CC - Item 6F - Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Global Urban Strategies, Inc. p ° z E M < ° ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL PFIDE STAFF REPORT .0ol TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGERJc/I_ DATE: FEBRUARY 27, 2018 SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH GLOBAL URBAN STRATEGIES, INC. SUMMARY Global Urban Strategies. Inc., is proposing to continue outreach, education, and advocacy services for the City as it pertains to the 710 Coalition. Their proposal and scope of work is attached. The proposed amendment to the currently exhausted contract is for $30,000, for a total amended contract amount not to exceed $60,000. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the City Council approve an Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Global Urban Strategies, Inc., for $30,000, a total contract amount not to exceed $60,000, for outreach, education, and advocacy services for the City of Rosemead as it pertains to the 710 Coalition. FISCAL IMPACT Global Urban Strategies, Inc., will continue to perform the scope of work at a cost of$3,000 per month until the end of the calendar year or until the 710-advocacy effort is complete, whichever is shorter. In addition, pre-approved travel and expenses to meet with decision makers and stakeholders to further the coalitions' interests will be provided. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT This item relates to the Strategic Plan's Strategy 3: Beautification and Infrastructure Item I: Advocate for a Rosemead route as part of the expansion of the 710 and the Metro Gold Tine eastside expansion. ITEM NUMBER: F City Council Meeting February 27,2018 Page 2 oft Prepared by: // in Marc Donohue, City Clerk Attachment: Global Urban Strategies, Inc. - Professional Services Agreement E M f. S 9 Q CF 1 ° DE K ePORATED \B Attachment Global Urban Strategies, Inc. — Professional Services Agreement ani : _a URBAN SRATECIESINC January 31, 2017 Honorable Polly Low Mayor City of Rosemead 8838 Valley Blvd. Rosemead,CA 91770 Dear Madam Mayor Low: Please accept this letter as a proposal for outreach,education and advocacy services for the City of Rosemead as it pertains to the 710 Coalition. Global Urban Strategies, Inc. is prepared to engage the communities negatively affected by not completed the 710 Freeway. Please find the scope of work below: Scope of Work 1. Discuss main issues with the City of Rosemead personnel and ensure that those issues are being addressed regionally. 2. Meet with 710 Coalition and inform them of Rosemead's increased activism for the project. 3. Meeting with Joe A. Gonsalves&Sons, Inc.to coordinate lobbying efforts both locally and in Sacramento. 4. Attend meetings at Metro,Southern California Association of Governments,San Gabriel Valley Coalition of Governments to ensure Rosemead is informed of any updates pertaining to the 710 Project. 5. Meet with stakeholders and local cities to inform them of the need to Close the Gap. 6. Distribute information about the 710 within the community of El Sereno to mitigate the negative misleading information that has been disseminated by entities opposing the closure of the 710. 7. Update other members of the 710 Coalition. 8. Engage the communities affected by the 710 Freeway gap through outreach and education. www.global-urban.com (626)383-6565 530 South Lake Avenue 6478 Pasadena.California 91101 URBAN STRATEGIES INC . 9. Gather signatures, letters and motivate members of the community to attend the scheduled meeting where a decision will be made to move forward with the project. 10. Report on a monthly basis to the City of Rosemead regarding all activities that have occurred during the previous month of advocacy. Compensation: Global Urban Strategies, Inc. will do the aforementioned scope of work in an amount of Three Thousand Dollars($3,000.00) per month for a period of ten (10) months or until the project is approved by Metro,whichever is shorter. In addition, pre-approved travel and expenses to meet with decision makers and stakeholders to further the coalitions interests will be provided. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at(626) 383-6565. Thank you once again for your time and look forward to working with you on this and many other projects. Best Regards, Jaa 48. J4neaRik: Omar E. Hernandez Polly Low Principal Mayor Global Urban Strategies, Inc. City of Rosemead www.global-urban.com (636)383-605 530 South Lake Avenue#418 Pasadena,California 91101