CC - Item 4E - Staff Report Authorization to Attend League of California Cities Conference staffe ort TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: \ FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JULY 21, 1999 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES COMMUNITY SERVICES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE, AUGUST 4-6, 1999, MONTEREY Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. There will be sessions on the following topics: Creating Livable Communities, Building Community Support for Economic Development, Economic Collaboration, and Economic Development, The Internet, and the Future of Sales Tax. The Council has authorized attendance in the past and it has proven to be of benefit to the Community. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council authorize the attendance of any Councilmember, the City Manager and staff as designated by the City Manager. COUNCIL AGENDA JUL 271999 ITEM No. 6e -g I� J League of California Cities r.._. 1:::: Community Services & Economic Development Conference Wednesday - Friday, August 4 - 6, 1999 Doubletree Hotel, Monterey You won't want to miss this meeting if you are •a Recreation and Parks Director •an Arts Director • Mayor and Council Member • Economic Development Professionals • City Manager •a Librarian •a Community Services Director • Downtown Revitalization/Main Street Coordinators Don't miss this popular and practical combined program! EOLA credits available for elected officials attending this conference. Attend sessions focusing on livable communities, professional development, economic develosment and much, much more! Sessions You Don't Wont to Miss: Confirmed Speakers: • Mobilizing o Community's Assets • John McKnight, Institute for Policy Research, • Dispute Resolution Techniques Evanston, Il • Economic Development 101 • Steve Barber, Barber& Gonzales, Granite Bay • Downtown Revitalization • Leslie Parks, Director, Office of Economic • The Library of the Future Development, Son Jose • Work Force Preparation: What's Needed for • Audrey Taylor, President, Chabin Concepts, Chico Economic Development • Henry Moore, Faculty, Asset-Based Community • Collaborating To Serve Our Youth Development, Savannah, GA • Is a Local Arts Agency Right for Your City? - Jack Agati, Encouraging Concepts, Londonderry, • Building Community Support for Your Economic NH Development or Community Services Program - Steve Pan Tell, President, La Jolla Institute, • How to Arrive at Common Results for Planning for Claremont Children and Family • Robert Barrett, Vice President of Cultural • So You want to Start a Street Festival? Tourism, Los Angeles Convention and Visitors • Creating Livable Communities in the 21"Century Bureau • Cultural Tourism, • Mark Friedman, Director, Fiscal Policy:Studies • Homework Centers: Public Libraries and Recreation Institute, Inc., MD Centers - Jane Adorns, Executive Director of CPRS, • Achieving Economic Vitality on Main Street Sacramento • Innovative Youth Programs • Richard Rodriguez, Author/Speaker, Pacific News • Economic Collaboration Services, San Francisco • Sports Entertainment as an Economic Development • Barry Hessenius, California Assembly of Local Arts - Tool Agencies(CALAA), San Francisco For a copy of the conference announcement, call the League's Fax on Demand Service at 1(800) 572-5720 or download it from our website CIT/LINK 2000 (www.cacities.org) Dont miss this educational opportunity,designed just for YOU! NEW REGISTRATION DEADLINE JULY 16, 1999 U • ail tOp Y�E4A5T1 sh, �1 League of California(ides i1$ O . 