWNER: PALOS VERDES ESTATES ADDRESS: 340 PALOS VERDES DR. WEST PALOS VERDES ESTATES CA 90274 PHONE NO: (310)378-0383 CONTACT: DAVID GRAHAM PROJECT: PALOS VERDES DRIVE WEST PROJECT AMOUNT: $269,845.00 COMPLETION DATE: OCTOBER 1997 4 14. OWNER: CITY OF BEVERLY HELLS ADDRESS: 455 N. REXFORD DRIVE BEVERLY HILLS CA 90210 PHONE NO: (310)285-2508 CONTACT: ROB BESTE PROJECT: BURTON WAY RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT AMOUNT: $1,594,605.00 COMPLETION DATE: NOVEMBER 1997 SEQUEL CONTRACTORS,INC. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE BIDDER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontracts, all reports which may have been due under the requirements of any AGENCY, State, or Federal equal employment opportunity orders have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports are currently outstanding. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider minority business enterprises for those portions of the work to be subcontracted, and that such affirmative actions have been fully documented, that said documentation is open to inspection, and that said affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder. Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requirements of the contract documents. NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein;that no officer, agent, or employee of the AGENCY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other individual, firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work and that this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. C-6 BIDDER'S INFORMATION BIDDER certifies that the following information is true and correct: Bidder's Name SEQUEL CON TBAC-TORS, INC. Business Address 1724r1 5 wnnnat FF AVF DOWNEY, CALIF. ff0241 Telephone No. (562) ✓ 3-588I State Contractor's License No. and Class 610600A Original Date Issued January 31, 1991 Expiration Date January 31, 1999 The following are the names, titles, addresses and phone numbers of all individuals, firm members, partners,joint venturers, and/or corporate officers having a principal interest in this proposal: Mitchell W. Ward,President 1?„ 40 Thomas S. Pack. V.P. &Secretary �O14, 6", /S O O ‹y A:IL MAGALLANES, VICE PRESIDENT Qe/ '90,c�• ��S� Shaven A. Smith, V.P. &Mat. Secretary 8029 I:. The date of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgements against any principal having an interest in this proposal, or any firm, corporation, partnership or joint venturer of which any principal having an interest in this proposal was an owner, corporate officer, partner, or joint venturer are as follows: All current and prior DBA's alias, and/or fictitious business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: /t//k C-7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BIDDER executes and submits this proposal with the names, titles, hJ , r3dj�Qals of all aforenamed principals this day of J J�yy , 19 BIDDER: SE' -0"CONT.- • Ter * INC./ '1 I .1 Thomas S. Pack, V.P. &Secretary Subscribed and sworn to this day of , 19_ NOTARY PUBLIC C-7(b) ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California CouJtyaf Lq j g es On HH 1 d before me, MICHAEL A. MAHLER, NOTARY PUBLIC Date Name.Tide*Mahar-e.g.'Jane Dec. Notary Public" personally appeared Thomas S. Pack, V.P. &Secretary Names(s)of Sigoer(r) personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity on behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument Witness my hand and official seal, MICHAEL MAHLER COMM. x1135375 NOTARY RlIUCCMIFOYY�.I." •:j.a� a LOS ANGELES COUNT' N — L G Signature of Notary ATTENTION NOTARY: Although the information requested below Is OPTIONAL,It could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to unauthorized documents. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Title or Type of Document Number of Pages Date of Document OPTIONAL SECTION/ CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER Individual(s) _Partner(s) _Attorney-in-Fact _Corporate Other 0 fficer(s) Tide(S) SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: Name of persons or entity(ics) SEQUEL CONTRACTORS, INC. ST. LIC. it 610600A 12240 Woodruff Ave. Downey, CA 90241 Fax (562) 803-6025 (562) 803-5881 Office ACTION BY UNANIMOUS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SEQUEL CONTRACTORS. INC. The undersigned being all of the Directors of SEQUEL CONTRACTORS, INC., a California Corporation. do hereby take the following action by this written consent at a fleeting of the Board of Directors held on April 211. 1918 in accordance with the Bylaws of the Corporation and the California Corporation Cudc. WHEREAS. the Board of Directors deems it advisable to authorize the officers of the Corporation. Abel Magallanes, Thomas S. Pack, Mitchell W. Ward and Shawn A. Smith respectively, to execute bid bonds on behalf of the Corporation with any agency, person,company or municipality; RESOLVED FURTHER, that Abel Magallanes, Thomas S. Pack, Mitchell W. Ward and Shawn A. Smith arc authorized to execute labor, material, and faithful performance bonds in connection with contracts to be entered - into with any agency, person_company or municipality; RESOLVED FURTHER, that Abel Magallanes, Thomas S. Pack. Mitchell W. \yard and Shawn A. Smith are authorized and directed to execute and deliver street improvement contracts and related agree mints with law agency.person, company, or municipality on such terms conditions as they deem advisable in their sole discretion, RESOLVED FURTHER, that Abel Magallanes, Thomas S. Pack. Mitchell \V. Ward and Shawn A. Smith be. and they hereby arc authorized by their sole signatures on any document to bind this corporation to coiltmets. bids. bonds, etc.; RESOLVED FURTHER, that Abel Magallanes, Thomas S. Pack, Mitchell W. Ward and Shawn A. Smith be. and they are hereby arc authorized and directed to take any and all such otGlier actions and execute such other documents as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of the foregoing authorizations. In witness thereof. the undersigned Directors have executed this unanimous written consent to indic:11e this adoption of the consent of the foregoing resolution and the action set forth therein. Dated: April 23, 1998 • Mitchell W. Ward Thomas S. ':Ick Director& President Director, Vice President&Secretary / I Abel Magalfaneii/ Shown A. Sluilh Director& Vice President Director, Vice President &Asst. Secretary CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL GUARANTEE BID BOND FOR STREET RESURFACING, STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS, AND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP PROGRAM ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 CDBG FUND NO. P98802 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that SEQUEL CONTRAC ORS, INC. as BIDDER, and FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of INDIANA , and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as SURETY,are held and firmly bound unto the City of Rosemead, as AGENCY, in the penal sum Of TEN PERCENT OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE BID dollars ($ 10% ), which is 10 percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to AGENCY for the above-stated project, for the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bid to AGENCY for the above-stated project, if said bid is rejected, or if said bid is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect in favor of AGENCY. C-8(a) IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their names, titles, hands, and seals, this 29TH day of DECEMBER , 19 98 . BIDDER* SEQUEL CONIRACIURS, INC. 12240 WOODRUFF AVENUE �` //J 562CA 90241 //29, �/G/' ( / (562)) 803-5881 (srcheil W. Ward, President SURETY* FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY 801 SO. FIGUEROA STREET ins ANGELES, CA 90017 'yam a. 7 (213) 612-5573 CWGIALfS A. RAPP) APIURNEY IN FACT Subscribed and sworn to this day of , 19 . NOTARY PUBLIC • Provide BIDDER/ADMITTED SURETY name,address, and telephone number and the name, title, address, and telephone number for authorized representative. C-8(b) ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Los Angeles On 12/29/98 before me, Christine M. Rapp, Notary Public Dale Name,Dile of Officer-e.g.".lane floe, Notary Public" personally appeared Douglas A. Rapp Monet)of Slgnrr(.) personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to he die person(s)whose namc(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity on behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, cmg:\ CHMi.18; M. RAN /r Comm ' 717 iP Signature of Notary I J ATrENTION NOTARY: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL,it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to unauthorized documents. Tills CERTIFICATE. MUST RE ATrACI IED TO TIIE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT MCI IT: Title or Type of Document Number of Pages Dale of Document OPTIONAL SECTION/ CAPACITY CLAIMED RY SIGNER I.divido nl(s) I'arbmr(s) _AI torncy-in-Fact Corporate Oilier Offtcer(s) 'Mitts) SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: Name of persons or entily(ies) POWER OF ATTORNEY FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY ATTN: SURETY DEPARTMENT 15 Mountain View Road.Warren. NJ 07059 (908) 580-2000 Know all Men by these Presents,That FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, an Indiana Corporation, has constituted and appointed, and does hereby constitute and appoint Douglas A. Rapp and Linda D. Coats of Laguna Hills, California each its true and lawful Attomey-in-Fact to execute under such designation in its name and to affix its corporate seal to and deliver for and on its behalf as surety thereon or otherwise, bonds of any of the following classes, to-wit; 1. Bonds and Undertakings(other than Bail Bonds)filed in any suit, matter or proceeding in any Court, or filed with any Sheriff or Magistrate, for the doing or not doing of anything specified in such Bond or Undertaking. 2. Surety bonds to the United States of America or any agency thereof, including those required or permitted under the laws or regulations relating to Customs or Internal Revenue;License and Permit Bonds or other indemnity bonds under the laws,ordinances or regulations of any State,City,Town,Village,Board or other body or organization,public or private; bonds to Transportation Companies,Lost Instrument bonds;Lease bonds,Workers'Compensation bonds.Miscellaneous Surety bonds and bonds on behalf of Notaries Public, Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs and similar public officials. a Bonds on behalf of contractors in connection with bids, proposals or contracts. In Witness Whereof, the said FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY has, pursuant to its By-Laws, caused these presents to be signed by its Vice President and Assistant Secretary and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this 10th day of • March 1994 Corporate Seal 4. 4‘e pMrAv s r ;{'T :. 40-F' • FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY 0a• BY 9{'9 Kenneth C. Wendel Gerardo G. Mauriz Assistant Secretary Wee President STATE OF NEW JERSEY ss County of Somerset f On this 10th day of March 19 94 , before me personally came Kenneth C. Wendel to me known and byme known to be Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing Power of Attorney, and the said Kenneth C.Wendel being by me duly sworn,did depose and say that he is Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY and knows the corporate seal thereof; that the seal affixed to the foregoing Power of Attorney is such corporate seal and was thereto affixed by authority of the By-Laws of said Company, and that he signed said Power of Attorney as Assistant Secretary of said Company by like authority;and that he is acquainted with Gerardo G. Mauriz and knows him to be the Vice President of said Company, and that the signature of said Gerardo G. Mauriz subscribed to said Power of Attorney is in the genuine handwriting of said Gerardo G. Maunz and was thereto subscribed by authority of said By-Laws and in deponent's presence. Notarial Seal x , rei c.Acknowledged and Sworn to before me nean the dale ab written.ix ',re11-YcC•Ctntfil�4 ,• J Notary Public ®• �N M TA.SCAVO�Pj PvNlc,Saq of°2I622ey� Mo.20&3`20 Co®ieei�ExF n �gowr 2. 1994 Fr,15-100134 l Rw' 1693)GENERAL 45-5677 15001 U A ALL—PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Los Angeles 0JJEC 2 9 1% re me, MICHAEL A. MAHLER, NOTARY PUBLIC Date tli �WenWard' pf Wa . Notary Public" personally appeared Names(s)of Siener(s) personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity on behalf of which the penon(s) acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, ��a� MICHAEL A.MAHLER -il� {/�(��{��� 'r s:-4 COMM. #1135375 I • 9;% QQQQ .•:€44LOS ANGELES COUNTY IN Fly r ANGELES COUNTY m L M,Cmm.Ep fVN13,.10a1 I Signature of Notary —J ATTENTION NOTARY: Although the information requested below I.OPTIONAL,it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to unauthorized documents. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Title or Type of Document • Number of Pages Date of Document OPTIONAL SECTION/ CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER Intl ividual(s) _Partner(s) _Attorney-in-Fact _Corporate _Other Officer(s) Tinel,) SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: Name of persons or entitv(ics) SFlTI ' R Ii)IREMENTS FOR CDBG FUNDED PR JECTS ANY PRIME CONTRACTOR OVER S100,000 IS SUBJECT TO THESE REQUIREMENTS THE SECTION 3 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY PLAN MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE BID. OF THE NEW HIRES NEEDED FOR THE PROJECT - GOAL IS 30% OF ALL NEW IDES TO BE LOW INCOME. THESE WOULD BE SECTION 3 NEW HIRES - DEF'N: 1)RESIDE IN COUNTY 2)LOW INCOME FAMILY (SEE SECTION 3 RES. FORM FOR PARAMETERS) SECTION 3 BUSINESS CONCERN PARTICIPATION - GOAL IS 3% OF CONTRACT - DEF'N: 1) 51 PERCENT OWNED BY SECTION 3 RESIDENTS, OR 2) 30% OF FULL TIME EMPLOYEES ARE SECTION 3 RESIDENTS 3) 25 PERCENT OF CONTRACT OR SUBCONTRACT IS AWARDED TO SECTION 3 BUSINESS CONCERNS THE AWARD OF CONTRACT WILL BE TO THE SECTION 3 PA 'TICIPANT WITH THE LOWEST BID, IF THE BID IS WITHIN 10% OF THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE BID. TO BE CONSIDERED A SECTION 3 PARTICIPANT, SOME SECTION 3 NEW HIRE OR SECTION 3 BUSINESS PARTICIPATION MUST BE SHOWN ON THE SECTION 3 PLAN. SECTION 3 PLAN MUST BE FILLED OUT AND SUBMITTED WITH THE BID OR BID WILL BE NON-RESPONSIVE. ALL BACKUP DOCUMENTATION FOR SECTION 3 BUSINESS CONCERN'S AND SECTION 3 RESIDENTS WILL BE GATHERED LATER. (PARTICIPATION WILL REQUIRE CERTIFICATION FORMS FOR EACH BUSINESS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO AWARD OF CONTRACT.) (RESIDENT CERIFICATION FORMS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR NEW HIRES, BUT AFTER THE AWARD OF CONTRACT.) SECTION 3 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY PLAN 1.Name 8 Address of reporting entity 2.Federal Identification:(Contract 3.Dollar Amount of Award (Recipient,Contractor,Subcontractor) Award No.) Scn1UEL GONTRAGTORS, ( G q Contact Person, 5.T )ept e(kbludrga enoCode) NICOCRUFF AVE. Thomas S. Pack, U.P. &SecrerarY loot WWOO"JJOO II 1 240 S. DO\NNEN( CALIF. 90241 6.Reporting Period: T.Date FjeRo(IISiirged_ 8.Program Code: 7 y1 f{'`f rj '�(� Part I: Employment and Training Commitment JOB CATEGORY TOTAL NEW HIRES SECTION 3 NEW HIRES % AGGREGATE HIRES WHO ARE SECTION 3 HIRES Professionals Technicians OfficvfCedcal / 1 /00 p�A Trade: Trade: Trade. Trade: Trade: Trade. Trade: Part II: Contract Award Commitment to Section 3 Businesses NAME OF SECTION 3 BUSINESS SPECIFY CONSTRUCTION OR CONTRACT AMOUNT CONCERN NONCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT • C-11(a) Instructions for Economic Opportunity Plan Form This form is to be used to report accomplishments regarding employment, training, and contracting opportunities provided to low- and very-low persons under Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. 1. Reporting Entity: Enter the name and address of the recipient, Contractor, or subcontractor as appropriate. 2. Federal Identification: Enter the number that appears on the award form. The award may be a grant, cooperative agreement, or contract. 3. Dollar Amount of Award: Enter the dollar amount, rounded to the nearest dollar, received by the recipient, Contractor, or subcontractor. 4.&5. Contact Person/Telephone: Enter the name and telephone number of the person with knowledge of the award and the recipients implementation of Section 3. 6. Reporting Period: Indicate the time period (month and year) this report covers. 7. Date Report Submitted: Enter the appropriate date. Part l: Employment and Training Opportunities 1. Job Category: Report job categories of newly hired employees. 2. Total New Hires: Report number of new hires by job category. 3. Section 3 New Hires: Report number of Section 3 new hires by job category. 4. Percentage of Aggregate Hires Who are Section 3 Hires: Enter the percentage of Section 3 new hires for each job category. Part II: Contract Opportunities 1. Name of Section 3 Business Concern: Enter the name of each Section 3 business concern who received a contract/award. 2. Construction or Nonconstruction Contract: Specify if the Section 3 business concern is a construction or nonconstruction contractor. 