CC - Agenda 07-13-99 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA JULY 13, 1999, AT 8:00 P.M. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: 8:00 P.M. PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: COUNCILMAN BRUESCH INVOCATION: COUNCILMAN TAYLOR ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: COUNCILMEMBERS BRUESCH, IMPERIAL, TAYLOR, MAYOR PRO TEM CLARK, AND MAYOR VASQUEZ APPROVAL OF MINUTES: JUNE 8, 1999 - REGULAR MEETING OF INTEREST TO CITIZENS WISHING TO PARTICIPATE 1) Those wishing to speak on any Agenda Item, including public hearings, should have their Speaker Request Form submitted no later than the time immediately following Oral Communications. 2) Immediately after approval of the minutes and again at the end of the meeting, there is a period of time set aside for those persons wishing to address the Council on matters not listed on the Agenda entitled: ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE (please complete the Speaker Request Form stating your preference to speak either at the beginning or at the end of the meeting). PRESENTATIONS: I. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE H. PUBLIC HEARINGS -NONE III. LEISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 99-30 - CLAIMS AND DEMANDS B.Re mmendation: Adopt Resolution No. 99-30, for payment of City expenditures. ORDINANCE NO. 795 - AUTHORIZING THE SALE AND DISCHARGE OF SAFE AND SANE FIREWORKS BETWEEN DECEMBER 27, 1999 AND JANUARY 1, 2000 - ADOPT Ordinance No. 795 was introduced at the June 22, 1999 City Council meeting_ Recommendation: Adopt IV. NSENT CALENDAR- RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL CC-A AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES SEVENTH ANNUAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT OF LOCAL ELECTED OFFICIALS - AUGUST 15-17, 1999, WELCHES, OREGON Sessions for this conference include such topics as: Strengthening Council Effectiveness, Citizen Involvement, Developing a Community Vision, Using Technology as a Tool, and more. Recommendation: Authorize the attendance of any Councilmember, City Manager, or staff designee. ING RESTRICTIONS ON GARVEY AVENUE BETWEEN SAN ABRIEL BOULEVARD AND DEL MAR AVENUE In August 1998, the Traffic Commission approved a "post card survey' of businesses on Garvey Avenue between San Gabriel Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue as a response to various parking concerns from businesses and a specific request from three business owners on Garvey Avenue requesting a 15-minute parking zone in front of their businesses. 72 post cards were to businesss owners and/or property owners and results indicate that existing parking restrictions are acceptable. The request by the three businesses for a 15-minute parking zone is due to the fact that their location is like an "island" surrounded by L.A. Auto Auction, with no on-site parking and with on-street parking occupied. Staff recommends the installation of a 20-minute parking zone on the days when parking is at its peak with the retention of the 2-hour parking restriction on the other days for businesses located at 7951-7953 Garvey Avenue. Recommendation: Approval of the installation of a 20-minute parking zone on the days when parking is at its peak with the retention of a the 2-hour parking restriction on the ther days for the businesses located at 7951-7953 Garvey Avenue. CC-C AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND THE INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION'S 85TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE - SEPTEMBER 26-29, 1999, PORTLAND, OREGON Sessions will include Growth Management, Public Trust in Government, Changing Technologies, and Basic Management Skills. / Recommendation: Authorize the attendance of the City Manager. is/ I_t�y,yv�GROUNDS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - L.A. COUNTY LIBRARY The Los Angeles County Regional Library grounds have been maintained for the past twenty years by the City under a Landscape Maintenance Agreement. This relationship has proven satisfactory to both agencies. Recommendation: Authorize the extension of the Agreement for another five years and J the Mayor be authorized to execute the Agreement CC-E EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT WITH WILLDAN ASSOCIATES FOR CDBG PROGRAM SERVICES The City's current agreement with Willdan Associates for CDBG program services began July 1, 1998. The agreement provides for all administrative services required for the Residential and Commercial Rehabilitation Program, the Handyman Program and other services funded by CDBG and HOME funds. In compliance with HUD guidelines, the agreement allows two (2) one-year extensions beginning this year, upon mutual consent of the City Council and Willdan Associates. CC:7-13-99 Page R2 Recommendation: Authorize a one (1) year extension of the current agreement with Willdan Associates for CDBG and HOME program services. V CC-F REQUEST FROM LEGISLATIVE ADVOCATE FOR FEE INCREASE Request from City's Legislative Advocate for an increase in their monthly fee. This fee will represent an average increase of 3.2% over the past five years. / Recommendation: Approve their request and appropriate the necessary funds from unappropriated reserves. CC-G REAUTHORIZATION OF AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FOR GANG ALTERNATIVE AND PREVENTION PROGRAM (GAPP) The City's current agreement with the County of Los Angeles for the implementation and administration of the Gang Alternative and Prevention Program (GAPP) expired on June 30, 1999. The agreement remains unchanged except for the addition of a 6.1% increase in fees. The Garvey and Rosemead School Districts and Sheriffs Department agree that the G.APP Program is effective in identifying and counseling "at risk" youth. / Recommendation: Approve the agreement extending the GAPP Program for one-year through June 30, 2000. CC-H RENEWAL OF LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY - ZAPOPAN PARK This agreement is for a five (5) year period to continue the operation of Zapopan Park. Recommendation: Approve the agreement and authorize its execution by the Mayor. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION A. REQUEST FROM SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS FOR 1999-2000 MEMBERSHIP DUES The organization is requesting the 1999-2000 membership dues, which reflects no change from last year. Recommendation: It would be appropriate to make a motion. VI. STATUS REPORTS VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS A. FOREIGN LANGUAGE TRANSLATION COST INCREASE FOR CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT - MARCH 2, 1999 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Councilman Taylor has requested that this item be placed on the Agenda for discussion purposes. This item was deferred at the June 22, 1999 Council meeting because Martin & Chapman, the City's election consultant firm, was not able to have a representative present that night. A letter recently received from them indicates that they are unable to have a representative present until the July 27, 1999 City Council meeting. CC:]-13-99 Page#3 B. CITY TREASURER POSITION 4 Councilmember Taylor has requested that this item be placed on th Agenda for discussion purposes. Recommendation: If there is a change in Council Policy, it is recommended that the Council direct staff to take the appropriate action. VIH. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE IX. ADJOURNMENT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR JULY 27, 1999, AT 8:00 PM. Posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; and other locations pursuant to RMC Sec. 2801. CC 7-13-99 Page a4