CC - Item 4B - Staff Report Parking Restrictions on Garvey Ave o :4., if a a ® stat eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL CC FROM: 11"--FRAOSNK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGE DATE: CCCCJULY 13, 1999 SUBJECT: PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON GARVEY AVENUE BETWEEN SAN GABRIEL BLVD. AND DEL MAR AVENUE DISCUSSION In August 1998, the Traffic Commission approved the distribution of a "post card survey" to businesses on Garvey Avenue between San Gabriel Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue as a response to various parking concerns from businesses and to a specific request from three business owners on Garvey Avenue requesting a 15-minute parking zone in front of their businesses (Exhibit C). Post card surveys were forwarded to seventy-two (72) business owners and/or property owners for their reply and comments. Overall results indicate that the existing parking restrictions for the subject area are acceptable to a majority of the business owners and property owners (Exhibit B). However, the request by the three business owners for 15-minute parking zone remained (Exhibit E). Their parking concerns are based on the following facts: their businesses are situated like an "island", surrounded by the L.A. Auto Auction; there is no on-site parking available; and often times, the on-street parking is occupied. • As cited in the staff report (Exhibit A), there are two options for this request. One option is to retain the existing 2-hour parking restriction. Another option is to install a 20-minute green zone including signs. On June 3, 1999, the Traffic Commission approved the staff recommendation to install a 20-minute parking zone on days when parking is at its peak N JUL 131999 ITErMM No. i. C C -B J Rosemead City Council July 13, 1999 Page 2of2 (Tuesdays and Fridays) with the retention of the 2-hour parking restrictions on all other days. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council APPROVE the staff recommendation to install a 20-minute parking zone on Tuesdays and Fridays, when parking is at its peak with the retention of the 2-hour parking restriction on all other days. EXHIBITS: A. Traffic Commission Staff Report,dated May 24. 1999 B. Post card survey responses C. Traffic Commission Staff Report, dated July 23. 1998 D. Traffic Commission Minutes, dated August 6, 1998 E. Letter from business owners of 7951-7953 E. Garvey Avenue TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY k- DATE: MAY 24, 1999 RE: PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON GARVEY AVENUE BETWEEN SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD AND DEL MAR AVENUE BACKGROUND In August 1998, the Traffic Commission approved the distribution of a "post card survey" of businesses on Garvey Avenue between San Gabriel Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue. The survey was conducted in response to various concerns from businesses and a specific request from three business owners on Garvey Avenue requesting a 15-minute parking zone in front of their businesses. The August report is attached. After revising the survey based on the Traffic Commission's comments and gathering the business and property owner information, the surveys were sent out to seventy-two business owners and/or property owners. The city received 12 responses. These responses are summarized on the attached Table 1. The responses indicated that 10 of the 12 respondents had on-site parking and 9 of 12 had on-street parking. Only 4 of 12 indicated they would prefer a change in the existing parking restrictions. These 4 requested 20-minute parking zones -and loading/unloading zones. Overall, the existing parking restrictions on Garvey Avenue between San Gabriel Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue appear to be acceptable to the majority of business/property owners. As discussed in the August 1998 Commission report, the three specific business -owners requesting the 15-minute parking zone are an "island" surrounded by the LA Auto Auction. They have no on-site parking and on-street parking is often occupied. There are basically two options with regards to this request: 1. Retain the existing 2-hour parking restrictions. This would not alleviate the parking concerns and problems expressed by the businesses. However, it would be consistent with the parking restrictions throughout Garvey Avenue. EXHIBIT "A" Parking Restrictions on Garvey Avenue Between San Gabriel Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue Page 2 2. Install a 20-minute green zone including signs. The 20-minute zone is more of a standard than a 15-minute zone. This zone would accommodate the request of the businesses. However, some parking of vehicles associated with the Garvey Auto Auction would be affected. The Auto Auction does have a significant