CC - Item 4C - Staff Report International City Managers Associations 85th Conference /SI ,R staf � eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS 1 _SANROSEMEAD' _K� CITY COUNCIL f'f FROM: G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: VVV��- JULY 1, 1999 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND THE INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION'S 85Th ANNUAL CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 26-29, 1999, PORTLAND OREGON Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. There will be sessions on Growth Management,Public Trust in Government, Changing Technologies, and Basic Managerial Skills. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the attendance of the City Manager at the 85th Annual ICMA Conference, September 26-29, 1999. COUNCIL AGENDA JUL 131999 ITEM No. .LC II \ J Portland ,),,,,, ,c,,,,..,,,,,:„.,,i, :_ ,,,,,,,,,,,..- r nt sm-ul • ' 4Conference, = F " Pioneering Change in the ter/ _ 1k ` y� .,r . ' s ut ty4,,rte" -` � i F V.{ *Pik ," Ag a ` tg te 1 i`. ¢ "'SSL / ? J . ':�' / , rt. _ i R 't adS'q�X i spy}l +y z. � ,? September 26-29, 1499 f z Canter- Oregon Convention C_n.er r '-��` ' < Portland, Oregon • t - r $S,r s P§ a Le', c5t a f 5a Vic¢ . a+CM1Y/CoumY .>as'2'ls,,* '''71.7"e"- tJ - �®I CMA t, Yr1 • .rs t a. Mana9emen[IVk .'n aa. ...;' '" Assoaaaon f4 x4 ps.,zJY,". 5 Opening the CDBG .Doors to Eco- nomic Development.Dispel the mvs- Eduea • 11 talcs of how to use your Community ti n�l 44 Development Block Grant (CDBC) ��iL funds to boost economic develop- • sient In your communis'. Experts S training, it offer ceies on funding job training. incentives, microcntcrpnsc assistance, and other activities while showing you how to achieve grant Concurrent educational sessions being developed from ideas generated objectives and fulfill public benefit by the 1999 Conference Planning Committee are listed below, along requirements. Monday,Sept27,29,-4 p.nt with sessions being planned in conjunction with other ICMA projects. How to Provide Adequate Infra- Session descriptions are subject to change as speakers are being structure During Times of Growth. Many local governments today are engaged over the summer. The 0 icon indicates those sessions that challenged with meeting infrastmc- are especially pertinent to managers of smaller communities. Lure needs as the demands of growth increase, loin us to learn how to effec- tively plan for and maintain public Growth Management Smart Growth 101:An Overview. facilities as your community expands. Achieving Sustainable Communi- Through case study examples, learn Issues such as utility extensions, ties.As a follow-up to David Suzuki's how local governments have success- impact fees, and annexations will keynote address, this session will ex- i fully used smart growth as a tool in also be addressed. pl ore in greater depth the issues sur- balancing development decisions .ur.iay.Sept 29, tt:30 a.m.-1230 p.m. rounding how to effectively promote i with quality of life issues-Among the and achieve sustainable communities- resources and tools that are available Regional Approaches: Linking ionday,Scp.27. 10:15-11:30 a.m. for communities of all sizes and that Growth Management and Cover- will be highlighted in this session is nance.This session will highlight Utility Restructuring and the Role of 1CMA's Smart Growth Network, regional approaches that encourage Local Governments.Electric utilities In addition to attending this local governments in metropolitan are being transformed from local and • session, join the Tualatin Commons and smaller communities to work to- regional monopolies into competitive • field demo on Tuesday to see gether to manage growth while main- entities subject to market forces. firsthand how a small, suburban taming their community's identity This transformation will affect local community has successfully pro- and autonomy. Discussions will governments and their citizens; mored sman growth (see page 19). include regional growth plans and specificaliv, the commitment of utili- Monday, Sept 27, 1,15-2:30 pm innovative resource allocation tics to scree all citizens and the tax examples such as tax-based sharing_ revenues that utilities generate may Innovative Community Design: rimsday. Srpr 2S, 2-3d0 n m. he in jeopardy.What are the risks to Making Our Communities More your local government?What sate- Livable.The careful design of a corn- gies are being used in other jurisdic- munity is essential to improving and Public Trust in Government lions to protect citizens, small sustaining the quality of life for its Can-Do City Hall Team.To build businesses, and tax revenues?What citizens.This session will highlight public trust you have to "walk the "You have to the legal and regulatory strategies are innovative community designs that talk_ improve most effective in your state?Are entre- have been used as a tool for growth interactions citizens have with gov- ^ingraining inyourcm- pmneurial opportunities for local management and will include new emmentb> governments emerging out of the and redevelopment case study ex- ployees a genuine interest in finding deregulated utility market? Come to ampler solutions for citizens.Attendees will this informative educational session Attend the Orenco Station field , hear from speakers who have worked and learn from a pane] of local gov- : demo on Tuesday to see "America's with their staff to develop a "can-do" emment managers who areredefining New Hometown" (see page 19), a attitude that is built on honesty, ac- local government's relationship to nationally acclaimed and award- countability,, and civility and shows electric utilities. winning project that exemplifies citizens that government works for Mmndai. Srpr.27, 10:13-11.50 ammixed-use residential development. them. ,Monday. Sept 27.245-4 r.;a Miondar. Srpr 27. 