CC - Item 4E - Acceptance of Work for Street Improvement - Lorica Street O 9/0 • teport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1999 RE: ACCEPTANCE OF WORK FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON LORICA STREET - PROJECT NO. 98-05 The referenced project has been constructed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications. Attached are the final report of project cost, copies of all change orders, and a location map. The original contract amount was $298,875.00. The total amount to be paid to the contractor including quantity adjustments, change orders and the 10 percent retention is $318,415.45. RECOMMENDATION 1 . Accept the above referenced project. 2. Authorize the recordation of the Notice of Completion by the City Clerk. 3. Authorize the release of the 10 percent retention payment 35 days after the recorded date of the Notice of Completion. Attachments COUNCIL C„sssasMo‘STAFFRP,CmLo,ica-NOCwpa APR 131999 CCS C ITEM No. - CITY OF ROSEMEAD CONTRACT PROGRESS REPORT Description: Street Improvements on Lorica St From: 01/05/99 Report Number: FINAL From Temple City Blvd to West End To: 02/19/99 Start Date: 10/06/98 Contract A 98-05 Complete Data: 02/19(99 Contractor: Gentry Brothers Job# 10279 Contract Price: $298,875.00 Address: 384 E.Live Oak Avenue i I I TOTAL I I CONTRACT QUANTITY PREVIOUS QUANTITY UNIT I CONTRACT 1 REM DESCRIPTION I UNIT '; QUANTITY ' THIS EST. l ESTIMATE • TO DATE PRICE 1 TO DATE I 1 Clearing and Grubbing L.S. 1 0.001 1.001 1.00 $10,000.001 $10,000.001 2 Unclassified excavation - _ CY. 850 0.001 850.00' 850.00; $50.001 $42,500.001 3 !Asphalt concrete paving TON • 470 i 0.001 1101.00 1101.00'i $40.001 544,040.001 4 Crushedaggregatebase TON ' 7001 D.00 115.01 115.011 $20.00 i 52.300.201 I 5 Rmv/Onslr 3-Inch AC over Subgrage I SE 4850 0.00. 590.001 590.00: $1.50 $885.00: I 6 I Rmv/Cnstr 4-Inch PCC behind walk S.F. 8501 0.001 773.251 773.25 $3.001 $2.319.75. 7 Curb/Gutter,Type A2-150(6) i L.P. 10951 0.001 1020.001 1020.00 $11.001 $11.220.00 8 Curb/Gutter,variable height or match 1 L.F.? 501 0.001 47.001 47.001 $12.00. $564.00' _ Construct 61 h PCC commereal dnveway 1 S.F. 120 0.001 132.001 132.00 $3.001 5396001 10 Construct 4-Inch PCC residential driveway _ S.F. i - .47701 0.001 4712.50 4712.501 $2001 59,425001 11 Construct curb rams No. 111-2,Case A S.F. 2040! 0001 1850.50 1850.501 $225; $4,163.63 ' 12 Relocate/Restablish exist chainlink fence 'EACH _ 2 0.001 2.00'. 2.90 _ $750.00' $1,500.00' 13 Cnstr chainlink fence/gate No.600-1 H=4' L.F. 160 000: 0.00! 0.00 $10.001 $0001 14a Cnstr chainlink fencergale No 600-1 Herr LF. 520 0.00 46500' 465.00 $2200', $10,230.00 rchainlink 14b Cnstr tencelgale rvo.600-tH=S L F. 10 0.00! 20.00 20001 560.00 $1600.00 15 Construct concrete slough wall per plan L.F. 240 000: 236.00, 23600 I $35.00' 58.260.001 ' 16Constructa high wrought-vont fence kind L.F. 35. 