David Chow IAN-13-1999 :124 !El GROUP 9456335511 P.02-@4 CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY Of RJ�Lmi.:,J APPLICATION FOR TRAFFIC ✓ PLANNING COMMISSIONER JAN 1 9 1999 Please print or type: NAME: nAVIn C.H( 4 4191T pICSOFFIOE CRE ADDRESS: 6240 EAST AVES AVE. RCEMEAn 917}c�' 'S{.. RESIDENCE TELEPHONE:0$b)5 3.4971 BUSINESS TELEPHONEf949)8a1+ SSRB MALE: f FEMALE: ARE YOU A REGISTERED VOTER IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD? YES HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN CALIFORNIA? /;YRS ROSEMEAD? ZI '1RS EMPLOYER'S NAME: IBI GROUP BUSINESS ADDRESS: IA401 VON KAE.MAn1 AVENUE TYPE OF BUSINESS: ARCHMSCIRN ENEENF15.g11h16,. RANIJINS Fiats OUTSIDE BUSINESS INTERESTS: EDUCATION NAME & ADDRESS OF SCHOOL NO. YRS YEAR ATTENDED GRADUATED PS.M G1�.1Yogr Ort Grammar School fizrta ST1 Senora-0 n,Porags a 1979 FeRN St Sewoi,. R[eaHEAD High School SM ;maim. MbH Gmoot.. S.G 4 1984 college o'- Univ. OWN,Cwap . j IRVINE: 5 1989 Night School or Corres. School 11 w� PROFESSSIONAL AND BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: MaSZ4Eh°Hair. EN0.R. IaST .. _4 _. IL ..r WL •Y.M.) T.:. w _ . . Hi EREI Euro Houma Sari+' ARE YOU DISQUALIFIED TO VOTE IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, DUE TO A FELONY CONVICTION? On I AM PRIMARILY INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION (Meets the first and third Monday at 7:00 p.m.) I AM PRIMARILY INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION (Meets the first Thursday at 7:00 p.m.) PERSONAL OR BUSINESS ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD BE IN CONFLICT WITH YOUR SERVING AS A COMMISSIONER: No,.,F ADDITIONAL INFORMATION YOU FEEL WOULD BE HELPFUL TO THE COUNCIL IN MAKING ITS DECISION: �O If FraeP e,.y 4Y]J 1F=$ TRAFFIC. PUD TR0016.aa.anoa SNEwaL GRIN TOP Crams Co ..cr1ICtu CALK/se/DIP 1k eos wcr. W'ec IN ernes Na. 3sADC-444. 's basaicL he TEmeca C 11 — Nene IN osew n. DATED: J4N. 19, 1999 Applicant Signature Note: This questionnaire will be kept on file for consideration by the Council in future Commission appointments. £.41:12 SRN-19-1999 11:25 IBI GROUP TT 949 833 5511 P.03/0.1 �l CROUP DAVID CHOW Senior Transportation Engineer, IBI Group Education Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, University of California, Irvine Professional Affiliations Institute of Transportation Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers American Planning Association American Society of Military Engineers Chi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor Society Asian American Architects and Engineers Specialized Professional Competence David Chow is a senior transportation engineer with over 11 years of experience working in the transportation engineering and planning fields. Over that period, he has worked on numerous complex projects ranging from detailed conceptual engineering and environmental studies to traffic impact studies and geometric design. His background includes extensive experience with travel demand models, traffic engineering and transportation planning. Key projects of relevance to this proposal include his lead roles on the Irvine Guideway Detailed Conceptual Engineering and Environmental Study, OCTA Urban Rail Study, LAX Masterplan, LAX Ground Access Study, Ontario Airport Ground Access Study. David is an excellent communicator with proven project management skills; highly capable of managing complex and deadline-oriented projects. Relevant Experience • Proposition 116 Irvine Guideway Demonstration Project Detailed Conceptual Engineering and Environmental Study. Mr. Chow is currently an assistant project manager in charge of overseeing the project development, draft environmental impact report, conceptual engineering and development of DBOM documents. Highlights of his involvement include managing travel demand forecasting, technology selection, route alignment, identification of station locations, environmental technical studies, financial plan, systems oversight and DBOM document development • Orange County Transportation Authority(OCTA) Urban Rail Detailed Conceptual Engineering and Environmental Study. Mr. Chow is currently a task leader in charge of developing and screening the various rail alternatives of the Urban Transit Corridor. Key points of this task include developing alternative rail alignments to connect activity centers, analyzing and mitigating traffic impacts and minimizing cost. • SCAG Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) On-call Consulting Services. Mr Chow provided on-call technical assist in the development of the SCAG RTP. Among other things, he helped prioritize proposed grade separations in the San Gabriel Valley based on the available funding