CC - Item 4F - Authorization to Attend 1999 Bureau of Justice Assistance National Partnership Meeting 4. : A� ®u.hlyj stat eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MARCH 16, 1999 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND 1999 BUREAU OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP MEETING, APRIL 6-8, 1999 WASHINGTON D.C. Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. As you know, the City receives federal block grant funds for law enforcement. We have received $461,000 in Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) funds to date, and will be eligible to apply for additional funds this May. Our LLEBG contact person, Muriel Collins, State Program Manager for the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, notified us of the conference and recommended that the City send a representative. Since Sergeant Wayne Wallace coordinates the program it is recommended that he attend. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize the attendance of Sergeant Wayne Wallace and appropriate the necessary funds from appropriated reserves. i COUNCIL AGENDA MAR 2 3 1999 . EN1 No. J r „e4 {•1.. f F OfficeofJustkem gron6- . T 1999 .,:eif . BuimAu OF JUSTICE - Assl`i7 sicaNational r R Partnersbjp , The Ronsncc nra$pte1 .('.Lv` r_ 4,4'',,,,"'+,:- s.wtea/iii1 ^/`f4F ro*. 4c. � 11141W: L7_ !,� r '..-Cf l it !` ‘r-*:*... I.,. s `\� a' - ,fft, ' ' E ; v s 5 P Y I ...... . ? ._ . _ ....m.. `YkFv_ t.. .zs=ay. -z ru.mss, , w- y �, TICE ASSISTANCE NATION ) • Special Workshop Events Highlights PLAN TO ATTEND The National Partnership Meeting will assemble major plenary s sions featuring some of the nations forrmozpoLry makers.Li DevelopingandMaking the Most of ProfessionalNetwotks addition,over fifty workshops and speml ream willprosidc Through computer matching,this intensive session will allow cha'.Ienging skill building and networking oppormmties forpohcy- participants to make the kinds of professional contacts chat they [rakers,community leaden and pnctitionrn.Tfighligha of the consider to be most important to advancing their work workshops induce Media as aYehicle for Prevention For yes,the Ad Conary the National Crime Prevention Council COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS (NCPC),the Office of National Drug Control Po6q(ONDCP),and FOR JUSTICE rntly.MTV hese worked to use the media to disseminatecrime and drug abuse prevention messages See some of the latmt Communiry Policing in the 21st Century public service announcementsdeniped by NCH'ONDCP,;rad 1r,d—softhe community policing movement will prmmt their king hexa and discuss rbc impact that the media is having on the sinoaufor a,rununiry policing in the non centurk prevention world and kann how you an use rhis vdtides RetoolingPrevention fop-Changing Tim your community. n ginges Leaders in thc nations pre.inion field will resicw Icons learned Skill Building Workshops and actors that maks prevmdon programs sunansfuj Pariapants well bast thc opponuniry-to interact with some of the dnation's cop presenters in the criminal justice field and develop Integnac CCo - ,J,.suee Information Systems:Crating an .neral skills to addr5s crime and violence in their communities. Eleetraviorahmuadry - ParticipanumayattendworkshopsosHawtoSnnzCommunity This suction wa!higElirprsuccess(W Migrated information systems Coarct Strategic Planning for Crime Reduction.Engaging Youth and the saps that it took to build them_ Leadership for Prevention.Yate of thtArt Life-saving Technology for Law Enforcemern,Developing Effective Tools for Peforri ce PROTECTING THE PUBLIC, .measurement,and