3. Contract Amount: Enter the correct amount awarded to a Section 3 business concern. C-11(b) CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL FOR STREET RESURFACING, STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS, AND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP PROGRAM ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 CDBG FUND NO. P98802 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD TO THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, as AGENCY In accordance with AGENCY's NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS, the undersigned BIDDER hereby proposes to furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals required for the above-stated project as set forth in the Plans, Specifications, and contract documents therefore, and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER declares that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, and all other contract documents. If this proposal is accepted for award, BIDDER agrees to enter into a contract with AGENCY at the unit and/or lump-sum prices set forth in the following BID SCHEDULE. BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in the manner and time prescribed will result in forfeiture to AGENCY of the proposal guarantee accompanying this proposal. BIDDER understands that a bid is required for the entire work, that the estimated quantities set forth in the BID SCHEDULE are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final compensation under the contract will be based upon the actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. THE AGENCY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE OR DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF ANY QUANTITY SHOWN AND TO DELETE ANY ITEM FROM THE CONTRACT. It is agreed that the unit and/or lump-sum prices bid include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the amounts bid, unit prices shall govern overextended amounts, and words shall govern over figures. If awarded the Contract, the undersigned further agrees that in the event of the BIDDER's default in executing the required contract and filing the necessary bonds and insurance certificates within 10-working days after the date of the AGENCY's notice of award of contract to the BIDDER, the proceeds of the security accompanying this bid shall become the property of the AGENCY and this bid and the acceptance hereof may, at the AGENCY'S option, be considered null and void. C-1 BID SCHEDULE "A" FOR STREET RESURFACING, STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS, AND CONCRETE REPAIRS ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 CDBG FUND NO. P98802 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. Asphalt-concrete cold milling, varies per table on Plan Sheet No. 2. 118,000 S.F. $ .15 $ i7.7b0s6`) 2. Apshalt-concrete cold milling, 1%-inch full depth. 10,600 S.F. $ .30 $ 33 )$D•06 3. Asphalt-rubber hot mix (ARHM). 3,160 TON $ 517.06 $ 174 646.06 4. Sawcut, remove, and construct X-gutter per APWA Std. No. 122-1, as modified. 1,050 S.F. $ 7I70 $ 185.00 5. Crack filling with Crafco Polyfiex Type III or equal. 4,130 L.F. $ 1.39 $ 5,29O.'�3 6. Adjust to grade survey monu- [y� ments,well frame, and cover. 3 EACH $ /4'0.00 $ id0.00 7. Adjust to grade manhole frame and cover. 44 EACH $ 156,OQ $ � gat{Am 8. Adjust to grade water meter (see Appendix). 6 EACH $ /55 DO $ 930.00 9. Remove 6-inch thick AC and AB or existing AC thickness, whichever is greater, before cold milling, and construct 6- inch thick AC pavement over compacted subgrade. 1,850 S.F. $ y15 $ 6 C-2(a) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 10. Remove and construct 8-inch thick AC or AB over / / compacted native. 3,100 S.F. $ 5:4 $/,',9[Let 11. Remove and construct curb and gutter, including 6-inch aggregate base to match existing and per APWA Standard Plan No. 120-0 (including quantities in 1,300 L.F. $ ;ah.n0 $ 13 SOO.00 Appendix). 12. Remove and reconstruct existing curb drain per APWA Std. Plan No. 150-2. 1 EACH $ 171_54 $ 1150-496 13. Remove and construct curb only, including 6-inch aggregate base to match existing and per APWA Standard Plan No. 120-0 (see Appendix). 330 L.F. $ 3/.3/) $ /43/9.049 14. Remove and construct residential driveway per APWA Standard Plan No. 110-0 and to match existing (including quantities in Appendix). 3,450 S.F. $ id/5- $ /77/7.50 15. Remove and construct 4-inch thick AC over compacted sub- base at back of driveway (including quantities in Appendix). 1,000 S.F. $ 937 $ 932),(16 16. Remove and construct 4-inch thick PCC side-walk(including quantities in Appendix). 3,800 S.F. $ 2/.11/) $ C-2(b) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 17. Remove existing PCC sidewalk and excavate 12- inch thick of native soil, backfill with top soil and plant sod, including irrigation per Specification. (See Appendix.) 1 L.S. $ /: y 950.a0 18. Remove existing 4-foot high block wall and construct chain-link fence to match existing. (See Sheet No. 5.) 15 L.F. 19. Remove and construct wheelchair ramp, including retaining curb at back of walk, per LACDPW Std. Plan No. ,,/ ,, 1200-1. 2,000 S.F. $ .184 $ !/(aY/ 40 20. Repair 5-linear feet of existing parkway drain and backfill with top soil per Specification. (See Appendix II). 1 L.S. $4 540.OA$ 21. Remove existing tree and root ball (see Appendix). 10 EACH $ 6012.4i1 $-. ,'V 22. Striping, complete per plan. — L.S. -- $4,00:2,_00 23. Furnish and install 24-inch box tree in kind, as specified in Appendix II including staking and root control barriers. 10 EACH $ _37X2/4 $ T>in,Qo 24. Install 6-foot diameter inductivetraffic loop detectors. 6 EACH $ 33Z tk9 $ D2 . 25. Furnish and install new 11/2- inch street lighting conduit and pull rope, complete per SCE requirements. 7,600 L.F. $ If. /f O $ r I bO.Do C-2(c) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 26. Furnish and install new 3-inch street lighting conduit and pull rope, complete per SCE requirements. 3,100 L.F. $ Il,, 6n $ 51, 460.00 1 27. Furnish and install new street lighting handhole, complete per SCE requirements. 16 EACH $ I,2y.00 $ (1CM-1,00 28. Project improvement sign. 4 EACH $ MOO $ 3T TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN FIGURES (SCHEDULE "A") $ r1 TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN WORDS (SCHEDULE "A") C 714L, L,.rnG,d ‘1444.0 \(O.L;04W4 C-2(d) BID SCHEDULE "B" FOR HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP PROGRAM ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 CDBG FUND NO. P98802 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. Remove and construct curb and portion of crossgutter spandrel, alley intersection, and driveway approach, including aggregate base. 600 L.F. $ a3.OQ $ i5,nao.0s 2. Remove and construct 8-inch thick AC over compacted native. 1,500 S.F. $ (.vzu $ 3 _. 3. Relocate sign and post. 8 EACH $ 102.00 $ 146.06 4. Remove and reestab- lish sprinkler system per Specifications. — L.S. — $ 5. 60.00 5. Remove and construct curb and gutter, including 6-inch aggregate base to match existing and per APWA Standard Plan No. 120-0 (including r Appendix). 625 L.F. $ Qc.06 $ 10.50.(DO C-2(e) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 6. Remove and construct wheelchair ramp, including retaining curb at back of walk, per LACDPW Std. Plan No. 11 1200-1. 6,140 S.F. $ h.y(.1 $ • WHO o 7. Adjust to grade water valve frame and cover. 9 EACH $ moo $a (see Appendix). 8. Adjust water meter to grade. (See Appendix) 3 EACH $ .397.OD $ _4/7/. 00 9. Remove and construct 4-inch thick PCC side- walk (see Appendix). 1,500 S.F. $ h3O $ '7 950 TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN FIGURES (SCHEDULE "B") $2,231. 0 TOTAL AMOUNT/BID `IIN,/WO{R/DS (SCHEDULE "B")-12;r6 dial /�12w{J-a 11� /y/ yle%F WIZe re ��W2S +�- Aft ern 26C• TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN FIGURES ON SCHEDULE "A"AND B.. $/ - 88/15 TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN WORDS ON SCHEDULE "A"AND "B" rza t. - zie., njz/ A. an14V ?Lan C-2(f) DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of one- half of 1 percent of the total amount bid or $10,000, whichever is greater, as follows: NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE y�" NUMBER OF SUBCLLO''��NAATRACTORS, (0,44.04-6 ,044,4b PORTION OF WORK I /O �Dba y 250 JJJJJIl owefrn y %/754ozso 2/3//-725-/l87 )) / n ( p p 9 NiOAun y 0rachilim o1. ,5 on L) b 0. rvp.,ci vAX — . 0 //O ; D.CI/„ s . 9Z6 53o-99/6 u eitetrea Qa9a w, /V S 7 a} (ma-rte 7'720 709-37/- V2o J 74 S QoL.�O'(Az"�'- 'F //4nt-- ia_ xdt_ .66z L�7� Fes/, �✓/ ✓% 9263S 7sN-524 as�8 lx, 2'6 T/ J €.4/ J /o7x4nAL 9/767 902-865-a93t 7/9.9997_3903 Prior to award of contract, Contractor shall submit a list of suppliers and vendors in writing to the City Engineer. C-3 DESIGNATION OF ASPHALT-RUBBER BINDER PRODUCER BIDDER proposes to acquire Asphalt-Rubber BINDER from: Silvia Construction, Inc. , 9007 Center Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, Ca . 91" Name Address This section shall be completed even if the apparent low bidder plans to produce asphalt- rubber binder with its own forces. Name of producer must be the actual company producing the binder, not any intermediary. For example, do not list the AC plant where ARHM is to be produced, unless AC plant owns the asphalt-rubber binder plant. Within 3-working days of bid opening, the apparent low bidder shall provide the Agency copies of all required South Coast Air Quality Management District(SCAQMD)documents which expressly permit the use of propane fuel for heating the Asphalt-Rubber binder. Failure to complete this portion of the bid or provide the foregoing documentation shall, at the Agency's discretion,constitute the basis to either declare the apparent low bidder's bid non-responsive or disqualify the Asphalt-Rubber producer from performing work on this contract. If the Asphalt-Rubber producer is disqualified by the Agency, and the low bidder is not declared non-responsive, then if an Asphalt-Rubber producer was initially listed, the low bidder may, within 3-working days from this declaration request of the Agency that it be allowed to substitute the listed producer with another. The apparent low bidder's written election in this regard shall be sent to the Agency along with copies of all SCAQMD documentation permitting either the Asphalt-Rubber producer's use or the apparent low bidder's use of propane fuel for heating Asphalt's Rubber binder. If this documentation is not provided in a timely fashion, it will be cause for determining the low bidder's bid to be deemed non-responsive. By acknowledging the asphalt-rubber producer herein, BIDDER certifies that the asphalt- rubber plant has been investigated as to whether the heating element of the reaction tank is of the gas retort type capable of raising temperature 20 degrees per hour. If the equipment does not so conform, the BIDDER further certifies that the asphalt-rubber hot mix plant owner, the paving subcontractor, and asphalt-rubber supplier have been made fully aware of the provisions of Subsection 600-2.3.2 that "inability to maintain temperatures above specified minimums will be cause to terminate paving operations." C-4 REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past 2 years: City of Thousand Oaks, 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd . , Thousand Oaks, Ca Name and address of owner 9136 Joe Bravo (805)449-2151 Name and Telephone number of person familiar with project • $2, 099, 280 . 00 ARHM Overlay Various Streets 10/98 Contract amount Type of work Date completed 2 Los Angeles County, Public Works , 900 So. Fremont, Alhambra, Ca . Name and address of owner - 91802 Frank Lancaster or Robert Schwartz Name and Telephone number of person familiar with project Over $10 Million in Various Contracts Various Dates Contract amount Type of work Date completed 3 Riverside County, 4080 Lemon, Riverside, Ca. 92502 8th Floor Name and address of owner Hugh Smith ( 909)955-6740 Name and Telephone number of person familiar with project $1 ,537, 580. 85 Sky Country Pavement Rehabilitation 8/98 Contract amount Type of work Date completed The following are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all brokers and sureties from whom BIDDER intends to procure insurance and bonds: 1 - Culbertson Insurance Services - 5500 E. Santa Ana Cyn. Rd . $201 , Anaheim, Ca . 92801 ( 714) 921-0530 2 - Great American Surety Company - P.O. Box 5440, Orange, Ca . 92668 ( 714) 740-2400 C-5 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE BIDDER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontracts, all reports which may have been due under the requirements of any AGENCY, State, or Federal equal employment opportunity orders have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports are currently outstanding. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider minority business enterprises for those portions of the work to be subcontracted, and that such affirmative actions have been fully documented, that said documentation is open to inspection, and that said affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder. Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requirements of the contract documents. NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that no officer, agent, or employee of the AGENCY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other individual,firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work and that this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. C-6 BIDDER'S INFORMATION BIDDER certifies that the following information is true and correct: Bidder's Name Silvia Construction, Inc. Business Address 9007 Center Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 Telephone No. ( 909)481-8118 State Contractor's License No. and Class 568194 A Original Date Issued 5/89 Expiration Date 5/31/99 The following are the names, titles, addresses and phone numbers of all individuals, firm members, partners, joint venturers, and/or corporate officers having a principal interest in this proposal: Joseph W. Silvia, President 9007 Center Ave. , Rancho Cucamonga, Ca . 917: Frank Dudley, Vice President 9007 Center Ave. , Rancho Cucamonga, Ca . 91730 Claire R. Manchester-Wamel , Secretary 9007 Center Ave. , Rancho Cucamonga , Ca. 9173( Benjamin B. Day, Treasurer 9007 Center Ave. , Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 9173( (909)481-8118 The date of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgements against any principal having an interest in this proposal, or any firm, corporation, partnership or joint venturer of which any principal having an interest in this proposal was an owner, corporate officer, partner, or joint venturer are as follows: N/A AM current and prior DBA's alias, and/or fictitious business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: N/A C-7 -1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BIDDER executes and submits this proposal with the names, titles, hands, and seals of all aforenamed principals this 11th day of 1 January , 19 99 - BIDDER: Silvia Construction, Inc. 1 9007 Center Avenue iRancho Cucamonga, Ca . 91730 _ ( • 19)981 81. ://' a _. . •seph W. Silvia, President I ISubscribed and sworn to this 11thday of January , 19 99 NOTARY PUBLIC V LCA C\ f /D j,R Luo,, v✓).> u,wlwA.: ,, CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT Y n c.o...a .s.4C.,C - n n o. Si n s o xs - . . ., — _ - L<'.e.•cCK•r' - n ., tiYv`C- State of California s ss. 16 I �8 County of San Bernardino 5 5 .0 Mera Williams , Notary Public A On 1/11/98 Name De,e , before me. and rile of tim=er ie.a.-'Jane Doe.rvmery Pubic.) g personally appeared Joseph W. Silvia , President ame)s)o,Signeqs) • cxpersonally known to me i proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence s 1 to be the person whose name% isiare 4 _ MERA WILLIAMS subscribed to the within instrument and 5 Z_ Commission k 1198013 acknowledged to me that he/�dttr,.y executed ' - the same in his/tr authorized Hatay Wbric-CCr i 2 kt.C.y.,'10 Son Bemad^o capacity004, and that by his/I r My corrva ExpiresMov&2E02 signature on the instrument the person(f$, or . - the entitVuupon behalf of which the person si 9 iiI acted, executed the instrument. y i WITNESS my hand and official seal. • BOND# 0372243 PREMIUM-NIL CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL GUARANTEE BID BOND FOR STREET RESURFACING, STREET AND HANDICAP ACCESS LIMPROVEMENTS,IGHTING RAMP PROGRAM ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 CDBG FUND NO. P98802 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that SILVIA CONSTRUCTION, INC.aN BIDDER, and GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of OHIO and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as SURETY,are held and firmly bound unto the City of Rosemead, as AGENCY, in the penal sum of TEN PERCENT OF AMOUNT BID dollars ($ IOR ), which is 10 percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to AGENCY for the above-stated project, for the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bid to AGENCY for the above-stated project, if said bid is rejected, or if said bid is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect in favor of AGENCY. C-8(a) IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have ssett9their names, titles, hands, and seals, this 4TH day of JANITMY •107 CENTER AVENUE BIDDER' Si . • A COST: CTI CUCAMONGA CA 91730 909 481-8118 �111 Jose h W. Silvia President P.O.BY: Sr BOX 5440 SURETY GREAT /AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY ORANGE CA 92863-5440 714 740-2400 That./t a �.r+-01ar"^ DAVID L. CULBERTSON ATTORNEY-IN-FACT ' 1999 Subscribed and sworn to this 11th day of January NOTARY PUBLIC A a . • L S - 11 - s.4111 arovide Band ER/ADMI ED SURETY name. arddress, and telephone number and the name.Elle, a tele er CULBERTSON INSURANCE SERVICES, INCSUITE 201 5500 E. SANTA ANA CANYON ROAD, Ma2A WRUAMS ANAHEIM, CA 92807 (714) 921-0530 2 .1.x. Commission N 1198043 ZZ t - ' 7', .� Natant Public-Canaria ' ,- Counly �-""ISS SanBenxrdinon.aplrs c"42 ;:".° My CamrLemYmNw42702 • C-8(b) • CALIFORNIA ALL•PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 3' 9 State of California 1 . County of San Bernardino • ss. On 1/11/99 , before me, Mera Williams, Notary Public Date Name and tele of Of cer(e g..;lam Doe.Notary PubllC) • personally appeared Joseph W. Silvia, President 1 • Name(s)of 5lgnertsl X personally known to me E proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence ' MiERA wIt1UM9 to be the person whose named is/ata '• •- 111986 subscribed to the within instrument and , :% Comm'Notary Public-CaGlornlo E acknowledged to me that he/s1 y executed sl '' son o /h no County the same in hisearieir authorized -• pyCorrrn.FicPgNo+42XW capacity(ify6), and that by his/haAFfinr signature( i on the instrument the person(Xj, or I the entity upon behalf of which the person(} acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my ,hand and official seal. sl V V,WtY\ —1 n D `ic .R_Gh . /VY Place Notary Seal Above Signature d Notary Public OPTIONAL • Though the information below is not required by law,it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document • and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document A • Description of Attached Document Ttle or Type of Document: i' Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: ¢ Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer • Signers Name: RIGHT HUMBPPRINT g. ❑ Individual Too of thumb here ET Corporate Officer—Ttle(s): • Other: C' Partner—.E Limited El General ji Si S Attorney in Fact _I Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ll tI 'f Signer Is Representing: 491997 National No,ary Aasocat,on•9350 De Soto Ave.PO.Box 2402*Chatsworth.CA 91313-2402 Prod.No 5907 Reorder:Call Toll-Free 1'11004116E09 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE On 1-04-99 before me, LEXIE SHERWOOD - NOTARY PUBLIC personally appeared DAVID L. CULBERTSON personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. r ,:�� Lexie Sherwood a U N.