identified in the RTP. • LACMTA Long Range Plan On-call Consulting Services. Mr. Chow assisted the MIA with the development of the Los Angeles County Long Range Plan. The technical work involved identifying proposed projects, assisting with the regional modeling effort to quantify the regional benefit and prioritizing projects within the funding constraints. • Los Angeles International Airport Masterplan. Mr. Chow was a key developer of the Los Angeles Department of Airports LAX Masterplan model. The model was used to analyze the ground access impacts of a 2010 horizon year with varying airport MAP (million annual passenger) levels. • Los Angeles International Airport Ground Access Study. Mr. Chow was the assistant project manager and lead developer of the SCAG LAX model and ground access study. The study analyzed the impacts to 110 study intersections located around the LAX area, identified "hot- spots" and proposed traffic and transit improvements that would mitigate deficencies in the system. 18901 Von Karman Avenue, Suite HO. Irvine, California, U.S.A. 926l2 (94n) 831-5588. FAX (949) 833-5511 IBI it a group of comp/min pmaaing proe%a ma)ona0pug JAN-19-1999 11:25 IBI GROUP 949 833 5511 P.04'04 • Alameda Corridor Project. Mr. Chow was a key project engineer in the development of the conceptual plans for the grade separations along the Alameda Corridor. His responsibilities included development of the travel demand forecast, truck modeling, conceptual geometric layouts for the grade separations and flyovers, and traffic impact analysis of study locations. • Del Arno Grade Separation Project. Mr. Chow was the project manager in charge of the travel demand forecasts and conceptual geometric layout of the grade separation. • B-Street Realignment Project. Mr. Chow was the project manager for the realignment of B- Street in the Wilmington/San Pedro area. The realignment process included examining traffic redistribution, geometric and grade separation mitigations and traffic impact analysis. • Santa Monica Boulevard Transit Parkway Project Report EA/EIR. Mr. Chow was the assistant project manager in charge of analyzing and mitigating traffic impacts, examining key geometric design issues, developing the travel demand forecast, coordinating and managing work with the subconsultants. • SCAG VHTNMT Estimation. Mr. Chow was the key project engineer in charge of researching advanced technologies that can be used to supplement or replace existing methods of regional VHTNMT estimation. Advanced ITS, GPS and satellite technologies were reviewed to identify potential improvements to the current system. • Wilshire CPU Transportation Improvement and Mitigation Plan (TIMP). Mr. Chow was the project manager in charge of developing the travel demand forecast and initiating the TIMP process. • San Fernando Valley East-West Corridor Project. Mr. Chow assisted in the analysis of various alternatives to the proposed transit corridor. • Central City North Community Plan Unit (CPU) Transportation Improvement and Mitigation Program (TIMP). Mr. Chow was the project manager in charge of developing the transportation improvement and mitigation program for the Wilshire community. In addition to developing the travel demand forecast used to identify deficiencies in the transportation system, Mr. Chow was in charge of analyzing the impacts of 2010 growth and developing a combination of improvements that mitigate significantly impacted areas. Mitigations include capital improvments, TDM,TSM and transit recommendations. • El Segundo Green Line Circulator Study. Mr. Chow examined how bus-rail interfaces would need to be restructured in order to best service travel demand with the operation of the Green Line. • Westside Cities Shuttle Program Study. Mr. Chow surveyed and analyzed the performance of shuttle service providers in the Westside Cities. • Marina del Rey LCP Traffic and Transit Study. Mr. Chow analyzed the potential benefits of a shuttle bus system and light rail system as they relate to circulation and access in Marina del Rey. • City of Santa Ana On-call Urban Rail Consultant Services. Mr. Chow assisted in the management of the traffic component of this on-call services contract. The contract provided by OCTA allowed to City to further investigate City enhancements to the Urban Rail alignment alternatives. • Mr. Chow hes been the project manager for numerous traffic impact studies for developments that range from large shopping centers such as the Glendale Fashion Center to small single- use locations. He is has over 11 years of experience in the transportation planning, traffic engineering, traffic impact and transit planning fields. C.11:xclURf ResUmesIOA Vin CHOWdoc TOTAL P.04