1696-1996 4- 0 44.INC 'o44.INC T00' Who Should Attend... V �1:ryor ar d C(luna Members City haat nCe s C'.ontmunit) Sem lecc Di rect on and Com mmsmners Recreation niarl lark C Diton - \ Arts Director rApk. Lihcviane YILt L Econ m' Dc.c lnpm ent Prolmctonals Chamber of Commerce and 0 wntoun Dict a .9 amryrer. Donniny.ii R Revitalizatuinigilani Street Coordinators Q T • pawl You'll Benefit By Exploring the tit.it ! e et wern c ity sm and ecn nmtc de I r O • Learntng how to strengthen coor community derelopm nl proLiranis e 1 r �. Doubletree Hotel • Lenz-lung the l na about economic elopment oprome owl opportunities Monterey, CA • Making 'aunble contactc with people i help ,i8 your city “ • Being re-energiged nt great presentations andrew ideas p9 •dne5d0y through Friday [Mout the difference you can make in s ur city 1,$t erqust 4-6, 1999 ct/� — Don [miss this popular and practical combined program' • _ EICCICC c“1. ¢et LIL(11.0 In the d ` llry ; T El d Oflcials L ed rshlp A V re in, m„v cess any _, Chi: conrerLnct.. zc indh.atcd oc rim � y 51'mSu!. TEf a t}r I tF 5 tl e ` Hon Deadline: Coe -22• � cl se vLa a • y 14, 1999 w 5;r egistration Deadline: an t = Friday, July 9, 1999 • � © oo YFMS 7:.n„. 3 PI* rla of California ties iLj © ��ec4*fNG TGG C/ Who Should Attend... U arid nulledMc hers R; ns c,immunio Ser. D c, r.nd Cnmm wan mors Recreation and Parki ParkDirectors 4RsDlrcaors Lihror::nt VEconomic Dia elopment Protea anal s Chambi r 111 Commerce d nm.m Divisict n]ana^rr. DoPntoo PI Rev lialization't•lain Street Coordinators • la* r You'll Benefit By... • C of theOctvital te e n . . miu cr m c oe lol , . h 10 ep In u crinimunil Orf: ra development programs • Learning,the P lc t about evonorriit development options �g • Doubletree Hotel and ea nP S.-4:.....„ Monterey, CA • Making 'alu me co cct vim people '� Iheip • toe re-energiged nv-re:u presentations and r•c.c ideas n,a , •dnesdaythrough Friday is > t 9 Y photo the difference u can mnF ?'iralt)91 , .ust 4-6, 1999 n > ,-• j Don Miss [his porylvr and rut so co biped pro9-om. h /c N-1� d L` plea ,'r n 'r 'I [ In le L I0J IE C I lI rC I L G Ir :1r t � • n 1.?. son ill is _i-.._E.e. asmr ... , M. h._- s t r f� 4 Y•'N Y O "f tion Deadline: Q " "4. ".` Dy De4,adline:1999 CNN) e4 egutration Deadline: T ' Friday, July 9, 1999 t Registration Hotel Reservations R sl tt Th D' a tre' H ', is `te t a: I rape Adsanyc itiptrietn b, ). logq ' the fun Cnnf cr and Ie eaatonuun orthh S at t S singleor double r (ploy Of ten peici m cit yhotel 'Ur. To conhrm holt; r al depn.it in Zile amount of the nisi nushi - pie tt form the Cut St ohs isienlixture , the Curlier nce Dull mrd.I. cru t expand nnshortyourveor k I5: Ile° ' aMaio cd _r quot Depositsc refundabI re e mm_ n alh you' r lI ccs in City Hall'Advance �•an c within hours pri m ht dale I re IU Ic IeP m 1, cnr triol ride_ II5J IC thia lai ar Isa, record yaw ca lharn Ct Jolt9 Iq!I .S that hnot sI Toe A s : n tee bonus at s noInmL r.l:thL u sots has sots. oat hIc erne cul f me, the e rt 'ubl i apply I I 'I ob rA L. too lonh n. . and one 2 rsxtion= :. :he aut-olt dote nl recen' on rut any questirms ra abcrtha2 