-y' Yi �c Comm.#1148920 0 it,A4a„, tapt 'TART PUBLIC CALIFORNIA() 1140920ll Saof oary Public '�� - ORANGECOUNTY :,^� ComM.Exp.July 27 2001 � OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT BID BOND TITLE OR TYPE Or DOCUMENT NOMEOM or Paters 2 PATE Or DOCUMENT 1-04-99 CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER ❑ INDIVIDUAL ❑ CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE(S) ❑ PARTNER(S) ® ATTORNEY-IN-FACT ❑ TRUSTEE (5) ❑ OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(S) GEM'ANERIC- N INSURANCE COMPANY 580 WALNUT STREET• CINCINNATI. OHIO 45202 • 513-369-5000• FAX 513-723-2740 The number of persons authorized by this power of attorney is not more than No. 0 13630 SIX POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALI, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY,a corporation orgamred and ex lsting under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Ohio,does hereby nominate.constitute and appoint the person or persons named below its true and lawful attorney-in-fact.for it and in its name.place and stead to execute in behalf of the said Company,as surety any and all bonds. undertakings and contracts of suretyship,or other written obligations in the nature thereof:provided that the liability of thesaid Company n - such bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall not exceed the limit stated below. Name Address Limit of Power DAVID L. CULBERTSON DIANA LASKOWSKI ALL OF ALL LINDA L. CULBERTSON KAREN CHANDLER ANAHEIM, UNLIMITED CHARLES L. FLAKE R.A. COON CALIFORNIA This Power of Attorney revokes all previous powers issued in behalf of the aunrneylsl-inet-act named above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the CR EAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed and attested ht its appropriate officers and its corporate seal hereunto affixed this 22nd day of June 1U95 Attest GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY STATE OF OHIO, COUNTY OF HAMILTON —ss: On this 22nd day of June, 1995 , before me personally appeared GARY T. DU:NBAR. to me known, being duly sworn,deposes and says that he resided in Cincinnati.Ohio. that he is the President of the Bond Division of Great American Insurance Company,the Company described in and which executed the abowe instillment:tat he knows the seaL that it was affixed IA authority of his office under the By-Laws of said Company. and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. This Power til Attorney is granted by authority of the follow ing resolution, adopted by the Board or Directors of Grc;n American Insurance Company by unanimous written consent dated March I, 1993. RESOLVED.ED. That the Division President. the several Division Vice Presidents and,lssistant Vice Presidents. or an, one of them. be and hereby is authorized.from time to time,to appoint one ormorc Auornets-In-Fact to execute un behalfnhhe Company.as campdoe and all hoods, undertakings and contracts ft/suretyship. or other uriuen obligations in the nature thereof. to preurihe their respectne duties and the respective limits of their authority:and to revoke any such appointment at ant time. RESOLVED FUR TREK That the Company seal and the signature of ant of the aforesaid officers and any Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or certificate of either go ren for the execution of amu bond. undertaking.contract orsurer ship,or other written oblieatnm in the nature thereof.such cign.vnmo and seal'then so rived being hercht adopted by the Company as the original signature of such officer and the original ce:d of the Company. to he%alid and binding upon the COmpan v with the same force and effect as though manuals affilxed. CERTIFICATION I. RONALD C. HAYES. Assistant Secretary of Great American Insurance Company do hereby certify that the foregoing Pouter of Attorney and the Resolutions of the Board of Directors of March I. 1993 bane nor been revoked and arc nom in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 4TH day Of JANUARY . 19 99 SECTION 3 REQUIREMENTS FOR CDBC; FUND D PRO CTS ANY PRIME CONTRACTOR OVER$100,000 IS SUBJECT TO THESE REQUIREMENTS THE SECTION 3 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY PLAN MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE BID. OF THE NEW HIRES NEEDED FOR THE PROJECT- GOAL IS 30% OF ALL NEW HIRES TO BE LOW INCOME. THESE WOULD BE SECTION 3 NEW HIRES - DEF'N: 1)RESIDE IN COUNTY 2)LOW INCOME FAMILY(SEE SECTION 3 RES. FORM FOR PARAMETERS) SECTION 3 BUSINESS CONCERN PARTICIPATION- GOAL IS 3% OF CONTRACT- DEF'N: 1) 51 PERCENT OWNED BY SECTION 3 RESIDENTS, OR 2) 30% OF FULL TIME EMPLOYEES ARE SECTION 3 RESIDENTS 3) 25 PERCENT OF CONTRACT OR SUBCONTRACT IS AWARDED TO SECTION 3 BUSINESS CONCERNS THE AWARD OF CONTRACT WILL BE TO THE 5ECTION 3 PARTICIPANT WITH THE LOWEST BID, IF THE BID IS WITHIN 10% OF THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE BID. TO BE CONSIDERED A SECTION 3 PARTICIPANT, SOME SECTION 3 NEW HIRE OR SECTION 3 BUSINESS PARTICIPATION MUST BE, SHOWN ON THE SECTION 3 PLAN. SECTION 3 PLAN MUST BE FILLED OUT AND SUBMITTED WITH THE BID OR BID WILL BE NON-RESPONSIVE. ALL BACKUP DOCUMENTATION FOR SECTION 3 BUSINESS CONCERN'S AND SECTION 3 RESIDENTS WILL BE GATHERED LAIER. (PARTICIPATION WIT 1 REQUIRE CERTIFICATION FORMS FOR EACH BUSINESS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO AWARD OF CONTRACT.) (RESIDENT CERIFICATION FORMS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR NEW HIRES, BUT AMU(t ( THE AWARD OF CONTRACT.) SECTION 3 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY PLAN 1.Name&Address of reporting entity 2.Federal Identification:(Contract 3.Dollar Amount of Award (Recipient,Contractor,Subcontractor) Award No.) the 799`1O?- ` ' fF�-1 asPgs o- J /Se/3.m T Silvia Construction, 6Lootact Person 5.Telephone(Include Area Code) 9007 Center Ave . Frank Dudley ( 909)481-8118 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca . 91730 6.Reporting Period: 7.Date Report Submitted —13-`1`1 8.Program Code: Part I: Employment and Training Commitment JOB CATEGORY TOTAL NEW HIRES SECTION 3 NEW HIRES %OF AGGREGATE HIRES WHO ARE SECTION 3 HIRES Professiona Is Technicians Office/Clerical Trade. Apprentice 1 100% Trade. Trade: Trade: Trade: Trade Trade: Part II: Contract Award Commitment to Section 3 Businesses NAME OF SECTION 3 BUSINESS SPECIFY CONSTRUCTION OR CONTRACT AMOUNT CONCERN NONCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT C-11(a) instructions for Economic Opportunity Plan Form This form is to be used to report accomplishments regarding employment, training, and contracting opportunities provided to low- and very-low persons under Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. 1. Reporting Entity: Enter the name and address of the recipient, Contractor, or subcontractor as appropriate. 2. Federal Identification: Enter the number that appears on the award form. The award may be a grant, cooperative agreement, or contract. 3. Dollar Amount of Award: Enter the dollar amount, rounded to the nearest dollar, received by the recipient, Contractor, or subcontractor. 4.86. Contact Person/Telephone: Enter the name and telephone number of the person with knowledge of the award and the recipients implementation of Section 3. 6. Reporting Period: Indicate the time period (month and year) this report covers. 7. Date Report Submitted: Enter the appropriate date. Part I: Employment and Training Opportunities 1. Job Category: Report job categories of newly hired employees. 2. Total New Hires: Report number of new hires by job category. 3. Section 3 New Hires: Report number of Section 3 new hires by job category. 4. Percentage of Aggregate Hires Who are Section 3 Hires: Enter the percentage of Section 3 new hires for each job category. Part II: Contract Opportunities 1. Name of Section 3 Business Concern: Enter the name of each Section 3 business concern who received a contract/award. 2. Construction or Nonconstruction Contract: Specify if the Section 3 business concern is a construction or nonconstruction contractor. 3. Contract Amount: Enter the correct amount awarded to a Section 3 business concern. C-11(b) EXHIBIT 4 SECTION 3 RESIDENT ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATION The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) monitors our hiring practices on Section 3 funded projects. It is important, therefore, that the information below be provided. Please be aware that your response, though needed, is voluntary and has no effect on your employment status. Because these questions are personal in nature, your answers will be treated with confidentiality. Thank you for assisting us. Sincerely, The Community Development Department City of Rosemead 1. Name: Address: 2. Number of individuals living in your household (include yourself) 3. Total annual household income (please check one): Less than $21,550 Between $30,801- $33,250 Between $21,551 - $24,650 Between $33,250 - $35,750 Between $24,651 - $27,700 Between $35,751 - $38,200 Between $27,701 - $30,800 Above $38,201 4. Are you currently employed? Yes _ No _ I certify that the statements made on this sheet are true, complete, and correct to the best knowledge and belief, and made in good faith. Date: Signature: F-16 EXHIBIT 6 CITY OF ROSEMEAD SECTION 3 BUSINESS CONCERN ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATE Name of Business: Address of Business: Telephone No. Fax No. Type of Business: Corporation _ Partnership Sole Proprietorship _ Joint Venture Section 3 Business Concern Qualifying Basis 1. 51 percent (%) owned by Section 3 low-income residents 2. _ Permanent, full-time employees include at least 30 percent (%) Section 3 low-income residents 3. _ Written commitment to subcontract with more than 25 percent (%) dollar award from City of Rosemead, to business concerns who meet the above 1 or 2 Section 3 qualifications By this signature affixed hereto, I declare under penalty of perjury that the above information is correct. Signature of Section 3 Business Concern Owner Date Print Name Received by Date F-17 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL FOR STREET RESURFACING, STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS, AND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP PROGRAM ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 CDBG FUND NO. P98802 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD TO THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, as AGENCY In accordance with AGENCY's NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS, the undersigned BIDDER hereby proposes to furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals required for the above-stated project as set forth in the Plans, Specifications, and contract documents therefore, and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER declares that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, and all other contract documents. If this proposal is accepted for award, BIDDER agrees to enter into a contract with AGENCY at the unit and/or lump-sum prices set forth in the following BID SCHEDULE. BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in the manner and time prescribed will result in forfeiture to AGENCY of the proposal guarantee accompanying this proposal. BIDDER understands that a bid is required for the entire work, that the estimated quantities set forth in the BID SCHEDULE are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final compensation under the contract will be based upon the actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. THE AGENCY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE OR DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF ANY QUANTITY SHOWN AND TO DELETE ANY ITEM FROM THE CONTRACT. It is agreed that the unit and/or lump-sum prices bid include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the amounts bid, unit prices shall govern overextended amounts, and words shall govern over figures. If awarded the Contract, the undersigned further agrees that in the event of the BIDDER's default in executing the required contract and filing the necessary bonds and insurance certificates within 10-working days after the date of the AGENCY's notice of award of contract to the BIDDER, the proceeds of the security accompanying this bid shall become the property of the AGENCY and this bid and the acceptance hereof may, at the AGENCY'S option, be considered null and void. C-1 BID SCHEDULE "A" FOR STREET RESURFACING, STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS, AND CONCRETE REPAIRS ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 • CDBG FUND NO. P98902 CDBG FUND NO. P98802 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. Asphalt-concrete cold milling, varies per table on Plan Sheet No. 2. 118,000 S.F. $ O�� $ /717,00- 60' 2. Apshalt-concretecold milling, 1%-inch full depth. 10,600 S.F. $ 12- 6 $ 1•07 • 3. Asphalt-rubber hot mix (ARHM). 3,160 TON $ 50.67Z2$ /5Y4O 4. Sawcut, remove, and construct X-gutter per APWA Std. No. 122-1, as modified. 1,050 S.F. $ $ 7 3SO- BO 5. Crack filling with Crafco Polyflex Type Ill or equal. 4,130 L.F. $ /30' $ S367 6D 6. Adjust to gradesurveymonu- ments,well frame, and cover. 3 EACH $ /, $ '_'x�.da 7. Adjust to grade manhole frame and cover. 44 EACH $ MC= $ 044)- dIJ 8. Adjust to grade water meter (see Appendix). 6 EACH $ /357,0s Fio.oz5 9. Remove 6-inch thick AC and AB or existing AC thickness, whichever is greater, before cold milling, and construct 6- inch thick AC pavement over compacted subg rade. 1,850 S.F. $ 6,0C $ ///) /6"'). C-2(a) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 10. Remove and construct 8-inch thick AC or AB over compacted native. 3,100 S.F. $ '2(Z) $ /.. /117e20. Ct 11. Remove and construct curb and gutter, including 6-inch aggregate base to match existing and per APWA Standard Plan No. 120-0BD '// p L. (including quantities in 1,300 F. $ 3S- $z , - Appendix). 12. Remove and reconstruct existing curb drain per APWA °E hh Std. Plan No. 150-2. 1 EACH $ (9/75-7 $ G975 Bi' 13. Remove and construct curb only, including 6-inch aggregate base to match existing and per APWA Standard Plan No. 120-0 (see c Appendix). 330 L.F. $ $ 14. Remove and construct residential driveway per APWA Standard Plan No. 110-0 and to match existing (including quantities in Appendix). 3,450 S.F. $ 5,5-6 $ / ,775 4- 15. Remove and construct 4-inch thick AC over compacted sub- base at back of driveway (including quantities in C' Appendix). 1,000 S.F. $ �.J, lSd $ Si-COO • 66 16. Remove and construct 4-inch thick PCC side-walk(including BG quantities in Appendix). 3,800 S.F. $ � $ �/� C-2(b) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 17. Remove existing PCC sidewalk and excavate 12- inch thick of native soil, backfill with top soil and plant sod, including irrigation per B�� 0-00, CO Specification. (See Appendix.) 1 L.S. $ $ 18. Remove existing 4-foot high block wall and construct chain-link fence to match n ere7 existing. (See Sheet No. 5.) 15 L.F. $ / • $ iI /fid ' BD 19. Remove and construct wheelchair ramp, including retaining curb at back of walk, per LACDPW Std. Plan No. 06 1200-1. 1200-1. 2,000 S.F. $ '730 $ /Y 66o 20. Repair 5-linear feet of existing parkway drain and backfill with top soil per Specification. (See Appendix II). 1 L.S. $ 5026 $ sin• CSD 21. Remove existing tree and root ball (see Appendix). 10 EACH $ $ . OD 22. Striping, complete per plan. — L.S. --- $ soo 23. Furnish and install 24-inch box tree in kind, as specified in Appendix II including stakingCO and root control barriers. 10 EACH $ WD• $ 6� ' 24. Install 6-foot diameter ,49 inductivetrafficloop detectors. 6 EACH $ b $ o IO% • lro 25. Furnish and install new 11/2- inch street lighting conduit and pull rope, complete per SCE GZ) �� O �a requirements. 7,600 L.F. $ /�/ $ 9/ • C-2(c) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 26. Furnish and install new 3-inch street lighting conduit and pull rope, complete per SCE requirements. /3,100 L.F. $ • $ r73 �7� set 27. Furnish and install new street lighting handhole, complete OD — per SCE requirements. 16 EACH $ ` $ aj an 28. Project improvement sign. 4 EACH $ cfai . $ 36O • oo T/3, 0/A 6 TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN FIGURES (SCHEDULE "A") P $ TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN WORDS (SCHEDULE "A") 1:1L6.) vI — • / ,Say C-2(d) BID SCHEDULE "B" FOR HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP PROGRAM ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 CDBG FUND NO. P98802 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. Remove and construct curb and portion of crossgutter spandrel, alley intersection, and driveway approach, including aggregate ��1100 base. 600 L.F. $ oIc9.RO $ /3 6g0 - 2. Remove and construct 8-inch thick AC over r7 compacted native. 1,500 S.F. $ !•10 $ /O5( • 3. Relocate sign and o post. 8 EACH $ �lO� $ p �� 0 • 4. Remove and reestab- lish sprinkler system per Specifications. — L.S. — $ SW . 5. Remove and construct curb and gutter, including 6-inch aggregate base to match existing and per APWA Standard Plan No. 120-0 (including Ob .00 o'{ Appendix). 625 L.F. $ $ Aa-Sa • C-2(e) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 6. Remove and construct wheelchair ramp, including retaining curb at back of walk, per LACDPW Std. Plan No. 1200-1. 6,140 S.F. $ /. $ Y Co -c° 7. Adjust to grade water �j valve frame and cover. 9 EACH $ /3S $ / (see Appendix). 8. Adjust water meter to grade. (See Appendix) 3 EACH $ -)c-- $ 06 S/ps, 9. Remove and construct 4-inch thick PCC side- walk (see Appendix). 