amount of available on-street parking surrounding this "island" area that would be able to accommodate any vehicles displaced by the 20-minute zone. The enforcement of the 20-minute zone is more time consuming than a 2-hour parking restriction. This may be minimized if the 20- minute zone is specified for only certain days when the parking for the Auto Auction is heavy. Example: "20-minute parking Tuesdays and Fridays" with "2-hour parking Except Sat. and Sun." If a combination of parking restrictions is proposed, the green curb would not be installed. RECOMMENDATION The situation of the three businesses surrounded by the Auto Auction is unique. There are few options to assist the businesses in obtaining some on-street parking. Therefore, staff recommends the installation of.a 20-minute parking zone on the days when parking is at its peak with the retention of the 2-hour parking restrictions on the other days. Attachments JI\Rstl\Garvey Auto Auction 2 w En LL r } r o >-- N 5 ›- V) En z .- C C ¢ C C C C C 0 g Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z o 0 N p o) o O d' d' (0 O C j m Z Z Z )>- Z m O C = J En 01Q NN Z Z Z - Z C N D) m = m } N m >- c Q - Z no o C 8 (1) -0 J C C C C N O N 0 CD ° ro Q -c � � ,- Y N - Cu Z p `m0) coo o N T n W _ y ti, w 0 a w m co 0 0) N N C >- m Z >- F- Z s CL 0 O a V) N m Of W N N a' ° 0 ›- ›- Z Z o c -O E (n Q } Q o a) N>- 0 Cu Z O N t) _0 >U) w 'N O C9 N N N N N N > d 0 0 CCI } N } S >- w r m Q) a v' N O V'' 0-' W M m d' 2N Z Z Z >- O z } a 0 It >. Ur co H N En v a c , N W 0 0 0 Y Z Z >- N N . Z } L H -o ` i OC o- m C O J =6 N ` o v = CO to U CO o) pU II u a) a W ` -0 o co co N W L ,_ ` Nin d• N r �' CO T W ° o CO N. O W 0, O C o O U C j C O N W O E ° o a w O. > O v a > O V O C W a 0 D da• Q y L O o L C -. W q o) O C > co s D C CO N T N o rn a o, .� E d m. � s w = o O C O k- d O ° --i 3 C > a CO W °) II Ii LL a D No Er' ` C_ -r �� Ua1 m N O. D o oL a a ° O , D r- LL • �` W o m T 3 - W o o s N a oC C p a m a L >. `m W >' ` = 0 o m Y o p a r o- i C m O)_ = o C N Y Y L > a s) - V O F W W 1) `O N W N N N F �`p V1 C - - Oa o a 0- W O r W y C W T N ° W n T N >- - N a W O OI N >. T C D L i cc N N F co LOU, H o W N W W W V1 D 0 Y D D a. aY or 6W W - ° c ✓) to E _W m m E o to ° >. N 1p z o W Z o p >,o Z 3 0.s a a "� a`i co` o v m d o 2 H. 020C =coCO L ° O N o n d _o a n o cC II n > ma) T3 =' m TN TND ,-- .>. TTD .- = N � F- ,� O co O D ww T - O p a) O `- - L a T= a `- a 3 L W D O - 3 N _O >- LC W < m t 'v, p -5 < Z 3 a .e EXHIBIT "B" ?Zc\JiOus 2Epa �T TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER (S, P DATE: JULY 23, 1998 RE: PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON GARVEY AVENUE BETWEEN SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD AND DEL MAR AVENUE REQUEST A letter has been received from three business owners on Garvey Avenue regarding parking restrictions in front of their property. The businesses include Discount Tobacco Inc. — 7953 Garvey Avenue, Highway Insurance — 7951 Y Garvey Avenue and C & I Auto Sales — 7951 Garvey Avenue. A copy of their letter is attached. The business owner's letter indicates their concern for vehicles parking in front of their property especially during Auto Auction days. They are requesting 15 minute time limit parking restrictions in front of their properties. DISCUSSION The request of the three business owners is unique in that they are an "island" surrounded by the Auto Auction. These businesses are on the north side of Garvey Avenue west of the Auto Auction entrance: There is no on-site parking for these businesses, only on-street parking. As can be expected, parking in front of these businesses during Auto Auction days is at a premium. _ The parking in the vicinity of the Auto Auction has been a concern/compliant from business and property owners periodically throughout the years. Any proposed changes or revisions to the parking restrictions will affect all properties along Garvey Avenue. Therefore, staff is recommending a "post card survey'l be taken of all business and property owners fronting Garvey Avenue between San Gabriel Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue. EXHIBIT "C" Parking Restrictions on Garvey Avenue July 27, 1998 Page 2 Here is a preliminary draft of the "post card survey". Staff will make any revisions recommended by the Traffic Commission. General: Name & Address of Business/Property Summary of Reason for Survey Awct.n,/ 41- 1. a1. Do you have on-site parking for your business/property? Yes No If Yes, how much would you estimate the on-site parking is used? In other • words, if you took a "snap shot" of your parking lot once an hour, how full is the parking lot? 100% Fu1175% Full 50% Full 25% Full Less than 25% Full 2. Do you have on-street parking in front of your business/property? Yes No If yes, how much would you estimate the on-street parking is used? In other words, if you took a "snap shot" of the parking in front of your business/property once an hour, how full is the parking on the street? 