r-p..Iratlon' dl e miner' the Lettpue :gni:ft-mice registration ist hiioinitaft5.51 - Advance Registration pull WedricydayJulyIe 1959 utr n 'ono❑ c r d . . a line end space asuildhiiii> bests the I r T ,lonfLer uhli a to SIJ ytteat ijinills ' It Taaaiglit rale We u so ' to make yOm ` early Ch :- n time is .U5 p of Ci i O- 'al. S^5 n Lu- cg muted desk Non-City City Publ 7I1 zi is Sipe C n lu rW Il he tit Pim Mr n ems oII nee Censer 'I Daub It ! r me Il others 5 VI' n I ecd not '.de 'Jc - -. Cite Dat Duly I n I. zppr u is 5F u•n m - _ � . Cry O I 5165 MU -y arr-I tflgi Non-Cny r'.'DiI 1)1i-totals 1190 All niir 5C:5 t Payment Is It must.ammmm n .Iauu . fuer. noo tons ' your 5 'annn r atif.CP.Vsa na v I r d. No purutsast ot dem 4 d,von or 7 tins p 1 0 in szit n t ucd,vrnI c rss rzyIng u615S5r1 Adr.nl:t Ie_Igraab. rmoble to aeend can send a PI >uostinve. or rc.Jvt a IHfund of the rtnistration Ice less n 5 pmccssmne charge. by v.numg the I•a:uc tt of California CILizS C once,elrRzg:StraLIOn C rcr Box lu.La!usicur (IA'eiA9 x gi3 Brc1ues s :or it-Fonds must he r___I ed by . .iclag. lids 3.,. :09:1 To its;ure this program benefits al` a hu tmend _ . callI C t 3- :. rerlce, Officec . ,aorn ie 11��77 Si-: nDl:vll0n5 Lr 4 I 15r: I7.Ill.. checkkw: -rite is nnnu Ca Pirese r: Lat in t rhe tenir Dert :Oa: hit n _Hotel d I II vide man ne- n av rum in:A9omerev v .. CIIII ;at' FA. it; • t „y�� r: ', t __ Transportation Directions O J 11 r ed ti rmec r n r F it nc:. lbFrom theuhlrt c Hold: ... u a mea dl l le r ' any h h 1n:h : r �� 11 i' S :t u v Aorl r c C h i U r reand San] 10 ' Pacific aI nC sio n'. .need <u un car .,F ' A: thee c:o r t ' - • PS nouns cdr f. Montera.:, from O44.:u:ti-and lcric in c.m.n (e: - r if :r. ._a min unune . i' now., ai n S ltConference C n S u I uiP r - r):scncnt curfaracnr able r ns'r r c eF > jinn. 01, v fh _ Au-1=Au-1=c in u^ . .:eP1 ne ar A. t� c e 'h n Ent n ' o I .f: l .rnc s sf� F inn trcf may h ucl cu: on til L' n :: ,) I i) ad‘iinct through .teLeegrc-sao..z'r,d nureunde .'.'_ PmErum.l vnurcv ha• nei cl:encr 'rt b, ' rti fo. :i-hla.P. _i _ n^1 �hL__ k t r ;9 l res I Cr I- C '. m.tidu mia .ef S uI r Ir In S.. : dC Ir '1 n T .n o and lc ..ue urde forms Jr_ '' - Ic ! I _ I. the c t l _ : f .. Rfl i f_: All 1 ;c d :c C I nu: i i pow � I v u r. those _.c� h.'C : .ne F :ii i i r jnk, J-� m mcvanzcd . 5e c f r'L .1nc. com..ru_ 111 In Inrrtre l„ -. ,.,cjalinc nne wm...d-. ;:l'IIII- 'L:ILo C r C. (-ail hacr2 S ', Commuter Parking rudr f. ti ' s n eu c Ccb .ome C U' h'lir! 11 Th )r hI:Lr n:arl 'r IIICLICC .C. n pa n . r.t u n c. .e n 3:rC_6: Las: Cu«Orn Hance— I C'Jled n viaaning',on Srree:ba!wmcnimwnk,m . -cm.anc LL-i ed Mom -:uie '. i,c:n 1 ,.,. ,r. anti" r''. 'C-�r— I' S c_. oe a r Fcc:Mlir, t : „_' alum: Avenue (11114 r1 101)Cil: ;le" n I f= i u — 'I `5r> : . . Wednesday,August 4 Ti acking Tux Revenue Gcneruti on to Ile.n Auld Ltonoulic➢cve.opmem (ED) C ENoon - 5:00p.m. U rC Economic Devol opminl for Small Cities (ED) Registration Open I .5 elective credits i' 2.00 - 3:30 p.m. /CDowntown Revitalization. - T " ' Ct Local Success Stories(ED) 5 elective ncd:is Q Opening General Session Mobilizing a Communhly's-4ssets if The Infrastructure Ion Economic Development (ED) C.) 1 K 5 CDIE credlf5 .5 elective credits V T 1C Wolk Force Proparau nn: What i Needed fur C lohnMCK its ileo-We horde O3ui Win^_ — John McKnight. s From the Inside Out. peaks on how r Economic Development (ED) 5 ekcuve credits U ci tics can mobilin local assets through the Aese' O 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. EBased Community Development (ABCD)model. 