1,500 S.F. $ Ssa $ 31' S-0 TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN FIGURES (SCHEDULE "B") $ i4y�c30 . a' TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN WORDS (SCHEDULE "B") O/IL(, • , 4/ e i /L da _ / i je TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN FIGURES ON SCHEDULE "A"AND 6/ 7 b Od $ 6/7 r/0� TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN WORDS ON SCHEDULE "A"AND "B" / �/ • / C-2(f) DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of one- half of 1 percent of the total amount bid or $10,000, whichever is greater, as follows: NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF SUBCONTRACTORS, PORTION OF WORK 41M-TilLI6,11-0-1CA) - 3. 147106X-4 M (9arj 676.5- ?9& qq< �� - (-9m±i6-- 3-(77 4G1(4 C9inJ7-77t *7-0 grkriiut, G14 (910. 7/ y�oa Prior to award of contract, Contractor shall submit a list of suppliers and vendors in writing to the City Engineer. C-3 DESIGNATION OF ASPHALT-RUBBER BINDER PRODUCER BIDDER proposes to acquire Asphalt-Rubber BINDER from: L'itp34.1t4t6) flinctezi-7 72-4 g4 Name Address This section shall be completed even if the apparent low bidder plans to produce asphalt- rubber binder with its own forces. Name of producer must be the actual company producing the binder, not any intermediary. For example, do not list the AC plant where ARHM is to be produced, unless AC plant owns the asphalt-rubber binder plant. Within 3-working days of bid opening, the apparent low bidder shall provide the Agency copies of all required South Coast Air Quality Management District(SCAQMD) documents which expressly permit the use of propane fuel for heating the Asphalt-Rubber binder. Failure to complete this portion of the bid or provide the foregoing documentation shall, at the Agency's discretion,constitute the basis to either declare the apparent low bidder's bid non-responsive or disqualify the Asphalt-Rubber producer from performing work on this contract. If the Asphalt-Rubber producer is disqualified by the Agency, and the low bidder is not declared non-responsive, then if an Asphalt-Rubber producer was initially listed, the low bidder may, within 3-working days from this declaration request of the Agency that it be allowed to substitute the listed producer with another. The apparent low bidder's written election in this regard shall be sent to the Agency along with copies of all SCAQMD documentation permitting either the Asphalt-Rubber producer's use or the apparent low bidder's use of propane fuel for heating Asphalt's Rubber binder. If this documentation is not provided in a timely fashion, it will be cause for determining the low bidder's bid to be deemed non-responsive. By acknowledging the asphalt-rubber producer herein, BIDDER certifies that the asphalt- rubber plant has been investigated as to whether the heating element of the reaction tank is of the gas retort type capable of raising temperature 20 degrees per hour. If the equipment does not so conform, the BIDDER further certifies that the asphalt-rubber hot mix plant owner, the paving subcontractor, and asphalt-rubber supplier have been made fully aware of the provisions of- Subsection 600-2.3.2 that "inability to maintain temperatures above specified minimums will be cause to terminate paving operations." C-4 REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past 2 years: 1. SEE ATTACHED • Name and address of owner Name and Telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed 2. Name and address of owner Name and Telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed 3. Name and address of owner Name and Telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of work Date completed The following are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all brokers and sureties from whom BIDDER intends to procure insurance and bonds: BONDS: INSURANCE: WILLIS CORROON CORP. OF NY LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 7 HANOVER SQUARE 8044 MONTGOMERY ROAD, SUITE 137 NEW YORK, NY 10004-2594 CINCINNATI, OH 45236 212/837-0760 212/837-0760 C-5 ` w w>cn '=insp-"i=y`F�-� r�mm n nm -t m -+ • ER•4 n70mfln £££ £ ££ fi £ fn mOT mmmmm 707070 70 77,70 y P -m3 y�y 2n0-3.3-1-1^p3 0y0y00y 0 OO yOy 70770.70 0z2ni+tnmf m OOC7 0 00 4 O v I m m .Wnnnnnn £ £ £ ££ £ < on>n'<O HT',00000 DDD > D> S D -3 >22222 KKK .< yK N < y "INV,V,NN NNV1 N H P .1:..0 .b.OJO�➢wJWw Ln O' on O En -- 00 N➢bNwP 1...0‘0 ...10.t./.0.01)11.0-.1 '000 O 0 0 0 0 oJN`O➢d➢ 000 0 00 0000 Np0 0wO�JNPW 000 0 00 0 0 �0NPWwW CC yy rOm Wy m < -C<> ZW<yCin, ryr;[9" yOr n m2 ` y Hp� <>Or<ZN<rn ,roypF 7m-3 n k 70 , ro,Gi,'-� Cl, Cj T.� p �n G D C • („n DOrOr<£> D£a 70 �D FP C-v3> n0>>zzCRoy m�M1 0 m z C fi I i. fliZ -1 Om^. .a 17 p r N V,o V,v) til O<Z >r ry y D0ill 02 V • 'nnnnnnn >On -3 G� P ,-o n p • •. • {/K KK-~CKKKK ZDA y 7'O — 0 �[FWYZi F. .. 2 m000000° on,,, o <n n N3 coo 70-�m+rnmm', mv, C' Z O y rCnr nmrynn�n nrn 33 r poi om2Az0 0 v,0000 O m (Oi, Fn r o moo nxn Stn m n K a m • nv zm Hp= > y 0 C r ON D t70/a � I. 270 r 'C v, nxnnm<<nnnnn moxc,Non�° < fi n zr r. -< mrtl•<C K0 ^�2(nNO �F,� O 2 O n n mmmmcn oSxxo <f00000 Df>-)-1nO wm r p ~ aDl '<to In C > Ro ar Rocitt ooEwi z<0 FtNzvir y0 0 o Vr, n oli 00\ OOP 0000 �j 0 0000( x'00 ➢➢➢ AJAW uta ➢N N N PW-4 Dom 000`t 00(ra0 0 \\ 0 0 U G] . .. oa ve =__ = VVV��, m F, _ > c= cflwm..<ncflmcAul c. -iwZromnnm DAP~t*I�0,-IE w??-i P zP,.7 aO0. 3� mmm v>Ao£me omF�£ ym�,v, rto3,vmWm � na ,yKnn 2pmKm KAmmK ynyKlnm r0"A�D''[nmt-mfg ▪3 oO-o n-2+.pp6~ Z�jzzOo� cnt.0000 o�mO0OOyn _= oZn -C^Z y-m-t-1Z o Z-1mi '9z-1-1 -im_ o, n=zo R n o o H - 20 z -1 MO 222-z� 3 Oen L - 004,_ -. v2 C0 JLOO =4Nm 'G—J- 000N00 ON0 PH NOOOO OOw wu UO00000➢000u0 • JP U. 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D ZZr'DZ ZK -Di Ky '< oDAO�m m0 t°^z l°, [*tfn"zm oOKO< °"IW 5...,› R`n Zen Z DD > ,Agonn nAn ,„...omv+>o K tI m� zk >� a>mu m,nm o> 70> m m f om A nn 0 2 Fm R 00 " T 0 740 o� 0 ---00 0000 0 0--0000 o▪- 000000D`0 _ mJ_ \,nuv P ➢O—N Ob+P et w0 J c-`00000 0o0c'c \OO to Z.-BctOaUUu PPPPP PPPP Vm - Jm J 'o -40.\00-1'0 y OU. 0 O Otn000 0m 0 po n u 0 UOO0 otn000Ln fl. o me-8 e oo o�n; fin a M.'.--1'.o v 0 Below you will find a current list of customers with names and telephone numbers as requested. John Wayne Airport Larry Serafini (714) 252-5270 Runway Repair 7th Ave City of Industry Richard Diehl (626)333-1748 Overlay City of Norwalk Randy Hillman (562) 929-5719 Overlay/Slurry City of Gardena John Felix ext 330 (310)217-9500 Overlay City of Beverly Hills Prem Kumar (310)285-2557 Overlay EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE BIDDER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontracts, all reports which may have been due under the requirements of any AGENCY, State, or Federal equal employment opportunity orders have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports are currently outstanding. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider minority business enterprises for those portions of the work to be subcontracted, and that such affirmative actions have been fully documented, that said documentation is open to inspection, and that said affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder. Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requirements of the contract documents. NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that no officer, agent, or employee of the AGENCY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other individual,firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work and that this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. C-6 BIDDER'S INFORMATION BIDDER certifies that the following information is true and correct: Bidder's Name SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY Business Address 1100 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE. , SUITE 200 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92801 Telephone No. 714/578-9600 State Contractor's License No. and Class 747612 A Original Date Issued MARCH 30, 1998 Expiration Date MARCH 31 , 2000 The following are the names, titles, addresses and phone numbers of all individuals, firm members, partners,joint venturers, and/or corporate officers having a principal interest in this proposal: SEE ATTACHED The date of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgements against any principal having an interest in this proposal, or any firm, corporation, partnership or joint venturer of which any principal having an interest in this proposal was an owner, corporate officer, partner, or joint venturer are as follows: NONE All current and prior DBA's alias, and/or fictitious business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: CORNERSTONE C & M, INC dba SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY C-7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BIDDER executes and submits this proposal with the names, titles, hands, and seals of all aforenamed principals this 12th day of JANUARY , 19 99 0.//. BIDDER: SULLY-MILLER CON.st.etT i G COMPANY ' I • • IBSON AS • NT SECRETARY Subscribed and sworn tot 12TH day of JANUARY 19 99 �j Qp / NOTARY PUBLIC t /L 4 (4/1.,44-3-0-) ALICE M. ENGLISH N TARY PUBLIC MICE M.@1G18H _ :A/Y; Ca nminian►1112315 s . "•:�_: Notay PLdIc-Ca6lar s �,L n% OreipB County MyCannBfimOct11.2 D C-7(b) CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT r is- .w-w.6 •.-w . c ILLY C•" If •. .w A.w _ .w-e» we.w-w. _P 6 .w_ .ySwi&-y' nTrh) (q, Y State of CALIFORNIA 5 I County of ORANGE 4 On JANUARY 12, 1999 before me, ALICE M. ENGLISH - NOTARY PUBLIC , 1 0 Oslo Name end Llle of Officer hog_'Jane Doe.Nolary Pubee l jll personally appeared GARY A. GIBSON Name(s)of Signer(s) )(personally known to me-OR . • .• •• • _ • - - . •• - •-• - to be the person(/' yy,,� • whose name(45 is/are subscribed to the within instrument 5K 1 and acknowledged to me that he/st(/tk(ey executed the ' yyry,, 1 same in his/ r/tI4 r authorized capacity(iei), and that by ..�i hiske6tbel signature($'on the instrument the person(e% iT I8or the entity upon behalf of which the person(*acted, 'x5 „S ALICEM.e1GLLSH executed the instrument. r5 Si! ALICE N 1112305— 1 :Ti`s;I i ., v Notary Public-Ca0b7 O WITNESS my hand and official seal y,., �I t 2 Drape County x� signature of Mary OPTIONAL 0 Though the information below is not required by law,it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document • 1 1¢ Title or Type of Document: BIDDER'S INFORMATION STATEMENT e 10 Document Date: JANUARY 12, 1999 Number of Pages: TWO I 1 I Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: NONE 0Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) IISigner's Name: GARY A. GIBSON Signer's Name: I 1 ✓W �❑/ Individual ❑ Individual 1 Corporate Officer ❑ Corporate Officer Ttle(s): ASSISTANT SECRETARY Title(s): 1 11 ❑ Partner—C Limited C General ❑ Partner—C Limited C General 1 1 ❑ Attorney-in-Fact El Attorney-in-Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Trustee RIGHT ix •IGNT RINi SIGNER 2" E' Guardian or Conservator OF SIGNER Li Guardian or ConservatorOF SIGNER ❑ Other: Top of numb here El Other: Top of thumb here I I JI Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: .1 SULLY-MILLER CONTR. CO. yI I. 1 - v-L�cL`cL`eL :`ce:•' n• - a _Z`4;:✓v- -r-d:-.. 'e' •`,c4+-G'4c:`t.Lit+-a:`4v1.� a 01995 NahonalNIary Assoc •8236 Remme•Ave PO.Elea 2113E•Canoga Park.CA 9131 .71134 Pro.N0.5907 tl Reorder Call Toll-flee 1.800-876-5827 CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY AND RESOLUTION I, George Aldrich, do hereby certify that I am an Assistant Secretary of Sully-Miller Contracting Company, a Delaware corporation, and that as such I have access to and custody of the corporate records and minute books of said corporation. And I do hereby further certify that the following persons are duly elected officers of said corporation: TITLE NAME Chief Executive Officer R.Bruce Rieser Chief Financial Officer&Treasurer Tim P. Orchard Vice President, Chief Estimator Ron I. Salcido Vice President, Operations Mitchell P. Vigna Secretary Stewart M. Fuhrmann Assistant Secretary Gary A. Gibson Assistant Secretary George Aldrich I further certify that the following is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of said Company at a meeting held on April 17, 1998, and that this resolution has not been in any way rescinded, annulled, or revoked but the same is still in full force and effect: "(AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE BIDS AND CONTRACTS) Resolved, that any officer or assistant officer of this Company be and each of them is hereby authorized to execute in the name and on behalf of this Company under its corporate seal any and all proposals for the sale of products,merchandise and services of this Company and any bids and performance bonds required in connection therewith, to the United States, any of the States, territories and dependencies of the United States, the District of Columbia,cities, towns,townships, counties, school districts, and to the department,political subdivisions,agencies or wholly-owned corporations thereof, or to any other person." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal this 20th day of July, 1998. rr two L�S� George Aldrich Assistant Secretary (SEAL) CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL GUARANTEE BID BOND FOR STREET RESURFACING, STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS, AND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP PROGRAM ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 CDBG FUND NO. P98802 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY as BIDDER, and LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of MASSACHUSETTS , and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as SURETY,are held and firmly bound unto the City of Rosemead, as AGENCY, in the penal sum of 10% OF BID AMOUNT dollars (510% OF BID AMOUNT ), which is 10 percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to AGENCY for the above-stated project, for the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bid to AGENCY for the above-stated project, if said bid is rejected, or if said bid is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified. then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect in favor of AGENCY. C-8(a) IN WITNESS WHEREOJANUARY parties hereto have ssett their names, titles, hands, and seals, this 7TH day of BIDDER' SULLY-MILL , CONTRACTIN • ANY 40 I 1100 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE. . SUITE 200 7."A ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92801 - Ztq 1578-9600 • Glr ' iN-ASSISTANT SECRETA1tY SURETY LIB •TY MUT ,L INSURANC OMPANY 8044 MONTGOMERY ROAD, SUITE 137 tiM k I . ,q,__ CINCINNATI, OH 45236 212/837-0760 PAMELA K. RIFE, ATTORNEY-IN-FACT Subscribed and sworn to this _ day of , 19 NOTARY PUBLIC Provide BIDDER/ADMITTED SURETY name,address, and telephone number and the name, title, address, and telephone number for authorized representative. C-8(b) - 'HISPOW ER OF AITORNEY IS NOT VALID UNLESS IT IS PRINTED ON RED BACKGROUND. C [1 O I I This Power of Attorney limits the act of those named herein, and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated. LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Liberty Mutual Insurance Company (the 'Company"), a Massachusetts mutual insurance company, pursuant to and by authority of the.By-law and Authorization hereinafter set forth, does hereby name, constitute and appoint, MARK FITZGERALD, ELIZABETH MARRERO, PAMELA K. RIFE, ANNA B. DIME, CHRISTINE V. McKENNA, ALL OF THE CITY OF.NEW YORK, STATE OF NEW YORK - - — ,each individually if there be more than one named, its true and lawful attorney-in-fact to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver,for and on its behalf as surety and as its act deed, any and alluundertakings,bonds. recognizances and other surety obligations in the penal sum not exceeding FIFTY MILLION' DOLLARS ($50,000,000"'inn"" ) each, and the execution of such bonds or undertakings, in pursuance of these presents,shall be as binding upon the Company as if they had been duly signed by the president and attested by the secretary of the Company in their own proper persons. n D That this power is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By-law and Authorization: y u ARTICLE XVI-Execution of Contracts:Section 5.Surety Bonds and Undertakings. wa Any officer or other official of the company authorized for that purpose in writing by the chairman or the president, and subject to such .d. limitations as the chairman or the president may prescribe, shall appoint such attorneys-in-fact, as may be necessary to act in behalferofthe ] e company to make, execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings, bonds, recognizances and other surety -co obligations. Such attorneys-in-fact,subject to the limitations set forth in their respective powers of attorney, shall have full power to bind the j m company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the company. When so executed such u W instruments shall be as binding as if signed by the president and attested by the secretary. u 1 ir - o By the following instrument the chairman or the president has authorized the officer or other official named therein to appoint attorneys-in-fact: 01 j i Pursuant to Article XVI, Section 5 of the By-laws,Assistant Secretary Garnet W. Elliott is hereby authorized to appoint such attorneys-in-fact a m as may be necessary to act in behalf of the company to make, execute. seal, acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings. Q f bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations. .a 3 ` That the By-law and the Authorization above set forth are true copies thereof and are now in full force and effect. t 0. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been subscribed by its authorized officer and the corporate seal of the said Liberty Mutual Insurance O Company has been affixed thereto in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania this 11th day of December . 19 98 • 0, 5w m - ` LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY .c i ?1a, trA .- W. .