the-Do's and Dene orAtwtFarfcimre PROTECTING RIGHTS:CREATING Criminal Justice Topic Tables SYSTEM BALANCE Join other crminaljaiucepto(ionals over acondnenmlbre3d-sr for a discussion of pressing tcsum in criminal justice Pmvice How is the Criminal Justice System Responding to Hale Crimes. A look at how different jurisdictions have responded to hart crimes in their conunsmitin. the n Mentally Dl Offenders1/2 SJ t How do we bestprepare criminal j,ssva professionals to idu,rify and manage a s d men= it ns?Tpans report Exhibit Area nes:justice program designed m work withthis special populationn . The Impact of Sex Offender Registration and Notification FEATURING: WY.hat has been the experience of communities with seen offender registration and notification?This panel will explom the challenges TcchnicalAssiswane provided pdeemed by this legislation and how practitioners have responded. Ont-stop sheppag Warming an array ottechnical ssis:arc Reaching Out to Spedal Victim Populations:Children.the available through ETA. Elderly;and the Developmentally Disabled Federal Partners This session will highlight propn,ns than have opened he jua:x Information on the federalprognmming,techniml assinan re,and support network to unique sicrim populations. ronurzcs a adablc for criminal jmdce pm:drionen. State,Local,end dc:bal Partners BUILDNG A COMPREHENSIVE Maerias and informationabout innovrive and effereve JUSTICE SYSTEM ean,aships. TechnologyNegotiating a Piece of the Pie Parcapaets.sill have the opportuniityno voice their opinions via Cutting-edge technological resources. computer technology challenging policy-rnaken'to snake the best possible decision,while faced with important,competing interests. THE 1 9 9 9 BUREAU OF JU Conference Agenda MONDAY,APRIL 5 TUESDAY,APRIL 6 WEDNESDAY,APRIL 7 3tOpm- REGISTRATION 7:00am REGISTRATION 730am Continental Breakfast • 9 uUpm Exhibit Arct Opens 830am Plenary Session:Protecting 7:30am Criminal Justice Topic the Public.Protecting Tables/Conan en til Breakilsr Rights Creating System 8:30am Welcoming Remarks Balance /7( y� 9:00am Keynote Address '-O:ODam BREAK Wor1111 Lg Dtenn BREAK l0:15am Workshops:Creating System Balance 10:!5_m Plcnary-5 ssion: Together Corvmamry Partnerships 00pm Luncheon: forJustice: Building a Comprehensive Mobiizingthe Community Justice System as Probl�Bolver PI entry Session Negotiatistg for Peace A Piece of the Pie l2aopm Luncheon and Speaker 2:O0pm Workshopt Building a and Justice '_.00pm W.kslopr Community Comprehensive Justice an Justice Parmaships for Janice System 330pm BREAK 3SOpm BREAK inthe 21st 3:45pm Workshops.Community 3:45pm Special Event I L 7l-I. (- Parmerships for Jusdm Media as a Vehiclefor �t / 5:15pm BREAK Prevention Century 6:00pm Special Event 5:15pm Adjourn Developing and Making the Most of Effective THURSDAY,APRIL 8 Professional Networks i 30pm. Adjourn730am. CcntinenLal Brealfist SJnam Workshops:Building a Compreh ensivc Justice System 10:00am Closing Kemp re Address 1tOOam Adjourn L PARTNERSHIP MEETING Hotel Information Shifting Tactics in Rural Law Enforcement to Combat the The meeting will beheld at the Renritg.re Washington D.0 Methamphetamine Epidemic Hotel,999 9th 5a,NWS Washington.D.C.20001-442_7.A special The meth+rnphe.:mine problem carries wish i[a ncwsa of rules. m:e of Sl 15 plus 145 pacnhru[is avu2ableto meeting This session will!oak at how some nrriljuisdicoons are par:idpanas.panicipanrs must make their own hotel reservations reorganizing their law nhrsmcatases to meet[hese new by March 1,1999,byr:1ling(000)465.3571.Mention that you challenges. art attending