0_ Hoer how California communities can benefit from General Session (CS) O what has been lessened nationwide. K,$ Corr ,edits -T- CI) C) 3:45 - 5:15 p.m. Building and Identifying Community Problem Solvers Concurrent Sessions Henry Moore will huild upon John MCKmp;rl'5 Q L The Library of the Future(CS) discussion on the Aszct-Uascd Community U Learn how hooks and technology fit into en the library Development(ABCDI model and share his expcntncc\ C of the future and why they can be the cultural center on now ABCD worked in Savannah,Georgia. C and a Iucal point in an economically strong O p downtown area. 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. C Ii. The lion To-of an Asset-Eased Community Concurrent Sessions O 5Development(LC) L Collaborating to S e OurYouth (CS) U ct S cur Litchis In collaboration with the City COO u S honks w Iain IuIN M Kra ht in thio inlunnal wit kshoo Purina ship x C al s t >tsmun ll lUr I cotecso _va community nd yaw how In mubllaa dr :.d-u m your Putt ership xu n th t imssi tt rl l ook a c r 'r'ea Ommunn)', and c:poosih p t a public Servtnl, in your communities without tel IIn- IMO tor! issoCt 0 • r1 In. Dispute Resolution Techniques(PD) II. Workshop Guide to Mapping Local Assets(LC) U .'_C 5 - credits tTHc eon a nils _ T J E mote how disputeresolution can help strengthen Henry Moore will teach,you how to gel CittLett.. a) u nmun ti s and Seal with potentially cunlennons engaged, how to transform griyei-motor 'and vitt noxa oventnten-n alta rs f- m lordstosal ani eii ;CI FE Economic nenelopmrnt 101 (ED) nnvcmment working Ior the people:and hnw to use .(2.. IMMO 6.5 dec'ive credits ABCD as an econnmie developnient r el. 0 rIII. Cultural Tourism Explore how elected officials and stall can work - = m^ather to boost a strong economic development Does your city have a unique cultural ed ^ Come t— prnurarn in you: city, hearhow a faseiction.ahng past can be id tined into a ` tWrlll uLLraction, EA 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. III Using the Economic Development Straka.to O [ 1 s Hosted Reception Shape the Community General Plan (Eft) A shokk case of ConnllnmtI'es That hove used an Evening Free economic development suategy as the iirnvmr In's:. Thursday,August g nrltameworkinnthe eommunnc_en:at !lbw . 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. Registration Open General Luncheon Session 8:00 0.M. - 9:15 0.0). Oldest m Youngest-Undersuuding the Birth Ostler lliatt entertaining and r I an prt.Senalitoll w II'. t ;n Breakfast Briefings q how your tl t e family MLUnCes tui you -newnrk Centers: 13'' ail and think end how you c lila I to that r 'ry ublic Li cranes and Rer re a;i on Cruets (CS) 'a+'"As Resources for Giant Money (CS) 4 (ED) icl 'cruse 'otrDevelopment ± rind, css: c (,):,(1(M(4())[„)Weyrs (CS) hent C ty S ccs t : s ' ta'rry-y,� y4f ' Sil+s' ; b vQ (LC)-rdime I- ahl Communities:rusk it ' Z v 4t_ l,yy' � �5 vW Ak ,��y `(PD)i licit sPr J to a.D clop ntonck ss �' ''' '''v77 CC i rs?fklPs- to ig •li a iN gay 'M 4 Y . ~�. � ' d.;,,./,,,,, L � ?'a!a ri .Ake. v# -;;53,7?1tm ....N,P A -tf. aro _ _.-,..r.; . ..T:TFf sxi,.... 