RAB - Item 5 - Award Picnic Shelter 1 ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RI 6838 VALLEY BLVD ROSEMEAD,CA 91770•(816)288-6671•Telecopier 8183079216 TO: FLANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: MICHAEL D- BURBANK, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: JUNE 16, 1999 RE: AWARD OF INSTALLATION OF PICNIC SHELTER AT ROSEMEAD PARK Bids were opened on Tuesday, June 15, 1999, to install a new Picnic Shelter at the Rosemead Park with the following results: 1. LA Builders $ 34,700.00 2. Oceanstate Development $ 38,800.00 Attached for review is the Contractor's Bid Proposal Form, Bid Bond and Contractor's Qualification Statement. The project was funded earlier this year for S 48,000.00. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the project be awarded to the low bidder, L.A. Builders.. 07-n-66s.doc/sb AGENCY AGENDA JUN 221999 ITEM No. I BID PROPOSAL FORM • f I ( City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 I have received the documents titled: Notice Inviting Bids, Instruction to Bidders, Specifications, Drawings, Sub-Contractor's List, Contractor's Qualification Statement and Bid Proposal Form and Addendum SSI . ;r m & . I have satisfied myself as to the Scope of Work and the condition of the sites. In submitting this proposal, I agree: 1. To hold my bid open for sixty (60) calendar days from the date of this proposal. 2. To comply with the provisions of the Notice Inviting Bids, Instruction to Bidders, Specifications and Drawings. 3. To furnish bonds and Insurance as noted in the Instruction to Bidders. 4. To begin work within 10 working days after receiving the Notice to Proceed. 5. All work shall be accomplished within (60) calendar days. 6. Owner will retain 10% of the incremental payments pending resolution of Notice of Completion. 7. I have completed and enclosed the Contractor's Qualification Statement and List of Sub- Contractors. S. To name the City of Rosemead as additional insured on the Insurance Certificate and list the Project Title on the Insurance Certificate_ I will provide all labor, materials, supplies and equipment and perform all the work as specified in these documents for the lump sum of / { I 11}17C1 —o V 4;\olLS4hoi 8 s I en YtithdVeok sIL 7-00 (Written Amount) / By: .'I-1 .. a1\\0,Vtc I n C. 1 / Date: 6 I k4 I t99 Address: T I ] F \ 0.S I5 �Uci$12 VC..N Nt''`�; i(!1 °IHeG Street City '7(!� ZipCqCode TelephoneNo:(��`%) x`51 q q ..J U ' ll Contractor's Lic d T r 'CTN1TTED PAOLb'SO ]STST R,ANCE COIt :L=ANY HOME OFFICE PIMDELPHI&PENNSYLVANIA Bond No.• U2652933- 031 BID BOND APPROVED eY THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS A.I A.DOCUMENT Na A-3113 1 FEE. 1970 ED.) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we L.A. BUILDERS, INC. as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. a corporation duly organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,as Surety.hereinafter-called the Surety,are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF ROSE AD as Obligee,hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO 100— Dollars (S 7,500.00 ), for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made,the said Principal and the said Surety,bind ourselves,our heirs, executors, administrators,successors and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these prevents. WHEREAS,the Principal has submitted a bid for INSTALLATION OF PICNIC SHELTER NOW,THEREFORE,if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material fur- nished in the prosecution thereof,or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void,otherwise to remain in full force and effect. ___ Signed and sealed this 4T11 day of JUNE A.D. 19 99 . L.A. BUILDERS, INC. 19 l (Principal) (Seaal/ Mines/ { (Title/ UNITED Pi I/ URANCE COMPANY i Ralph Eden , Jr. Attorney In Fact hlgl , • • AIA Document A305 • Contractor's Qualification Statement 19B3 EDITION • This form is approved and recommended by The American'lnstitute of Architects (ALlJ and The Associated General Contractors of America(ACC)for use in evaluat- ing the h:aalifiawions of contractors. No endorsement of the submitting parry or verification of the information is made by the AIA or ACC The Undersigned certifies under oath that the information provided herein is cue and suffi- ciently complete so as not to be misleading- SUBMITTED TO: - .ADDRESS: • - • SUBMITTED BY: � Corpor ion Parra^ship ❑ DDRESs L.A. Builders Inc. 7h$$Haskell Ave#10 Individual ❑ PRINCIPAL OFFICE: Van Nuys, CA 91406 - • • Joins vcnmrc ❑ Oche ❑ NAME OF ?ROJECT (if applicablc): TYPE OF WORK WI: sc?:nm corm for c ch C:ssifc:,ion of Work): A , y Gcnc=1 Construction • HVAC ?lumbins Elcnrlccl O:hcr (plosc spccifc) • Cep:, o: :95.. 1961, I9r9, I OSG D. T - m In;imlc of Arrhitccu I 735 .� w York A c N %V_ v came. :CM�DC�_ ab g - cuclon dl �: : rfl or.mwil ul vu., of m Prato . loom win I cn rr of L^.- +y v,u.:1p Ino ruprlrtn, lows of ICz lingo ]n¢5 ,no .+ill p- p ire, to I¢L c ruuun mp5mn P'sn DOCUMENT Anes • C-37P.CTCF-5 OLAUrPCCION✓ L IDITION- ♦ - I? 7- _ %.1t cICA'3r :, : OF AACIIITECTs, 1'735 Yrw 1C-nA n - .L_. WAS!I:NC7o . nc.21..r. A305-1935 1 n_RNING:Unlicrnrm pholxe Teti�m:a:-cLS o-�..._�..� __ 1. ORGANIZATION 1.1 How many ynr3 has your organization been in business s a Contractor? ' Eo,1( 12 How many years has your organization born in busin¢s undo;its pram[ business name? 1(6- ‘31 - • 1.2.1 Undo, what other or former names has your organization opcnmd? • ) i• • • • 1.3 If your organization is a corporation, arswcr the following: 1.3-1 Dam of incorpontion: 1 ) 9d • - _ 132 Sufic of incorporation: CA ` 1.3.3 Prrsid:nl's rams A)Dr 6-4.Ih`iee 1.3.4 Vicc-prrsid_i s names)- Same • • • • 1.3.5 Sccrmrysname: AI.Y1 11-/ 1_ 1.3.6 Tresurcr's many.: o_ C 4-nn1'CC 1.4 If your oreanization s a panncrship, answer rhe foliowin;: 1.4.1 Dmc of orcanintion: 1.42 Type of partnership (if applicabc): 1.4.3 Name(s) of g_ncral p.nncr(s)_ • • 14 !f tour ore:nimiiun is individually owned, onsw-cr the followinu: 1.5.1 Dam of orgnniniion: 1.5.2 Nnmc of ow-ncr: 1 aJC_vcnr 2.36. 1.n<77,0CTOR cl eun[ .riO.sic;v'_.- :Tic- c: SKI til7F[7.5 ., .,.. ..._ 1 6 If the form of your organisation is other than those listed above, describe it and name the print • 2. LICENSING t jurisdictions and Inde otrgoris in which your ore ni7-,rion is Ick ilv quahlied to do bush . and indicate rcgisntion or license numbers, if applicable. • CAIif91'r1) a- zcBf • • ?' )List jurisdictions in which your organization's pvnnrrship or trade name is filed. LOS Ai✓GELES (PI ifovell'a -i 3. EXPERIENCE - 3-1 List the o¢gori_s of work that your organization normally performs with its own forces. _ C E re) a.mol Y l e 3.2 Cairns and Suits. (If the answer to any of the question below is yes, plc3c such dcoiis.) 32.1 Has your organization ever failed to complrtc any y ark :warded to it? 522 Arc there an' judgmems, e!oims, arbitration procrrdins or suits pending ur outs:cnding 'pins! your organization or its Dfltccrs? 3.2.3 Has your organization filcd any late suits or requested arbitration with regard to construc- tion contracts within the last fee yc rs? 3.3 \X'iihin the 6,t five sears. has jny uiMrer nr principal of your organization ever bean :an officer or prtnc ral of:mother organization when it foiled to complete a construction contract?(If the answer is yes. ;ies: aoch dcui!s.) _ _a DO=4ENT ;es ti me. pr t i [ - .