CC - Item 5A - Staff Report Foreign Language Translation Cost Increase / M staff eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: NANCY VALDERRAMA, CITY CLERK 0 DATE: JULY 20, 1999 RE: FOREIGN LANGUAGE TRANSLATION COST INCREASE FOR CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT -MARCH 2, 1999 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION This item is being placed on the Agenda at the request of Councilman Taylor. Attached are the following items: Exhibit A - A letter from the Registrar-Recorder's Office explaining the Voting Rights Act, the criteria used in determining minority languages, and how that language qualified for translation, and a list of Eligible Population Minority Languages by City. Exhibit B - Letters from Martin & Chapman explaining the increase in foreign language translation costs for the March 2, 1999 election, and a list of their client cities outlining who pays for printing and translation costs. Exhibit C - Martin& Chapman's invoices for the 1994, 1997, and 1999 elections. Exhibit D - Foreign language translation worksheets from Martin & Chapman showing candidates and language requests per city. COUNCIL AGENDA JUL 271999 ITEM No. YT • 4 J July 21, 1999 Page 2. Foreign Language Translation Costs Exhibit E - The City's Resolutions adopting candidate statement regulations and responsibilities. Exhibit F - Copies of the City's Sample Ballot and translation of Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlet in Vietnamese. Paul Marshal, consultant from Martin and Chapman, will be present to answer any questions. Attachments s COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ® • ,1721 i_o ; REGISTRAR-RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK 5=a I 12400 IMPERIAL HWY. - P.O. BOX 1024. NORWALK. CALIFORNIA 90651-1024 q vaM c. BEATRIZ VALDEZ August 18 , 1993 REGISTRAR-RECORDER4000NTV CLERK EXHIBIT A Dear City Clerk: As you know, Public Law 102-344 extended the minority language provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA) . The Act requires that voter registration, voting materials and oral assistance be made available in five minority languages in Los Angeles County. These languages include Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese. In an effort to minimize costs associated with this requirement, this office met with community organizations representing the five minority language groups to determine the most effective manner in which to implement the multilingual provisions of the VRA. A mutual agreement was reached as to what voting materials would be translated and what criteria would be used to establish an acceptable target basis for determining the eligible minority language voting population, and identifying language requirements for Los Angeles County elections. Minority Language Population Criteria Eligible Voting population statistics from the U.S. census were obtained for citizens 18 years or older who speak English not at all, not well or well, and compared against a one percent ( 1%) eligibility criteria to identify qualifying minority languages. If the number of eligible voters for a specific language was higher or equaled the 1% criteria, that language qualified for translation. Languages that fell under the 1% criteria did not qualify for translation. This process not only identified the election district/city areas throughout the county with the largest concentration of minority language population but also provided a cost effective method of meeting the VRA requirements, and minimizing printing/translation costs for election jurisdictions. City Clerk -- 2 — Enclosed is a computer report of the eligible minority language voting population within cities in Los Angeles County. It is provided to assist you in determining the minority language requirements for your scheduled elections. The report format and content for determining qualifying languages is shown on the sample for City "XYZ" below: TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL CITY TOTAL 1% CHINESE JAPANESE VIETNAMESE SPANISH TAGALOG XYZ 23 ,759 238 266 13 50 338 100 Qualifying languages for' City "XYZ" are Chinese and Spanish since the totals for these languages are higher than the 1% eligibility criteria of 238. Minority Language Election Billing Costs English sample ballots will be mailed to all registered voters and will contain a toll free ( 800) number for voters to call and request minority language voting materials. Voters requesting a minority language sample ballot will receive a voter guide and translated "generic" voter information booklet. This booklet will contain election information for several jurisdictions that have been consolidated into a unique ballot style group, as well as instructions on how voters determine the specific contests and measures that pertain to them. Multilingual absentee voter instructions will also be available. Cities consolidating with the November 2 , 1993 Election will be billed their prorata share of the associated costs for translation, printing and mailing of the minority language voting materials. These costs are considered election related expenses, and will be apportioned among all of the jurisdictions consolidated within a ballot style group combination. The actual prorata costs per election jurisdiction will not be available until after the election. Please call Rosa Garcia-Viteri at ( 310) 462-2693 or Priscilla Smith at ( 310) 462-2327 if you have any questions. . Very truly yours , 'BEATRIZ ALDEZa����3 Registr Recorder/County Clerk EXEC:VRA. 2 - Enclosure c: Paul Marshall Martin & Chapman < < < < . < . . i z n a e > > n n n = n A ,1 n in vi o s w a r r r c C ln a• w o o a, w c in m c ft v N r s c vi a me o P-7 n n t rr > C `J ru vs �. w� 0 = 0 o w o • r� a 0 .- ^' in ,•, o LU n r i• 2 c. n — c z > m rp c_ x S 4 z Cr n r toC. 0 0 o r o r a a r N a N w r- w . .- C ti a o a _ y o r r = o 0 r „ et c r 2. CN 4 o w a r r r r r r m ry o w w r .4 ry w c ,I In r w .i a 7. r 8 _ ( tn -I J J J J J ,J J J 0 J ,) T a nrron for -. 2222 NO0 rn o c. o -▪4 c do -c o co G. w y o w w r w o r� w r m ry r r o m r w -J -S o w m -J .. w w r o r �, r o t or m o o t N �, o o i IA t 12r o N w -+ a v r �.. o o w o 0 o 0 0 �, ,+ o m r rl -4 =00 r o, rx... y a m G FU 1. NJu. r r o 0 0 o a a i m r m a- w .. ca y 0 m r w w .e o .n w N m .� =r 0 co c. 0pa n ` 0 0 n el n CI re 0 0 z C 0- -c 0 m m c w ru w w W e O o O S P w W c a m 07 W N P 0 37 U. 0 c c c r c a ru P a- v N N 0 O 2 m v W c c 0r SI CI C ri K-. VI al HY• c P • • Zo H0 ✓ N w N La a- m Cr L P 0 a. P m 2 J e S a a 2 P =r • 2 222 22 = 22 22 22 CO 2222222 2 4 2 2022222 22222 19 71 1,1 1,1 it 1,1 m m n ri _ = = = = = 004 2 = = = = 2e0 C K• 44 -422 = 2 2 0 C 0 2 -C W A222e 2 0 2 A22220r a ti � W C A aa- 2 A 2 2 2 A 2 2 A21e V • 02122222A 2• w a- W C o 2 u 2 2 r w W z 222 T 22 G J H CI .- _, . r „ -D , -Cw .. _ os E Ii -11 „_ c. 13 22 44 A 2e 2 22 e 22 222 222 W. le 20 e• vAryV2PArNrU, ti r 22 aCArmo- EA Irr.EA Je ao N mW 20� KK owomW � � rydr e 22 =C 2 w v ti - 2 v w U, N A ti r A a- 2 a- 0 2 2 A 2CI r 10 en c nnennnnn -4 ca aL ri cn .r15 0 0 -4 o Cru u, o- _aUIao r � mrd � -g -a -4LC un w -0r 0 un0 .04 an c 0 Un � rw w � � rmo � � ti o � 0 o o � Lon n rnr rn i1 m0 m r- N L 0 0 r En 0 Ln 6 Y W a- Lan 2 m m 2 N m O .L r L r u T J 7.:J- .. 0 r f A A = -7 _ _ _ = Alrn vi io o = e 4 = = = ee -1 nnnnn a o rn o CD 0 P ; Al Lu m D 0 OP A y y -J J w r LC 0 N 0 u w 0 0 w m W P P w " r m C P o c 0 In o ✓ J 13 It m N Al o ft o a v RI c J o -O P J w Ci r JP N• r 40P ti y C Co. n w ) v. w J J o J o = 0 o a- roT rn w Al ✓ N t r v. t o 0 P r J J Cr T J 2 O C r J s- r,P in ~ P y y vA r P MI 11.1 C JI op ir. J ul �' O w nu t P J t ut 0 w N w =f 1 xi as. ni W J r - o N r W = N o r s u, Ow c N r w J - c a S c O nr S w 0 /u c fu a 0 J N c Y N Lei n nr in P La. a w S N S 0 La in N ^ o lee en 80 W rU CU s v � ti u Q a N J a W `u N lel n 2.r r nl -J W ✓ 0 0 W e' N S N r 10- c,r rb: AT �gri.ppm Ittgat Martin & Chapman Co. u x,.y +1+0- .rorv,w..•-s 4 •••x _•••0ierrai sou'aWaN'.:°'W.er.•te :ia'. - .�=..^a 7951 Wright Circle, Anaheim, CA 92805-5028 (7141 939-9855 FAX (714) 939-9870 EXIIB3IT B Kt.I�C.r.r, May 26, 1999 CITY fyr R1iSrMtrD JUN 11999 iPY CLERK'SAFfit E Nancy Valderrama, City Clerk 8838 Valley Blvd PO Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770-0399 Dear Nancy: We are sorry that you have been questioned regarding the cost of Chinese and Vietnamese candidates' statement translations. We hope the following information will help. The Federal Voting Rights Act requires certain election materials for elections conducted in Los Angeles County to be prepared in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese and Tagalog. A program developed by the Registrar of Voters in cooperation with many county based ethnic groups has allowed us to pinpoint which languages may actually be needed in a particular area and to make specified elections materials such as candidates' statements available in those languages. California election law requires that the City notify candidates that any estimates of costs for printing candidates' statements are only estimates and that additional payment may be required based on actual costs associated with translating and printing those statements. In previous elections we have had great difficulty in finding Asian language translators who could produce translations in a timely fashion in order to print translations in the Sample Ballot pamphlet or to produce a "Facsimile" pamphlet to be available 29 days before the election. It was not uncommon for us to be calling these translators just days before election day so that"Facsimile" pamphlets could be compiled and sent to foreign language voters. After our problems with some of our translators through the 1998 election season, a new translation service was recommended to us. We met with them and explained our need for timely translations due to the compressed time limits imposed by the election process and the number of translations required for all the cities. We were comfortable that they could meet the time constraints required and their performance during the election process was exemplary. We believe that the requirements of California election laws and the Federal Voting Rights Act and the need for cities to provide these materials to voters made it necessary for us to find a translation service that could provide better response, even with the resulting higher prices. An alternative solution to your concerns might be for the city to pay the costs associated with all translations since the translations are required to be available through Federal law but not necessarily by candidates choice. The candidates could still be responsible for the printing of their statements in English and any foreign language in the pamphlet. A number of cities have switched the cost of the candidates' statement translations from the candidate to the city. Another alternative is for the city to find it's own translator for each language at whatever cost you can negotiate with them. You will need to impress upon them the timely nature of the translations and the need to have them "camera-ready" so that you can produce "Facsimile" pamphlets and be prepared to spend some staff time working with them. We hope this will answer the concerns expressed about translation services. Feel free to call us should there be any more questions. n colt D Ma in M. Paul Marshal Glenn I. Sailer E'SCOTT.WPtrosemaad FROM: eC51IN E CHCPMPN FAX NO. : 7144 . $70 ee-23-99 1 ;+]OP F. .01 Martin & Chapman Co. 1951 Wright Circle, Anaheim, CA 928066028 1714) 939-9666 FAX (774] 939-9970 June 22, 1999 Nancy Valderrama Ciry Clerk - City of Rosemead 8838 Valley Blvd Rosemead CA 91770 Dear Nancy Thank you for your understanding in Martin & Chapman Co. not being able to have a representative at last mehts council meeting. In response to the request of your ay Council to have a representative from Martin and Chapman Co. appear at a July council meeting, the only date that will work for us Is the Tuesday cvcnmg July 27 meeting. On July 13, Glenn and I will be at a conference in northern California and Paul is also unavailable that night. On July 27, Glenn and I will both be on vacation. but Paul should be available, depending nn how he is feeling. Please let me know if this is acceptable so that we may plan accordingly. Per your request, the following pages contain a hsting of all the cines we consult for in Los Angeles County, their election date, Who pays for the Printing of Candidate Statements. Who pays for the Translation of Candidate Statements, and Who Provides the Translations (an M means M&C, a blank means they are nor required to have translations, and a C means the City will provide their own translations. 30% of the cities pay for the translations, while 67% of the cities charge the candidates for the translations. Every election season, more and more cities change to having the city pick up the translation costs_ Let me know if you need more information. Sincerely, o ' a resident r4r`n: r,.r]HN g CHCrmon rCK Ne . : 7149;99E7e 'oesdav Acne 22. 1999 ANSWER Page 1 C1yName I Edate 1 Whopays for Prrntmol`r Whopays for Translation:..Provide Translation_ Alhambra 11.6/8/99 'City I City SIM /Arcadia 4/14/98 Cand /City IM Artesia I,3/2/99 Cand /Cand M Avalon 14/14/98 Cand 'Cand ltd i Azusa 7/20/99 Cily Cand 1M !Bell 3/2/99 I Cand Cand I M 1 leellllower (3/2/99 Cand !Cand M !Beverly H,Ils5/11/99 Cand Cand M !Calabasas 13/2 /99 Cand CandI ' !Carson 3/2/99 !Cand Cand M I Cern os 3/2/99 /Cand City M, I I Claremont 3/2/99 i City City IV IComnerce 3/2/99ICand City 1M Compton 4/20/99 Cand CIty IM Covina 312/99 (ICand City �M Cudahy 3/2/99 Land Cand 1M ti Downey 15/5/ 98 :Card City M 'Downey Monte 13/2/99 :'Cand !Cand 1M ISegundo 4/14/98 !Cand 'Cand IM 11 IGardena 3/2/99 Cand i Cand iM 1Glendale4/6/99 ICand 'Cand !,M 1 Glendora �3/2/PP Cand Cand IM Hawaiian Garoens 13/2/99 Cand Cand IM Hawthorne 14/14/98 ICand Cand 'M Huntington Park 13/2/99 Cana '^and M I Inglewood !4/5/99 Cand t'City M If I incmcale .3/2/99 City 1Cand IM 1, La Canada :Haig/dos .3/2/99 Cand I Cand 1.M La Habra Heights 1i 3/2/99 Cand 1Cand M 1.La Mirada 3/2/99 ICand City M FLa nuenle 3/2/99 Cand I City M �.Lancaster 4/14/98 Cand Cand M /Lawndale 4/14/98 Cand Cand Lomila 11/2/99 Cand I Cana M Lono Beach 3/30/99 Cand IIC:ty M Malibu 14/14/98 Cand :Cant M '.Manhattan Beach ,I 3/2/99 1 Cand Cans 'M Maywood 3/2/99 Cand Cand M !Monterey Park 3/2/99 11 Cand ICand ;M ',Norwalk 3/2/99 Cand I Cry 'M Palos Verdes Estates 3/2/99 Cand leity I M ,Paramount3/2/99 Cand ICand M !Pasadena /,3.19/99 Cand !City M l Rico Rivera 13/2/99 Cand 1 Cand 'Id 'Pomona - 114/13/99 ,Cand t Cand IM l Redondo Beacn 3/2/99 Cand Cand IM (Rosemead 13/2//99 :Cand ,Cand 1 LI /San Fernando 3/2/99 Cand I,Candm I San Marina 3/2/99 'Cand 1 Cand IV t IJ Sante Clarita 4/',4/98 Cand Sand (Santa Fe Springs '3/2/99 It Oily I City M Santa Monica 14/24/99 C.ty I City !.M ti Sierra Madre 4/14198 ,Cand I'.Ca.d I Signa! Hill .312/99 Cand ''Gand M South El Monte 1312/93 Cand !Cand !M 1 South Gate 13/2/99 Cand Cand IM South Pasadena 13/2/99 Cand Cand f C Temple Cly 3/2/99 Cend :Cand IM Vernon 4//14/93 [City 1 West Covina 3/2/99 Cans City M Vest Hollvw00d /2/99 Cand Cand M Whittier 4/14/98 1 City :IJ, .i_ 1957 Wright Orrie Martin & Chapman Co. Anaheim, CA 92805-602B (714) 939-9855 FAX (714) 939-9870 Y EXHIBIT C CITY OF: ROSEMEAD 12-Mar-94 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Invoice No.: 94241 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELEC11ON APRIL 12, 1994 17.5 M 5.5 Pages of Candidates Statements 54,565.00 of Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlets 7 Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese Translations included Sales Tax 8.25% 376.61 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE 54,941.61 TERMS: NET 3D DAYS/ 1.5% PER MONTH THEREAFTER Cost per Candidate: 1 English 5 Engl & Span English 235.00 235.00 Spanish 235.00 Spanish translations 110.00 110.00 Chinese translations 110.0D 110.00 Vietnamese translations 110.00 110.00 Subtotal: 565.00 800.00 Sales Tax: 46.61 66.00 TOTAL EACH CANDIDATE: $611.61 $866.00 - 7957 Wright Circle Martin & Chapman Co. Anaheim. CA 92605-5029 (714) 939-9855 FAX (774) 939-9870 CITY OF: ROSEMEAD - 24-Feb-97 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Invoice ND.: 97076 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 4, 1997 19500 4 Paces of Candidates Statements 53.654.00 of Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlets 4 Sets of Foreign Lanouaoe Translations included Sales Tax 825% 30228 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $3.965-28 TERMS: NET 30 DAYS/ 1.5% PER MONTH THEREAFTER Cos: per Candidate: 4 Thal & Span Enolish n99.0D Spanish 293.00 Spanish translations 110.00 Chinese translations 110.00 Vietnamese translations 110.00 Subtotal: 916.00 Sales Tax: 75-57 TOTAL EACH CANDIDATE: 5991.57 411 Candidates 1951 Wright Circle Martin & Chapman Ca. Anaheim. CA 92805-5028 (714) 939-9866 FAX (714) 939-9870 CITY OF: ROSEMEAD 01-Mar-99 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Invoice No.: 99095 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 2, 1999 19800 3 Popes of Candidates Statements S3.6655.00 of Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlets 3 Spanish, Chinese. Vietnamese translations included Sales Tax 825% 302.45 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE 53,968.45 TERMS: NET 30 DAYS/ 1.5% PER MONTH THEREAFTER Cost per Candidate: 3 End & Span English 313.00 Spanish 313.00 Spanish translations 110.00 Chinese translations 204.00 Vietnamese translations 282.00 Subtotal: 1222.00 Sales Tax: 100.82 TOTAL EACH CANDIDATE: S1,322.52 All Candidates EXHIBIT D 3-F7 5 D ➢ CO ➢ r Z m x g r r M T ji _ m 0 0 m m __ r r n ▪o m P m < we c N 3 1 < m 4 n < -'Di ' nt4A -4 ` o II re e U 3Z.Li y ri . < < m p > Z 143 Z m ra - n -< < _ CB Z 0x y m m m o O Z m 9 m M ro < < —1 r0 Z T. r n < z z -• { C i n n Z C) m lc / i -o < m U N n z co U U U U + z � il m m D NC p• o v r m m m z G N o o >• o 51n off am n z Ln m 0 o n -1 LD m c o y S 0. d n d Co n )1•1 S m N to co o N o d ff ) Cw ` > > > y + £ t » ZA ! $ , / ` & ¥ ) ) m 03 cn / \ fki ƒf § § \ \ : NI ƒ » l 6 co ) � : . ; > -1 p0 \ & & ® ® ` ~ > z 9 . } � -n o ) \ 23 i 1 N \ ‘ <0.1111 ( . . � 2 ; , iti \j\-(1/4/I co Til \ Cci CD 1j 0 z m CD la cbC ( m \ > F o � P -0 Z Y- G ➢ Dr D m O 1C] -i- C� fel m v m m m O ID CD x n7V°` y 0 _ _ ° H m > y 0 8, 6 3 \ j m m O n psiD m O m U D E Cn rI�1 ➢ iz D Z1 Z up - z = m Z II CD Z m I m O O Z m m mm r 5 H ➢ O C r C) ➢ 1 < H m = Z I I f H > ➢ Z 0 < m H = z w a r<7‹ -C-C EA z c 1 m D C CO a I 5 ➢ m ff Oom m z N I I I DD 0 i 51 ➢ H m n z N I I i n I� O D I 9 H H I n m m r I I o ➢ r < m N co m P , ,�� D D CO CO m m m r -0 33-0 33 E s D O j S S O O m ¢ K S 1' O - VN ha > 0 < < < c C c K -0 o N D O N S 3 r 2 D z T T v O O Z m a M m H O z 0 C r _ _ - D -H z mr_ -I c > > Z m m D D y r z 9 m S n►N r, 11 p ➢ m 1 r rn o T D Z 1 Ito I < p my ti ➢ T N O 10 2 • E. 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P S N ,,nn0 K m 'm > m K , o � › D › m m y $' �, .� -LI r r c O 0(-r c (CI 7 V ? m D 0 0 lOS k° G -4- m m ' m O a O S CD = m 7 K _ Ng , 3, mp so ' } a > y -0 e l16 � oNm ti < < N O > zV Z • - > o (n ET = 3 Z >r > co A M T a m> 0 0 -o Z m m O Z 0 r G_ -- m I C -1 > > Z 0 M < m < < - -- 'I W > Z r > ti_ 3 IZ Cm m — O N o OG oo m m m Do 5 z n y N 0 • 0 >• 0 O y am > z O 0 > o y y Es > m m � z a w I � 1 F 0 0 -' O > in _ r o m N - - F 0 0 0 0 0 a EXHIBIT E RESOLUTION NO. 93-57 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATES FOR ELECTIVE OFFICE PERTAINING TO CANDIDATES STATEMENTS SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS AT AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1994 WHEREAS, Section 10012 of the Elections Code of the State of California provides that the governing body of any local agency adopt regulations pertaining to materials prepared by any candidate for a municipal election, including costs of the candidates statement; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS. That pursuant to Section 10012 of the Elections Code of the State of California, each candidate for elective office to be voted for at an Election to be held in the City of Rosemead on April 12, 1994, may prepare a candidate's statement on an appropriate form provided by the City Clerk. The statement may include the name, age and occupation of the candidate and a brief description of no more than 200 words of the candidate's education and qualifications expressed by the candidate himself or herself. The statement shall not include party affiliation of the candidate, nor membership or activity in partisan political organizations. The statement shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk at the time the candidate's nomination papers are filed. The statement may be withdrawn, but not changed, during the period for filing nomination papers and until 5: 00 p.m. of the next working day after the close of the nomination period. SECTION 2. FOREIGN LANGUAGE POLICY. a. Pursuant to state law, the candidates statement must be translated and printed in Spanish at the candidates request. b. Pursuant to the Voting Rights Act, the city is required to translate candidates statements into the following languages in addition to English: Spanish, Vietnamese, and Chinese. c. The City Clerk shall have all candidates statements translated into the languages specified in (b) above; have all translations made available upon request in the office of the City Clerk; and print Spanish translations of candidates who request printing in the voters pamphlet. SECTION 3 . PAYMENT. 1. The candidate shall be required to pay for the cost of printing the candidates statement in English. 2 . The candidate shall be required to pay for the cost of translating the candidates statement into any foreign language as specified in (b) above pursuant to State and/or Federal law. 3 . The candidate shall be required to pay the cost of printing the candidates statement in a foreign language. F.35: 8 RES. 93-57 PAGE 2 The City Clerk shall estimate the total cost of printing, handling, translating, and mailing the candidate's statements filed pursuant to this Section, including costs incurred as a result of complying with the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (as amended) , and require each candidate filing a statement to pay in advance to the local agency his or her estimated pro rata share as a condition of having his or her statement included in the voter's pamphlet. In the event the estimated payment is required, the estimate is just an approximation of the actual cost that varies from one election to another election and may be significantlymoreor less than the estimate, depending on the actual number of candidates filing statements. Accordingly, the clerk is not bound by the estimate and may, on a pro rata basis, bill the candidate for additional actual expense or refund any excess paid depending on the final actual cost. In the event of underpayment, the clerk may require the candidate to pay the balance of the cost incurred. In the event of overpayment, the clerk shall prorate the excess amount among the candidates and refund the excess amount paid within 30 days of the election. SECTION 4. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS. No candidate will be permitted to include additional materials in the sample ballot package. SECTION 5. That the City Clerk shall provide each candidate or the candidate's representative a copy of this Resolution at the time nominating papers are issued. SECTION. 6. That all previous resolutions establishing council policy on payment for candidates statements are repealed. SECTION 7. That this resolution shall apply at the next ensuing municipal election and at each municipal election after that time. SECTION 8. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 6 h day of October, 1993 . ATTEST: / d!' n : i % , i City Clerk I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 93-57 was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead at a regular meeting thereof held on the 26th day of October, 1993, by the following vote: Yes: Claris, Taylor, Bruesch, Vasquez, McDonald No: None Absent: None Abstain: None CITY CLERK F.35: 9 RESOLUTION NO. 96-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATES FOR ELECTIVE OFFICE PERTAINING TO CANDIDATES STATEMENTS SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS AT AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1997 WHEREAS, § 13307 of the Elections Code of the State of California provides that the governing body of any local agency adopt regulations pertaining to materials prepared by any candidate for a municipal election, including costs of the candidates statement: NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS. That pursuant to § 13307 of the Elections Code of the State of California, each candidate for elective office to be voted for at an Election to be held in the City of Rosemead on March 4, 1997, may prepare a candidate's statement on an appropriate form provided by the City Clerk. The statement may include the name, ace and occupation of the candidate and a brief description of no more than 200 words of the candidate's education and qualifications expressed by the candidate himself or herself. The statement shall not include party affiliation of the candidate, nor membership or activity in partisan political organizations. The statement shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk at the time the candidate's nomination papers are filed. The statement may be withdrawn, but not changed, during the period for filing nomination papers and until 5:00 p.m. of the next working day after the close of the nomination period. • SECTION 2. FOREIGN LANGUAGE POLICY. a. Pursuant to state law, the candidates statement must be translated and printed in Spanish at the candidates request. b. Pursuant to the Voting Rights Act, the City is required to translate candidates statements into the following languages in addition to English: Spanish, Vietnamese, and Chinese. c. The City Clerk shall have all candidates statements translated into the languages specified in (b) above; have all translations made available upon request in the office of the City Clerk; and print Spanish translations of candidates who request printing in the voters pamphlet. SECTION 3. PAYMENT. • 1. The candidate shall be required to pay for the cost of printing the candidates statement in English. 2. The candidate shall be required to pay for the cost of translating the candidates statement in a foreign language. The City Clerk shall estimate the total cost of printing, handling, translating, and mailing the candidate's statements filed pursuant to this section, including costs incurred as a result of complying with the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (as amended), and require each candidate filing a statement to pay in advance to the local agency his or her estimated pro rata share as a condition of having his or her statement included in the voter's pamphlet. In the event the estimated payment is required, the estimate is just an approximation of the actual cost that varies from one election to another election and may be significantly more or less than the estimate, depending on the actual number of candidates filing statements. Accordingly, the clerk is not bound by the estimate and may, on a pro rata basis, bill the candidate for additional actual expense or refund any excess paid depending on the final actual cost. In the event of underpayment, the clerk may require the candidate to pay the balance of the cost incurred. In the event of overpayment, the clerk shall prorate the excess amount among the candidates and refund the excess amount paid within 30 days of the election. RES. 96-48 Page 2. SECTION 4. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS. No candidate will be permitted to include additional materials in the sample ballot package. SECTION 5. That the City Clerk shall provide each candidate or the candidate's representative a copy of this Resolution at the time nominating petitions are issued. SECTION 6. That all previous resolutions establishing council policy on payment for candidates statements are repealed. SECTION 7. That this resolution shall apply at the next ensuing municipal election and at each municipal election after that time. SECTION 8. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 8th day of October, 1996. MAYOi ATTEST: • City C erk I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 96-48 was duly and regularly adopted by the Rosemead City Council at a regular meeting held on the 8th day of October, 1996, by the following vote: Yes: Vasquez, Taylor, Clark, Eruesch, Imperial No: None Absent: None • Abstain: None City Cleric wp:elec:reso RESOLUTION NO. 98-46 A RESOLUTION OF IHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATES FOR ELECTIVE OFFICE PERTAINING TO CANDIDATES STATEMENTS SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS AT AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1999 WHEREAS, §13307 of the Elections Code of the State of California provides that the governing body of any local agency adopt regulations pertaining to materials prepared by any candidate for a municipal election, including costs of the candidates statement: NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. GENERAL PROVISIONS. That pursuant to §13307 of the Elections Code of the State of California, each candidate for elective office to be voted for at an Election to be held in the City ofRosemead on March 2, 1999, may prepare a candidate's statement on an appropriate form provided by the City Clerk. The statement may include the name, age and occupation of the candidate and a brief description of no more than 200 words of the candidate's education and qualifications expressed by the candidate himself or herself. The statement shall not include party affiliation of the candidate, nor membership or activity in partisan political organizations. The statement shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk at the time the candidate's nomination papers are filed. The statement may be withdrawn, but not changed, during the period for filing nomination papers and until 5:00 p.m. of the next working day after the close of the nomination period. SECTION 2. FOREIGN LANGUAGE POLICY a. Pursuant to state law, the candidate's statement must be translated and printed in Spanish at the candidates request. b. Pursuant to the Voting Rights Act, the City is required to translate candidates statements into the following languages in addition to English: Spanish, Vietnamese, and Chinese. c. The City Clerk shall have all candidates statements translated into the languages specified in (b) above; have all translations made available upon request in the office of the City Clerk; and print Spanish translations of candidates who request printing in the voters pamphlet. Resolution No. 98-46 October 13, 1998 Page Two SECTION 3. PAYMENT 1. The candidate shall be required to pay for the cost of printing the candidates statement in English. 2. The candidate shall be required to pay for the cost of translating the candidates statement in a foreign language. 3. The candidate shall be required to pay for the cost of printing the candidates statement in a foreign language. The City Clerk shall estimate the total cost of printing, handling, translating, and mailing the candidate's statements filed pursuant to this section, including costs incurred as a result of complying with the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (as amended), and require each candidate filing a statement to pay in advance to the local agency his or her estimated pro rata share as a condition of having his or her statement included in the voter's pamphlet. In the event the estimated payment is required, the estimate is just an approximation of the actual cost that varies from one election to another election and may be significantly more or less than the estimate, depending on the actual number of candidates filing statements. Accordingly, the estimate, depending on the clerk is not bound by the estimate and may, on a pro rata basis, bill the candidate for additional actual expense or refund any excess paid depending on the final actual cost. In the event of underpayment, the clerk may require the candidate to pay the balance of the cost incurred. In the event of overpayment, the clerk shall prorate the excess amount among the candidates and refund the excess amount within 30 days of the election. SECTION 4. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS. No candidate will be permitted to include additional materials in the sample ballot package. SECTION 5. That the City Clerk shall provide each candidate or the candidate's representative a copy of this Resolution at the time nominating petitions are issued. SECTION 6. That all previous resolutions establishing council policy on payment for candidates statements are repealed. SECTION 7. That this resolution shall apply at the next ensuing municipal election and at each municipal election after that time. Resolution No. 98-46 October 13, 1998 Page Three SECTION 8. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. PASSED,APPROVED and ADOPTED this 13th day of October, 1998. /I OA 4 MAYOR ATTEST: Ar / :' - City Clerk ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS: CITY OF ROSEN EAD I, Nancy Valderrama, City Clerk of the City of Rosemead, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution No. 98-46, was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead at a regular meeting of said Council held on the I3th day of October, 1998, and that said Resolution was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vasquez, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Imperial NOES: None ABSENT: None None ABSTAIN: ` 42, . � City Clerk EXHIBIT F --'� 1 43 44' ] b-0 Y tCITYOF r fg ryROSEMEAD { SAMPLE BALLOT and Voter Information Pamphlet GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1999 • POLLS OPEN AT 7 A.M. AND CLOSE AT 7 P.M. THE LOCATION OF YOUR POLLING PLACE IS SHOWN AT BOTTOM OF BACK COVER WARNING: Your polling place may have been changed from a previous election. NOTICE: APPLICATION TO "VOTE BY MAIL" ON BACK COVER • FOREIGN LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS AVAILABLE Pursuant to federal law, voter information and sample ballots have been translated and are available in the following language(s): If you would like a copy of the translated ballot and sample ballot, at no cost to you, please telephone: The Office of the City Clerk or call 1-800-481-8683. SPANISH: Si usted quiere recibir una Copia de la boleta y una boleta de muestra en espanol sin ningOn costo para usted, sirvase telefonear: Ala Oficina del Secretario Municipal o llama al 1-800-481-8683 $tufi'1:#ZRZ.aigMai ® tinr c*, Mn'3& CHINESE: ] gE jt, , 411 1-800-481-9683 VIETNAMESE: Nep qui vi muon, o mtt ban sap,iu`a la phieu 1a phieu mau Imlay tieng I digin ten ngoi ngd) hoan tomo mien phi, xin um long then ihoai: VAN PHDNG TM; KT THANH PHO tai hoac goi 1-000418683 • VOTE BY MAIL AVAILABLE TO ALL VOTERS To apply for a MAIL BALLOT, fill in the Application Form on the back page of this Voter Information Pamphlet and mail it to the City Clerk by the deadline stated on the form itself. „mol'V O ✓ INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: OFFICIAL BALLOT S CITY OF ROSEMEAD A O To vote for a candidate whose name appears GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION T on the ballot, remove the ballot card from the TUESDAY, MARCH 2. 1999 n security envelope and completely punch out �Y� THIS BALLOI STUB SHALL BE REMOVED I the circled cross e in the voting square to the AND RETAINEDSY THE VOTER P N right of the candidate's name. L Where two or more candidates for the same Remove circled cross e completely G office are to be elected, completely punch out E the circled cross e after the names of all candidates for that office for whom you desire No. 1234 ' to vole, not to exceed, however, the number I HAVE VOTED—HAVE YOU? B of candidates who are to be elected. N To vote for a qualified write-in candidate,write 'I' For MEMBER of the CITY COUNCIL A S the name in the blank space left for that 'III,,I, , Vote for no more than TWO L purpose and BE SURE TO PUNCH OUT THE `"Illi'.I.' GARY A.TAYLOR T CIRCLED CROSS e TO THE RIGHT OF %'il Rosemead Cly CounDlmember L THE WRITE-IN NAME. 'I'.;'til, DOLLY LEONG —* e R 0 Assessment Hearing Ofllcer All marks exceptthe punch holes are forbidden. (IMI JAY T. IMPERIAL . e U All distinguishing marks or erasures are ''ll;, incumbent T forbidden and make the ballot void. If you 111' C wrongly punch, tear or deface the ballot card, r. II e , e T return it to the precinct board member and 111'1 III obtain another. 0 N S (CALO65) ALO65 (G ) VOTER INFORMATION PAMPHLET The following pages contain: CANDIDATE STATEMENTS Each Candidate's Statement in this pamphlet is volunteered by the candidate, and is printed at the expense of the candidate.Although all candidates had the opportunity to submit a statement,some candidates may not have submitted a statement. A complete list of candidates appears on the sample ballot page of this pamphlet. VOTING BY MAIL (ABSENTEE VOTING ) Voting by mail is available to ALL REGISTERED VOTERS. To apply for a MAIL BALLOT,fill in the Application Form on the back page of this Voter Information Pamphlet and mail it to the City Clerk by the deadline stated on the form itself. YOUR HELP IS REQUESTED We are looking for volunteers to work as Precinct Board Officers and we are looking for places to use as Polling Places for this and upcoming elections. If you are interested in serving as a Precinct Officer or letting us use your residence for a polling place, please call the Office of the City Clerk. INTERNET WEB SITE(S) FOR POLLING PLACE INQUIRY Los Angeles County Registrars Office _ http://rrcc.co.la.ca.us • Rn pme ri 4 FOR PARA MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL GARY A.TAYLOR GARY A. TAYLOR Age: 58 Edad: 58 Occupation: Rosemead City Councilman Ocupacion: Concejal de la Ciudad de Rosemead Education and Qualifications: St. Anthony's School; San Education y Capacitation: Escuela St. Anthony; San Gabriel Mission High School; U.C.L.A. Extension, Business Gabriel Mission High School: Anexo de U.C.L.A., Management Specialty; Pasadena Community College Especialidad en Administration de Negocios; Pasadena Community College My family and I have lived in Rosemead for thirty-six years. Mi familia y yo hemos vivido en Rosemead por treintiseis When elected as your city councilman I pledged to ands. Cuando yo fui electo comp su concejal yo prometi protect your homes and property rights. I will continue to proteger su hogar y derechos de propiedad. Yo voy a safeguard your homes and rights. I pledged honest,open, continuer protegiendo sus hogares y derechos. Yo prometi responsible, and efficient government for the people of un gobierno honrado, abierto, responsable y eficiente para Rosemead. This promise has also been kept. el pueblo de Rosemead. Esta promesa tambien la he Rosemead does not have a city property tax and I will cumplido. continue to oppose new taxes on the people in Rosemead. Rosemead no tiene un impuesto municipal sobre I believe in balanced growth and development in the city. propiedad y yo voy a continuer oponiendome a nuevos Many new homes have been recently been built in impuestos sobre el pueblo de Rosemead. Yo creo en un Rosemead and many miles of new street paving have been crecimiento y urbanization equilibrada de la ciudad. completed. Valley Boulevard is being completely Muchos nuevos hogares han sido construidos reconstructed and new parking will be added for the local recientemente en Rosemead y muchas millas de nueva businesses. A new redevelopment Project Area is being pavimentacion de la cane han sido completadas. El planned for all of Valley and Rosemead Boulevards. Bouelvard Valley este siendo completamente reconstruido Redevelopment must be properly controlled to prevent y nuevo estacionamiento va a ser agregado para el abuse of homeowners and businesses. comercio local. Un proyecto nuevo de reurbanizacion esta I will protect homeowners and businesses. siendo planeado para todo Io que es el Bouelvard de Valley People want and deserve responsible and efficient y Rosemead. La reurbanizacion dobe de ser controlada government. I again promise to serve the People of apropiadamente para prevenir el abuso de duenos de casa Rosemead. Thank You. y negocios. Yo voy a proteger a los duenos de casa y los negocios. Is;GARY A. TAYLOR Las personas quieren y se merecen un gobierno responsable y eficiente. Yo prometo nuevamente servirle al Pueblo de Rosemead. Gracias. if!GARY A. TAYLOR Rosemead is FOR PARA MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL DOLLY LEONG DOLLY LEONG Occupation: Assessment Hearing Officer Ocupacion: Agente de Audiencias de Valorizacion Dolly Leong's educational achievements make her your Los Iogros en educacidn de Dolly Leong hacen de ella la best qualified Council candidate. They include Bachelor of candidata mas capacitada para el Concejo. Esto incluye Laws and Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Licensiatura en Leyes y Licenciatura en Comercio de la Rangoon, Registered Accountant, Myanmar and Enrolled Universidad de Rangoon, Contable Registada, Myannar Agents. and Enrolled Agents. Her 30 years of working experience include being Sus 30 anos de experiencia incluyen su empleo come employed as a L.A. County Assessment Appeals Hearing Oficial de Audiencias de Apelacion de Valorizaciones del Officer,real estate broker,senior citizen housing manager, Condado de L. A., comisionista de bienes raices, gerente assistant banking officer and accountant. de vivienda para ciudadanos de edad, oficial bancaria asistente y contable. Dolly Pledges to: • Protect your property rights and support more Dolly Promete: programs for affordable housing and for first time • Proteger sus derechos de propiedad y apoyar mas home buyers. programas de vivienda economica y para • Appropriate more money for sheriff services to compradores de casa por primera vet prevent and fight crime. • Apropiar mas dinero para servicios del alguacil • Support priority use of Gas tax for traffic safety para prevenir y luchar contra el crimen. control around schools, senior citizen housing • Apoyar el use priontario del impuesto de Gas para and parks. seguridad del trafico, control alrededor de las • Carefully scrutinize formal investment policy to escuelas, vivienda para personas de edad y not repeat the $3,000,000 bad investment loss parques. in 1995. • Escrutinar cuidadosamente la practice de • Limit City Council to 2 consecutive 4 year terms. inversiones para no repetir la perdida de $3,000,000 por una mala inversion en 1995. Rosemead has been home for Dolly and her children for • Limiter al Concejo Municipal a dos periodos 25 years. Put your trust in Dolly. She is dedicated to work consecutivos de cuatro anos. hard for you. She speaks English, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Burmese. She will understand you and your problems Rosemead ha sido el hogar de Dolly y sus nines por 25 and will work hard to unite our multi-cultural City. anos. Pongan su confianza en Dolly. Ella este dedicada a trabajar duro para Uds. Ella habla ingles, mandarin, /s/DOLLY LEONG cantones, y birmano. Ella va a comprenderlo a Ud. y sus problemas y va a trabajar duro para unir a nuestra ciudad multicultural. /f/DOLLY LEONG FOR PARA MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL JAY T. IMPERIAL JAY T. IMPERIAL Occupation: Incumbent/Army Retired Ocupacion: Titular/Militar Jubilado I would consider it an honor and privilege to again serve all Yo consideraria un honor y privilegio servir nuevamente a the people of Rosemead. As your Mayor and Councilman todas las personas de Rosemead. Como su Alcalde y for twenty years, I have helped lead the fight against the Concejal por veinte anos, yo he ayudado a dirigir la lucha co-generation power plant and the taking by eminent contra la planta de electricidad co-generadora y de obtener domain of almost 400 Rosemead homes scheduled for a Craves de dominio eminence casi 400 hogares de destruction for an unneeded high school. Rosemead programados a ser destruidos para un escuela secundaria innecesaria. I led the drive for senior housing and the Vietnam Memorial at City Hall. I have and will continue to fight any new taxes, Yo dirigi la compana para vivienda de personas de edad y including utility, property, and "special assessment el conmemoratorio a Viet Nam en el edificio municipal. Yo districts." I worked to bring in the Rosemead portion of the he luchado y continuare luchando contra nuevos impuestos Montebello Mall, producing badly needed jobs and incluyendo use de los servicios publicos, propiedad, y revenue. "distritos de tasacibn especial.' Yo trabaje para traer la porcibn de Rosemead del Centro de Compras Montebello, My priorities are also for cleaner, safer streets, parks free que produjo empleos e ingresos que se necesitaban of violence and graffiti,with community policing to establish enormemente. rapport with our neighborhoods and a feeling of security for all. Mis prioridades son tambien para calles mos limpias. mos seguras, parques libres de violencia y graffiti,con vigilancia I have been a resident of Rosemead for 32 years. My two comunitaria para establecer solidaridad con nuestros sons were educated in the Rosemead School System. vecindarios y una sensaciOn de seguridad para todos. Rick is a teacher at Rosemead High School and Jeff is an Anaheim police officer. Yo he sido un residente de Rosemead por 32 anos. Mis dos hijos fueron educados en el Sistema Escolar de I served in the U.S. Army for 26 years (KoreanNietnam Rosemead, Rick es un maestro en Rosemead High School Veteran) and as Operations Administrator. y Jeff es un agente de policia de Anaheim. I would appreciate your support. Please feel free to call Yo servi en el Ejercito por 26 anos (KoreaNeterano de with any questions you might have. (626)280-7054. Vietnam) y como Administrador de Operaciones. /s/JAY T. IMPERIAL Yo apreciaria su apoyo. Por favor no titubee en Ilarnar con cualquier pregunta que Lid. pueda tener... (626)280-7054. /f/JAY T. IMPERIAL Rosemead V Mark Your calendar . . . . , don 't forget! March 1999 Sun Mon e Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 VOTE - MARCH 2, 1999 WARNING I I I Your POLLING PLACE for this CITY ELECTION may be different from the polling place you went to for the last County Election. Please check the back page of this pamphlet for the correct location. Rosemead B PERMANENT ABSENT VOTER STATUS Any voter who has lost, or has lost use of, one or more limbs, has lost use of both hands, is unable to move without the aid of an assistance device (e.g. cane, crutches, walker, wheelchair), is suffering from lung disease, has a significant limitation of the use of the lower extremities, or is suffering from a diagnosed disease or disorder which substantially impairs or interferes with the person's mobility may apply for Permanent Absent Voter Status. You may request an application for Permanent Absent Voter Status from the COUNTY ELECTION DEPARTMENT. I'I'1'1'1"I'1'11 11"11111"11"111 I'll 66C0-OLL46 VO UV31,113SOU 66E X08 Od QAlE A311VA 8E88 )I1:1310 AlID 'VWVU U301VA AONVN olaH duJ!E& a NANCY VALDERRAMA, CITY CLERK BULK RATE CITY HALL, 8838 VALLEY BLVD CAR RT SORT PO BOX 399 < U.S. POSTAGE Rosemead, CA 91770-0399 PAID 626/268-6671 ext 212 pyA{ postal • * FAX: 626/307-9218 _. _ 193 1933 • POLLS OPEN AT 7 A.M. AND CLOSE AT 7 P.M. WHEN POLLING PLACE IS INACCESSIBLE TO THE HANDICAPPED, BALLOT MAY BE VOTED OUTSIDE THE POLLING PLACE" TEAR ON PERFORATED LINE AND ATTACH POSTAGE TO REVERSE SIDE APPLICATION TO "VOTE BY MAIL" CITY OF ROSEMEAD, GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION, MARCH 2, 1999 To obtain a vote by mail ballot.complete the information on this form. This application may be taxed to the elections official. This application MUST BE RECEIVED by the elections official by: February 23, 1999 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Prml Name Date of Blain mNionall Precinct No. Balla Group No. • • PRINT MAILING ADDRESS FDR BALLOT Of FT Mraek Last dnerem from your resreence aearess) Ballo:No. Note Organizations ammWn;this mrm may MDI preprint the mating"Cress mmrmanon. Dale Issue] • ResiOenue Aadress In the Off IPO Box.Rural Route not acrept ble) Dale Returned • Off and Zip Phone THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT THE PROPER SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT Rlgnamre Macnes vole by mall ballot rot this*lemon by any other means. I coney unoer penny of penury uncle,Me laws of the Slate of not applied tmxue name enc resmen.e ao less on this application are Prue and coven. Valera etn specified dlsablalles may ouallry as PERMANENT ABSENT VOTERS. Coact your local[puny elections official liar Imlhe'intonnal,on. X DATE BALLOT TYPE SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT WARNING: Penury la PLIFIIShilE by rmpstale prison liar two.three or to yeas(Section aBonthe CalWomra Penal Code Poling. Place _ e_Vo t:DN * DELIVER TO: CALO65 w Pre:.Jl:'No [mlaizee opePes mny VIETNAMESE SAMPLE BALLOT and Voter Information Pamphlet LA PHIE U MAU va TAP CHI TINT CH() NGIdI BAU CU NOTICE ABSENTEE BALLOT APPLICATION ON BACK COVER CHU - DON V:1NG MAT VINH PIEN NAM 0 PHIS SAL CITY OF ROSEMEAD GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1999 POLLS OPEN AT 7 A.M. AND CLOSE AT 7 P.M. NANCY VALDERRAMA, CITY CLERK CITY HALL, 8838 VALLEY BLVD PO BOX 399 Rosemead, CA 91770-0399 626/288-6671 ext 212 C CHI DAN CHO Cu TRI: LA PHIEU CHINH THGC L THANH PHO ROSEMEAD A H Muon bo phieu cho mot ung ca vien co TONG TUYEN Cu THANH PHO I ten Iran la phieu, rut the phieu ra khoi phong bi an loan va foam roi han vong tram THl1 BA, 2 THANG BA, 1999 I co hinh chu thap e trong o vuong de bau CUONG PHIEU NAY SE DUOS CU TRI P ben thy phai cua ten Ung cif vien do. TACH RA VA GIG.;LAI D Khi co tit hai ung cif vien Iro len vao cung xin bin rm hin yang van hlnh chi mjpe H a mot ch !c vu de'bau, hay barn roi han vong I tron co hinh cho thap e sau ten cua tit ca SO 1234 N cac ung cif vien vao chdc vu do ma guy vi E muon bau, tuy nhien, khong dudc nhieu OI DA BO PHIEU-CON BAN THI SAO? hdn so ung cif vien can dudc bau. a :F Biu UYVI(_N HI:NO:NG THANK PHO U Muon bo phieu bang each vet ten cho mat eiu cho Idling qui HAI B ling di vien hal du dieu kien, hay vie! ten "�''�' GARY A.TAYLOR y s 0 nguoi do vao eho tr6ng danh cho muc dich '..yid uymnrwgan9mann yne Rmme NI do va NHO SAM ROI HAN VONG TRON ,u.ri v ncnrp NGtdmDmn e t,: JAY T.IMPERIAL CO HINH CND THAP 9 BEN TM' PHAI e A Immo xnrtm P CUA TEN UNG CU VIEN VIET VAO. II�, —* e U Tat ca moi dau vet ngoai trd to barn deu bi 'II —, e H l cam. Tat ca nhung dau vet dac blet de ° l,i l nhan hoac vet ta'y xoa deu bi cam va se lila ilI�111 lam Id phieu tra nen vo gia to Neu quy vi !.inI', barn thong lam cho, xe hoac lam tray trua y, ` .illi E mat la phieu, hay tra lai cho nhan vien lil 1�in U phong phieu va xin la phieu khat. . t, ytll�ll�,l IlfillId�'�,il it it �I , II n !Ilk Il l Illr ' 11 1 ifil II ii it' II iii I' i, VOTING INSTRUOTICtSfiiOSEMEAD Mar 99NIETNAM 0 EEE VIETNAMESE THANH PHO z ?HIEU BAU CU MAU VA - BAN HUONG DAN CU TRI A Nhung trang sau day co thea gom co mot hay tat ca de muc sau day: LOI TUYEN BO CUA UNG CU VIEN Moi Ldi tuyen bo cua Ling cuivien trong ban huong dan nay la do_ dng cuvien to y trinh shay, va thick, in ra do su dai tho cu'a moi ung cuivien. Mac dau tat ca Ling cu vien da co