RFP No. 2018-10 Traffic Impact Analysis 1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DIVISION RFP No. 2018-10 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead is seeking the services of a qualified consulting firm to provide support in traffic data collection and analysis of the traffic access to, through, and within its arterials and collectors. The consultant will take a look at the current and projected traffic situation, note the deficiencies in the network and develop alternatives to address these deficiencies. BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead is located at the San Gabriel Valley and has a population of approximately 53,764. The City of Rosemead approved the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan from New Avenue to Charlotte Avenue. Also, there are several mix-used projects under construction along Garvey Avenue. The City of Rosemead wishes to examine traffic circulation in its street network: Street Limits Distance Garvey Avenue Del Mar Avenue San Gabriel Avenue Walnut Grove Avenue New Avenue to Easterly City limit Northerly City Limit to Graves Avenue Northerly City Limit to Rush Street Northerly City Limit to Rush Street 2.7 mi 1.5 mi 1.4 mi 3.0 mi The City wishes to have an analysis of this street network which will include making recommendations to improve vehicle, bicycle, transportation and pedestrian traffic circulation. The consultant is required to gather all data needed to complete tasks. Available City data may be used by the Consultant if deemed to represent current conditions. The data collection and recommendations will be summarized in a technical report which will be presented to the City of Rosemead. SCOPE OF SERVICES The following is a general outline of the scope of work to be provided by the consultant. While it is intended that the following scope of work include all elements essential to develop the project, those submitting proposals are advised to perform their own field reconnaissance and include any items which they feel have been overlooked. The consultant may also note any required items which they feel to be excessive or unnecessary. The description and cost of such items should be noted separately in the proposal. Services required to complete this project by the consultant shall include: 2 1. Data Collection a. Traffic Volume Data Collection: The Consultant shall acquire and/or collect count data including heavy vehicles as appropriate to accurately understand the existing conditions. b. Trip distribution patterns for cumulative projects. c. Provide a traffic analysis zone (TAZ) map to the City for use in processing land use data. 2. Road Network Geometric Conditions: The Consultant shall review the roadway segments and intersections in the field to observe and inventory roadway geometrics, existing traffic operations, base line width, striping and traffic. Signal timing and phasing to be provided by the City. 3. Traffic Signal Operations: The City will provide as built plans for the traffic signal at the intersections located at this network. 4. Analysis a. Traffic Modeling - assuming a fully develop condition. Consultant will take into account future conditions i.e. existing conditions and 20 year projection. b. Traffic Analysis –  Existing Conditions  Projected Conditions (20 years)  Mitigation Measures for Intersections/Roadways with LOS less than value of “D.”  Project related traffic volumes.  Accident Data and Safety Evaluation.  Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation.  Traffic Changes Based Upon Circulation System Improvements  Trip Generation. c. Site Access and Circulation. d. Evaluation of Need of Traffic Controls. e. Compliance with CEQA guidelines. f. Report: The Consultant’s information, analysis and recommendations will be summarized in a technical report including recommendations for transportation coordination with MTA, with graphic as appropriate. PROPOSAL FORMAT The proposal shall be submitted in the following format: 1. A Cover Letter summarizing the proposal. 2. Statement of Qualifications. 3. Reference. 4. Project approach. 3 5. Fee – Provide not to exceed fee budget for each item described in the above scope of services. 6. Hourly rates – Provide hourly rates schedule for all work to be done under the scope of services and for any extra work authorized by the City Engineer. EVALUATION CRITERIA City staff will evaluate the proposals. If there is no clear choice, a short list of consultant will be invited for an interview.  Consulting firms that are the most qualified and experienced in the area of network traffic.  Experience of the project manager and work team.  The ability to perform work in timely manner.  The quality of the proposal.  The quality of the interviews, if necessary. SCHEDULE Tentative Schedule:  Proposal due date March 22nd, 2018 at 10:00 am.  RFP Responses April 19th, 2018.  City Evaluation April 23rd – 26th, 2018.  Council Award May 8th, 2018 INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE CITY  As-built traffic signals.  Garvey Avenue Specific Plan.  Timing sheets.  Traffic counts, if available for this locations. DISCRETION AND LIABILITY WAIVER The City reserves the right to reject all proposals or to request and obtain, from one or more of the consulting firms submitting proposals, supplementary information as may be necessary for City staff to analyze the proposals pursuant to the consultant selection criteria contained here. The City is not liable for costs incurred by the consultant for the cost of the proposal. The consultant, by submitting a response to this RFP, waives all rights to protest or seek any legal remedies whatsoever regarding any aspect of this RFP. 4 All proposals shall be binding for a period of 60 days after the proposal due date. DRAFT AGREEMENT Attached is a draft copy of the “Agreement for Consulting Services”. The draft may be subject to change and revision pursuant to review by the City Attorney. DIRECTION FOR DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL The three (3) sealed project proposal shall be delivered no later than 10:00 a.m., March 22nd, 2018, at the following location: CITY OF ROSEMEAD Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn. Rafael M. Fajardo P.E. City Engineer