100% Fu1175% Full 50% Full 25% Full Less than 25% Full 3. Which days tend to have more parking in front of your business/property? Circle two only. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 4. Would you prefer a change to the "2 hour parking limit" restriction in front of your business/property? Yes No If yes, please describe the type of the parking restriction you would prefer in front of your business. / „�;.. 5‘^ter ye[bpi: 5. Other Comments. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Traffic Commission direct staff to prepare the "post card survey" as discussed and revised by the Commission to the business and property owners of fronting uses on Garvey Avenue between San Gabriel Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue. JI: 1171 \O66\i1\rstl\Garvey Auto Auction itia 7 Mee-k=wnMoi.vases AurS , - 61998 IV. NEW BUSINESS A. PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON GARVEY AVENUE BETWEEN SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD AND DEL MAR AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that a letter was received from three business owners on Garvey regarding parking restrictions in front of their property. The businesses include Discount Tobacco, Inc., 7953 Garvey Avenue, Highway Insurance, 7951 1/2 Garvey Avenue and C & I Auto Sales, 7951 Garvey Avenue. The business owner's letter indicates their concern for vehicles parking in front of their property especially during Auto Auction days. They are requesting 15 minute time limit parking restrictions in front of their properties. The request of the three business owners is unique in that they are an "island" surrounded by the Auto Auction. These businesses are on the north side of Garvey Avenue west of the Auto Auction entrance. There is no on-site parking for these businesses, only on- street parking. As can be expected, parking in front of these businesses during Auto Auction days is at a premium. The parking in the vicinity of the Auto Auction has been a concern/complaint from business and property owners periodically throughout the years. Any proposed changes or revisions to the parking restrictions will affect all properties along Garvey Avenue. Therefore, staff is recommending a "post card survey" be taken of all business and property owners fronting Garvey Avenue between San Gabriel Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the Commission with a sample copy of the "post card survey". RECOMMENDATTON: It is recommended the Traffic Commission direct staff to prepare the "post card survey" as • directed and revised by the Commission to the business and property owners of fronting uses on Garvey Avenue between San Gabriel Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue. Commissioner Knapp asked if questions 1 & 2 could be re-worded, as to how many stalls are in your lot and how many cars are parked. It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Baffo and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation, with the re-wording of questions 1 & 2. B. REQUEST FOR RED CURB AT 2542 "" ' _" "' ' -- BOULEVARD - GARVEY WHOLES. EXHIBIT "D" Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that a letter Capriccio, Vice-President of Garvey Wholesale Be; Rn..er.,ne inr TA, e nnrn-rn is rcrn,cct nn Discount Iobacco, Inc. Highway Insurance C&I Auto Sales 7953 Garvey Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 June 9, 1998 Jeff Steward Director of Administrative City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Sir, We are writing you this letter to discuss about street parking matter. Our businesses are located at the above address and our customers parking are totally dependent on the street parking. However, next to our stores is the L.A. Dealer Action. Every Tuesday and Friday, the L.A. Dealer Action has actions going on. There are too many cars park on the street, which left no more parking place for our customers. Those street parking are mark at two (2) hours parking Every Tuesday and Friday, that effects our business a lot_ Even on Monday, a day before the action, dealers andlor customers come to preview the action cars; the street is also full of cars. We arc asking the city do something about it so we can have some parking space for our customers, perhaps draw a 15 minutes street parking in front of our stores for at least 3 parking spaces. Please contact us at your convenience and let us know your decision. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you- Sincerely, �� // Chau Tran /e LL-afO L. r+"vltc- ❑n a lllnnn Discount Tobacco inc. Hte way surancc CSI Auto Sales 7953 GARUsy 795/% '="c 745/ E. 6RIre RoS MagD c . 9i17oAye v-caelt4- 9/770 pseat(c_ i177 EXHIBIT "E"