CC - Item 4E - Approval of Fund Transfer - LLEBG Program E (((E\ ‘j °\\ 9\ R staff_ TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS tt^^RRO/OSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: AIFR \NK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: IIVVff APRIL 22, 1999 RE: APPROVAL OF FUND TRANSFER - LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT (LLEBG) PROGRAM During the past three years,the City of Rosemead has participated in the Department of Justice Local Law Enforcement Block Grant(LLEBG) Program. The City has received approximately $140,000 annually from the Department of Justice to fund law enforcment activities. To date,finds have been used to pay Sheriffs Department overtime costs and to purchase equipment used by the deputies assigned to Rosemead. During the last budget study session (FY 1998/99) the Council did not formally approve funds for LLEBG Capital Outlay line item. Accordingly, staff is requesting that the Council take action at this time to approve a transfer of $40,000 from the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Reserve Fund to the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Capital Outlay Fund. The funds, if approved, will be used to purchase computer equipment and furniture for the Public Safety Annex facility that is now under construction at Garvey Park. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve a fund transfer of $40,000 from the LLEBG Reserve Fund to the LLEBG Capital Outlay Fund. ccmemollebgfg COUNCIL AGENDA 1 APR 2 7 jgg9 ITEM No. 1Z-see-a]aj