the B)A National Partnership Meering when you What Is Tough on Crime?Expanding the Concept of Sanctions oil For rxnacom. To lnaase OffenderAecountabiiry and Public Safety-foethe The Renaissance Washington D.C.Hord is located two blinks Long Term Som the Galley Place/Chinatown METRO stop on the Red. This se<slon will examine cost-effective alternatives w prison that Green and Yellow lins have demonsrated a',arng impact on offenders behasioc The pool and sauna arc avuilable to guests See of charge. The Smaa cent=is availahle to guests at a charge of 55/day or 514'ray.The hotel provides a concierge,mulnlingual staff, business enter.Mora[,post office,nn,scnnd rend air arrangements.and same-dery laundry and dry cleaning services Parking is also avaiiabl‘ Registration REGISTRATION FORM Information NAME There are three ways to register: TITLE + Online at W-wusso.orglncja ADDRESS + Fax a completed registration form CITY LATE ZIr to NCJA at (202)508-3859 ( ) ( ) EVOKE [AA + Maila completed registration form to NCJA,444 N. Capitol St.,NW, E`tut =6l 8,Washington,DC 20001 Please spcifr any special diems requiran ats Are you a SMAuee? ,M1 ZEST Or gar LJ ir** G}< funds If so,what type of do you receive? p ❑B;me ❑LLEBG ]Open Solicitation ❑Other '' tam=%P•�YI \{ f part of the criminal justice system do you work? ` ` ].awE Enforcement C Pretrial ❑Prosecution Q Defense 140:1\ c�'y a� i]Judi sal Q Corrections ❑Probation Q 7ratmont �, nram••�plf ❑Juvenile Justice n Policvl.4aldng [Criminal Justice Plmnring �6�CE C Q Research Q Other _ - IP,M2rRRYl l U.S. Department of Justice II I Fro;dams Office of JvsdieO �. Bureau of Justice AssistanceI ii uati"ez...o- .2a532�.�� n:Di:r a febraa^:8,198.9brie, I l.lcon to _e,:nce National Pa-` e[ncfordu:t°be ' '�� Drat 'j.�coce`'` ..�<oitnSTo Y;e h�+" aapia'dt°I°.- o:arothe D'C"pa Tien?'of Lne conicrat cn:C.°s J-Bon',ntc l' - ta-ttT1,..e�cs on. coracs at al unnoznan:rnoroA.a orh ay'across, 1999.in rYmhLnc"` MerJig ^v s�a.ao:c.cc m' .y-aordm-. I 9?;_d 6-g' *This;:agonal [o;lir:caucdon of m' mcconttih sue. o ;y into o�v,swtgcb`. Bon. I 2s,G. ,, .. :c: a . do^=^ :he reke ste^vn c glides-`d F' _ -�.dnn and+^ ..non_ 'ocean*e no-° P cs o:P"' nam- - rec�`-1.:v,.-rn the founda d:ne co�•.e-monv a: ynters'eiFs�,: force ds;onsP 'elence now th nurfocns In-d c .d and do,:clooe o-vbatshi-teith a- ' ..c nom=zr.'c-sand nce'ns cac:.v^� . n ;o cffoa roc -neo i. l sett'c as a ann, . areae oCl`=z ¢.4Uszta j4� h'•c:ena.- yiectinS will - ..av ad%tSs -e the he a ane.`-P _je$ro;ogre u:rc�z.•, paetdnaprov., acormce rateds nauPorn- gagonal Pa co^mu:i o o�.,iciines;o[ I nand buO.._ zonhostocrnhwcr and inobll=e ;i :aide 2P c:sarods ate"-loc e�srca'.. , ecu P .oi.e.-usnct.hrOu rl-p- sdoc:ni° ac co6fctcn ::cgoas`nal az•o v''F' upon dirseP Plss S�c;ons' s�om]':.'is gh ,ted bold Y orI'soocz and abo'.. tortsl'.52iO=''�'. V \ ndl"5a' nand ki-. n raze 1;„dn I ,:r'.r:e+- -ati.c:oi:i}:i feel tree TO s. anu mn^^-ar'n o - oo.27eaze - �v-g-Y' ^rorruan ,�cor.'m'.snq. Cat and FmSQatio's asd feel Y3 ao4-- nee dci;ls a- - .�Jle-n-soNwia7.• n aduooaiw-+ce - ded:ab°y¢ye?• A.o'nazdrod�'e1eP. ._ v2ncr criminal .ndiss ou.[s t,caw dd:ibai para^s -'.,{sl%ID” to how` o.,and our cO11eaN=%\tie arc cage. of is z^te,lo:iv iy loin d rim�ni"=d:c svzc:o:¢su=z` e e..oas . - I'ooPe'1°u.. and n'.h' o^,Sm omnia for on: saieq' - dhino:v et»pP ' .,it 9meads coa frarc a Pvou - aa5afc sada roar hope ;aa_a.iq:.n.has m madascpcaa and j'°i°`..roa-a:- _l�mnoCiuci _S'ec,sec_ A,}art-`de co-._ ,,co➢ray n p _°- • �- urs accord t- ,-�:`" e5°n:rccal:5a.cnatsu p9 shci.to you in t^-asnin. -,zJonll co) J ------ hdlg Girt