CC - Item 4I - Authorization to Attend National League of Cities Conference M staf teport / TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGF �F DATE: JANUARY 19, 1999 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ANNUAL CONGRESSIONAL CITY CONFERENCE, MARCH 5-9, 1999 WASHINGTON, D.C. Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. This year's program includes sessions on Stormwater Phase II, Resolving Controversial Issues, Increasing Civility in Community Discourse, Local Governments Role in Violence Prevention and Guarding the Public Checkbook. The City has attended this Conference in the past and it provides an opportunity to touch base with the federal elected and appointed officials. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council authorize the attendance of any Councilmember, the City Attorney, the City Manager and staff as assigned by the City Manager. • COUNCIL AGENDA JAN 261999 ITEM No. CC 1 • 2 MARCH 5-9, 1999 • WASHINGTON HILTON AND TOWERS • WASHINGTON, D. • ONGRESSIONAL C CONFERENCE '99 _. ith a new Speaker of the House Hill. In between,you II learn about Congressional ready to take over,a tightening of and White House priorities,help shape NLC's the partisan split in Congress,and voice on national issues,and represent your Citi- - the emergence of Presidential zens with leaders who make key federal decisions. - hopefuls for the next election, 1999 promises to be The Congressional City Conference provides a + - • an exciting year in Washington,D.C. The NLC unique opportunity to be part of a unified and c ir Annual Congressional City Conference,which will powerful local voice in Washington, D.C.,where be held in Washington,March S-9,offers a unique national decisions are made that affect your city or opportunity to learn about the changes that lie town everyday'. And,as the new Congress begins ahead and what's in store for cities and towns as the to look ahead and the next Presidential cam- 106th Congress begins its work. paign starts to take shape,it's an important The program gets underway on Friday,March time to learn about key federal issues and 5,with leadership training seminars and commit- make your voice heard in Washington on tee and constituency group meetings and con- behalf of your constituents. chides on Tuesday, March 9, with roundtable dis- �y cussions and Congressional briefings on Capitol _ - a ,, ilk,i �, 10 REASONS TO ATTEND THE 1999 CONGRESSIONAL CITY CONFERENCE Whether you're a newcomer to local office and to federal preemption,public safety,telecom- r NLC or a veteran,you can't afford to miss out on munications,federal tax reform,and much , the information exchange about the national-local more. _ II partnership. Even if you've been to many ^ You'll have a chance to meet with your --- 7/ Congressional City Conferences,each year offers a `T'• Congressional delegation to discuss local 1at new look at current issues that will affect your priorities for national action and influence /� community. Here are some reasons why you must how they'll vote on key issues. comc to Washington in March: C You'll learn about what federal deregula- !� tp t ' IYou'll learn fast-hand about the agenda of the J. tion could mean for your city's revenues, 1" LEADERSHIP TRAINING Nsmcvm SEIVIINATts 7�---1�Jm��J I HALF-DAY SEMINARS have fun even when Life is chaotic. Irstrw-tot: 11�1L11I ' ImLindaEhrlichGem,Manager, AFTERNOON KarenSu mar Principal,Farm Education d Training.NIC,an MARCI-I5 V RESOLVING Susman and A ss-ates,Denver, Rose Paljug,Project Manager,Car CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES Colorado Interactive,.Alexandra,Virginia,r Fun-Dm 1:30 p.m-i:00pm and dtinlBT lw. a uctors X.GUARDING THE PUBLIC ReilFec:$95 LEONEFFECTIVE This skill-building will help CHECKBOOK XIIGUARDING THE PUBLIC BLIC TESTIMONY Infelected offfioallshneiththrpassion e0 r. N CHECKBOOK 9:00 am. -:Wpm and conflict resolutionskills un Registration Fee:59 1:30 pm.