2:15 - 3:45 p,m. friday,August 6 Concurrent Sessions 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon r E 7xt. Is a Local Arts Agency Right for Four City? (CS) Registration Open N Learn how the arts can Inarusc :he cultural nchn ess and economic vitality of a aryl Bary Hessenius, 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Califu nla Assembly of Local Any Agencies. Continental Breakfast r- provides a "tool kit' for cities to help translate their arts noels into an economic boon. 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. 0 II. Collaborating to Serve Bard-to-Reach General Session `2 Communities (LC) n 5 cure credits Explore ways to work with rnuntics. schools, non• Hary to Arrive at Common Results for Planning p profit mpmn:atinns, churches.neiyhborh Uod groups for Children and Family(sponsored by CCS' — O and the business community to serve hard-to-reachaPartnership) O 11 communities u le>in Your ty- MkFriedman (10111 the FtsInstitute.nes will III. Economic Collaboration discuss model or how juin pl nn 1 g can cul tee • A• AA JC 5 elective credits he condition and y uiI:ry of lite lir children irontlics TCD - CUtmm�ni11 e( Itr ¢dfuclr resit-runts have show:: the need forIncal 0 go ernm_nts to eullaborate on e[nnomi.development 10.15 - 11.45 a.m. issues. Learn how W leverage the rssnurces of local U agencies m deal with these tlwllenacc. Concurrent Sessions E /l: Achieving Economic Vitality on Main Street I. So Tem Want to Start a Street Festival?(CS) O go j (ED) lie i industry pr icnvl :strainh n 11 C n d elective credits promote d isionlil a successful O * n L a, bow the successful 'Main SOHO" model used I TheH To"of Result 6 dP! (LC) 0 w 1 other outcan be adapted for your city. lC J cure ciedi:s In b hands-on Mark r VOL4:00 - 5:15 p.m. Pee-by-step through the resul:t-hatcd acconin;abiiut U) Concurrent Sessions model. Learn tangible real-world skilb' C) • r1 I. Innovative Youth Programs(CS) DI. Sports Entertainment as an Economic U 'ricer !lin Helen Putnam Award for Excellence Development Tool 7 w.nitrc in the Ynuth Development Category. Attracting spUrts teams andassociates'. businesses is i" IL Creating Livable Communities in the 21st bueouung an opuon alllea :re eXpl01' h .. c. Conic _ li upCentury(sponsored by CPRS) (LC) 'rani au exile.ienuns vsnce 1n this Manor whose • Peli Learn how the California park and recrnauoo succev IS ullnwn well in the Lus Angeles arca r4proieseinn is eructing COMMuniry Ihroush people. R: The Stale Infrastructure Bank (ED) n payers and proorums Identify conch:that will shote Key in/not/loon, G0 1 site Calif S I--1- ie and c tri delivery in the?i.st Century, and learn tools Commer e tundra]; will discuss Mw tney Inay be of and strategies you can use immediately aosistunce to you: cm'. III. Building Community Support for Your 12:00 - 2:15 p.m. O Economic Ua'elopmrrat or Community Services O Program Concluding Luncheon Session UK cde:live credits California: .A Place to Work and Play T ifli.plOte sieps to h1 community involvement - Richard Rodriguez copula; t5 d speak et and otcpporI for vital programs and leryleca- caPiz luaecoo vent a tin y t am : [ Lew r as 1_tomtnens on how Mr mos: or-pantie ci�a-of TE Economic Development, The Internet. and the Cail loruia — and :he-nasi [atm not— has been one of Future of Sales Tax (ED) a place of Ieaore- Competing now with this Interne',and catalogue gales are taurine sales hoes romantic view a o mart pra.plre la <nNe ci from your city. Lean how m KOHL:: your talcs Lai Caldo-,ia as a pine: or warn Conk Toni out it g or_ rote,and what you can do to dual with the dnanicorg "a :WO CLdlitn-illa i can he rmcndOcil :don _ omk senc. "`A' yppA 5:15 p.m. Yi Evening Free I 1 t o 'it a - two ylt KI. nelliIks-notion iiIonern� r s to ./ - r p 'e'Wh r not I m t y tu�y^Ly. }l� Mt �( � r„ lI t i "- W .fir.