- By Garnet W.Elliott,Assistant Secretary :0 . a COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA ss 0c m COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY - c r IT r c On this 11th day of December A.D. is 98 , before me,a Notary Public,personally came the iand Beal, known to E c , y me to be the therein desc - - idual and officer of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company who executed the preceding instrument,and he acknowled-corporate c ged that he executed arra a the seal affixed to the said preceding instrument Is the corporate seal of said company;and that said 'Ccc e seal and his signatu :• • was duty affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by authority and direction of the said company. O r O F 9 IN TESTIMO : b REOF set my hand and affix my official seal at Plymou Meet-mg;Pv},the day and year first above written. pc OF I - v E t a rjuA'!u_ /may/. I—, f * ▪ ry ,� C ... rit Nmary Public ▪ CERT -num I. the undersign , S�YtaAU retary of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the original power of attomey of which the foregoing is a full,true and cont copy,is in full force and effect on the date of this certificate;and.'do further certify that the officer who executed the - said power of attorney was one of the officers specially authorized by the chairman or the president to appoint any attorney-in-tact as provided in Article XVI,Section 5 of the By-laws of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. This certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following vote of the board of directors of UbeM Mutual Insurance Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 12th day of March, 1980. VOTED that the facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any assistant secretary of the company wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the company, shall be valid and binding upon the company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. -. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seal of the said company,this 7TH day of - JANUARY , 19 99 - ;��. .a�c story THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY MAY NOT BE USED TO EXECUTE ANY BOND WITH AN INCEPTI• • E AFTER December 11 ,20 00 _ Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Statutory Balance Sheet • (dollars in thousands) Asse's Pe^'n^e'II 1°87 __.....__.. 11,609,662 • 9,546 + ___.._...._ __—_....__._._._.__._ 12 .a 01 Real estate—__---�._ -.._—__..___.._.__.-..._._._ _ Oahe 242,970Invested Shs ed AssetsInyatmests___. .._—......_.._._._—SSSS--___ —._.__..___—.__.._ 271263 Other ___ _______ ____.._.._—_.__.._.—..._.__.__.._..._ 16,698, 84 Subtotal Cash and ln'J e5fM.45$CS..__._.._._. .. �'� 1$21,916 Reinsurance ecorSCollet!ion'__._-oss and LossA--- ___ 1E,330 Rtern:,Dividm •e ,d Ral State Income uean Accrnent uerre..se.a. _ _ .._.__.SSSS..—..._...___.._...__... 168_5! Inte'es6lTvidods and Real EsateL come'heand Accrued. —_ .r9 fig; TOTAL ADMnitD ASSETS_.--------- '---"—"-------- 19.357-181 • Liabilities and Surplus _ _ ___ 10,208,463 Reseme for LossUnearned Prsstuns.. not Expenses_—__--_—_ _—SSSS____._ 1,629532 Aeinsur Reinsurance Payable_n Paid Loss _._..SSSS...—_.. .._—.._ 36.194 Fein-al ncoPayablend Stat Lcssand ax Adusment ed_-. --- -..___-..-- 91-4 Fedcal L come Tax and State Premium Tax Accued_..—�------- __—..........__..SSSS.—SSSS....___ TOTAL LiABiLI'illi.—_.—�—_._._..___..___ ___.—.___...__ SSS..-_.__ 4,924567 50 -_--- 1.140516 Surplus*lata_—___—_--__._.___.__ 7OTAL 5[,rRPLUS.__—__--__--__—_..._.____._—_—_.._..—.-_—.._ TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SUFPWS_-----_-------' 19,332481 rEsdudes prrniums more'San 90 days due) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSAC-111SEi5 55: COUNTY OF SLIT-OLK Dennis Longwell,being duly sworn..says: That he is Via President and Comptroller of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company;that said Company is a mutual insurance company duly organized,existing and engaged in business as a surety by virtue of the laws of the Commonwealth of Ma15ar1Nserd and has duly complied with all the requirements of the laws of said Commonwealth and of the laws of the State of CALIFORNIA __ _applicable to said Company and id duly qualified to act as suretyundc dh laws;that said Company has also complied with and is duly qualified to act as surety on federal bonds under Sa'San 9305 of Title 31 of the United Stam Code- ' That the foregoing b a hill.true and correct statement of the Financial condition of said Company an the 31st day Decembe,1957. Swam to'before me this 31st day of March,1998• - rpt L .r., 11 41-4//j7 2M/i/rill7% My Commission E:pines 41 1 t, ar.•,i Vic_p'te2ot and CCM p 114r t r.' SURETY ACKNOWLEDGENLFNT STALE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ON 1/1/99 , BEFORE ME PERSONALLY CAME PAMELA K. RIFE , TO ME KNOWN WHO BTNG BY ME DULY SWORN DUD DEPOSE AND SAY THAT HE/SHE RESIDES IN NEW YORK, NY , AND THAT PI/SIM IS AN ATTORNEY- _ IN FACT OF LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY ' CORPORATION DESCRIBED LN, AND WHICH EXECLIED TIM W1TIa INSTRUMENT; THAT RE/SHE KNOWS Tel SEAL OF SAID CORPORATION; AND THAT ET/SIS'. SIGNED IES/HER NAME THIRETO BY Lila, ORDER; AND THAT RLNTENDENT OF INSUR THE OF COMPANY FROM THE STATE OF NEW YORK, SUCH CERTIFICATE HAS NOT BEEN REVOKED. /4�.� AtCHARD VASQUEZ Notary Fuck State of New yonc g�' C� InNo. t NewYorkCounty NOTARY PUBLIC am ion=:pares Sept 2, 1999 #wk%eakXkkkX>ktkk>*wwwww#k$kkkz:,YYtwww**k* w wwwwwwkiwwww*kkxxsizkk#kkkkk . CORPORA 1E ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF COUNTY OF ON TES DAY OF 19 , BEFORE ME PERSONALLY CAME ,TO ME KNOWN, WHO, BEING DULY SWORN, DID DEPOSE AND SAY; THAT HE/SHE RESIDES EN OF AND THAT EE1SHE IS THE TI- THE CORPORATION-DESCRIBED IN AND • - WHICH EXECUTED THE ABOVE INSTRUMENT; THAT 1E/SIM KNOWS THE SEAL OF THE SAID CORPORATION; THAT THE SEAL AFFLYEI} TO SAM INSTRUMENT IS SUCH CORPORA1E SEAL; THAT IT WAS SO AFFIXED BY THE ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAID CORPORATION, AND THAT HID/Si SIGNED HIS NAME THERETO BY LUE ORDER. NOTARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT c State of CALIFORNIA IF I It County of ORANGE I" On JANUARY 12, 1999 before me, ALICE M. ENGLISH - NOTARY PUBLIC, ISI Dale Name and npe of onvsr le g..'Jane Doe.Nolary Public) 0 personally appeared GARY A. GIBSON Nametsl of Slgnerlsl ,, X personally known to me-OR ^ - - -- - _ -• •= a-- • ... ..- '• : '=".- to be the persog$� IF e whose nams/ is/+re subscribed to'the within instrument ik and acknowledged to me that he/gne/t>'' ,,executed the same in his/h€r/t�authorized capacityges/, and that"by,. his/ h‘signature(Sson the instrument the personk51, /31�M �{ or the entity upon behalf of which the personacted, YC. Cvmddanif 111 executed the instrument. r::.. z: Notary Public-cmlvNa I &f$y Orange County WITNESS my hand and official seal. }}},,, - - - - - - - - MyCcmm.Evilesoct21,2i0 I K o ti ki m0NPure e OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law,it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent it fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Ig i. Description of Attached Document I . I Title or Type of Document: BIDDER'S BOND '` Document Date: JANUARY 7, 1999 Number of Pages: TWO I I Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: NONE xx�I I 5 Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) GARY A. GIBSON Signer's Name: Signer's Name: 9 p-Individual C Individual s `3'Sl Corporate Officer C Corporate Officer il Title(s): ASSISTANT SECRETARY Title(s): p1� H Partner—C Limited H General G Partner—H Limited il General ❑ Attorney-in-Fact C Attorney-in-Fact c5' ❑ Trustee ❑ TrusteeI, •IGHT THUMBPRINT RIGHT'THUMBPRINT C Guardian or Conservator OF SIGNER ❑ Guardian or Conservator OF SIGNER C Other: Too of them here ❑ Other: Too o1 theme here 21 Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: ?I SULLY-MILLER CONTR. CO. I I ©I e95 Naaonal Nolary Association•8236 RammerAve..P.O.Boa 7194•Canoga Park.CP 91309-7184 Prod.No.5907 Reorder Call TolIFee:-800.8766827 SECTION 3 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY PLAN I Name 8 Address of reporting entity 2. Federal Identification.(Contract 3.Dollar Amount of Award (Recipient.Contractor.Subcontractor) Award No.) SULLY—MILLER CONTRACTING P98902 & P98802 COMPANY 4.Contact Person 5.Telephone(Include Area Code) 1100 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE. SUITE 200 6. Reporting Period. 7. Date Report Submitted ANAHEIM, CA 92801 8.Program Code: 7 Part I: Employment and Training Commitment JOB CATEGORY TOTAL NEW HIRES SECTION 3 NEW HIRES %OF AGGREGATE HIRES WHO ARE SECTION 3 HIRES Professionals Technicians Office/Clerical Trade: LABORER 2 1 50% Trade: Trade: Trade: Trade: Trade: Trade: Part It: Contract Award Commitment to Section 3 Businesses NAME OF SECTION 3 BUSINESS SPECIFY CONSTRUCTION OR CONTRACT AMOUNT CONCERN NONCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT • C-11(a) S o o 888 $ 88 .0888000 " 088 ' 888 0SS0 . . 80888588 . . 00ONymmfl. v ° s °eeisCOg0 . g •— $ oats � aNe3Nn3aaa 05 g NN- » as as» » » »w NN N - NNN Np »» N NN N U OOn ° 88m4p8m ' g8828888888p8 • N � N » � NymnE NpMNONHN . OOf - yMN» N y N»» HWN -og N NN N w N 88888888888488888888888 C8 Y888p58 Q8 8080 $ 88800 t g - .0.-.»g s m 0 .O O.m O N O . 0 0 0 O S 0 N o a.S O N < O O m O O O Y p 0.0.,„h N N N H h h N»N»a a N H h„ „M N„ N N Cm N» ONo OO OO O N VT. 0 n 5 8 N 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 00 OO, O V 5 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0. O 4 O O 8 O O S ' O O ,8 i H N p M N O Om04 ._»N N O»w M N 0 h H O a 0 »». N N MOM N y O O N y NNN a N NN N N N 8500888800000000000oPR00. 0 0OO800o00 . a E R88moo� 0o0 'RN$goNo88 ( N *ROTON „, ..»_. “ „m 88 1n tea „ w N N NN N NN NN N gmm ® 00a m Y 8888508080588000000088005 050800 0 u »pRB1 R � irc N8RrwN » " � « m » . wNNNN 24c-26%' "")41 ' .N NN ' u „ w z f f mp N < iCp QC 1a z LL LL U mON W FN2 y0jOy UUUN0LLU y0yJ mUmUUliLLUU UU ..j ioUU W N 1 W U W O 1 J U U J O OO1Uw2 m - 1W1re2f 88288 ' 4 ' 288 ' 2888 ' .'28 - 2 - ' 88r Nom 'u wamLLa N-0 g - m m Fwd O _ „ � m _ N „ a_ moz o 1 a o > m Y m m y e m m Y LL . u '” m a 100 = Cn E m ? L . 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LL 8 ra° La; ° o om _ `m vmE $ rN `°,c4 -.0m . - cE > em 0 E 1 m 0 m ._ 3 E 0 U g >' K x E S F a s02 .. s --.M > 00- ' x 8 _ a� d d o y U c y ° = a E -E u 0 E V a v a u 2 � m a at-62 .(12 ° 71, “ t ° a a a g € v o u o m u O :n d m a i- e » a m x -" m c N 5 h a 2 = = E v v f m > a - x s E _ E P R a E a m N N m U m U K e e v d 5 LL x o e m n 3 o U ro _m l U 5@ y Q 08ax - c5 coo - : � � � � " � mc> = 5 = zE � `n v � » c9 - y F a m y ° ; O t t m .:E000 ' 22282282 ,221006 -y s y . m O O O O U O O O o - c c m _ c - U U o K U U N m U o m L n L° E E E E E E E E E E E a v S m E " O E E - EEE '- '- E Q d dd » u ¢ aaxxxxxxxxxxxaxcnaLLdaa xxccxxxaax 0 0 NtOd YI tO F m aO - N CId NO60aNNN NN N N NN - NNO N0Fina SEQUEL CONTRACTORS CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL FOR STREET RESURFACING AND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP PROGRAM VARIOUS CITY STREETS, FISCAL YEAR 1998-1999 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 and P98802 BID OPENING DATE: JANUARY 13, 1998 @ 11:00 A.M. ITEM UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 Asphalt Concrete Cold Milling 118,000 S.F. $0.20 $23,600.00 2 Asphalt Concrete Cold Milling, 1-1/2"depth 10,600 S.F. $0.30 $3,180.00 3 Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix(ARHM) 3,160 TON $55.00 $173,800.00 4 Sawcut, Rmv/Cnstr X-Gutter per APWA 122-1 1,050 S.F. $7.50 $7,875.00 5 Crack Filling with Crafco Polyflex Type III 4,130 L.F. $1.25 $5,162.50 6 Adjust to Grade Survey Monuments,Well Frame 3 EACH $180.00 $540.00 7 Adjust to Grade Manhole Frame and Cover 44 EACH $200.00 $8300.00 8 Adjust to Grade Water Meter 6 EACH $100.00 $600.00 9 Rmv 6"Thick AC and AB or exist AC Thickness 1,850 S.F. $4.50 $8325.00 10 Rmv/Cnstr 8"thick AC or AB over Native 3,100 S.F. $5.50 $17,050.00 11 Rmv/Cnstr Curb/Gutter, incl 6"Aggregate Base 1,300 L.F. $30.00 $39,000.00 12 Rmv/Cnstr existing Curb Drain per APWA 1 EACH $1,000.00 $1,000.00 13 Rmv/Cnstr Curb only,incl 6"Aggregate Base 330 L.F. " $18.00 $5,940.00 14 Rmv/Cnstr Residential Driveway per APWA 3,450 S.F. $4.00 $13,800.00 15 Rmv/Cnstr 4"Thick AC over Compacted Subbase 1,000 S.F. $3.00 $3,000.00 16 Rmv/Cnstr 4"Thick PCC Sidewalk 3,800 S.F. $4.00 $15,200.00 17 Rmv/Cnstr exist PCC Sidewalk and Excavate 1 L.S. $4,000.00 $4,000.00 18 Rmv exist 4' High Block Wall and Construct CLF 15 L.F. $75.00 $1,125.00 19 Rmv/Cnstr Wheelchair Ramp per LACDPW 2,000 S.F. $5.00 $10,000.00 20 Repair 5 LF exist Parkway Drain and Backfill 1 L.S. $1.000.00 $1,000.00 21 Remove exist Tree and Root Ball 10 EACH $400.00 $4,000.00 22 Striping, Complete per Plan 1 L.S. $8,000.00 $8,000.00 23 Furn/lnst 24"Box Tree in kind, including staking 10 EACH $300.00 $3000.00 24 Install 6'Dia. Inductive Traffic Loop Detectors 6 EACH $300.00 $1,800.00 25 Fum/Inst 1-1/2"Street Light Conduit/Pull Rope 7,600 L.F. $12.00 $91,200.00 26 Furn/Inst 3"Street Light Conduit/Pull Rope 3,100 L.F. $17.00 $52,700.00 27 Fum/Inst New Street Lighting Handhole,complete 16 EACH $150.00 $2,400.00 28 Project Improvement Sign 4 EACH $500.00 $2,000.00 BID SCHEDULE , 1 Rmv/Cnstr Curb, portion of Crossgutter Spandrel 600 L.F. $20.00 $12,000.00 2 Rmv/Cnstr 8"thick AC over Compacted Native 1,500 S.F. $5.50 $8,250.00 3 Relocate Sign and Post 8 EACH $300.00 $2,400.00 4 Rmv/Reestablish Sprinkler System per Spec 1 L.S. $2,000.00 $2,000.00 5 Rmv/Cnstr Curb/Gutter, incl 6"Aggregate Base 625 L.F. $30.00 $18,750.00 6 Rmv/Cnstr Wheelchair Ramp, incl Retaining Curb 6,140 S.F. $4.40 $27,016.00 7 Adjust to Grade Water Valve Frame and Cover 9 EACH $200.00 $1,800.00 8 Adjust Water Meter to Grade 3 EACH $100.00 $300.00 9 Rmv/Cnstr 4"Thick PCC Sidewalk 1,500 S.F. $4.00 $6,000.00 GRAND TOTAL, BID SCHEDULE"A"AND"B" $586,613.50 SILVIA CONTRACTORS CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL FOR STREET RESURFACING AND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP PROGRAM VARIOUS CITY STREETS, FISCAL YEAR 1998-1999 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 and P98802 BID OPENING DATE: JANUARY 13, 1998 @ 11:00 A.M. ITEM UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 Asphalt Concrete Cold Milling 118.000 S.F. $0.15 $17,700.00 2 Asphalt Concrete Cold Milling. 1-1/2"depth 10,600 S.F. $0.30 $3,180.00 3 Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix(ARHM) 3,160 TON $54.00 $170,640.00 4 Sawcut, Rmv/Cnstr X-Gutter per APWA 122-1 1,050 S.F. $7.70 $8,085.00 5 Crack Filling with Crafco Polyflex Type Ill 4,130 L.F. $1.39 $5,740.70 6 Adjust to Grade Survey Monuments,Well Frame 3 EACH $140.00 $420.00 7 Adjust to Grade Manhole Frame and Cover 44 EACH $156.00 $6,864.00 8 Adjust to Grade Water Meter 6 EACH $155.00 $930.00 9 Rmv 6"Thick AC and AB or exist AC Thickness 1,850 S.F. $4.85 $8,972.50 10 Rmv/Cnstr 8"thick AC or AB over Native 3,100 S.F. $5.46 $16,926.00 11 Rmv/Cnstr Curb/Gutter, incl 6"Aggregate Base 1,300 L.F. $26.00 $33,800.00 12 Rmv/Cnstr existing Curb Drain per APWA 1 EACH $450.00 $450.00 13 Rmv/Cnstr Curb only,incl 6"Aggregate Base 330 L.F. $34.30 $11,319.00 14 Rmv/Cnstr Residential Driveway per APWA 3,450 S.F. $5.15 $17,767.50 15 Rmv/Cnstr 4"Thick AC over Compacted Subbase 1,000 S.F. $4.37 $4,370.00 16 Rmv/Cnstr 4"Thick PCC Sidewalk 3,800 S.F. $4.40 $16,720.00 17 Rmv/Cnstr exist PCC Sidewalk and Excavate 1 L.S. $4,950.00 $4,950.00 18 Rmv exist 4'High Block Wall and Construct CLF 15 L.F. $103.00 $1,545.00 19 Rmv/Cnstr Wheelchair Ramp per LACDPW 2,000 S.F. $5.80 $11,600.00 20 Repair 5 LF exist Parkway Drain and Backfill 1 L.S. $1,540.00 $1,540.00 21 Remove exist Tree and Root Ball 10 EACH $500.00 $5,000.00 22 Striping,Complete per Plan 1 L.S. $3,000.00 $3,000.00 23 Fum/Inst 24"Box Tree in kind, including staking 10 EACH $376.00 $3,760.00 24 Install 6'Dia. Inductive Traffic Loop Detectors 6 EACH $338.00 $2,028.00 25 Fum/Inst 1-1/2"Street Light Conduit/Pull Rope 7.600 L.F. $11.60 $88,160.00 26 Fur&lnst 3"Street Light Conduit/Pull Rope 3,100 L.F. $16.60 $51460.00 27 Fum/Inst New Street Lighting Handhole,complete 16 EACH $124.00 $1,984.00 28 Project Improvement Sign 4 EACH $800.00 $3,200.00 BID SCHEDULE"B" 1 Rmv/Cnstr Curb, portion of Crossgutter Spandrel 600 L.F. $25.00 $15,000.00 2 Rmv/Cnstr 8"thick AC over Compacted Native 1,500 S.F. $6.24 $9,360.00 3 Relocate Sign and Post 8 EACH $107.00 $856.00 4 Rmv/Reestablish Sprinkler System per Spec 1 L.S. $5,200.00 $5,200.00 5 Rmv/Cnstr Curb/Gutter, incl 6"Aggregate Base 625 L.F. $26.00 $16,250.00 6 Rmv/Cnstr Wheelchair Ramp. incl Retaining Curb 6,140 S.F. $6.46 $39,664.40 7 Adjust to Grade Water Valve Frame and Cover 9 EACH $140.00 $1,260.00 8 Adjust Water Meter to Grade 3 EACH $397.00 $1,191.00 9 Rmv/Cnstr 4"Thick PCC Sidewalk 1,500 S.F. $5.30 $7,950.00 ....,,.. .:.1. ,;11 "t 1_m P- ,• - . . GRAND TOTAL, BID SCHEDULE"A"AND"B" $598,843.10 SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL FOR STREET RESURFACING AND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP PROGRAM VARIOUS CITY STREETS, FISCAL YEAR 1998-1999 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 and P98802 BID OPENING DATE: JANUARY 13, 1998 @ 11:00 A.M. ITEM UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 Asphalt Concrete Cold Milling 118,000 S.F. $0.15 $17,700.00 2 Asphalt Concrete Cold Milling, 1-1/2"depth 10,600 S.F. $0.16 $1,696.00 3 Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix(ARHM) 3,160 TON $50.00 $158,000.00 4 Sawcut, Rmv/Cnstr X-Gutter per APWA 122-1 1,050 S.F. $7.00 $7,350.00 5 Crack Filling with Crafco Polyfex Type III 4,130 L.F. $1.30 $5,369.00 6 Adjust to Grade Survey Monuments,Well Frame 3 EACH $150.00 $450.00 7 Adjust to Grade Manhole Frame and Cover 44 EACH $160.00 $7,040.00 8 Adjust to Grade Water Meter 6 EACH $135.00 $810.00 9 Rmv 6"Thick AC and AB or exist AC Thickness 1,850 S.F. $6.00 $11,100.00 10 Rmv/Cnstr 8"thick AC or AB over Native 3,100 S.F. $7.00 $21,700.00 11 Rmv/Cnstr Curb/Gutter,incl 6"Aggregate Base 1,300 L.F. $35.00 $45,500.00 12 Rmv/Cnstr existing Curb Drain per APWA 1 EACH $275.00 $275.00 13 Rmv/Cnstr Curb only, incl 6"Aggregate Base 330 L.F. $22.00 $7,260.00 14 Rmv/Cnstr Residential Driveway per APWA 3,450 S.F. $5.50 $18,975.00 15 Rmv/Cnstr 4"Thick AC over Compacted Subbase 1,000 S.F. $5.50 $5,500.00 16 Rmv/Cnstr 4"Thick PCC Sidewalk 3,800 S.F. $5.50 $20,900.00 17 Rmv/Cnstr exist PCC Sidewalk and Excavate 1 L.S. $2,800.00 $2,800.00 18 Rmv exist 4'High Block Wall and Construct CLF 15 L.F. $74.00 $1,110.00 19 Rmv/Cnstr Wheelchair Ramp per LACDPW 2,000 S.F. $7.30 $14,600.00 20 Repair 5 LF exist Parkway Drain and Backfill 1 L.S. $520.00 $520.00 21 Remove exist Tree and Root Batl 10 EACH $400.00 $4,000.00 22 Striping, Complete per Plan 1 L.S. $3,500.00 $3,500.00 23 Fum/Inst 24"Box Tree in kind, including staking 10 EACH $500.00 $5,000.00 24 Install 6'Dia. Inductive Traffic Loop Detectors 6 EACH $350.00 $2,100.00 25 Fum/Inst 1-1/2"Street Light Conduit/Pull Rope 7,600 L.F. $12.00 $91,200.00 26 Fum/Inst 3"Street Light Conduit/Pull Rope 3,100 L.F. $17.25 $53,475.00 27 Furn/Inst New Street Lighting Handhole, complete 16 EACH $130.00 $2,080.00 28 Project Improvement Sign 4 EACH $750.00 $3,000.00 _..