-S:WJpm Registration Feel$150 a thns on tough with thecokin This workshop will provide participants Registration Fee:$95 Pedpinwill lam proven ti and the community Exal officials lookingwithprotean y m esev lasc Thisworkshop willprovideparticipa- tor p for dad p g and delivering prrpared testi- for new din and promising practices will their proficiencyand comfon levelin deal- with regia and techniques to increas ony thelocal,stateand federallevels. find them in this interactive workshop with financial sfight responsibilities. th p of mD and comfort level in dew Strategiesfor responding to Sues Instructor: Topicinclude budge:management, ing with financialoversightexpo 'bd i. dons will also Ix emphasized. Participants Wham Potapch k,Executive financial crisiswarning signs.in ten, Topics includebudget g t will be videotaped and receive feedback. Director,and ow Selma, monitoring d ns-u:eneurial ventures ten crisis warning gra investment Icor nm: Senior Fellow Program for f^sLenW monitonng ver entrepreneurial ventures Arch r ustbetg President.Lus:berg Community Problem So Wine, Len Wood,President.The Training m 1 Tor: Communications,Washington,D.C. National Civic Lague,Washington, Shopper Romano Palos Vada, Len Wood,President,The Tnimn D.C. California Shnppe,Rancho Palos Verdes, I.USING THE SOCIAL STYLES California MODEL TO ENHANCE VI.ENERGIZING YOUR SPIRIT OF X.PROVIDING CIVICS l This is a repeat of Seminar fl IS INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS PUBLIC SERVICE AS A SERVICE OF LOCAL 9.00 a.m..S:00 pm. 1:30pm.-i:00pm GOVERNMENT XII'.LOCAL GOVERNMENT'S ROI Registration Fee$150 Registration Fee:$95 DIN a.m.-Noon IN VIOLENCE PREVENTION The Jural Styles Model prosides partici- Despite every elected official's to Registration F :$95 1:30 p.m. 00 pm. pants with a framework to understand and tic 'tment to serve citiaLE,instances At time h citizens e cvmial about Registration Fee$95 improve their interpersonal relationships. may arise which challenge I al government.local elected officials can I mal elected officials need a strategy f Based on an instrument flied Out by five tivc attitude towardSCHCC. P ' confidencegovernment by taking preventing in theires collage participants will discover their will enrich methodsfor providing active role providing education in Participants ithis workshop will learn hi distinct ictiole Deva Analytical, enth r - to citizens and engagingcivics Participants will learn to ito theSpectrum of Prevention,a Amiable oExpressive. citizens in problem solving. witirsl civics pts into publications. process used successfully by eal cities lmnuctor: 1Mmnor: web sites.and conversations with con- for addressing the underlying causes of Karen Thompson.Pr `dent, Steve Sunms.Trainer,Attitude-Lifter to u and the d' stinlence. Strategic Enhancement Group, EnterprissBrentwood,Tennessee hls1Thstnin Initturtor Arlington,Virginia Wendy Bay Lewis.Consultant.The Larry Thhen,Executive Director, Ciftw Mind.Bozeman,Montana ontana The Prevention ton Institute.Bc k iey HALF-DM SENILN ARS SATURDAY FALF-D1SEMINARS California. MORNING MARQ-I6 Al.AF I ERNOON SPECIAL.WORKSHOP ID.INCREASCNG DISCOURSES'L1CONBIRI.nLAR.T.AP:LNG BALANCE ADVANCED PUBLIC SPEAKING 0:00 gm N rLL DAV'SENILN.AR.S EN YOLK POLITICAL, CLINIC 900am i Fe PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL Friday and Seturds,Marc,Se RegistrationF :695 : I.ACHIEVING A DIALOGUE- LIFE C t Mys Local al d officials carbe leaders inLEVEL s OF ION AND the effort improvethc civilityof commit LISTENINGLN YOUR CITYI, pm - -Oh m Registration F $290 ' a Registration F t.9 Registration Iiter 0 rt nicat W Participants 90 :(op . leant q developing codeRegistration F x10 'This -o p f I al P yam thist cif lip and guidelines p oC ate Participants ill darn cuffing edgemany I t to k , o I leam I til for developir ou6acructor: .on. n,aton_re to h.e them to frac tisimian:.' Participants dl dill g pParticipants Imt n and speak epn e priorities. wrllre ° pada gspeeches an : nlk?en Imoc.rt2.bledamr ting. Learn town sand Ions amts n as - and will d pefeedback an.. .Missoula.\lona and dal w F u:npdons andd ' room a is chaotic ° : °tpe assertively with cornua 1st x co t P h ship IV.DYNAMICS OF DEVELOPING 1 mar: Karp Sussman.P- cipal.Karen with a prepared three minut _ n. A STORPHASE D 'eeauBordeaux.President, S sur , Associates.D. Instructor, PROGRAM: WHAT LOCAL Bordeaux andAssociates.Renuho ..00 d Pollock,t 'n Language ELECTED OFFICIALS NEED Tar Fades,canton-ea THIS IS of Seminar at Work, vashinM nDC, TO KNOW W a m-noon I HALF-DAY SEN0c.ARS l XII.INTRODUCTION TO Registration Fee:$9S1 MORNING TYPES USING THE This workshop ismi°teract tic caning MORNING MERS-BRIGGSTYPEINDICATOR- mppor ready yourc fora : VID. MAINTAINING BALANCE Ipm 0.p. m Storrnwater Phase II Program. Leam what LC YOUR POLITICALI Registration Fee:$95 need to know as a decision-maker byPROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL V uup -ll learn to undersand 0 uexamining pl ordinances, infort LIFE their own preferences for gathering irJorma- maon and program elements 9:00 eNoon I non.making decisions,and interacting with Preshited by the National Association of 1 Registration Fee:$95 others through akin and interpreting the Flood andSt tr Management ' Fds workshop is for elected officials Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(IMI3TII. The keep N7BTI widely used in many sec o s For more information,check out the Agencies who wear many hats and want to their heads on straight ' Participants will as a tool for understanding oneself and NLC home page at u'nrelcorg or call tilt learn how to determine priorities,use time working with others. Leadership Training Institute Hotline at and stress management techniques,and I 1 202-626-3170. CONGRESSIONAL CITY CONFERENCE '99 KEY ISSUES ., CCC'99 will feature legislative and poli- DEREGULATION I budget? For the kinds of services your dry will need to cy sessions,workshops, and roundtables The new Congress and President Clinton will consider I provide to fill the growing gaps in health care? • on Capitol Hill with Congressional and legislation to deregulate the noon's electric utility Administration leaders to focus on the industry in 1999. testas cities are roll reeling from the TAXES,SOCIAL SECURITY deregulation of the ttemmidpal ions industry and &THE BUDGET federal issues that will be most critical to the continued threats to municipal franchise and siting The new Congress and President will face an early tax- cities and towns in 1999. These sessions authority,federal electric deregulation could threaten ing choice—ensuring the solvency of the nation's are designed not only to provide you municipal revenues,franchise,and land use authority rc al Security system or enacting huge federal tax cuts with useful information, but also to As with cable rates Congressional action could lead to Some predict mat the United States could realize a sur- much higher costs Not only could rates increase for plus of over$1 villion over the next decade,even insure that you have a chance to raise municipalities and their nozens,but also some of the questions and make sure federal officials though the nation currently runs an operating deficit changes being considered by Congress could eliminate and sports a¢nearly Si trillion national debt. Should fix- understand your community's views taxes and franchise fees collected by loam]governments ing Soaal Security come before the politics of spending and perspectives. from electic utilitiesthe surplus on tax cuss or emerging investments in the future? If so,what are the options and what would they Rey issues that will be on the frdeal-mwidpil agenda TELECOMMUNICATIONS mean for the nations cities? \AFat about federal ax for the new, 106th Congress and that NLC will address The new Congress u almost certain to to to reopen the reform? What would that mean for the S1C trillion in at CCC'99 include: - Telecoge to]o cion Act of 1996. This will be a key outstanding s eexemmt municipal bonds cities and challenge to local authod u Despite language