10:15-11:30 a.m. 6 Public Servant or Public Disgrace: ern man anew tivcs arc disconcerted sion of the National Civic Lcagu c, Government in the Shadow of by growing citizen demands for scr- PCI'S has worked with many IC,MA Scandal. How have the impeachment vices coupled with increasing public members on citizen participation, hearings and other national govern- distrust of government institutions. collaborative strategics, dispute re o- mens scandals had repercussions for Using the experiences of a city man- lution and related conununin:build- local government managers?Will the ager and a local government commu- ing processes.This session will publics confidence in their elected nications professional, this session explore the agenda for community and appointed officials, which de- will look at the limitations of cus- : building in the next 10 years with a dined sharply after Watergate, fall to tomer service improvement and per- focus on the role of local govern- new lows? How will public cynicism formance measurement and reponing ment. Short presentations will be about national politic affect local and will examine the alternative: followed by discussions among the civic life?What steps can local goy- non-service delivery efforts that participants. eminent managers take to cultivate redefine the communications funs- Tue>dar. Sep:-is3:45-3 p.m. trust in government at the local level? don in local government, reconnect These questions and more will be citizens with their neighbors, and 24-Hour City, 24-Hour Safety. Bricks addressed at this session- engage people in "public work." and mortars build a city, but people Mmidar: Sept 27. 30:15-11:30 a.ni. Tuesday Sept 25,2-330p nt. make the community. Successful, liv- able communities require safe places Building the Future of Citizen Engaging Citizens in Performance for citizens to live and work. Public Involvement: Bringing City Hall Measurement. Representatives of the safety is the critical first step in creat- to the Classroom. Imagine a public Minnesota-based Citizens League will ing and maintaining 24-hour cities- poQq environment in which (1) eiti- present examples of how jurisdictions Learn how community-oriented gens arc knowledgeable about the are engaging citizens in efforts to public safety can help your jurisdic- role of local government, (2) citizens measure and improve public services tion attract and retain residents and are interested in serving on boards, and community outcomes,and will businesses in downtown areas and and (3) citizens support the values offer ideas on how participants can neighborhoods. of professional management. Now, implement such techniques in their Tuesday, Sept2N. 3:43-5 p.nt. imagine this to be the norm rather own jurisdictions.The session will than the exception. Learn how local also feature citizens and officials from Changing Technologies government professionals are invest- ' Portland and Multnomah County in Privacy Issues, Public Access, and ing their time and effort in building a live demonstration of citizen that future by bringing students to engagement in local government. Liability in the Electronic Age • city hall and city hall to the class- iia,dat. Sept 28,?,3:0p.m. What would you do if your local goy eminent was sued by a community room. >7andm; Sept I a5-'.90 p nt Roles Revisited:Managers and group or local newspaper for access to Elected Officials Approach the New staff e-mail conversations? How Cultivating a Positive Image. 0 Millennium.This session will feature should you handle inappropriate For local governments that struggle a debate on the managerial and Internet use by staff that puts your with the burden of a negative public policy-making roles of government local government at risk?This session image,building public trust can be leaders,providing the audience the will rover everything you didn't want an uphill battle. Managers of smaller opportunity to ask questions and to know about e-mail and the communities will learn something in offer comments.An international per- Internet, from management policies this session from the public relations spective and experiments with new to potential liability issues in the industry:how a few simple steps can models will challenge the traditional growing electronic age. It is a must for break down citizens'ideas of your demarcation between policy and ad- managers from small communities government as inept, unresponsive, ministration, stimulating participants who are beginning to use the Internet or worse. Let the pros show you how to revisit some of their assumptions and e-mail as a means of