0.00 46.001! 4600' $70.001 $3,220.00 _ - _--- _-0888 0088 17 Remove trees nes from 5 to 14 inches _EACH 9 0.00 9.001 9.00' $40000: $3,600.00 18 Plant 24-inch box Brisbane tree EACH i 19: 0.00 19.001 19.00 i $400.00 $7,600.00 20 Remove/Install ll! mailbox in kind EACH/ B 0001 8.00! Y 19001 $150.001 $2,850.001 19 Construct 4 b 3 foot well and cover EACH I 191 0 00: 19 00 _ 8.00 $100 tl0' 5800.00 21 Remove/Install hose bib.Incl connection 1EACH I I 1 0.00! 1.001 1.00 $200.00 I $200.001 22a Construct catchb se per Plan,W=3.5 feet I EACH 1 0.001 1.001 1.00' $2,500.00! $2,500.001 22b Construct catch bas.n per Plan.W=7 feet 'EACH: 4, 0.00 4.001 4.001 __$3.000.00 $12000.00 22c Construct catch basin per Plan W=14 feet EACH1_ 1 0.001 1.00 1.001 $4,000.00 $4.000.00 I 23 ',Construct concrete caller per plan 380-2 'EACH! 1: 0001 2.00 200'. $400.001 5800.00 0008 - 1 24 Construct support for conduits acrirencM1es 'FACH. _ 2. 0.001 2000. 2.00 $500.0e'. St 00000 25 18 into RCP(2000-0) '_L.F. 128 0.00! 120.00 i 120.00 570.00 $8,400.00 26 24-inch RCP(1500-D) _ - -_ L.F. _ 390 0.001 366.00 366.00 $80.00 529,280.00 27 32-inch RCP 0750-0) L.F. 3950.00. 39500' 395.00 $100.00! 539.500.00 8080 _.. 8880_ 28 36-inch RCP(1500-D) L.F. 56 0.00 56.00 56.00 $120.00 5072000 0288 29 Rmv/Cnstr local dcCosson per plan EACH 1 0.00 100 1.00 $400.00 5400.00 30 Remove existing catch basin.ckfill EACH 3 000 3.00 3.00 $500.00 51,500.00. 4 0002088 0 31 Construct manhole pernawA No.321-1 EACH 4 0.00 4001 4.00 $2,500.00 $10,000.00 , 080 32 Construct manhole ser APWA 3224 EACH 1 0.00 1.001 1.00' $2,500.00 $7.,500.00 Inc __. 800_0 33 Cnstrjunction structure per APWA331-2 EACH 1 0.00 100' 00 _ 51,800.Oo 5180000 0080_ -_ _ _ 34 Plug end of pipe with.8-Inch thick or bock EACH' g 0.00 12.00 1200'. 5200.00 $2.400.00 __. 35 Adjust watervalveframe/covertograde FAGH'. 1 0.00 1.00. 1.001 1 $20.00 $2000 -_. 2800. 36 Adjust water meter box and ld to grade EACH 1 191 0.00 19.001 19.001 520.00 5380.00 -_. 37 Adust gas meter box and lid to grade EACH/ tt' 0.00'. 7.001 7001 $2000 5140 00! 38 Adjust manhpe frame and cover to grade 1 EACH' 11 0.001 1.001 1.00 $200.00 _ s200.00 39 Furnish/install14/2.nch street light conduit L.F. 550 i. 0.00 55000' 550.00' SL50 54,12500 - _ - - - - - _.. 0 - _- 1-. 40 Furnish/Install 3-Inch street light=dug L.F. . zoo 0 0 200.00 200.00 10.50' S2.100.00 41 Furnish/Install street lighting hantlhole EACH 1 $0800 1.00 1800 a4s000 450.00 C C CITY OF ROSEMEAD CONTRACT PROGRESS REPORT Description: Street Improvements on Lorica St From: 01/05/99 Report Number: FINAL From Temple City Blvd to West End To: 02/19/99 Start Dalt 10/06/98 Contract t/ 98-05 Complete Date: 02/19/99 Contractor: Gentry Brothers Job a 10279 Contract Price: 5298,875.00 Address: 384 E.Live Oak Avenue • 1 1 TOTAL CONTRACT 1 QUANTITY PREVIOUS I QUANTITY I UNIT 1I CONTRACT I ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY THIS EST. I ESTIMATE TO DATE I PRICE TO DATE i 42 'Public Improvement Sign I EACH 21 0.00; 2.00 i 2.00, $500.00, $1000.00 43 Signing and Striping I L.S. • 11 0.00 1.00. 