CC - Item 4B - Authorization to Attend League of California Cities Employee Relations Institute x/ E -410% vee 2% stattep ort TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: i_r FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: 'FEBRUARY 17, 1999 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES EMPLOYEE RELATIONS INSTITUTE, MARCH 18-19, 1999- SACRAMENTO Attached for your consideration is information concerning the aforementioned conference. The Council has previously authorized the attendance of the City Manager. As you know, the President of the Los Angeles County Division of the League of California Cities reappointed Rosemead's City Manager to the Employee Relations Committee for 1999. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize the attendance of the City Manager and the City Attorney at the League of California Cities Employee Relations Institute. FGT:js Attachment COUNCIL AGENDA FEB 2 31999 ITEM No. R y '"`"Irdr9Wi s i P1oll O�H LSE I R NN t o: rAIIIIIMIW • -�'Ii� i s.'y',+ttsa'^ ' S t iR.S^ istilFr'`�S MILAN EMPLOYEE RELATIONS INSTITUTE LEAGUE OF Thursday -Friday, March 18. 19, 1999 Doubletree Hotel, Sacramento CALIFORNIA CITIES You'll Want to Attend If You Are A... • Personnel Director • Employee Relations Officer • Human Resource Manager • City Manager • City Attorney • Department Head •Mayor IF • Council Members You'll Benefit By... •Learning the latest about local government employee relations issues. • Getting insights on what the new Governor and Legislature are likely to do in this area. •Making valuable contacts with other professionals to whom you can turn for assistance. • Bringing colleagues from your city with whom you will be working on personnel matters. • Getting a valuable packet of information and references you can use all year. • Orienting your newly elected officials to the key processes and issues of employee relations. Don't miss the great chance to catch up with the latest developments in local government employee relations. The Institute,offered in conjunction with the California State Association of Counties,is the annual gathering for all who are involved with all aspects of personnel matters. And it is the best chance to make the professional contacts you need to provide the best service to your agency and the public. !C Several sessions(as indicated)on Thursday will carry credits in the League's Elected Officials Leadership Academy. Elected officials are encouraged to registerfor the one day and receive Academy credit Hotel Reservation Deadline: Wednesday, February 17, 1999 1400 g STREET Advance Conference Regirtration Deadline: Wednesday, February 24, 1999 SACR4.\IESTO, 04 95814 Preliminary Program Wednesday„March 17, 1999 6:00 - 7:30 pm Early Arrival Registration - Ballroom Foyer,Doublrre(Hotel T7urrsday, March 18, 1999 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Registration Open - Ballroom Foyer,Doubletree Hozel 8:00 - 9:00 am Pre-Conference Concurrent Workshops I. Introduction to Employee Relations and Negotiations Learn the ABCs of employee relations and negotiations, from setting ground rules to preparing for arbitration. The presenters will provide you with tips to make the process a little smoother for new human resource professionals. II. Advanced Negotiations An advanced session on the latest issues and strategies in negotiations used by negotiating professionals. 111. Elected Official's Role in Local Employee Relations Cr.5 CORE CREDIT What roles do elected officials have in establishing parameters for labor negotiations? How should elected officials respond when labor representatives call and say an extra one percent will settle the contract? How should they handle information received from labor representatives when negotiations are in progress? Hear discussion from elected officials on their role in local employee relations. 9:15 - 10:30 am Opening General Session The New Sacramento Scene Regarding Local Employee Relations Significant proposals will be debated in the 1999 Legislature regarding local government collective bargaining, and employee compensation and status. A panel of legislative experts will discuss these proposals and analyze likely changes which will emerge from this legislative session. cTo get Elected Officials Leadership Academy credit,mayors and council members must sign the attendance sheet in the session room at the start of each credited session. These sheets will be collected 20 minutes after the start of the session. The Elected Officials Leadership Academy is conducted on the honor system, based on the sign-in records, and assumes that one is in attendance for the full session. Page 2 Tursday, March 18, 1999, continued 10:45 am - noon Concurrent Sessions I. Employee Relations Issues for Elected Officials c.5 CORE CREDIT Whether you are an elected official or human resources staff, this session will address an array of employee relations issues that face you in the public sector. Employee relations issues can sometimes get "interesting"and result in union representatives contracting elected officials in order to influence the decision-making process. Speakers will discuss different employee relations matters that they have encountered, will give information and advice on how to best handle the situation, and suggest roles for and responses from elected officials and staff. II. Using Technology: Inter/Intra Net Applications Explore powerful new technology and information systems that can aid human resource professionals in the performance of their work. III. Creative Executive Compensation Programs Competing for and retaining executive talent in today's labor market requires creative approaches to compensation. Learn about some of these approaches and the new executive compensation program designed specifically for CALPERS and how it is working one year after installation. noon - 1:45 pm General Luncheon Session Stress Management and Personal Care in Human Resources One of the best ways of maintaining the health of the workforce and the work place is by humor. This session will explore effective ways of using appropriate humor to promote morale and productivity. 