communi- to work with the limited resources of about what it takes to be an effective eating with their employees,council a small town budget and staff to pro- professional manager members,and citizens. mote government services, get your Tuesday Sept 25,2-330 p nt. Monday. Sept 27, 10:15-11:30 a.m. message out, create an atmosphere of Community Building in the 21" How to Plan for Innovative Use of civility and cultivate a positive public Century: Developing an Agenda for Technology.Why is it important to image Monday Sept.27, 1:15-2:30 p.m. the Coming Decade The Program for plan for technology in a rapidly Community Problem Solving is cel- changing environment?How is it • Building Community Confidence in ebrating its 10^'anniversary.A divi- done?Speakers will discuss issues Local Government.Many local gov- ranging from policy and implementa- i . 7 non to what your information tech- of sen-ice deliven' 1' y • ',Hop-priorities should be from such as citizen t.. J • how your community cm become communication leading edge to how you can incorpo- • and police and k rate citizens into your innovative fire applications. q } ' 4.1 • planning and strategyprocess You Discover how the -1/4: `f aA TA - i won1 ant to miss this informative customization of "�7 iY P. r .t and timely session. CIS packages and - r nt d Srpi 1.75-2 3 0 p rn typical mapping / y ,/' / 5 '" solutions can he �� 11 Contingency Planning for the Year - turned into multi- _ 000 0 For those who have not yet 1 / media "story developed or ate lust beginning totelling"commune Il - k^f� work on Y2K contingency plans, this cation and man- tk II ii -j session will discuss time-saving ideas, agement vehicles. I risk management issues, emergency 7uesdoy. srpt. 28.2-3.30 p.m. ' time.What happens when your responses, and ways to deal with the management style no longer seems to public "fear factor." It will focus not meet council members'expectations? only on local government planning, Basic Managerial Skills Perhaps you consider yourself prag- hut on external or "community-re- Budgeting and Capital Financing matist and they think they need a lated" contingency planning as well. Int. 0 As a manager who also visionan--Perhaps you were hired be- Atondoi: Srp1 27.2 15-4 p m assumes the responsibilities of a cause of your strong financial back- budget director, are you looking to ground and they think they need Designing a User-Friendly Web Site improve your budgetingskills and - p someone with strong interpersonal 0 Virtually unknown Eve years ago, explore financing alternatives for skills.This session will explore differ- the World Wide Web today is one of capital projects7 loin this nuts-and- coun- the most accepted and visited sources discussion - em ways to deal with your geneeds. p bolts and review some itschanging government information anddl and adapt Io.1than p.mg needs. basic concepts and skill sets related nanndm�, Sept 27, 13azeo p.m. services.This session,which will illus- to the development and implementa- trate the many types of municipal tion of an operational budget and Eldon Fields Colloquium:Confront- Web sites and will include a brief pre- I capital financing plan. ing the Moral Dilemma of Role sentation on how to establish a Web j Alnn,iar. Sin. 27, 10.15-11 30 a.m. Reversal.What should a local govern- site, should prove to be of particular ment manager do if the elected coun- interest to managers of smaller tom- Skill-Building for Managers Who til will not or cannot act? Does the munities who must design their own Teach. Have you ever thought about • manager then have a moral obliga- sites.Speakers will not only describe teaching at your local college or uni- tion to lead, particularly if the ab- examples of local government Web versity?This session will equip you sence of leadership is likely to harm sites that provide transactions for citi- with the basic knowledge you need to the interests of the public?Two ofthc zeas, but also discuss some of the • teach at any level. Staving at the he- nation's foremost experts on role re- pros and cons of designing and main- ginning,from learning how to ex- versa) in local government will mining a municipal Web site for both plore your teaching opportunities to present their findings and lead a dis- internal and external use. creating a course,from finding your cussion of these perplexing questions. mcciat Si-pi 28. 11 30 a.m- 72 a0 p m. textbooks to creating a syllabus, it Jonedap r-ry.57. 