1.001 51.500.00 I 41,500.00 I 44 1Addl Potholing,Exploroatory excavation !EACH 31 0.001 3.001 3.00 i $200.00 i $600.00 45 1Addl Potholing,Exploroatory excavation 1 EACH. 31 0.00 3.001 3.001 $300.001 $900.00 Change Order No. t I L.S. j 1 0.00. 1.001 1.001 $3,200001 $3,200.00 'Change Order No.2 1 LF. 1 128 0.00 F 128.001 128.001 $60.00 i $7.680.00 I Change Order No.3 1 L.S. . 11 0.001 1.00 1.00! 51,500.00 $1.500.00 'Change Order No.4 LS ' 1 0.00' 1.001 1.00. $4,375.00. $4,375.00 Overtime Inspection HR 2.51 0.001 2.501 2.50; ($91.25) ($228.13) Total Constmction To Date 1 $31841545 Prepared By: J""Tj71'v"1t1 rJ 1?/.—_ Date:3-30' 1 Less 10%Retention I $0.00 v \ 1 /�� !Total Due To Date $318,41545 Checked By , $ U �T+— Date:3-30-gal I Previous Payment_ $266.513.91 — p iceBalance Due $31,841.55 Approved By: ' L.-4, 'Ci(2 Date: 3j- 3 Q- 9y Contractor Approved By: /a.-�4-� Approved By: // City Engineer ity of Rosemead . I WILLDAN ASS\. IATES CONTRACT C1'\ NGE ORDER NO. —L ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS J REV. NO. SUPPL. NO. j_ (PUBLIC PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION AGENCY: CITY OF QOSE r,_ADs JOB NUMBER: lO2.79 S,ea-r^ Irnpr E.,Ew-rs PROJECT TITLE: obi IOttCJ1 Sr. SHEET 1 OF I SHEETS q8-o5 Com - CONTRACT NO.: SPECIAL AGENCY NO.:P74030Z TO: C-ID -f 13eoS CONTRACTOR You are hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and specifications or do the following desdribed work not included in the plans and specifications on this contract. NOTE: This change order is not effective until approved by the Agency. Description of work done, estimate of quantities and prices to be paid. Segregate between additional work at contract price, agreed price and time and materials. ADJ v5TVn QJT or COM PEMSPTION KcT FIE-REED LUMP Sunt PeicE pE5CPJPTlO1.1 (L. - RErrOVE EXISTNCt WHITE W-1Pr71�1-(1- IeCN FB,ICE AT 4043 L000l 'JT. IN OEDEQ TO CDitieVC2 NE./ ST-EUET I mP2OJE✓ciaiTS . rn 1i I.l tRJ36 c 2.1 -NT OF W,.1Ay- • ADJuSTvnEfr of COn1P9JSATION : • Foe THIS uoelc TME Cnl ,acrae w u. 15E PwD -n-ta Lump Sum of $ 31200.°° To 2FlinceNTE FEKCE ONTO PGJ V ATE PQOPE(TY. THIS SUM CDIJSTrrLTrES FULL Cprril-C.N5ATIO141 INCU/DINC-1 ALL rvy.UZKUPS FO2 TE LJOEIC OF 11H15 CHKVJE.,E L_ \ (OVER) CONTRACT CHANGE('DER NO.: 1 REV. NO.:C SUPPL. NO.: AGENCY: CITY OF W05E-n0=0 • JOB NUMBER: 1027c1 continued.... ( V V . • • ESTIMATED COST: Decreases n�$ zoo.r70 By reason of this order the time of completion will be adjusted as follows: -- 0 -. LJ0PK11.1e bYS PreparedBy: Eirrk- va- a.i- cWeKsClj /- 18-9$ igna ure " ' Title Date Recommended By: -- C • - 77--/s- Pi .Signatur- Title Date • • City/Agency: ak. it., 0 I v IItlit) 'ignature • - • • - Title Dat We, the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the work above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above. Accepted, Dat- / - /r / - q?.....