CC - Item 4H - Removal of Trees on Garvey E M f xi , ®4:%Ak staffreport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: \ iCANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: U MARCH 18, 1999 RE: REMOVAL OF EUCALYPTUS TREES ON GARVEY AVENUE As you can see by the attached letter from Southern California Edison, our eucalyptus trees that are in front of Zapopan Park and underneath the Edison power lines do not meet Edison's height clearance standards. Specifically, the trees cannot exceed 15 feet in height. One of the conditions of extending the lease for Zapopan, is that we remove the trees. If you're wondering why their letter is dated October of 1998, and we are just considering the item, it's because we have been discussing this situation with Edison brass for the past few months trying to come up with an alternative solution. Apparently, one doesn't exist and we now have to remove the trees. Michael Burbank and I are developing replacement trees and we will advise the Council as soon as we have a suggested replacement tree. RECOMMENDATION 11 It is recommended that the City Council authorize the removal of the sixteen Eucalyptus trees that are in the parkways on Garvey Avenue,just east of Charlotte Avenue. FGT:js COUNCIL AGENDA MAR 231999 ITEM No. CC-ht 2 MEMORANDUM TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER FROM: MICHAEL D. BURBANK, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION.----- DATE: ECREATIONDATE: MARCH 4, 1999 RE: EUCALYPTUS TREES IN PARKWAY ON GARVEY The City has received notice (see attached) from Southern California Edison that all trees under their transmission lines cannot be taller than fifteen feet(154 Of concern are the sixteen (16) Eucalyptus trees that are in the parkways on Garvey Boulevard just east of Charlotte. The problem is that it's not possible to trim the trees to Edison's required height because the heads of the trees are taller than Edison's maximum height. Therefore, we need to remove the trees to comply with Edison Company's requirements. We are currently looking into various types of trees that could be planted that would meet Edison's requirements and blend in with the existing trees on Garvey. attachment 07-n-b6s.dodsb JV LVILI.A A4101?AIA EDESON Vi'IIVnNA IAp6A1:111A II , .,.r.„. CITY OF ROSEMEAD October 14, 1995 8838 E. VALLEY BLVD. ROSEMEAD CA 91770 Subject: Zapopan Park GOULD-MESA 220 T/L R/W Prop No: PLGME636G21 Acct No: 1614 This letter to confirm our conversation today regarding the trees on Edison's right of way on the north, and south side of Garvey, in the City of Rosemead. It is stated in paragraph 8 of your license agreement that trees and plants will be maintained at a maximum height of 15 feet. The above-mentioned trees are extremely high and continue to grow approximately 10 feet per year. There is a safety concern because said trees are directly under Edison conductors. Therefore, Transmission Department is requesting trees be cut back to 15 feet and maintained to no more than 15 feet. Transmission has advised me that they would consider allowing smaller trees to replace those trees, but that request would have to be writing and approved by our Transmission Department. If you are considering this option, please send the request directly to me with a scaled drawing showing where the trees would be planted and what type of trees will be planted. Please call me to advise me to when the trees will be taken care of. If you have any questions, please call me at (909) 930-8569. Sincerely, 'D tiel o `, C\0 DEBRA E. HOLLEY LICENSE SPECIALIST DH Joe Kuskie Terri Gonzalez Ric Greenwood 351 [. Fla•1Ji,51. um.oll,_Cn 017L -579y 90a..fi L<-<- Iii. NLL4c5