` . .. . ..._. . BID SCHEDULE"B" 1 Rmv/Cnstr Curb,portion of Crossgutter Spandrel 600 L.F. $22.80 $13,680.00 2 Rmv/Cnstr 8"thick AC over Compacted Native 1,500 S.F. $7.00 $10,500.00 3 Relocate Sign and Post 8 EACH $110.00 $880.00 4 Rmv/Reestablish Sprinkler System per Spec 1 L.S. $2,500.00 $2,500.00 5 Rmv/Cnstr Curb/Gutter,incl 6"Aggregate Base 625 L.F. $34.00 $21,250.00 6 Rmv/Cnstr Wheelchair Ramp, incl Retaining Curb 6,140 S.F. $7.50 $46,050.00 7 Adjust to Grade Water Valve Frame and Cover 9 EACH $135.00 $1,215.00 8 Adjust Water Meter to Grade 3 EACH $135.00 $405.00 9 Rmv/Cnstr4"Thick PCC Sidewalk 1,500 S.F. $5.50 $8,250.00 GRAND TOTAL, BID SCHEDULE"A"AND"B" $617,740.00 EXCEL PAVING CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL FOR STREET RESURFACING AND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP PROGRAM VARIOUS CITY STREETS, FISCAL YEAR 1998-1999 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 and P98802 BID OPENING DATE: JANUARY 13, 1998 @ 11:00 A.M. ITEM UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 Asphalt Concrete Cold Milling 118,000 S.F. $0.20 $23,600.00 2 Asphalt Concrete Cold Milling, 1-1/2"depth j 10,600 S.F. $0.30 $3480.00 3 Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix(ARHM) 3,160 TON $50.00 $158,000.00 4 Sawcut, Rmv/Cnstr X-Gutter per APWA 122-1 1,050 S.F. $10.00 $10,500.00 5 Crack Filling with Crafco Polyflex Type III 4,130 L.F. $1.50 $6,195.00 6 Adjust to Grade Survey Monuments,Well Frame 3 EACH $400.00 $1,200.00 7 Adjust to Grade Manhole Frame and Cover 44 EACH $200.00 $8,800.00 8 Adjust to Grade Water Meter 6 EACH $400.00 $2,400.00 9 Rmv 6"Thick AC and AB or exist AC Thickness 1,850 S.F. $6.00 $11,100.00 10 Rmv/Cnstr 8"thick AC or AB over Native 3,100 S.F. $8.00 $24,800.00 11 Rmv/Cnstr Curb/Gutter, incl 6"Aggregate Base 1,300 L.F. $43.00 $55,900.00 12 Rmv/Cnstr existing Curb Drain per APWA 1 EACH $600.00 $600.00 13 Rmv/Cnstr Curb only,incl 6"Aggregate Base 330 L.F. $30.00 $9,900.00 14 Rmv/Cnstr Residential Driveway per APWA 3,450 S.F. $9,00 $31,050.00 15 Rmv/Cnstr 4"Thick AC over Compacted Subbase 1,000 S.F. $7.00 $7,000.00 16 Rmv/Cnstr 4"Thick PCC Sidewalk 3,800 S.F. $7.00 $26,600.00 17 Rmv/Cnstr exist PCC Sidewalk and Excavate 1 L.S. $1,000.00 $1,000.00 18 Rmv exist 4' High Block Wall and Construct CLF 15 L.F. $100.00 $1,500.00 19 Rmv/Cnstr Wheelchair Ramp per LACDPW 2,000 S.F. $8.00 $16,000.00 20 Repair 5 LF exist Parkway Drain and Backfill 1 L.S. $1,000.00 $1,000.00 21 Remove exist Tree and Root Ball 10 EACH $400.00 $4,000.00 22 Striping, Complete per Ran 1 L.S. $10,000.00 $10,000.00 23 Fum/Inst 24"Box Tree in kind, including staking 10 EACH $500.00 $5,000.00 24 Install 6'Dia. Inductive Traffic Loop Detectors 6 EACH $500.00 $3,000.00 25 Fum/Inst 1-1/2"Street Light Conduit/Pull Rope 7,600 L.F. $10.77 $81,852.00 26 Fum/Inst 3"Street Light Conduit/Pull Rope 3,100 L.F. $15.50 $48,050.00 27 Furn/Inst New Street Lighting Handhole,complete 16 EACH $125.00 $2,000.00 28 Project Improvement Sign 4 EACH $1,000.00 $4,000.00 _._ BID SCHEDULE"B" 1 Rmv/Cnstr Curb,portion of Crossgutter Spandrel 600 L.F. $43.00 $25,800.00 2 Rmv/Cnstr 8"thick AC over Compacted Native 1,500 S.F. $8.00 $12,000.00 3 Relocate Sign and Post 8 EACH $200.00 $1,600.00 4 Rmv/Reestablish Sprinkler System per Spec 1 L.S. $2,500.00 $2,500.00 5 Rmv/Cnstr Curb/Gutter,incl 6"Aggregate Base 625 L.F. $43.00 $26,875.00 6 Rmv/Cnstr Wheelchair Ramp, incl Retaining Curb 6,140 S.F. $8.00 $49,120.00 7 Adjust to Grade Water Valve Frame and Cover 9 EACH $200.00 $1,800.00 8 Adjust Water Meter to Grade 3 EACH $500.00 $1,500.00 9 Rmv/Cnstr 4"Thick PCC Sidewalk 1,500 S.F. $7.00 $10,500.00 GRAND TOTAL, BID SCHEDULE"A"AND"B" $689,922.00 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL FOR STREET RESURFACING AND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP PROGRAM VARIOUS CITY STREETS, FISCAL YEAR 1998.1999 CDBG FUND NO. P98902 and P98802 BID OPENING DATE: JANUARY 13, 1998 @ 11:00 A.M. ITEM UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 Asphalt Concrete Cold Milling 118.000 S.F. $0.20 $23,600.00 2 Asphalt Concrete Cold Milling,1-1/2"depth 10,600 S.F. $0.35 $3,710.00 3 Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix(ARHM) 3,160 TON $52.00 $164,320.00 4 Sawcut,Rmv/Cnstr X-Gutter per APWA 122-1 1.050 S.F. $6.00 $6,300.00 5 Crack Filling with Crafco Polyflex Type III 4,130 L.F. $0.50 $2565.00 6 Adjust to Grade Survey Monuments,Well Frame 3 EACH $300.00 $900.00 7 Adjust to Grade Manhole Frame and Cover 44 EACH $200.00 $8,800.00 8 Adjust to Grade Water Meter 6 EACH $250.00 $1,500.00 9 Rmv 6"Thick AC and AB or exist AC Thickness 1,850 S.F. $5.00 $9,250.00 10 Rmv/Cnstr 8"thick AC or AB over Native 3,100 S.F. $5.50 $17,050.00 11 Rmv/Cnstr Curb/Gutler,incl 6"Aggregate Base 1,300 L.F. $25.00 $32,500.00 12 Rmv/Cnstr existing Curb Drain per APWA 1 EACH $500.00 $500.00 13 Rmv/Cnstr Curb only, incl 6"Aggregate Base 330 L.F. $22.00 $7260.00 14 Rmv/Cnstr Residential Driveway per APWA 3,450 S.F. $5.00 $17,250.00 15 Rmv/Cnstr 4"Thick AC over Compacted Subbase 1,000 S.F. $3.50 $3,500.00 16 Rmv/Cnstr 4"Thick PCC Sidewalk 3,800 S.F. $3.50 $13500.00 17 Rmv/Cnstr exist PCC Sidewalk and Excavate 1 L.S. $2,000.00 $2,000.00 18 Rmv exist 4'High Block Wall and Construct CLF 15 L.F. $50.00 $750.00 19 Rmv/Cnstr Wheelchair Ramp per LACDPW 2,000 S.F. $6.50 $13500.00 20 Repair 5 LF exist Parkway Drain and Backfill 1 L.S. $500.00 $500.00 21 Remove exist Tree and Root Ball 10 EACH $300.00 $3,000.00 22 Striping,Complete per Plan 1 L.S. $4,825.00 $4,825.00 23 FurNlnst 24"Box Tree in kind, including staking 10 EACH $325.00 $3.250.00 24 Install 6 Dia. Inductive Traffic Loop Detectors 6 EACH $250.00 $1,500.00 25 FurNlnst 1-1/2"Street Light Conduit/Pull Rope 7.600 L.F. $12.00 $91,200.00 26 FurNlnst 3"Street Light Conduit/Pull Rope 5100 L.F. $23.00 $71500.00 27 Furn/Inst New Street Lighting Handhole,complete 16 EACH $145.00 $2,320.00 28 Project Improvement Sign 4 EACH $450.00 $1,800.00 BID SCHEDULE'B" 1 Rmv/Cnstr Curb,portion of Crossgutter Spandrel 600 L.F. $22.00 $13,200.00 2 Rmv/Cnstr 8"thick AC over Compacted Native 1500 S.F. $5.50 $8,250.00 3 Relocate Sign and Post 8 EACH $250.00 $2,000.00 4 Rmv/Reestablish Sprinkler System per Spec 1 L.S. $2,465.00 $2,465.00 5 Rmv/Cnstr Curb/Gutter, incl 6"Aggregate Base 625 L.F. $25.00 $15625.00 6 Rmv/Cnstr Wheelchair Ramp,incl Retaining Curb 6.140 S.F. $6.50 $39,910.00 7 Adjust to Grade Water Valve Frame and Cover 9 EACH $200.00 $1500.00 8 Adjust Water Meter to Grade 3 EACH $250.00 $750.00 9 Rmv/Cnstr 4"Thick PCC Sidewalk 1.500 S.F. $4.50 $6,750.00 GRAND TOTAL,BID SCHEDULE"A"AND"B" $598,000.00 C C C C C C -IUJ W LU J J W J - J J_ J_ J _ `L J J J J J J - J i J J J J J J J J J W IJJ LU LU I IL IC Q J W J J a S > >W JW a J JW DW JW I.J W J J J Q JW J Q J Q O 50501,- 00 > J U O > > O O O > J O O O O U J O J O > W W O O O U > O O O > O > O J O O 7 x n W S SW W W S J W W W W X J W O W J W W X X J W W W J W _ W 7 W W O 0W N N N N N N N N N N N N N W N N N N N N N W W N N WV) 0 0 N N N N N 8888388888888888888838888888 R0. 0090000 . . . p. . p . p . S . 8 pp . 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S. If you are outside the U. S. , contact your local D&B office. *** Additional Decision Support Available *** Additional D&B products, credit recommendations and specialized investigations are available to help you evaluate this company or its industry. Call Dun & Bradstreet' s Solution Center at 1-800-362-3425 from anywhere within the U. S. SUMMARY ANAL YSIS The Summary Analysis section reflects information in D&B' s file as of January 11, 1999. RATING SUMMARY . . . . The "1R" portion of the Rating (the Rating Classification) indicates business size of 10 or more employees for this company. The "3" on the right (Composite Credit Appraisal ) indicates an overall "fair" credit appraisal . This credit appraisal was assigned because the open suits, liens or judgments in D&B' s file and this company' s number of years in business. Below is an overview of the company' s D&B Rating(s) since 08/06/93: Provi ded under contract for the exclusive use of WI LLOAN ASSOCIATES. Copyri ght 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Business Inforneticn Report mail 0NV7R4CTORS INC Page 2 of 6 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLMAN ASSOCIATES 3: 59 pm SUMMARY ANALYSIS (continued) RATING DATE APPLIED 1R3 11/19/97 -- 08/06/93 PAYMENT SUMMARY The Payment Summary section reflects payment information in D&B' s file as of the date of this report. The PAYDEX for this company is 81. This PAYDEX score indicates that payments to suppliers average 2 days sooner than terms, weighted by dollar amounts. When dollar amounts are not considered, approximately 95% of the company s payments are within terms. Below is an overview of the company' s dollar-weighted payments, segmented by its suppliers' primary industries: TOTAL LARGEST DAYS SLOW TOTAL DOLLAR HIGH W/IN RCV' D AMOUNTS CREDIT TERMS <31 31-60 61-90 91+ # $ $ % Total in D&B' s file 10 15, 450 7, 500 Payment By Industry: 1 Whol industrial suppl 2 750 500 100 - - - - 2 Crushed stone mining 1 7, 500 7, 500 100 - - - - 3 Whol electrical equip 1 2, 500 2, 500 100 - - - - 4 Short-trm busn credit 1 2, 500 2, 500 100 - - - - 5 Ret building material 1 1, 000 1, 000 50 50 - - - 6 Oil /gas production 1 1, 000 1, 000 100 - - - - 7 Credit reporting svcs 1 100 100 100 - - - - 8 Mfg paint/allied prdt 1 50 50 100 - - - - 9 Nonclassified 1 50 50 100 - - - - Other Payment Categories: Cash experiences 0 0 0 Payment record unknown 0 0 0 Unfavorable comments 0 0 0 Placed for collection with D&B 0 0 Provided under contract for the excl usi ve use of WILLDIW ASSOC]ATES. Copyri yht 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Business Information Report .SEcZ U CYN7RAC7CRPS INC Page 3 of 6 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 3: 59 pm PAYMENT SUMMARY (continued) other 0 N/A The highest "Now Owes" on file is $750 The highest "Past Due" on file is $ 0 D&B receives over 315 million payment experiences each year. We enter these new and updated experiences into D&B Reports as this information is received. PAYMENTS Antic - Anticipated (Payments received prior to date of invoice) Disc - Discounted Payments received within trade discount period) Ppt - Prompt Payments received within terms granted) REPORTED PAYING HIGH NOW PAST SELLING LAST SALE RECORD CREDIT OWES DUE TERMS WITHIN 12/98 Ppt 100 -0- 6-12 Mos 11/98 Ppt 2500 500 -0- N30 1 Mo Ppt 2500 250 -0- 1 Mo Ppt 1000 750 -0- N30 1 Mo Ppt 500 500 -0- N30 1 Mo Ppt 250 -0- -0- N30 2-3 Mos Ppt 50 50 -0- N30 1 Mo Ppt 50 -0- -0- 6-12 Mos 10/98 Ppt-S1ow 30 1000 100 -0- 09/98 Disc-Ppt 7500 -0- -0- 6-12 Mos * Payment experiences reflect how bills are met in relation to the terms granted. In some instances payment beyond terms can be the result of disputes over merchandise, skipped invoices etc. * Each experience shown represents a separate account reported by a supplier. Updated trade experiences replace those previously reported. Amounts may be rounded to nearest figure in prescribed ranges. FINANCE 12/02/98 On DEC 02 1998 Sonia Stovelina, adm asst, deferred financial information. As of December 2, 1998 a search of Dun & Bradstreet' s Public Record Database found no open liens to which this company was named defendant or debtor. Public records received hereafter will be entered into the Database. Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WI LLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyright 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Business Infornetlan Report SEL CPV7RAC7P7S INC Page 4 of 6 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15, 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 3 59 pm PUBLIC FILINGS The following data is for information purposes only and is not the official record. Certified copies can only be obtained from the official source. * * * JUDGMENT(5) * * * CASE NO. : 96500848 JDGMT AWARD: $500 STATUS: Unsatisfied JDGMT TYPE: Judgment DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 01/13/1997 AGAINST: SEQUEL CONTRACTORS INC DATE ENTERED: 01/13/1997 IN FAVOR OF: CENTRESCAPES INC LATEST INFO COLLECTED: 06/30/1997 WHERE FILED: SANTA ANITA MUNICIPAL COURT MONROVIA, MONROVIA, CA If it is indicated that there are defendants other than the report subject, the lawsuit may be an action to clear title to property and does not necessarily imply a claim for money against the subject. * * * SUIT(S) * * * CASE NO. : 9851637 SUIT AMOUNT: $700 STATUS: Judgment for plaintiff PLAINTIFF: VONNELL ADAMS DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 08/07/1998 DEFENDANT: SEQUEL CONTRACTORS, INC. DATE FILED: 07/06/1998 CAUSE: Debt, non-payment LATEST INFO COLLECTED: 09/11/1998 WHERE FILED: LOS ANGELES COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURT/COMPTON, COMPTON, CA CASE NO. : 985106 SUIT AMOUNT: $5, 000 STATUS: Pending PLAINTIFF: LENNY P. JAMES DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 01/16/1998 DEFENDANT: SEQUEL CONTRACTORS DATE FILED: 01/16/1998 and OTHERS LATEST INFO COLLECTED: 01/30/1998 CAUSE: Negligence WHERE FILED: LOS ANGELES COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURT/BEVERLY HILLS, BEVERLY HILLS, CA CASE NO. : 9752866 SUIT AMOUNT: $5, 000 STATUS: Pending PLAINTIFF: JAMES P. LENNY DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 12/11/1997 DEFENDANT: SEQUEL CONTRACTORS DATE FILED: 12/11/1997 and OTHERS LATEST INFO COLLECTED: 12/17/1997 CAUSE: Property damages Debt, non-payment WHERE FILED: LOS ANGELES COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURT/BEVERLY HILLS, BEVERLY HILLS, CA Provi ded under contract for the excl usive use of WILLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyri yht 1999 D&B I nc. V3.9 D&B Business Inforn:tion Report 5E011 Cr1Y7R4C7wS INC Page 5 of 6 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15, 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 3: 59 pm PUBLIC FILINGS (continued) CASE NO. : 97500053 SUIT AMOUNT: $4, 800 STATUS: Judgment for defendant PLAINTIFF: ALMA N MOORE DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 02/27/1997 DEFENDANT: SEQUEL CONTRACTORS INC DATE FILED: 01/17/1997 CAUSE: Debt, non-payment LATEST INFO COLLECTED: 06/15/1998 WHERE FILED: SANTA ANITA MUNICIPAL COURT MONROVIA, MONROVIA, CA CASE NO. : 96500848 SUIT AMOUNT: $744 STATUS: Judgment entered PLAINTIFF: CENTRESCAPES INC DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 01/13/1997 DEFENDANT: SEQUEL CONTRACTORS INC DATE FILED: 07/19/1996 CAUSE: Breach of contract LATEST INFO COLLECTED: 06/30/1997 Negligence WHERE FILED: SANTA ANITA MUNICIPAL COURT MONROVIA, MONROVIA, CA * * * UCC FILING(S) * * * COLLATERAL: Inventory and proceeds - Account(s) and proceeds - Contract rights and proceeds - Computer equipment and proceeds - and OTHERS FILING NO: 9730961074 DATE FILED: 10/31/1997 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 11/15/1997 SEC. PARTY: UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA, N. A. , FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF LOS ANGELES, CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SEQUEL CONTRACTORS, INC. CA This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. The public record items contained in this report may have been paid, terminated, vacated or released prior to the date this report was printed. HISTORY 12/02/98 MITCH WARD, PRESIDENT-TREASURER THOMAS PACK, SECRETARY MITCH WARD, VICE PRESIDENT SHAWN SMITH, VICE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR(S): THE OFFICER(S) CORPORATE AND BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS REPORTED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE OR OTHER OFFICIAL SOURCE AS OF 12/31/1998: This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. BUSINESS TYPE: Corporation - DATE INCORPORATED: 12/18/1990 Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WILLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyri ght 1999 D&B Inc. VI 9 D&B Business Infonretion Report SEM CCN7RAC70P5INC Page 6 of 6 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 3: 59 pm HISTORY (continued) Profit STATE OF INCORP: California Business started 1988 by officers. 25% of capital stock is owned by Able Magallanes. 25% of capital stock is owned by Thomas Pack. 25 % of capital stock is owned by Mitch Ward. 25% of capital stock is owned by Shawn Smith. ABLE MAGALLANES born 1947. 1968-1978 not commercially active. 1978-1988 employed under own name, Harbor Light, CA. All liabilities satisfied. 1988-present active here. THOMAS PACK born 1957. 1990-present active with Shawnan Corporation. 1990-present active here. 1986-90 employed by Verson Paving Co, Pomona, CA. 1978-86 employed by Sully Miller Corp, Long Beach, CA. MITCH WARD. Antecedents are undetermined. SHAWN SMITH. Antecedents are undetermined. AFFILIATE: The following are related through common principals, management and/or ownership. Shawnan Corporation, Downey, CA. DUNS #11-350-7305. Operates as highway and street construction contractor. Intercompany relations were declined by management. OPERA770N 12/02/98 Contractor specializing in general engineering (100%). Contracts are obtained through bidding 100%. Sells to public works. Territory : United States. EMPLOYEES: 30 which includes officer(s). FACILITIES: Occupies premises in one story concrete block. LOCATION: Industrial section on well traveled street. 