+. u aa.' a. .,N .u- . . r . ..r Or t.ar _ t vt ty> .o ti . [NUL ., c oz. o.e.::.... A32S-1535 • • 3.4 Ona scpanm sheet, I¢t major construction projcca your organization hes in progress, givir cmc of projen. owner, architrct, contnn amount, percent complcm and scheduled romp chic. • 3.4.1 Sntc total wonh of work in progress and under contnn: 3.5 . On 2 srpante sheat, list rhe major projcca your organization has completed in the past five r giving the name of project, owner,archirea, contnn amount,dote of complerion and perrenta . the cost of rhe work performed with your own forces. ' • 3.5.1 Sum avogc annual amount of constnrction work performed during the past we yr 350 000 _ 3.6 On 2 s pante sheet, list the construction experience and present commitments of the key indi- oafs of your orgniration. - 4. REFERENCE'S . 4.1 Ind: References: • 4? Bank References: CCL\-red 16604 UenLRf ck A7( IA CA. °A 6 • 5.3 Surety: 1.3. Nzmc of bonding company: Unifer Pacific- 1A/C , 45' Nzmr end address of agcnn C, 5, 13, 1 H - L A p 4IP a IT 5. FINANCING 5.1 Financial Statement. 5.1.1 Attach a financial suicmcnt, preferably 3udiicd, including your organizuiion's b balance sheer and income statement showing the following hems: Current Assets (e.g., each, joint venture accounts. acCDuna receivable. ne receivable. accrued income. deposits. muted:is inventory and prep cxpcnccs); . • • • Nat Fixed Asccis; . Oihrr .assets; • Curren iiabifincs(e.g..accodnis payable. notes pa),blc.accrued cxper_c[c,pr vision for income rues, adcanccs, accrued salaries and accrued payroll Ux Other Liabilities (e.g.. capital• opital stock, authorized and outstanding shag pr nlucc, earned surplus and remind earnings). 5.1 Name and address of firm preparing attached flr_IncSi su¢men[, and u¢ [hem of: A h 4 ci _yman 5.1.5 Is the attached fr.;..mci:J suicmcnt fur rho idcmical organization Hamad on pace on-Z: 5.1.4 If not. explain the relationship and financial responsibility of :he ergs nizmion wheat Grnnci:d suicmcm is profldrd (e.g.. parcm-subsidiary). • • • 5.2 viill the organization whose financial statement is attached act as guarantor of the contract for con- swnion? _.i nocM_,:v can i(n-.-.c.ux .01 .OFt . l I(' a.rrvvsr• i•••J• F.UL it • Ai.. i•,_. 5. SIGNATURE 6.1 Dalcdu this 6 - ,,I /999 d-''` Nam: of Organization: L. P1 1.3i-4- i-.1-•1 IiJ p - I n L By: A\on GaMhJ/ • . presider• 6.2 • • • M duly morn deposes and says that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complicit so as not¢ misleading. • Subscribed and sworn boor me this /52$ thy or ✓uae /999 ]9 Notary Public: JG//d' id/, /1/AW/Tee My Commission Expires: j2-Z7-Q� • JOHN W.KfAWIT_R `el# /r7 Commission# 11f38DB ? ti era Notary Pubfio-Coffomia • Los Angeles County 174r Hjj MyCQrnn.&yeSpec9.ZD1 • CAUTION: You should sign an original AIA document which has this caution prinled in red. An ommnal assures that changes win not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. .A oor HRENT _'3- CONT2,CTC“nCAunC.T:o.SATEHE.T- I•.W EDITION- nl.,- ...-.in s,CAN:N5 : L-%Or ARCHITECTS. I JS NEC VDT c A UE L - • JIOY. - =:,vn:;cToN�.nc_x.,; A3C5-195'5 6 L.A BUILDERS 7955 Haskell 410 Van Nuys, CA 91406 818-781-1818 FAX 818-781-2324 DC*748591 6/14/99 JOB IN PROGRES TIA GLADYS RESTURANT 425 S. Mission Dr. San Gabriel Owner City of San Gabriel Project Manager Jason Kelly TL ; (626) 308 2800 ext. 801 Ponderosa Park Play area improvements Owner City of Anaheim Project Manager Carl hembereer TL; (714) 765 4465 • 00 Page 1 of 2 Name of project: Corona Waste Water Treatment Owner: City of Corona Owner's Address:815 W. Sixth St,P.O.Box 940, Corona CA 91718-0940 Owner's phone#: 909 280 9760 Project Manager.Tom Paul Contact amount$20,000.00 Date of completion:December 1998 Percentage of work:subcontractor Type of work:installation of ceramic tile and bath facilities Name of project:King Drew High School of Medicine and Science Owner:L.A.U.S.D Owner's Address: Owner's phone#: 213 357 7350 Project Manager:Keith Chilcott Contract amount:$265,000.00 Date of completion: November 1998 Percentage of work: sub-contractor Type of work:installation