2:00 - 3:15 pm Concurrent Sessions I. Labor Pressures and Politics for Elected Officials T.5 CORE CREDIT Public employee unions and associations are probably as powerful today in exercising their political influence as ever before. How do elected officials maintain an objective balance between the needs of the community and the political influence of public labor organizations? Come hear about strategies to achieve the balance. II. Employee Recognition Incentives: Reinvesting In Human Resources A well-designed recognition program can reduce turnover, help retain good people and promote pride and loyalty within your county or city. Come hear speakers with a combined 50+ years of quality experience with recognition programs. Disability Management •The Bermuda Triangle, Part I The integration and coordination of the various employee leave disability entitlement programs has proven to be a major challenge to human resource professionals. This program will provide practical advice and discuss the legal issues relating to the injured employee and the coordination of the ADA/FMLA/workers compensation/PERS disability retirement laws. Page 3 79ursday, Marcb 18, 1999, continued 3:30 - 4:45 pm Concurrent Sessions 1. Elected Officials and Arbitration/Mediation C.5 CORE CREDIT Arc you ready for the renewed efforts by public sector unions to secure binding interest arbitration? Do you know what it is? Do you want it? Should you fight it? What are the impacts if you get stuck with it? Elected officials and human resource professionals will want to know about this important issue that could be facing them soon. II. Focus on Retirement: Medical, Long-Term Care and Supplemental Programs, 401A, 50IC A review of new and proposed legislation, regulatory changes and judicial decisions which impact retirement related benefits. III. Disability Management -The Bermuda Triangle, Part 11 The integration and coordination of the various employee leave disability entitlement programs has proven to be a major challenge to human resource professionals. This program will provide practical advice and discuss the legal issues relating to the injured employee and the coordination of the ADA/FMLA/workers compensation/PERS disability retirement laws. 5:00 - 7:30 pm Hosted Reception at the Railroad Museum (Transportation will be provided between the bend and Ofd Sacramento) Enjoy an evening in Old Sacramento at the fascinating State Railroad Museum. Afterward,plan to dine at one of the many restaurants in the Old Sacramento area. Fri'lay, March 19, 1999 7:00 am - 2:00 pm Registration Open - Ballroom Foyer,Doublerree Hotel 7:30 am Continental Breakfast 8;00 - 9:15 am Opening General Session Litigation Update Learn about the latest decisions from the courts affecting public sector employee relations. Don't miss this vital briefing by Richard Whitmore,longtime practitioner of public sector labor law. 9:30 - 10:45 am Concurrent Sessions I. Social Security Mandates Major social security system reforms are under discussion by members of Congress and the administration. This session will discuss the Social Security system and what pending reform proposals could mean to local government employers. Page 4 •. ..a..rwti^.", 3 .�K.r1", r :.d v. !d.✓:.��«wrw$�4.ivSF+i[rbZ"a` � .'1'e4ta. ' . .. Friday, March 19, 1999, continued 9:30 - 10:45 am Concurrent Sessions (continued) II. Creating Orientation Programs for New Elected Officials New county supervisors and city council members often have little experience with public sector personnel matters when they take office. What do they need to know, and how can the agency's personnel officer provide them with valuable information? III. Human Resources' Role in Organization Transformation As we move toward the 21st century, local government is seeking to become more responsive to its customers, contain costs and deliver quality services. Learn how the human resources department can play a vital role in organizational transformation. 11:00 am - 12:15 pm Concurrent Sessions • I. Recruiting In a Full Employment Economy Here today, gone tomorrow. The biggest problem with our booming California economy is that there aren't enough good people out there to hire—especially for technical positions. You may not be sure that you can hold on to your present employees;competitors are dangling carrots in front of them. Even worse is that, for many positions, you are competing with the private sector for too few precious workers. Hear what works and what doesn't from practitioners and experts. II. EEOC/DFEH Issues Stephen Hirschfeld,noted labor law attorney,will discuss new discrimination,EEOC and sexual harassment issues and court decisions,comment on Proposition 209, and answer questions in this fast-paced session. III. Personal Liability in Human Resources Personal liability is an enormous issue to human resource professionals in litigation costs, employer-employee relations consequences,and procedural responses necessary to protect public employers. This session will concentrate on personal liability trends and sound employer defensive strategies. 12:15 - 2:00 pm General Luncheon Session Life Under PERB Will the new administration bring a Public Employee Relations Board jurisdiction to cities, counties and special districts with regard to the hulas-Myers-Brown Act? Attend this session to hear various perspectives on this timely issue. 2:00 pm Adjourn Reminder: The Ralph M.Brown Act does not apply to conferences simply because a majority of the city council or other covered body attends. However,a majority of the body may not discuss among themselves specific substantive issues at such conferences. Any such discussion is subject to the Brown Act and must occur in a meeting which complies with its requirements. Page 5