- Contractor (1-'Ei n't(��1BP.0S. By: N %(ZZ�c7 Title: RI AA/ Signature If the Contractor does not sign acceptance of this order, his attention is directed to the requirements of€ the specifications as to proceeding with the ordered work and filing a written protest within the time therein specified. 8.20/98 CONTRACT ciVGE ORDER Na . • C WILLDAN ASSCJIATES ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS REV. NO. SUPPL NO. (PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION/ `` AGENCY: GTT OF �=errErID _ . JOB NUMBER: I 02279 Sr rFr I rnpepyrrnei,rrs PROJECT TITLE: Ou LoeiC.a ST. SHEET I OF I SHEETS CONTRACT NO.: ae OS - NO2P - SPECIAL AGENCY NO-: 7G3DZ TO: " Te DS • CONTRACTOR You are hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications on this contract --- NOTE: This change order is not effective until approved by the Agency. Description of work done, estimate of quantities and prices to be paid. Segregate between additional work at contract price, agreed price and time and materials. • ESt r-rwrE. OF EX1Y/1/4 \,.1cIL KIT A1CleL-ED UN•' r ThIcE• DcscelarlO.I OF 4oeC (` - FErxNE .IIJZE2FEt2.w C, Poe-now5 OF EX ISTI 6,- (p-I NCN VCP SELJE2. 1- ,..)SE counlccnaJS TO THE. EX ISI FIG, S RIGH MAINLIIJE To PLWu Foe. THE CONST2VCloIJ OF THE P20?OSED 24-INCA 2c.P STOJ11 D2AI4 rnPdNLINE ON LO2ICA . I . 9(,939 LcC.tcia = 2Z1* Z . 9635 LDtICA = 1 S YF 3. 11031 LDDC = 20 Yr L 4: 9(027 LOaCA .- - 7� /F 5 . gf0Z3 L021cA = 22 L/c 4.. 90Z LDeicA = 2‘.0 /F TOTAL = 128 `/F T.DuejJ(a ENG/NA-n014 OF TTcP-n DerzuIBJ I'✓141 NLINE SEvEL' & ESJEC I-loUSE CouNEcT1045 L.IE12E EuCOUNTFVED F1uLD e.F,TCK.ATED TO PILAU Foe_ hi iijLIIJE Co-, -Toicn u • (OVER) CONTRACT CHANGECDER NO.: Z REV. NO.( SUPPL.NO.: AGENCY: CITY OF WCazrnEAD JOB NUMBER: 10279 continued.... ADJUS-DvIDJT OF COnfEIa°.irot.l • FOG THt5 WOIPJL THE COuTp_nerbt UI LL' BE Falp AT THE AG7EED BICE OF 3€40.pO t-fr 'TO 2Ewc9TE THESE SEUEtL. - .. - HOOSE QONmECT(ONS t INGWDI-44 ALL tr>aee- PS•. . 128 LIF aT $4009° 1-/F 7(o£30 of) ESTIMATED COST: Decrease $ or Increase 74„, By reason of this order the time of - - / - - - • - completion will be adjusted as follows: `O -of _ Nl: .DnYS C Prepared By: 4t � 5. C ItemsO3EQ.EC • 11- 18-93 U 1 Signature Title - Date Recommended By: / r n //141-1? Sign- . e title Date City/Agency: F Sd✓. 016'. (J /�y,( Signature Title D e G v We, the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the work above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above. Accepted Date /?