CC - Item 4C - Staff Report League of Cities �5 d (40 4p�. ' :�� stat eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 2, 1999 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES EXECUTIVE FORUM, MONTEREY,JULY 28-31, 1999 Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned annual conference sponsored by the League of California Cities. There will be sessions on e-commerce, the Legislature, economic development and legislative advocacy. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize the attendance of any Councilmember, City Manager and staff designee. FGT:js Attachment COUNCIL AGENDA JUN 081999 ITEM No. " -& ) •�i :.1 , i.. ...7.,s \00 YEARS . T i illi League of(alit omiafries iij s;•.-- . ;110 s 1698-1996 4,- o• tiroarroo‘Ce ,-ORt-rryGTooFCe O You'll Want to Attend If You Are A... ""t�.'A3-\ ,: Mayor `�1�, Council Memhcr lint..�....aft. City-Manager �- .g4::::--- , You'll Benefit By... a • Exploring the forces that will affect tour cit-in ": the years ahead '-',..g?,,^;+ - • Learning how to get your city more influence tzi= e "'4 with the Legislature • Understanding ht e-commerce will affect tour • cit} sr • Developing skills to create a successful P e� g l° • Monterey Conference Center leadership team in your city lima.. ; Monterey, CA • Participating in many briefings and discussions on topics of concern to you ,'{'Earning credits in the League's Elected Officials CC �iLY! •nesday through Friday i Leadership Academy W 28-30, 1999 m � f 2 Post Forum Workshops: W ay"'--ar7w x.0Stay after the Forum for the Elected Officials r2 Leadership Academy workshops or the Elected Officials Redevelopment Seminar on Friday U ayiii3 �_ afternoon and Saturday morning- See the separate Z announcements for details and registration M information. O »x ✓ nm a rS ' " N C , - o Yz e' z i illi Y3 t( i ie tion Deadline: 5 x; .';. ,,k-4. INS' 0v lu 'e 30, 1999 t, „-,, ration Deadline: >> ` ` Friday, July 9, 1999 i. Wednesday,July!28. 9:00 a.m. E 1:00 oderp.m. General Session Elected Officials Leadership Academy VCLegislative Briefing:Now Bill Your City be Introduction and Orientation r Affected by Proposed Legislation? Learn about theAcademy and how you can benefit from it.Clit d_C Enhancing Cities'Influence:Getting Attention s in Sacramento 1:30 p.m. Cities continue working to protect their revenue Opening General Session sources,and get them returned.Toward this end. 11•11Issues and Trends in the New California: Growth. Action for Better Cities (ABC)presents a credible E MrChange,Response influence as cities pursue stable,predictable,and This two part session examines powerful emerging sufficient revenue sources.This session explains i- trends that will affect cities. Glimpse what will be on what you need to know about ABC,how it will affect O your councils agenda in the future,and learn how you and your city.and how you can use it to advance Il., your cip's interests. Lyou can prepare. 3:30 p.m. 10:45 a-m- i-r IL Concurrent Sessions Concurrent Sessions by U Geographic/Economic Regions ICI. Youand ABC(League Leaders Workshop Session) W The Implications of the Future for}'our City Explore in more detail how ABC will work,how X Building on the trends and effects outlined in the you can be involved,and what its limitations are. L1J opening general session,these forums examine how Use this chance to get all your questions answered 0 changes will impact your city. Explore particular and to offer your ideas. implications for your own area so you can begin IC Economic Development.The Internet and the 11��11 working with your colleagues to address these Future of Sales Tar E Ct changes. (Reports of these sessions will he shared on Internet and catalogue sales increase daily,taking Friday morning sales and sales taxes from your cit . Explore what 0 t is happening to protect your sales tax base.and e 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. what you and your local businesses can do to deal Hosted Reception with the changing economic scene. . III.