of ceramic tile(30 restrooms) Name of project:Black and Asian houses earthquake repair Owner: California State University Northridge - Owner s Address: _ Owner's phone number: 818 677 6714 Project manager Stephen Matthews and David Christianson Contract amount: $20,000.00 Date of completion: October 1998 Percentage of work: 100% Type of work: made repairs on earthquake damage on Black and Asian campus housing Name of project: Chabad of Sherman Oaks Owner: Chabad of the Valley Owners Address: 14960 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks Ca 91403 Owner's phone#: 8]8 789 0850 Project Manager:Rabbi Mendel Lipsker Contract amount: $120.000.00 - Date of completion: April 1998 Percentage of work: 100% Type of work:installation of ceramic tile in sauna steam room. lockers rooms and ceilings. Construction of building where facilities are housed Name of project. LAX Overflow Terminal Owner: City of Los Angeles Owners Address: Owner's phone#: General Contractors#213 896 3400 Project Manager:Dan Larson Contract amount: $78.00000 Date of completion: October 1997 - Percentage of work: sub-contractor Type of work: Page 2 of 2 Name of project:Earthquake repairs Iwo dorm rooms Owner:California Slate University Northridge Owner's Address: Owner's phone#: 818 677 6714 Project manager. Steve Grisly Contract amount:519.000.00 Date of completion: February 1997 Percentage of work: 100% Type of work: Name of project: Custom Home Owner: Joyce Weiss Owner's Address: 6648 Antigue, West Hills Ca _ Owner's phone#: 818 340 5288 Project manager: Joyce Weiss Contract amount: $285,000.00 Date of completion: 1997 Percentage of work: 100% Type of work: construction of custom home Name of project:Emergency response facility Owner: city of arcadia Owner's Address: 240 W Huntington Dr. Owners phone P: (626)256-6654 Project manager: Dan Lazo Contract amount: 12,000 Date of completion: 12/20/98 Percentage of work: 100% Type of work: Installation of steel building Name of project: Concrete Bins Owner: City of Arcadia Owners Address:240 W Huntington Dr. Owner's phone$ (626)2566654 Project manager: Dan Lazo Contract amount: 18,000 Date of completion: 3/19/99 Percentage of work: 100% Type of work:installation of concrete bins L.A BUILDERS, INC. BALANCE SHEET June 30� 1998 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash in bank $ 5, 390 • Accounts receivable 40, 000 • 45, 390 • FIXED ASSETS, net of depreciation 4 , 707 OTHER ASSETS 1, 114 $ 51, 211 • LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER' S EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Payroll taxes payable $ 2, 772 Credit card payable 5, 435 Accounts payable 21 , 800 Total Current Liabilities 30, 007 STOCKHOLDER' S EQUITY 21 , 204 $ 51, 211 See accountant' s compilation report . • 0qLLa `jutman, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT • t s BUILDERS, INC. J. STATEMENT OF INCOME AND RETAINED EARNINGS . : For The Six Months Ended June 3h 1998 y ; CONSTRUCTION REVENUE $ 221, 009 ''! 0 COSTS APPLICABLE TO REALIZED REVENUE �.. Materials 31, 410 I' Direct labor 116, 180 147, 590 GROSS PROFIT 73 , 419 EXPENSES • Advertising _ Amortization 139 Auto & truck 3 , 125 Bank charges 135 Business promotions 31 Contributions 1 , 200 Depreciation 1, 070 Dues & subscriptions 110 Insurance 15, 963 Interest 954 Licenses & permits 2, 315 Office expense 909 • • Professional fees 793 Rent 3 , 215 ' Salaries 16 , 964 Supplies 1, 124 Taxes - payroll 8, 159 Telephone _ 3 , 784 Utilities 447 • 60, 437 • • INCOME FROM OPERATIONS BEFORE INCOME TAX 12 , 982 PROVISION FOR STATE INCOME TAX - NET INCOME $ 12 , 982 RETAINED EARNING, BEGINNING OF PERIOD 26 , 339 Dividends ( 18 , 117) RETAINED EAJRNINGS, JUNE 30 1998 $ 21 , 204 See accountant' s compilation report o JLLa ` u /12a/2, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT