CC - Item 5A - Approval of Public Participation Process for Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 M "\ 77- j4 9 a ol ®h ! st aft teport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI , CITY MANAG '��ER ! s2 DATE: JANUARY 26, 1999 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA NO. 2 INTRODUCTION On September 8, 1998 the City Council approved and adopted Resolution No. 98-40, designating a survey area and initiating the plan formation process. The next step in the process is to either form a project area committee(PAC) or develop a process for public participation that allows for conununity input. After consultation with the City Attorney, staff has determined that the formation of a PAC is not necessary. Per California Community Redevelopment Law, if a City decides not to form a PAC, the City must develop a process for public participation. Attached for your consideration is an outline of the public participation process recommended by staff The purpose of the participation effort is to inform and educate the residents, property owners, business tenants, and community organizations on the plan adoption process. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Public Participation Process as outlined in the ' attached document COUNCIL AGENDA Attachments JANQ JAN (; 1999 p v IQJJ ITEM No. I i 2 (J711 i ion CIVIC D E kboRpoRATEtosss Public Participation Process for Rosemead Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 City of Rosemead January 26, 1999 GDC A&ociate , Inc. 040 Valley Visla Drive built 120 Diamond Bur, CA 91765 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS INTRODUCTION This booklet outlines the public participation process for the formation and adoption of the Redevelopment Plan for the Rosemead Redevelopment Project Area No. 2. The purpose of the public participation effort is to inform and educate the residents, property owners, business tenants and community organizations on the redevelopment plan adoption process, and to consult with the public on policy matters related to the redevelopment of their community. Under the California Community Redevelopment Law (CRL), the City Council and Agency must determine the public's role in the formation of the redevelopment plan. Public consultation may either be in the form of a project area committee (PAC) or a less-formal process that allows for community input. BACKGROUND On September 8, 1998 the Rosemead City Council approved and adopted a resolution — Resolution No. 98-40 —designating a survey area and authorizing the initiation of the plan formation process for Project Area No. 2. The Survey Area generally includes parcels along the length of Valley Boulevard and along portions of Rosemead Boulevard north of the I-10 Freeway and portions of Mission Drive and Temple City Boulevard. The Survey Area totals approximately 152 acres and 278 parcels. The land use is predominantly commercial. Prior to the selection of the designated Survey Area, City staff identified 15 residential and mixed-use parcels totaling approximately 32 housing units as parcels in question — whether to include or exclude from the Survey Area. After careful review by both the City staff and the Agency Board, all 15 candidate parcels were eventually included into the Survey Area due to their physical and economic conditions and/or on the basis that their inclusion was necessary for overall effective redevelopment of the area. Figure 1 below present the redevelopment Survey Area designated by the City Council. PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE Once the City Council designates a survey area, the Council must make the decision whether a project area committee is necessary or a less-formal process is appropriate. Under CRL Section 33385(a), if the proposed redevelopment plan permits the use of eminent domain to acquire properties in an area where a substantial number of low- or moderate- income persons reside, or if the plan contains a public project that will displace a substantial number of low- or moderate-income persons, the legislative body must provide for the election of a PAC. The CRL, however, does not provide guidance or a definition on what is "substantial" and is therefore left to interpretation. Upon review by the City Attorney, the Council decided not to proceed with a PAC formation and election. However, the Council believes that participation by residents, property owners, ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA No. 2 PAGE 1 business tenants and community organizations in the redevelopment plan formation and adoption process is both desirable and necessary. Under CRL Section 33385(0, if the City decides not form a PAC, the City must consult with, and obtain the advice of residents, businesses and community organizations as provided for PACs, and provide those persons and organizations with the redevelopment plan prior to submitting it to the legislative body. In the absence of a PAC, and to comply with the law requiring community consultation, the Agency will develop a process for public participation. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS Although not statutorily required, it is good practice for the City to agree on the methods to be used to achieve the requirements for community consultation in the absence of a PAC. Therefore, the following activities are recommended: 1. Initial Newsletter The first step in the public participation process is to inform and educate the community of the redevelopment process. This can be accomplished with a newsletter mailed to all residents, property owners, business tenants and community organizations active in the survey area, as well as those individuals and organizations that have previously expressed interest in the redevelopment effort. This newsletter should present the goals of the Agency and explain and answer common questions regarding redevelopment, such as: • How redevelopment affects and benefits the residents and businesses in the redevelopment area; • How the redevelopment survey area was selected; • What goes into developing a redevelopment plan; • How the redevelopment plan will be implemented; and • What is the public's role in the redevelopment plan process? A map of the project area and an announcement of an upcoming community meeting will be included in this newsletter. 2. First Community Meeting Following the initial newsletter, an informal community meeting or "open-house" will be conducted by the City staff and assisted by the consultant team. Prior to this community meeting, invitations written in English, Spanish and Chinese will be mailed to all residents, property owners, business tenants and community organizations, such as senior citizens groups, the Chamber of Commerce, and other neighborhood organizations in the redevelopment survey area. The intent of the meeting/open house is to educate the community on redevelopment, to dispel any fears about redevelopment and to determine the level of public interest or concern regarding the redevelopment plan. The community meeting may include a presentation on the need for redevelopment in the survey area and the process ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENTPROJECT AREA NO. 2 PAGE 2 for formulating and adopting the redevelopment plan. This will be followed by a question and answer session. Visual displays and aids will be used as much as possible in the presentation. During the community meeting, the public will have an opportunity to voice their concerns regarding the survey area, the goals of redevelopment plan and the adoption process. Based on the input from this meeting, the project area may be revised before final consideration by the Planning Commission. A list of all public comments received during the open house will be recorded and made available to the Agency for their consideration. 3. Second Newsletter A second newsletter which briefly highlights the content of the redevelopment plan and announces the next community meeting and public hearing date and location, will be mailed to all residents, owners and tenants in the project area, as well as all attendees at the first community meeting. The locations where copies of the redevelopment plan will be available for review will be included in the newsletter. 4. Second Community Meeting As the last step prior to the public hearing, the City will hold a second community meeting/open house. At this meeting, the public should be informed of the progress of the redevelopment plan and have an opportunity to ask any questions regarding the redevelopment program, review the content of the plan and hear how the plan would be implemented if adopted by the City Council. ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTAREA NO. 2 PAGE 3