1 5-M30 p.m. will also address standards of scholar- Technology in Your Daily Life. 0 ship and the pitfalls of grading. In ad- Managing for Global Outcomes.The How can technology benefit manag- anion,you will learn what questions linkages of the global economy can crs in organizing their day-to-day you need to ask when negotiating a be most clearly seen when observed lives? Learn about the various tech- contract Even if you already have through the lens of environmental nology and product options that can some teaching experience,you will and developmental conditions help you to manage your time more find this session useful and informa- around the world. Program and efficiently. five. policy decisions made by U.S.local T calor,Sept.28, 11:30 a.m_11;0 p.ni. Mendnl,Sept 27, 1095-11 30 a.m. • governments in these areas have a di- rectB unci the Map: Other Uses of impact on the conditions of our Beyond PAdapting to a Changing Council- counterparts in Asia,Africa, Latin Computer Mapping/GIS. learn how The members of your city or county America,and Europe.This session GIS and computer mapping systems council change on a regular basis but looks at these linkages and offers can be used for nontraditional means you are hoping to be there for a long local government managers practical ""e- _._ S • 8 approaches for achieving more Mentoring:The Manager's Perspec- techniques io help you Hire and re- positive globaloutcomesthrough tive. Building on a successful session min valuable employees for your the management of their own at the 1997 annual conference a local government Ii will also provide corn mu 0 i tics_ panel of highly respected managers insight into what motivates today's Menial,SFr 27, 1,75-230 per will share their wisdom as to why it Is worker and what characteristics you important in develop those who are I can expect from the people you hire. Encouraging Employees to Choose j growing in the profession and how li y. Srpr. _e.2-3.30 pHI to Save: Enhancements for Local they can best serve that purpose Government Retirement Programs. - New Compensation Models, 0 Managers will receive solid mentoring Providing employees with low-cost tools to take home and use right Change n flexibility, and expementa- opportunitics to save for the future isavcap. Please loin this interactive tits- nun are the watchwords as local gov- more than a means for boosting which will cover the benefits ernments search for ways to make the morale:it is also a way to reduce - - best use of resources while improving of mentoring for the community, for turnover. Find out what other em- services. But is your compensation work associates, and for the manager plovers arc doing to encourage em- Monday .Si,rp =- _,-_;pro. system holding you back?An expert ployee savings: Section 457 deferred on compensation models will be compensation plan employer match, Creating a High-Performance joined by practitioners who arc min- payroll-deducted IRA programs. de- Culture in a Unionized Setting. venting pay and reward strategies in (erred retirement option programs The city of Fort Lauderdale, Florida's their local governments.They'll dis- (DROPs), DB/DC conversions_Case ' Cooperative Association of Labor and cuss merit pay, incentive pay,gain studies of successful approaches to Management (CALM) program has sharing, broadhanding, and other increasing employee thrift will be saved the city millions of dollars and innovative pay strategies. showcased and discussed_ is recognized as one of the most TaciPii. Sepc.28,2-3:30 pm. n.mndap Saps r. 2.4574 n m. successful labor-management part- nerships in the country_Presenters Cutting-Edge Programs: DAMS. Facilitating Department Hcadrepresenting both labor and manage- This session will examine Sunnswalc Cooperation.Sometimes even the innovative Planning and mens will share their experiences, best department heads have a hard participants will learn a practical, Management System (PA.MS).This time focusing on the larger picture orprogram connects the community's step-by-step approach to establishing working toward a common goal, and sustaining a strong labor organizational goals to both the which is often the key to a smoothlymanagement partnership. annual work plan and the compere run local government This sessionyimvinl. Sept. 2s, 1130 a.7p.-1 2:30 pre sation plan. Learn how PANTS has will show you how to handle con- helped increase this government's flicts between or among department Understanding the Impact of Your efficiency and explore how this heads and will offer suggestions for Decisions.0 Managers, especially cutting-edge program might benefit reducing competitiveness. It will also those from smaller communities, your community. look at ways of dealing with different have to make a variety of decisions_ ,uaday.. Sept 28. 3 45-spite. personalis•types, leadership needs, Once a decision is reached, there is Selecting a Police Chief. One of the and management styles,as well as sometimes a temptation to review it most important hiring decisions you with team changes.Take this oppor- or change direction_It often ogees- may ever make is the selection of tunny to learn from your peers and sari to realize, however,that some - your police chief_This session,which offer your own innovative solutions. decisions must be made with less Monday Sat _s. 2 454 is based on a new handbook 1 9 p'n than complete information and that pub- lished by ICMA and the Police Execu- you must live with the consequences_ rive Research Forum,will lay out the ":'.Rake the Quote Count" This session will focus on helping Explore how you can more effectively - do's and don'ts of the selection pro- managers from smaller communities communicate with members of thecess,the potential pitfalls, and the mist their decision-making abilities. print,broadcast. and electronic me- l;,r;dm. srpr t, na0 a rn 42,30 pm best way to find a chief who the com- dia. Team from these professionals triunity and the police department how to better convey your commu- Innovative Personnel