• • Evening Free ICIII. Forum on City Fiscal Stability: Desires and 7 Thufsd y Jul -29er Dilemmas EMany forces influence local government funding. U 7:30 a.m. Changing cities'funding structure requires 10 S Si Breakfast Briefings winning support from most of these forces. I. The New Revolution in Elected Office: Understanding their interests and positions helps CO Change Forces Impacting Public Service you build a stronger case and gain the needed support to succeed. (A Cla (Sponsored by CEWAER) i e^, NOON p II. Understanding the Takings Issue >` III. 12k What Elected Officials Need to know and Do General Luncheon C3 Ai Cities: Order Out of Chaos-A Fascinating and IV Cities and the Tfandatory Social Security Issue Entertaining Look at Cities Over the Years V National league of Cities Benefits and Opportunities 2:00 p.m. VI. Dealing WM LIFCOs and Spheres of Influence General Session C Ger credit toward completing the League's Elected 011ie ialc tiC Creating a Successful Leadership Team: Li uderdhip Iliad(dnn in unending dm sessions identified mien s Council-Staff Relations That Work this s mho) Toe At admen oiroculion pen con flint a Your success as an elected official requires a clear solid understanding at all du e Wirt t is and skills'coil need understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the t 1 ,F cr I r / I l 1 mayor, council and manager.and a real respect for ll pp toon and t ti t The Academerte and le. t t( 1 education It ninetieths tru honor cc 11(77I. COMpho i nu Araclefin ple51110(t one hat paint I l i in the i i educational ed x� u� I NC * , 4 1 , c ,• '-r n-K 3 n:'y i3 Ali , its i k: these offices and those in them. With councils and of your community,those with the greatest needs managers constantly changing. this understanding and the least influence.They help define your city and respect can erode quickly. Gain vital insights5 lc by how it treats Nem. Learn how you can cream into these roles and relations,and get useful tips to * and collaborate with many local resources to help enhance your working relations with council such people play a valuable role in your city. colleagues and your city manager. II. Smart Growth Cities: ghat Are They Doing? 3:45 p.m. Is"smart growth"just the latest fad?Or is it an important way of addressing serious issues facing Concurrent Sessions cities?Learn what it is.what smart growth cities I. Leadership Team Forum T are doing,and how your city might benefit from Building on the preceding session.this informal lessons they have learned. forum explores in greater depth ways to improve the workings relations in your council-manager IC Ill. Successful Advocacy at the Local Level Oi O team (League Leaders Workshop) II. Understanding and Affecting}'our League's Explore how to be a more effective advocate for your city's interests,both in your community and 13.) Policies and Programs(League Leaders Workshop) withstzte agencies and the Legislature. Get an How can you play a key role in forming League rtinsider's perspective on how the Legislature and + policies and programs that affect your city? Come the Governor consider hills and the positions C.) discover the many ways you ran guide the advocated by interested parties. cis League's efforts on your behalf. X III. Municipal Finance Planning 10:45 a.m. W (sponsored by the Latino Caucus) Concluding General Session CI) ^ Get useful ideas about municipal finance from Forum Reports and Recommendations i legislators,staff and representatives of the State � (From Wednesday's Futures Session) Treasurer's Office. Creating Your Future EN Critical Count:Census 2000 Explore the challenges ahead for mayors and council (sponsored by the African-Amenan Caucus) you can and gain a vision and inspirationtan e which Important resources are tied to the Census 2000 you can advance your city as a vibrant and healthy count.How can your city prepare for an accurate community for all. •— • census count?Come hear what cities are doing to Etmptove their count. 12:15 p.m. 05:00 - 6:00 p.m. Adjourn (� Informal No-Host Reception 1:30 p.m. V • Evening Free if Mayors and Council Members Redevelopment C PI - Friday,Ju/y30«: Seminar begins f0 / ` n Elected Officials Leadership Academy W 7:30 a.m. Workshops begin t_ 1imi 1 (See separate announcements for program information and Concurrent Breakfast Briefings isrmriun details.) a I. Coastal Cities Forum 1fk 03 II. Personal Safety Issues for Council.Members Reminder: The Ralph RI. Frown Act does not apply to 11I. Funding Transportation Programsconferences simply because a majority of the city council IV. Elected-Educators Forum or other covered body attends. However a majority of rhe body rune not discuss among themselves specific V. How to Enhance I our Division Meetings substantive issues at malt conferences_Any such (League Leaders Weld:shop) discussion is subject to the Brown Act and roust occur in a VI. Department Offices Forum meeting which complies with its requirements. (League.Leaden Workshop) 7:15 a.m. Concurrent Sessions f I. Collaborating to Sere Hard-to-Serve Communities 111 a Who are they? T.rec are the people in the margin I' I.� j 7 �x.r .- e `�7 r� i ts € - :i�.