- 7 Contractor GEN1CY ZJS . By: e.Leimn .J (I r Title: Id RA A,V Signa re If the Contractor does not sign acceptance of this order, his attention is directed to the requirements of the specifications as to proceeding with the ordered work and filing a written protest within the time therein specified. 8120/98 CONTRACT CC VGE ORDER NO. 3 . I WILLDAN ASS( JIATES I\ ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS REV. NO. SUPPL. NO. / Cr _ (PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION ) AGENCY: Orr or tears AD JOB NUMBER: 10279 PROJECT TITLE: nu LcCiC. ST SHEET I OF ) SHEETS CONTRACT NO.: 'iS -� G.iN SPECIAL AGENCY NO.:p7643DZ TO: CBJTLY 15205 CONTRACTOR You are hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications on this contract. NOTE: This change order is not effective until approved by the Agency. Description of work done, estimate of quantities and prices to be paid. Segregate between additional work at contract price, agreed price and time and materials. ALZ1051 rnENT OF' COmPENyaTION AT AeREED Lump Such TIZICE • DEY21PTON • r C � A5 DI¢ECTEb BY 71-IE CITY (JJC—,INEEIZ THE Coww�[s02 15 To C01.roI VI./C7 (15 FiNekt-P,Y DAFo t4 AT APP130x . STA.5r-2O tcan-1 SIDE OF In'tcA 5T. ADJUST - ENT OF COMPENSATION Foe 1IT1Cc.%' _Y1^riDOL, t-JILL SE D THE SUrvl OF 500. .°6 -TH15 5UM CDNSf-ITUYES FULL COrnPEKISATION INCLUDIN4 ALL Wvnat UPS Fola ThE W21C OF Tf-f Is G7-AI.IC--E . (OVER) CONTRACT CHANGE Qe- )ER NO.: 3 REV. NO.: -1 SUPPL. NO.: AGENCY: GTY OF 205e-re—AD JOB NUMBER: 10279 continued.... • • • • • ESTIMATED COST: Decrease $ or Increase $ 11500 0 v By reason of this order the time of --1 _ WOee]N4 rc\Y5 completion will be adjusted as follows: Prepared By: • V -- Se .PDa.1C loeZs OzrzevEQ 11-18 -98 Sigrature Title • . - Date Recommended By: (� • �" - 1-19- 71 Signature • .. !( Title. Date Ci /Agency: ers ( w. Grp jfAw Signature We, Title Dat We, the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the work above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above. Accepted, Date /.` /Y - / Contractor C--'En-er l'JS By: 7 ' Is Title: To £M4/I� Signature If the Contractor does not sign acceptance of this order, his attention is directed to the requirements of the specifications as to proceeding with the ordered work and filing a written protest within the time therein specified. - 8120;98 CONTRACT CHf 3E ORDER NO. 1 f WILLDAN ASSCC ATES 1 ( ENGINEERS AND PLANNERSJ REV. NO. - . • SUPPL. NO. / C \ I PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION ) AGENCY: CITY OF RO5EMEAD JOB NUMBER: I0779 Sre.EEr ImPerE,.rr5 PROJECT TITLE: Om MCA Si . SHEET I OF I SHEETS OISE; CONTRACT NO.: G8 -OS SPECIAL AGENCY NO.?T�3DZ TO: GEN1E-Y 8875 . CONTRACTOR You are hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications on this contract. NOTE: This change order is not effective until approved by the