01-15(4TN /797) 99999 098194194 -- END OF REPORT -- Provided under contract fortheexclusiveuseof WI LLDAN ASSDCI ATES. Copyright 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 Dun &Bradstreet Business Information Report Page 1 of 8 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 3: 52 pm BUSINESS SUMMARY SILVIA CONSTRUCTION INC DUNS: 60-293-4358 RATING 2A3 FORMERLY 9007 CENTER AVE CONTRACTOR 2A2 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91730 SPECIALIZING IN STARTED 1989 TEL: 909 949 1127 PAVING SALES F $11, 622, 368 SIC NO. WORTH F $992, 184 1611 EMPLOYS 25-75 HISTORY CLEAR FINANCIAL CONDITION FAIR STATEMENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE: JOSEPH WAYNE SILVIA, PRES DATE DEC 31 1997 RATING CHANGE CUSTOMER SERVICE If you have questions about this report, please call our Customer Service Center at 1-800-234-3867 from anywhere within the U. S. If you are outside the U. S. , contact your local D&B offi ce. *** Additional Decision Support Available *** Additional D&B products, credit recommendations and specialized investigations are available to help you evaluate this company or its industry. Call Dun & Bradstreet' s Solution Center at 1-800-362-3425 from anywhere within the U. S. SUMMARY ANALYSIS The Summary Analysis section reflects information in D&B' s file as of January 11, 1999. RATING SUMMARY . . . . The Rating was changed on June 12, 1998 because of changes in financial i nformati on, payment information, or other information about this busi ness. The "2A" porti on of the Rating (the Rating Classification) indicates that the company has a worth from $750, 000 to $1 million. The "3" on the right (Composite Credit Appraisal ) indicates an overall "fair" credit appraisal. This credit appraisal was assigned because of D&B' s assessment of the company' s financial ratios and its payment Provi ded under contract for the excl usi ve use of WI LLOAN ASSOCIATES. Copyri ght 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Business Infornetion Report SIL VIA CCVS7R(/C77011INC Page 2 of 8 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 3: 52 pm SUMMARY ANALYSIS (continued) experience. Below is an overview of the company' s D&B Rating(s) since 01/01/91: RATING DATE APPLIED 2A3 06/12/98 2A2 05/02/97 -- 09/10/92 BA3 10/10/91 -- 01/01/91 PAYHENT SUMMARY The Payment Summary section reflects payment information in D&B' s file as of the date of this report. The PAYDEX for this company is 76. This PAYDEX score indicates that payments to suppliers average 6 days beyond terms, weighted by dollar amounts. When dollar amounts are not considered, approximately 77% of the company' s payments are within terms. Below is an overview of the company' s dollar-weighted payments, segmented by its suppliers' primary industries: TOTAL LARGEST % DAYS SLOW TOTAL DOLLAR HIGH W/IN RCV' D AMOUNTS CREDIT TERMS <31 31-60 61-90 91+ It $ $ % % % % a Total in D&B' s file 18 83, 650 30, 000 Top 10 Industries: 1 Short-trm busn credit 5 50, 550 30, 000 100 - - - - 2 Whol industrial equip 3 3, 100 2, 500 16 84 - - - 3 Petroleum refining 1 10, 000 10, 000 100 - - - - 4 Oil /gas production 1 7, 500 7, 500 50 50 - - - 5 Whol industrial suppl 1 2, 500 2, 500 100 - - - - 6 Ret building material 1 2. 500 2, 500 50 50 - - - 7 Ret auto supplies 1 2, 500 2, 500 - 50 50 - - 8 Whol electrical equip 1 2, 500 2, 500 - 100 - - - 9 Nonclassified 1 1, 000 1, 000 100 - - - - 10 Savings institution 1 1, 000 1, 000 100 - - - - 11 OTHER INDUSTRIES 2 500 250 75 25 - - - Other Payment Categories: Provi ded under contract for the exclusive use of WI LLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyright 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Business Information Report SILVIA 01ISIRNC7IGV INC Page 3 of 8 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 3: 52 pm PAYMENT SUMMARY (continued) Cash experiences 0 0 0 Payment record unknown 0 0 0 Unfavorable comments 0 0 0 Placed for collection with D&B 0 0 other 0 N/A The highest "Now Owes" on file is $25, 000 The highest "Past Due" on file is $2, 500 D&B receives over 315 million payment experiences each year. We enter these new and updated experiences into D&B Reports as this information is received. PAYMENTS Antic - Anticipated (Payments received prior to date of invoice) Disc - Discounted (Payments received within trade discount period) Ppt - Prompt (Payments received within terms granted) REPORTED PAYING HIGH NOW PAST SELLING LAST SALE RECORD CREDIT OWES DUE TERMS WITHIN 12/98 Ppt 10000 -0- -0- 6-12 Mos 11/98 Ppt 10000 5000 -0- 1 Mo Ppt 10000 5000 -0- 1 Mo Ppt 2500 2500 -0- N30 1 Mo Ppt 1000 750 -0- 1 Mo Ppt 1000 250 -0- 1 Mo Ppt 500 500 -0- 1 Mo Ppt 50 -0- -0- 4-5 Mos Ppt-Slow 30 7500 5000 -0- N30 1 Mo Ppt-Slow 30 2500 500 -0- 1 Mo Slow 15 2500 2500 1000 N30 1 Mo Slow 30 100 -0- -0- N30 4-5 Mos 09/98 Disc 250 250 -0- 1 Mo Ppt 500 500 -0- Lease agreement Ppt-Slow 30 250 50 -0- 1 Mo Slow 30-60 2500 1000 500 1 Mo 03/98 Ppt 30000 25000 -0- 1 Mo Slow 30 2500 2500 2500 1 Mo * Payment experiences reflect how bills are met in relation to the terms granted. In some instances payment beyond terms can be the result of disputes over merchandise, skipped invoices etc. * Each experience shown represents a separate account reported by a supplier. Updated trade experiences replace those previously reported. Amounts may be rounded to nearest figure in prescribed ranges. Provided under contract for the exclusi ve use of WI LLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyri ght 1999 D&B Inc. VI 9 D&B Business Inforratlon Report SIL VIA CO4S7RUC7ION INC Page 4 of 8 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 3: 52 pm FINANCE 06/04/98 Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Dec 31 1993 Dec 31 1996 Dec 31 1997 Curr Assets 1, 344, 332 1, 078, 687 3, 179, 834 Curr Li abs 1, 206, 501 900, 235 3, 019, 027 Current Ratio 1. 11 1. 19 1. 05 Working Capital 137, 831 178, 452 160, 807 Other Assets 1, 057, 057 2, 247, 076 2, 556, 261 Worth 785, 788 812, 819 992, 184 Sales 6, 849, 107 9, 538, 654 11, 622, 368 Net Profit (Loss) 149, 848 28, 199 234, 961 Fiscal statement dated DEC 31 1997: Cash $ 1, 059, 269 Accts Pay $ 2, 372, 090 Accts Rec 1, 619, 378 Billings In Inventory 12, 794 Excess Of Costs 106, 831 Retentions Rec 488, 393 Accruals 35, 119 Taxes 62, 152 Loans & Adv-Princ 205, 688 Retainage Payable 135, 351 Insurance Payable 97, 272 Other Curr Liabs 4, 524 Curr Assets 3, 179, 834 Curr Liabs 3, 019, 027 Fixt & Equip 2, 369, 027 L. T. Li ab-Other 1, 724, 884 Employee Advances 1, 371 COMMON STOCK 300, 100 Other Assets 185, 863 RETAINED EARNINGS 692, 084 Total Assets 5, 736, 095 Total 5, 736, 095 From JAN 01 1997 to DEC 31 1997 sales $11, 622, 368; cost of goods sold $10, 021, 547. Gross profit $1, 600, 821; operating expenses $1, 178, 113. Operating income $422, 708; other expenses $184, 059; net income before taxes $238, 649; Federal income tax $3, 688. Net income $234, 961. Statement received by mail MAR 30 1998. Extent of audit, if any, not indicated. --0-- Long term notes are notes on fixed assets, secured by same. Officer loans, unsecured. Other expenses are interest expenses. On JUN 04 1998 Clair Manchester-Wamel, controller-secretary, submitted the above figures. On Jun 4 1998, an on-site interview was conducted with Clair Manchester-wamel , Controller-secretary, at 9007 Center Ave, Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Provi ded under contract for the exclusive use of WILLDAN ASSOCI ATES. Copyri yht 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Business Infornetion Report SILVIA CONS7RUC7IOM INC Page 5 of 8 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 3: 52 pm PUBLIC FILINGS The following data is for information purposes only and is not the official record. Certified copies can only be obtained from the official source. * * * UCC FILING(S) * * * COLLATERAL: Account(s) including proceeds and products - Computer equipment including proceeds and products - Equi pment including proceeds and products - General Intangibles(s) including proceeds and products FILING N0: 9735161261 DATE FILED: 12/15/1997 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 01/02/1998 SEC. PARTY: OMNI BANK, N. A. , MONTEREY PARK, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SILVIA CONSTRUCTION, INC. , A CA CALIFORNIA CORPORATION This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Account(s) including proceeds and products - General intangibles(s) including proceeds and products - Equi pment including proceeds and products FILING NO: 9620860633 DATE FILED: 07/25/1996 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 07/30/1996 SEC. PARTY: OMNI BANK, N. A. , MONTEREY PARK, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SILVIA CONSTRUCTION INC. , A CA CALIFORNIA CORPORATION This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Account(s) including proceeds and products - General intangibles(s) ncluding proceeds and products - Vehicles including proceeds and products - Fixtures including proceeds and products - and OTHERS FILING NO: 9531960889 DATE FILED: 11/09/1995 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 11/22/1995 SEC. PARTY: OMNI BANK, MONTEREY PARK, CA FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF DEBTOR: SILVIA CONSTRUCTION INC. , A STATE/UCC DIVISION, CALIFORNIA CORPORATION CA This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Account(s) and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds - Vehicles and proceeds - Fixtures and proceeds FILING NO: 9522160368 DATE FILED: 08/07/1995 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 08/16/1995 SEC. PARTY: OMNI BANK, N. A. , MONTEREY PARK, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, Provided under contract for the exclusi ve use of WI LLDAN ASSOC]ATES. Copyri yht 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Business Inforimtion Report SIL VIA CDNS7RUC7IC4'I INC Page 6 of 8 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 3: 52 pm PUBLIC FILINGS (continued) DEBTOR: SILVIA CONSTRUCTION INC. , A CA CALIFORNIA CORPORATION This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Specified Account(s) including proceeds and products - Specified General intangibles(s) including proceeds and products - Specified Equipment including proceeds and products FILING NO: 9434960802 DATE FILED: 12/09/1994 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 12/20/1994 SEC. PARTY: OMNI BANK, MONTEREY PARK, CA FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF DEBTOR: SILVIA CONSTRUCTION, INC. STATE/UCC DIVISION, CA This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Equipment and proceeds FILING NO: 9807261151 DATE FILED: 03/12/1998 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 03/21/1998 SEC. PARTY: ASSOCIATES COMMERCIAL FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF CORPORATION BRANCH 7760, NEWPORT STATE/UCC DIVISION, BEACH, CA CA DEBTOR: SILVIA CONSTRUCTION, INC. This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Equipment and proceeds FILING NO: 9522060208 DATE FILED: 08/04/1995 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 08/16/1995 SEC. PARTY: BEJAC CORPORATION, PLACENTIA, CA FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF ASSIGNEE: ASSOCIATES COMMERCIAL STATE/UCC DIVISION, CORPORATION, NEWPORT BEACH, CA CA DEBTOR: SILVIA CONSTRUCTION, INC. This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Specified Chattel paper and products - Specified Contract rights and products - Specified Industrial equipment/machinery and products FILING NO: 90074190 DATE FILED: 03/21/1990 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 04/09/1990 SEC. PARTY: INGERSOLL-RAND COMPANY (INC), FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF PICO RIVERA, CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SILVIA CONSTRUCTION INC CA This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. Provi ded under contract for the excl usi ve use of WILLDAN ASSa1 ATES. Copyri ght 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 D86 Business Information Report SILVIA CONSTRUCTION INC Page 7 of 8 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 3: 52 pm PUBLIC FILINGS (continued) FILING NO: 90290437 DATE FILED: 01/30/1995 TYPE: Termination LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 02/16/1995 SEC. PARTY: LANDMARK BK, LA HABRA, CA ORIG. UCC FILED: 12/04/1990 DEBTOR: SILVIA CONSTRUCTION INC ORIG. FILING NO: 90290437 FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION, CA This data is for informational purposes onl y, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. The public record items contained in this report may have been pai d, termi nated, vacated or rel eased pri or to the date this report was printed. HISTORY 06/04/98 JOSEPH WAYNE SILVIA, PRES BEN DAY, CFO DIRECTOR(S): THE OFFICER(S) CORPORATE AND BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS REPORTED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE OR OTHER OFFICIAL SOURCE AS OF 12/31/1998: This data is for informational purposes onl y, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. BUSINESS TYPE: Corporation - DATE INCORPORATED: 03/31/1989 Profit STATE OF INCORP: California Corporate file #1459141. Business started 1989 by Joseph Wayne Silvia and Ben Day. Relocated Jul 1995 from Upl and, CA. 50% of capi tal stock is owned by Joseph Wayne Silvia. 50% of capi tal stock is owned by Ben Day. JOSEPH WAYNE SILVIA born 1954. OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: 1975-present active with Blair Pavi ng, Pomona, CA. 1989-present active here. BEN DAY born 1956. OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: 1977-88 active as principal of Blair Paving, Pomona, CA. Business sold by Ben Day, other details undetermi ned. 1989-present active here. Provi ded under contract for the exclusive use of WILLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyri yht 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Busi ness Inforimtioi Report 21 WACCIV57RLCUONINC Page 8 of 8 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 3: 52 pm OPERA770N 06/04/98 ADDITIONAL TELEPHONE NUMBER(S): Facsimile (Fax) 909 949-9679. Contractor specializing in highway and street paving. This business contracts 20% of work to others. Contracts are obtained through bidding 100%. Contracts call for fixed fee 100%. Retai nages, if any, generally 10%. Terms are progress payments. Sells to municipalities and the government. Territory : Cal i forni a. Nonseasonal . EMPLOYEES: 25-75 which includes officer(s). Employees flucuate with work in progress. FACILITIES: Leases 10, 000 sq. ft. in a one story frame and metal building in good condition. Premises neat. LOCATION: Industrial section on side street. 01-15(165 /165) 00000 098098098 -- END OF REPORT -- Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WI LOAN ASSOCIATES. Copyright 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 Dun &Bradstreet Business Information Report Page 1 of 4 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15, 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 3: 47 pm BUSINESS SUMMARY SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO INC DUNS: 00-690-6234 RATING NQ (SUBSIDIARY OF CORNERSTONE FORMERLY CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS, GENERAL CONTRACTOR -- INC, BELMAR, NJ) OF HIGHWAYS & STARTED 1989 +BLUE DIAMOND MATERIALS STREETS & MFG EMPLOYS 700(200 HERE) +LIVINGSTON GRAHAM ASPHALT PRODUCTS & READY MIXED 1100 E ORANGETHORPE AVE STE 200 CONCRETE AND BRANCH(ES) OR DIVISION(S) ANAHEIM CA 92801 SIC NOS. TEL: 714 578-9600 1611 2951 3273 CHIEF EXECUTIVE: R BRUCE RIESER, PRES Our information indicates this business is no longer active at this location. If you have reason to believe this business is currently operating, please call our Customer Service Center at the phone number listed below to request an investigation. RATING CHANGE SPECIAL EVENTS 08/13/96 On Aug 13 1996 Lin Garcia, human resources manager, verified that the business was merged with the parent Cornerstone Construction & Materials, Inc, Belmar, NJ as of Sept 18 1995. This location now operates as a division of Cornerstone Construction & Materials, Inc, Belmar, NJ. Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WI LLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyright 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 DAB Business Infornetior Report SILLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO Page 2 of 4 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 347 pm CUSTOMER SERVICE If you have questions about this report, please call our Customer Service Center at 1-800-234-3867 from anywhere within the U. S. If you are outside the U. S. , contact your local D&B offi ce. *** Additional Decision Support Available *** Additional D&B products, credit recommendati ons and specialized investigations are available to help you evaluate this company or its industry. Call Dun & Bradstreet' s Solution Center at 1-800-362-3425 from anywhere within the U. S. PUBLIC FILINGS The following data is for information purposes only and is not the official record. Certified copies can only be obtained from the official source. * *- * UCC FILING(S) * * * COLLATERAL: Specified Inventory including proceeds and products FILING NO: 90251118 DATE FILED: 12/06/1990 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 12/27/1990 SEC. PARTY: MANUFACTURERS HANOVER AGENT BANK FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF SERVICES CORP, NEW YORK, NY STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO TX On 08/18/94, corporate, management, SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO, deferred comment on the financing statement. COLLATERAL: Specified Accounts receivable - Specified Assets - Specified Computer equi pment FILING NO: 93001117 DATE FILED: 01/04/1993 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 02/10/1993 SEC. PARTY: BANKERS LEASING ASSOCIATION INC, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF NORTHBROOK, IL STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SULLY MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY CA On 08/18/94. corporate, management, SULLY MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY, declined comment on the financing statement. FILING NO: 93001117 DATE FILED: 03/06/1996 TYPE: Termination LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 03/19/1996 SEC. PARTY: BANKERS LEASING ASSOC INC, ORIG. UCC FILED: 01/04/1993 NORTHBROOK, IL ORIG. FILING NO: 93001117 DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF and OTHERS STATE/UCC DIVISION, CA This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. Provi ded under contract for the exclusive use of WI LLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyri ght 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 D8B Business Information Report SLILY-MLLER CT.NIRAC7ING CO Page 3 of 4 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 3: 47 pm PUBLIC FILINGS (continued) COLLATERAL: Equipment and products FILING NO: 9526360692 DATE FILED: 09/14/1995 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 09/26/1995 SEC. PARTY: SHEPHERD MACHINERY CO. , LOS FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF ANGELES, CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO. , CA ORANGE, CA This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Equipment FILING NO: 9619060076 DATE FILED: 07/01/1996 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 07/17/1996 SEC. PARTY: CMI CORPORATION, OKLAHOMA CITY, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF OK STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO. , CA INC. This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Leased Equipment including proceeds and products FILING NO: 93204240 DATE FILED: 10/07/1993 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 10/26/1993 SEC. PARTY: PITNEY BOWES CREDIT CORP, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF NORWALK, CT STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SULLY MILLER CONTRACTING CO CA This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Leased Equipment including proceeds and products FILING NO: 93097719 DATE FILED: 05/14/1993 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 05/20/1993 SEC. PARTY: PITNEY BOWES CREDIT CORP, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF NORWALK, CT STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SULLY MILLER CONTRACTING CO CA COLLATERAL: Leased Equipment including proceeds and products FILING NO: 93048502 DATE FILED: 03/09/1993 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 04/06/1993 SEC. PARTY: PITNEY BOWES CREDIT CORPORATION, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF NORWALK, CT STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SULLY MILLER CONTRACTING CO CA COLLATERAL: Leased Computer equipment including proceeds and products - Leased Equipment including proceeds and products FILING NO: 93038683 DATE FILED: 02/24/1993 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 03/30/1993 SEC. PARTY: EL CAMINO RESOURCES LTD, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WI LLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyright 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Business Informtion Report SILLY-AQLLER CTV7R4C7ING GO Page 4 of 4 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 3: 47 pm PUBLIC FILINGS (continued) WOODLAND HILLS. CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO INC CA COLLATERAL: Leased Computer equipment including proceeds and products - Leased Equipment including proceeds and products FILING NO: 93020831 DATE FILED: 01/29/1993 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 03/02/1993 SEC. PARTY: EL CAMINO RESOURCES LTD. FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF WOODLAND HILLS. CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO ICN CA COLLATERAL: Leased Equipment and products FILING NO: 9621360889 DATE FILED: 07/29/1996 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 08/06/1996 SEC. PARTY: SHEPHERD MACHINERY CO. , LOS FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF ANGELES, CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO. , CA INC. This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. There are additional UCC' s in D&B' s file on this company available by contacting 1-800-234-3867. The public record items contained in this report may have been paid, terminated, vacated or released prior to the date this report was printed. 01-15(321 /321) 26101 199958216 098083083 NH -- END OF REPORT -- Provided -Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WI LLDAN ASSOCI ATEs. Copyri yht 1999 D&B l nc. VI Dun &Bradstreet Business Information Report Page 1 of 8 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 MILLDAM ASSOCIATES 4: 06 pm BUSINESS SUMMARY CORNERSTONE CONSTRUCTION & DUNS: 94-852-3006 RATING BRANCH MATERIALS, INC +SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO GENERAL CONTRACTOR EMPLOYS 300 OF HIGHWAYS & 1100 E ORANGETHORPE AVE STE 200 STREETS & MFG OF ANAHEIM CA 92801 ASPHALT PRODUCTS & TEL: 714 578-9600 READY MIXED CONCRETE SIC NOS. 1611 2951 3273 BRANCH MANAGER: DAVID MCCRACKEN, PRIN CUSTOMER SERVICE If you have questions about this report, please call our Customer Service Center at 1-800-234-3867 from anywhere within the U. S. If you are outside the U. S. , contact your local D&B office. *** Additional Decision Support Available *** Additional D&B products, credit recommendations and specialized investigations are available to help you evaluate this company or its industry. Call Dun & Bradstreet' s Solution Center at 1-800-362-3425 from anywhere within the U. S. SUMMARY ANAL YSIS RATING SUMMARY . . . . The term "BRANCH" in the Rating field indicates that this company is a branch location. D&B Ratings do not appear on branch reports. Provi ded under contract for the excl usive use of WILLOAN ASSOCI ATES. Copyri ght 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Business Infarnation Report Ct VERS7tW£ DASA 6 11715 Page 2 of 8 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 4: 06 pm PAYMENT SUMMARY The Payment Summary section reflects payment information in D&B' s file as of the date of this report. The PAYDEX for this company is 63. This PAYDEX score indicates that payments to suppliers average 20 days beyond terms, weighted by dollar amounts. When dollar amounts are not considered, approximately 72% of the company' s payments are within terms. Below is an overview of the company s dollar-weighted payments, segmented by its suppliers' primary industries: TOTAL LARGEST DAYS SLOW TOTAL DOLLAR HIGH W/IN RCV' D AMOUNTS CREDIT TERMS <31 31-60 61-90 91+ M $ $ % % % Total in D&B' s file 38 470, 900 250, 000 Top 10 Industries: 1 Telephone communictns 6 5, 900 2, 500 94 - - - 6 2 Whol industrial suppl 3 6, 000 2, 500 38 62 - - - 3 Whol industrial equip 3 3, 250 2, 500 96 4 - - - 4 Whol pl umb/hydroni cs 2 8, 000 7, 500 97 3 - - - 5 Mfg hydraulic cement 1 250, 000 250, 000 50 - - 50 - 6 Mfg concrete products 1 85, 000 85, 000 50 50 - - - 7 Mfg gray/ductile iron 1 70, 000 70, 000 100 - - - - 8 Trucking non-local 1 15, 000 15, 000 100 - - - - 9 Crushed stone mining 1 5, 000 5, 000 100 - - - - 10 Mfg adhesives/sealant 1 5, 000 5, 000 - - - 100 - 11 OTHER INDUSTRIES 14 13, 950 2, 500 56 33 - 11 - Other Payment Categories: Cash experiences 0 0 0 Payment record unknown 4 3, 800 2, 500 Unfavorable comments 0 0 0 Placed for collection with D&B 0 0 other 0 N/A The highest "Now Owes" on file is $40, 000 The highest "Past Due" on file is $15, 000 The payment experiences in this report relate specifically to this branch location. Please refer to the headquarters report if you would like consolidated trade information for the headquarters and its branches. Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WI LLDAN ASSOC]ATES. Copyri ght 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Business Inforrmtion Report CORMR.5TM- O/S7R S MLS Page 3 of 8 For: TAMRA BOETLJanuary 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 4: 06 pm PAYMENTS Antic - Anticipated (Payments received prior to date of invoice) Disc - Discounted (Payments received within trade discount period) Ppt - Prompt (Payments received within terms granted) REPORTED PAYING HIGH NOW PAST SELLING LAST SALE RECORD CREDIT OWES DUE TERMS WITHIN 12/98 Ppt 7500 50 -0- 1 Mo Ppt 2500 1000 -0- 1 Mo Ppt-Slow 30 85000 40000 15000 N30 1 Mo Ppt-Slow 30 2500 1000 100 N30 1 Mo Slow 15 250 -0- -0- 2-3 Mos 11/98 Ppt 70000 -0- -0- 6-12 Mos Ppt 15000 -0- -0- 2-3 Mos Ppt 2500 -0- -0- 1 10 N30 6-12 Mos Ppt 2500 1000 -0- 1 Mo Ppt 2500 -0- -0- 4-5 Mos Ppt 500 500 -0- 1 Mo Ppt 500 -0- -0- 1 10 N30 6-12 Mos Ppt 100 100 -0- N30 1 Mo Ppt 50 -0- -0- 2-3 Mos Ppt 50 50 -0- 1 Mo Ppt 50 50 -0- 1 Mo Ppt-Slow 30 2500 100 100 2-3 Mos Ppt-Slow 30 2500 -0- -0- N30 4-5 Mos Ppt-Slow 30 500 50 -0- 1 Mo Ppt-Slow 30 250 -0- -0- 2-3 Mos Ppt-Slow 180 750 50 -0- 1 Mo Slow 30 2500 -0- -0- N30 6-12 Mos Slow 30 1000 100 100 1 Mo Slow 60+ 5000 5000 5000 10/98 (025) 1000 1000 1000 1 Mo 09/98 Ppt 5000 -0- -0- 2-3 Mos Ppt 1000 750 -0- 1 10 N30 1 Mo 08/98 Ppt 100 1 Mo (029) 50 1 Mo 07/98 Slow 90 250 -0- -0- 1 10 N30 6-12 Mos 06/98 Ppt 500 -0- -0- N30 6-12 Mos 04/98 Ppt-Slow 90 2500 -0- -0- 6-12 Mos Slow 15 750 -0- -0- 6-12 Mos ( 034) 250 -0- -0- 4-5 Mos 12/97 Ppt 250 -0- -0- 6-12 Mos Disc-Slow 30 250 -0- -0- 6-12 Mos Ppt-Slow 90 250000 1000 (038) 2500 -0- -0- N30 6-12 Mos * Payment experiences reflect how bills are met in relation to the terms granted. In some instances payment beyond terms can be the result of disputes over merchandise, skipped invoices etc. * Each experience shown represents a separate account reported by a supplier. Updated trade experiences replace those previously reported. Amounts may be rounded to nearest figure in prescribed ranges. Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WI LLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyright 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Business Inforrmtion Report COPNERS70V£ O67R d NILS Page 4 of 8 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15, 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 4: 06 pm PUBLIC FILINGS The following data is for information purposes only and is not the official record. Certified copies can only be obtained from the official source. * * * SUIT(S) * * * DOCKET NO. : 96B00758 SUIT AMOUNT: $1,685 STATUS: Pending PLAINTIFF: SOUT. CALIF. GAS CO. DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 09/10/1996 DEFENDANT: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO DATE FILED: 09/10/1996 WHERE FILED: LOS ANGELES COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS LATEST INFO COLLECTED: 11/15/1996 COURT/CULVER CITY, CULVER CI TY, CA * * * UCC FILING(S) * * * COLLATERAL: Negotiable instruments and proceeds - Account(s) and proceeds - General Intangibles(s) and proceeds - Contract rights and proceeds FILING NO: 9631160592 DATE FILED: 11/05/1996 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 11/18/1996 SEC. PARTY: THE CIT GROUP/EQUIPMENT FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF FINANCING, INC. , TEMPE, AZ STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: CORNERSTONE C & M, INC. CA and OTHERS This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. FILING NO: 9631160592 DATE FILED: 05/01/1998 TYPE: Termination LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 05/12/1998 SEC. PARTY: THE CIT GROUP/EQUIPMENT ORIG. UCC FILED: 11/05/1996 FINANCING, INC. , TEMPE, AZ ORIG. FILING NO: 9631160592 DEBTOR: CORNERSTONE C & M, INC. FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF and OTHERS STATE/UCC DIVISION, CA This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Equipment FILING N0: 9735660325 DATE FILED: 12/15/1997 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 01/02/1998 SEC. PARTY: NIXON-EGLI EQUIPMENT COMANY OF FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. , SANTA STATE/UCC DIVISION, FE SPRINGS, CA CA DEBTOR: SULLY MILLER CONTRACTING CO. This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WILLOAN ASSOCIATES. Copyright 1999 BB Inc. V3.9 D&B Business Infornetian Report CFRNERS7tlVE OIS7R 6 NILS Page 5 of 8 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 4: 06 pm PUBLIC FILINGS (continued) COLLATERAL: Equipment FILING NO: 9714260235 DATE FILED: 05/19/1997 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 06/02/1997 SEC. PARTY: SHEPHERD MACHINERY CO. . LOS FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF ANGELES, CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO. , CA INC. This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. FILING NO: 9714260235 DATE FILED: 03/26/1998 TYPE: Termination LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 03/31/1998 SEC. PARTY: SHEPHERD MACHINERY CO. , LOS ORIG. UCC FILED: 05/19/1997 ANGELES, CA ORIG. FILING NO: 9714260235 DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO. , FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF INC. STATE/UCC DIVISION, CA This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Leased Equipment and products FILING NO: 9627660927 DATE FILED: 09/30/1996 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 10/08/1996 SEC. PARTY: SHEPHERD MACHINERY CO. , LOS FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF ANGELES, CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO. , CA INC. This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Leased Equipment and proceeds FILING NO: 9622960082 DATE FILED: 08/15/1996 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 08/20/1996 SEC. PARTY: THE CIT GROUP/EQUIPMENT FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF FINANCING, INC. , TEMPE, AZ STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: CORNERSTONE C & M, INC. DBA CA SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. FILING NO: 9622960082 DATE FILED: 05/01/1998 TYPE: Termination LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 05/12/1998 SEC. PARTY: THE CIT GROUP/EQUIPMENT ORIG. UCC FILED: 08/15/1996 FINANCING, INC. , TEMPE, AZ ORIG. FILING NO: 9622960082 DEBTOR: CORNERSTONE C & M, INC. DBA FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY STATE/UCC DIVISION, CA Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WILLDANASSOCIATES. Copyright 1999 D&B Inc. e3.9 D&B Business Information Report CORNER-5704E OV57R A N7L5 Page 6 of 8 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 4: 06 pm PUBLIC FILINGS (continued) This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Leased Business machinery/equipment FILING NO: 9805460438 DATE FILED: 02/17/1998 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 03/04/1998 SEC. PARTY: GENERAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF CORPORATION, MOBERLY, MO STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: CORNERSTONE CONSTRUCTION & CA MATERIALS, INC. This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Leased Equipment FILING NO: 9735761008 DATE FILED: 12/17/1997 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 01/03/1998 SEC. PARTY: SHEPHERD MACHINERY CO, LOS FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF ANGELES, CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO. CA INC. This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Leased Equipment FILING NO: 9727960731 DATE FILED: 10/01/1997 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 10/16/1997 SEC. PARTY: SHEPHERD MACHINERY CO. , LOS FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF ANGELES, CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO. , CA INC. This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. FILING NO: 9727960731 DATE FILED: 03/26/1998 TYPE: Termination LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 03/31/1998 SEC. PARTY: SHEPHERD MACHINERY CO. , LOS ORIG. UCC FILED: 10/01/1997 ANGELES, CA ORIG. FILING NO: 9727960731 DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO. , FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF INC. STATE/UCC DIVISION, CA This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Leased Equipment FILING NO: 9723960065 DATE FILED: 08/25/1997 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 09/05/1997 SEC. PARTY: SHEPHERD MACHINERY CO. , LOS FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF ANGELES, CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WI LLDIW ASSOCIATES. Copyri ght 1999 D&B I nc. V3.9 D&8 Business Information Report CORN£RS7OV£ 0678 6 N7LS Page 7 of 8 For: TAMRA BOETL January 15. 1999 WILLDAN ASSOCI ATES 4: 06 pm PUBLIC FILINGS (continued) DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO. , CA INC. This data is for informational purposes onl y, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. FILING NO: 9723960065 DATE FILED: 03/26/1998 TYPE: Termination LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 03/31/1998 SEC. PARTY: SHEPHERD MACHINERY CO. , LOS ORIG. UCC FILED: 08/25/1997 ANGELES. CA ORIG. FILING NO: 9723960065 DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO. , FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF INC. STATE/UCC DIVISION, CA This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. COLLATERAL: Leased Equipment FILING NO: 9723160987 DATE FILED: 08/15/1997 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 08/30/1997 SEC. PARTY: SHEPHERD MACHINERY CO. , LOS FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF ANGELES, CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO. , CA INC. This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtai ned through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. FILING NO: 9723160987 DATE FILED: 03/26/1998 TYPE: Termination LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 03/31/1998 SEC. PARTY: SHEPHERD MACHINERY CO. . LOS ORIG. UCC FILED: 08/15/1997 ANGELES, CA ORIG. FILING NO: 9723160987 DEBTOR: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO. , FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF INC. STATE/UCC DIVISION, CA This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. There are additional UCC' s in D&B' s file on this company available by contacting 1-800-234-3867. The public record items contained in this report may have been paid, termi nated, vacated or rel eased pri or to the date this report was printed. Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WILLDAN ASSDCI HIES. Copyri yht 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Business Inforrmticr Report CORI/ERSTON£ OVS7R 6 NILS Page 8 of 8 For: TANRA BOETL January 15. 1999 MILLDAM ASSOCIATES 4: 06 pm OPERATION 01/04/99 This is a division: headquarters are located at 1350 Campus Pkwy #302, Neptune, NJ. Headquarters D-U-N-S 19-995-8216. The manager has authority to make all purchases. Bills are paid generally from this branch. This division is a general contractor of highways and streets and manufacturer of asphalt products and ready mixed concrete. 01-15(3VF /001) 098185185 -- END OF REPORT -- Provided under contract for the excl usi ve use of WI LLDAN ASSOC]ATES. Copyri yht 1999 D&B Inc. V3.9