protect- towns have issued to finance jails,schools.roads.and PREEMPTION ing local zoning and land use bridges In 1996 Congress tried planning authority,the to preempt local author- FferalCommuni)tions . adr REVENUE SYSTEMS ity over traditional and _ Commission(FCC)has k - aChanges in the economy electronic commerce, essential local responsi- issued proposed rulemakings t �y tax reform,and deregulation arc having or will bilities such as mnmg, which would preempt loci have dramatic impacts on state and loth rev- axation,and the siting jurisdiction ovethe sting of s " en esvffims. The changaare pmduahe of telecommunications cellular towers and broadcast greater and greater diloal cern ennthe(ed sewers. Congress and - rowers. The House and era!government iand mpart of these ch mss. NLC the White House threat- Senate arc certain to try is examining the impact of these changes and ened to undercut local again to override municipal '-- • ' raisingrevenue authority authority with regard to the a._- — „-fit and capaty They imposed a dress- _ - cI'f6f-' 1` • preemption on state and _ •�aR Inch—hut not federal ability to collect sen . - eaves on Internet cti6 ,werfering with - _.." tit 1 as _l I .. the ability of Main Street I and small 4414111"' 'YPxvM n iL 1 ---- businesses tocompetelevel playing field. - s` ' )0,,„.„,,,,,„, Cines succeeded,in most instances,in defeating efforts to seizehistoricand traditional local thority,bt what will the new Congress bring' - - - Qu- Will there bcaneffor to revive theslangs bill --- to remove land use and zoning authority from communities' \\-li Congress and the'Mute- POLIC lo eideasf revenue z. . House re foes tmto! trot Learnbut new law to op r anions federal Ie that could is preemption - affect r cityability to coliect and protect local revenue and ahovt options for , Will and state 1999-emo •ato e n restoring local con- the global l e on. troy or usurping 1:3 siting of wireless FEDERAL MANDATES PUBLIC communication towers Some in the Congress will • Federal mandaes. \lapbe sonic bink they wreathing press to preempt the authority of cities to set their SAFETY cum taxes and tax rates otelecommunications. of fn para they re not. From theevnmenal - Drugs,gang and terrorism_ For cities,these are three insteead i uniform to taxesd rates. ProtectionAgency(EPA)to the Internal l Revenue 6 clear and present dangers. With the bombing of the Service(IRS,the federal,government is making and American embassies Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. imposing thousandst and thousands of and costly HEALTH CARE&O'IEDIC ARE 9meneansl dvulnerablecries can bet rule that b d ( dl Itaxpayers e The 106th Congress ill m e rasp o sen ismall group determined to at havoc. Technology. Despitesuccessfulcampaign thee r the f' d ess health e By ' xt has made sr sive; t ha madethe rig iron; W mandates ivex hundreds of thousands of older citizens mcities and owns Washington to force local govern-need for prep timportant than ever U} re¢,roes:mum hghzr premiums resources will the Presidenand Congress consider to mems to tale action v thout provding any federal from their HMO Cities Idacesharp ctanesinh help cities be prepared? What fm: available, funds to supportthoser requirements 1n 19%,aU.S.health etheir eto well inancreased howwill to be available toanticipate theseCourt of Appealseven upheld anappeal of federal demands forhealthefromtoo lohave Beds And who will be charge? Ast agency ten city fC' e enablingth (d lostaccesstil\O At thee,the nation's becomes,likeg global problem whosed aala cy todwastewater enacted by thecity Ni oicv medical p forthe elderlywill monisexpo d tt d t 199 willhe year tocomply with an unfunded federal t Alaybebea year closer to SolvencystRt are the options for 1999 wilt be the time for the next step. for the federal government to ensure cifoare ready. the ite House and Congress to consider? Wha would those options mean for your city? For your city's MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD TODAY! I