Agency. Description of work done, estimate of quantities and prices to be paid. Segregate between additional work at contract price, agreed price and time and materials. /DJU5TnEuT OF C.Onn?'EIJ5ATIOh1 AT Lump Sung Pi cz Cz P-ION INSTALL. Famx v 2002 Fl F7N'a 1 C. MaTJ WL. OK) ILzcia. .ST Tc� smrslt,IZE ST�E� sv3Eet'DE- To AC . . aasE courc.0 p-avIN6, ADjuSTrnG.,T OF CompOJSci-ri0 RI P e Tues wuC THE CDTtvoorDC WILL BE PAID THE. Lump earn or 4375.0 0 TO IIJST7aLL. TH15 Fes' L MK T- 1AL OhrrO STI Edi Suser.-JacE 7H15 suml COts1lTUIbS FULL COmPGJSATIONI IIJCLUDIU4 f1L Wyap✓r)PS ROC 71-1E t.rCIL OF TNI 5 Ct-tAkeE . (OVER) CONTRACT CHANGE OR('2 NO.: 4 REV. NO.: C _ SUPPL. NO.: r AGENCY: CITY Or ROSEMEPto JOB NUMBER: 10279 continued.... • ESTIMATED COST: Decrease $ Increas $ 4 37 5 00 By reason of this order the time of . us-rrnEti r completion will be adjusted as follows: C Prepared By:-. r3)01-^-/WDILtJ S' •IEUG Woci OS NE1 12-Oq - S �J ` Sibnature Title Date Recommended By: / O_-4 679 IF,42-r I L —/o _98 Sian. e Title Date City/Agency: i.. 5ii'q h /7 6r pg ature Title D We, the unde signed contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposar is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the work above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above. �-, Accepted, Date /, -/I - q R" Contractor Cya'4, ^,o�- 59-65. By: 6 -:7:47 � a Title: ED NVAM Signature If the Contractor does not sign acceptance of this order, his attention is directed to the requirements of the specifications as to proceeding with the ordered work and tiling a written protest within the time therein specified. 8/20/98 • • qt 0 (N # CO 7i Yk }'{ uASll 411111Fr AY DI NC titer/ V'I AV r,- rYAil. W7G a ''� Al `• 31dW31s � . 01 mi 5n it & .�1 d� —L7C1 Ay 111.111A11114 rn 1n - IY IA Y ✓1 L �Vy .�, AY kXuarcyl . G � , J i 'd� -'7 ri?I(. I 0111 n 11 Ei AY Y]INV' }{ y Q' _[ w AY I ,1 E7. ce i Q1 / � ;;V11N1,0f13 k' ,� I r, AY 111 �ollt 111 '$ •-' • ...• _Av_ ilc AV HMI J 1 V:— - .1 tiY Y41 l Q t y-;-;- C O o AV d;1 - a LL .,,.I �',�' ' �'� 0 31;�;.1utLf ro c T``j „ r -> .2% " , Iz ly. Z - �' am owl- OAS© UV3WJS021 Q- , _ v -[° ! AY 3AL0113 A_ ,�,5' F R 'd r- �,/ c - �L1/4 �., f J^ " AY N ; r ( GI `X31 Irl �: �A t // 1. u �' o .r�. Y J�t Q_ 0 \ Ar 11111arUo rY IIMAYr 1 ri `(l`! ? Fl- JQ V / 1 r /WM I rr Klad V7 ay a,_ = G - ° ,. Ar IM1N19 i J/.S i.e r" 7 h Tum lllliw , 9 AVS 3A@10 ",i•'1rG1Nl > >Io IIf1N VH lt'-.�.�r anu'rn4YJU _E(.91 111!1__ e1. YC ;!rr i - d L I r` t - >IY u rrtr a lr C) rf }( f -�__. `r 45 -' f AY 31aV3 1 J AY 31HY1 AY 71W3 `-` m - . ry .-iiin v S IS YJ»7 -- /NI IS Y1130 S __ ---- '..1 RPP10 LF I _ • A •/ ��' AY N r in IOltivt(] S I - SC AY_r• 7I` L I LIIIYJ o %.inv (-sinr"19 '�/=' s ��I-- ,3 AY surrl� �L.� ', ;'-/ (Mn �/ -` 101 IKVI 1 /K1Ai (; DNI � nlFl H I I l�� tlslVl l ,l uvc 1 c i .I l;�l