dip de trinh 161 tuxen be, nhdng trang sau day co the khong baotgom day du danh sach cua mai uhg cuivien. Mot dank sack ung cu vin da"y du nam trong Phieu bau cup mau cua ban hu'ong dan nay. A. PHUONG THU'C BAU PHIEU, PHAN TICH, TRANH LUAN VA KHANG LUAN PHUONG THUG: Mot vai trang sau day co thet?om FO nhdng phuong thin duoc dnghi , nhdng de an va nhung sda dol hien chu'ong. nhung phaae nao bi tay xoa se dua- oc in theo ki4i-ehxea-be, va nhung phan nao duoc them vao se duoc qach ddoi. PHAN TICH: Phan phan tick vo to la mot tong ket vo tui ye nhung ket qua cua phuong thuc ddoc de nghi hoac -de an. t i TRANH LUAN: Tranh luan va/hoac tranh luan • phan Chang 1a de ung ho hay chong dad_ nhung Cu luat Lido de nghi la y kien cnhung tac gia' va tam muc chinh xac chua duoc kiem chung bbxumot co quan chinh thu'c nao. CUOC BO PHIEU TUOC QUYEN Loi tuyen bo ve Ly Do Bo Phieu Tuoc Quyen va Cau Tra Loi ve Lo'i Ao Tuyen Bo LyiDo Bo' Phieu Tudc Quyen cua. Nen da so nghanh Lap t Phap that su bi tuoc, quyen, mot cugc Eau Ciidac Biet se ddp'c to chug, bat k@ nj,ulig ke"t qua cpa cuoc bo` ohieu ve' de tai that then nhung ghe trong bang sq chi dinh hoac bang mot cuoc bau cu dac biet. BO PHIEU YANG MAT Bo Phieu Va'ng Mat (bo phie"u bang bu'u digin ? la phdonF tie& cho cab cd tri qa ghi danh ma khOng �c6 the' den phong deu phieur vao nc�ay bau cd. D ' xin mot la p4ieu vang mat , xin digin vao MaauixDdn n d trang sau cua Ban Huong Dan caz Tri Ah Ngur da duoc 9o'i den tru'oc cho qui vi va xig goi denThu Ky Thanh Pho truoc ngay het han co ghi ro trong mau dbn do. (chdc vy ung cu): UM VIEN HOI DONG THANH PHO (ten) GARY A. TAYLOR Tu6i: 58 Nghe Nghiep: Uy Vien Hqi Dong Thanh Ph6 Rosemead Hoc Van va Kha Nang: Truang St. Anthony; Trung Hoc San Gabriel Mission: U.C.L.A. Extension, Chuyen Nganh Quan In Xi Nghiep: Tniong Cao Dang Pasadena Gia dinh tbi va tOi da sinh s6ng tai Rosemead trong ba muni sau nam. Khi duct bau lam uy vicn hOi dung thanh ph6 cua quy vi, tei da cam Wet bao ve nha cua va cac quyen ve tai san cua quy vi. Tbi cam ket dem lai mot chinh quyen thanh that, cat mo, có trach nhiem, va co hieu nang cho nguoi dan Rosemead. Tbi da giu tron lei hda nay. Rosemead kheine co thu6 the trach thanh ph6 ca ten se ti6p tuc ch6ng d6i cac khoan thue mai ap dat len nguoi dan Rosemead. Toi tin vao mac tang truing phut trien quan binh tong thanh ph6. Nhieu nha moi duce xay dao an day tai Rosemead va da hoar' tat nhieu dam duong trang nhua mai. Valley Boulevard duce xay lai hoar man va se lap them bai dau xe moi cho cac thudng nghiep dia phudng. Hien ke beach tai phut trien Khu Du An moi cho Valley va Rosemead Boulevard dang dude soan thao. COng cuoc tai phut trien phai duct kiem soat dung mut de ngan ngua tinh trans lam dung nguoi co nha va thudng nghiep. Tbi se bao ve nguoi co nha va thudng nghiep. Moi nguoi deu mu6n va xung Bang cd mot chinh quyen có trach nhiem va hieu nang. Met len nua tOi xin hua se phuc vu Nguoi Dan Rosemead. Cam On quy vi. Gary A. Taylor CANDIDATE STATEMENT-TAYLOR/ROSEMEAD Mar 99NIETNAMESE (chug va ung cul: UY VIEN HQI DONG THANH PHO (len) DOLLY LEONG Tubi: Nghe Nghiep: Vien Chile Phan Xet Tham Dinh Cac thanh qua ve hoc van cua DOLLY LEONG giup ba la ung cu vien hei du dieu kion nhat vao Hei Dong Thanh Ph6. Cac thanh qua nay gam Bang Cu Nhan Luat va Cu Nhan Thuong Mai to Vien Dai Hoc Rangoon, Ke Toan Vien Dude Chung Nhan, Mien Dien va Enrolled Agents. 30 nam kinh nghiem lam viec cua ba gOm cac chug vu nha Vien Chuc Phan Xet Cac Trtiong HOp KhiSu Nai ve Tham Dinh cua Quan L.A., mei gioi vien dia 6c, quan ly gia cu cao nien, phu to vien chat ngan hang va ke loan vien. DOLLY CAM KET SE • Bao ve cac queen ve tai san cua quy vi ca ysm trO nhieu chudng trinh hon ve gia cu vua kha nang tai chanh va cho nhung nguoi mua nha fan dau tion. • Danh them ngan khoan cho cac dish vu canh sat truong de ngan ngua va ch6ng tei ac. • Hau thuan viec uu titin xu dung thus Xang do kism soat an toan xe ce xung quanh cac truong, gia cu cua nguoi cao then va cling vien. • Xem set ky luong chinh sach dau ni chink Mac de khong bi lam vao lai tinh tang dau to thua 16 53,000.000 h'i nam 1995. • Gioi han nhiem ky cua uy vien Hpi Dbng Thanh Ph6 g$m 2 nhiem k9 lien tip moi nhiem Icy 4 nam. ROSEMEAD da là nha cua DOLLY va cac con ba trong 25 nam. Hay oat tin Mang vao DOLLY. Ba d6c tam tan thy phut vu qu9 vi. Ba not chigc tieng Anh, Ph6 Thong, Quang Dong, va Mien Dien. Ba se hien quy vi va cac van de cilia quy vi va se n6 life lam vice de doan keit Thanh Ph6 da van Ma cua chung ta. CANDIDATE STATEMENT-LEONG/ROSEMEAD Mar 99/VIETNAMESE • (chdc vu Ong ca). UY VIEN HOT DONG THANH PHO (ten) JAY T. IMPERIAL Tubi: Nghe Nghiep: Diking Nhiem/ Luc Quan Hbi Heu Tad lay lam han hanh va vinh du de duge phut vu lai tat ca nguoi dan Rosemead. La Thi Tniong ve Uy Vicn Hai Pang Thanh Ph6 cua qu9 vi trong hai muidi nam, toi dA eiup lanh dao cugc tranh deu thong nha may Long sen xuet dien lac va viec du dinh ming dung gan 400 can nha tai Rosemead de pha hay hau say met trifling trung hoc khong an thiel. Toi da lanh dao chien dich gia cu cho nguoi cao nicn va Dai Ky Niem Viet Nam tai Toa Thi Chink. Tai da va se tip tut ch6ng bat cu khoan thu6 neo m6i, ke ca thus tion ich, th6 trach, VE "cac dia hat them dinh dac biet." Toi da lam viec de dem lai cho Rosemead mot pan cua Montebello Mall. tao duoc Gong an viec lam va cac so thu nhep that can thief. Cac nu titin cua toi dung nham veo duong ph6 sach se hon, an toan hon, tong vien khong xay ra bao dong va ve bay, voi chinh sach canh sat tong long de tao niem thong cam vol cac khu xom cua chung to ca cam giao an ninh cho tat ca moi nguoi. Tod da la cu dan tai Rosemead trong 32 nam. Hai con trai toi da duge giao duc trong He Thong Hoc Duong Rosemead. Rick là giao vien tai Trung Hoc Rosemead va Jeff la canh sat vien Anaheim. Ted da phut vv trong Luc Quan Hoa Ky 26 nam (Cuu Chien Binh Triou Tien/Viet Nam) va la Dieu Hanh-Vico Chien Dich. Toi lay lam cam kich dugc su hau thuan cua qu9 vi. Xin cei to nhien goi dien thoai cho toi ncu qu9 vi co bat cu that mac gi... (626) 280-7054 JAY T. IMPERIAL CANDIDATE STATEMENT-IMPERIALROSEMEAD Mar 99/VIETNAMESE VIETNAMESE • DON VAN(: MAT VINH VIEN CUA NGU(H BAU CO Bal cu ngudi hau cu nil() da mat, hay mat di sit dung cua nhtTng chi the bung then the. khong the di chuySn ncu khung cu sit giup dU ndi dung cu ni° nth'. (cay gay, cai nang, ngudi giup dd. xc phei nhani. hay mat birth dal] phui. co nhicu Ira ngai di chuycn phia dudi ngtriti. hay dang hi thio hal iU nhttng hinh tat ma can Ire den sit di chuycn eau minh. thi dude yuycn npp don xin phcp cho didc tang mat vinh Bien cho ngudi hgu cit. • Qu vi co the xin dun nay tai nhiing CHI NCANH BAU CU CUA TPNH. LA PHIEU NOP DON CHO NGUdI VANG MAT PK2 ca dime Ii prvc chi nyvni•jnR min.tin thin them chi uci dnni Jzy. lion BY yPDA!NOP V.A Q cho niinirrig nyuih chi nn thele l9 m nu np eine iii ii cir hind dJ dun cine Lining nw hiudu. 5 Tee Ioi ree Ho Du ries Y Odess edllen col LW to"dicta nin n a d me then 3 Naw•,p,$C leen,.en.p etre N)Hn,. fM i.Shay hoi ESA nit m ne won d cis I.,dn not Y..W. Tin Dena) Ye Nu Than Ono"M �des Nino • DOS St KIIONG fb intu QUA NEU KIIONG rO flit KT CIIA NGIIr11 DIEN DUN mip La plucu ring mal nay thong vdi j'nag kh c. Toi vin hSa OJOi lour Iii ciia Tidy Bang California d rn lui larnrig cd Nc Ric doi. Ten r1 du oW ven don ney dEu IA se that X Ngay Kt TEN COA NCIJdI DIEN DON ae.,�. ioN DUNG Cit DON u.im,a"no:.a In"aa. "•c.we...i.