Recruitment/ will support. Participants will have an nity''s position, stance, or policy on Changing Workforce Demographics. opportunity to talk with leading specific issues; how to promote your Today's worldorce is much different search consultants and managers who community's mission and goals; and than it once was.Not only does it have "been there." how to clarify what is "on the record" . have a different set of working values, Tuesday Sept 28,3:45-5 p.m. and what is "off the record_" but it often seems that good employ- Nmidai Seo..27, 2-5-4 p rn_ yes are much harder to find.This ses- sion will offer innovative recruitment 9 Outsourcing:An Alternative Strategy Under Attack:Techniques for Sur- Hnancial and heti rement Planning for Efficient Service Delivery. From vival.This session will feature local for the 21st Century. Planning for rural com mmniti es to urban cities, government managers who have sur- financial security has nave'been more and more local governments are vived "attacks" by elected officials, more important.Certified financial recognizing that outsourcing may he a staff citizens, and community planners from ICMA-RC will discuss viable option for achieving more cost- groups. Speakers from different-size current issues in retirement and effective.efficient service deliver)• communities will share then personal ; financial planning and respond to while enhancing citizen satisfaction. I experiences,describing how they i questions.Topics will include maxi- Through several hest practice ex- and their familic survived--some- mizing tax-advantaged retirement say- amples, this session will identify times with the assistance ofsuppon ings through deferred compensation local government successes, lessons groups—and offering techniques for plans, supplemental defined contri- learned, and decision-maker strafe- enduring and preventing such attacks. hution plans, and IRAs; developing gies, techniques, and tools to he used Tur. iai; 8q'u es. 1. Olean p.r... SO un d investment strategies for a when considering outsourcing _ secure retirement; controlling medical Taking a New Direction: options care costs in retirement: creating 1 scorn&e 2h, �4Ss:uo n.fir Vantagepoint Horizons at ICMA - - deferred compensation distribution Retirement Corporation. Join Girard schedules for retirement;and navigat- Miller, ICMA-RC president and CEO. ing the financial risks that come with Personal Issues Facing for an informative discussion that a managers career. Managersand Their Families will range from current market trends Tuesday. Sept 975,2.3:30 p Managing to Live: Balancing a and forecasts to recent developments Healthy Family.Families of local gov- at RC. Included will he information Negotiating Contracts:What You emment managers are beset by stress about the registration of the Need to Know. Learn what job-re- from many directions, such as com- Vantagepoint mutual funds earlier in lated issues to negotiate before taking muninv expectations, the media, the the year, as well as about the incred- a new job and what to include in an headaches of relocating, and the com- ible response to PC's new IRA prod- employment contract.A panel of plications of dual careers.This session uct.Attendees will also get a preview managers will discuss severance will offer suggestions for solutions of new products and services to be in- clauses, rolling contracts,negotiation and sources ofsuppon- troduced in the near future and an strategies, performance measures, and Mendes Srpr.27. 109511:50 arta update of legislative developments other contract issues, and will provide that have potential impact on retire- model contracts for contrast and Seven Habits of Highly Effective ment savings programs. comparison. Families.Stephen Cover's philosophy ➢ : Ser 28 77.88 7 738 PP^- Tuchiap Sent 25.3:4 for creating more meaningful rela- -y tionships can he used not only in the 'S workplace but also at home. Come see how your family can benefit from • d 1 d' sv'83 �v his insights and guidelines. With a ffibri "fi new appreciation of the importance _ ,rry'� of relationships, you can enjoy a mote balanced,more rewarding, more - effective family life. Nnnaar.srnc. 1:1 3-231 c.a. TechCity 2000 Talks As a supplement to educational sessions, the TechCin'2000 Talks are eight The Ethically Confused and the hour-long presentations on "hot" technology topics pertinent to local govern- People Who Love Them. Meet three meets.The following topics have been selected for discussion in Ponland: well-meaning but ethically challenged • Cable Franchising:Issues and Opportunities characters who struggle with all kinds • Internet Taxation of decisions: office romances, outside • Local Government Transactions on the Web employment,free Super Bowl tickets, • Electronic Service Delivery and when to use that city credit card. You'll have a chance m ask them ques- • Uses of Wireless Technology in Local Government tions, give them advice, and hear from • How to Conduct a Telecommunications Needs Assessment an eminent behavioral psychologist, • How Local Governments Use Intelligent Transportation Technology Or. Eternally Ethical- • An Introduction to the Local Government Environmental Assistance Mo"aat. Scpr ':. 2:42--; m. Network (LGFAN)