[: df�5.r" a r t e r .' r tdli � lir& ' W' 1 t y, 14 a I C x u a for+` � Po t d1 1, . . ) � tI�, CityrAaency Leegoeot California Cities Community Services and Economic Development Conference O .__ • ~ August 4 - 6, 1999 - Doubletree Hotel - Monterey, California MII rind las4 name l >Id on4Jal i t :t )chnAdvance Registration 07. _<.. . o .v ' Jt r .l] _ l ,snn e R_..., a m_.,. SPOT'S,'s ci.l. .t spoors: Poll Conference 07_ Is e ,.end gar u.; Gar, ems _ u .: , u n '.a cl; aInc or City UIGc:_L. Lr. c, .urn-Cit‘ Puhnc C lfhO:1i5 Cr Al! Others _ ___- TOTAL S One 0oy Only - _. ...- r, am a r stem v .,h,sg ce ,r. .tss:ron ors_ ) 0:y Unicirir unl l r;,al.J irpinem Al! Othr.s I;oa hel rir lann iu_. To help ur plan for an) special needs,plcace T L II caVll the ro"ferenri reR,strarion (07ct at Iauraic w-:uch cac D25/2S3-211331 arnv registrant requrrus OTA t ial crrrnrnndatinn,.for dicahihtic.. special nc. . Payment information .. Ca Registration Receipts Mutt ci cc:s pzct:_a o Leacce o: Ceie.orn;2 V n _ hu mailed G No pu _ nr .cr. n r or a . p, i,,. the following. D rt 'srdst J Ci Ch,_F--i or: u.... _ .rah J V¢:.J NIrs:sca:.^. srs --- -_— This form must be postmarked by Friday, July 9, 1999. Advance Registrationy, Jl ,Deadline19forf er hooks Please mail to: coupon4111. is Friday, ]u!} 9, ]999. After this LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES date, please register on site. P. 0. Box 1519 Lafayette, CA 94549 925/283-2713 For those paying with credit cord ONLY, you may fax to 916/653-8220. League of California Cities Community Services and OEconomic Development Conference • MI . August 4 - 6, 1999 • Doubletree Hotel • Monterey, California IMM Ct Pic:¢e ;Dake oupies of this foum ii more than one Deposit information rnurn:s to form.he reserved. If you choose to fax s for . co-nplmc;he credit Bard ii,fnaia;ion hclow. Plcese do Check.should hed t ayahi ' Ic the Double:rep not moil dupl' ates. 1-lorel All rc cr -rt o t emus: be c' bleed w11.1; 10077 nights :porn depose or..red;t_:nd. J City Cheek D Personal Ci;ech in Cr drCind (� ir Cja g4 roti•.,,n.., .. .,n Return this form to: Cille Accommodations Requested Doubletree Hotel 2 Portola Plaza Single room (I person)il Monterey, CA 93940 a;542$Iduy+ 10%cit hovel tan 831/649-4521 Double double room (2 people/2 beds fax 83]/649.3109 Q a:$1251 day + 10% city hotel tax ' Double room (2 people!! bed) ut S125mav- 10% i;ty hael :�. Act Now! Reservation Deadline is Wednesday,= -I No smol-np room July 14, 1999! J Ha di apo d c c If _Lr t scl zevl-oli 1a 11 s'tv�_ n �iik U7110.7.01:1 nail.hlre ret kcscnations;erne cd erten 'Ho .7711- )11 dere 0111 be eecnmrnodnted on a . e and space ...a;Iahtlity heli, only. We urpe yop it. c,a;- . recer.vuons early. CDin yDur ‘D (eglueS ett t4e Community Services & Economic Development Conference August 4 - 6 1999, in Monterey - j r v of a : r4i6 r } s i ` t { a -i�f� , t vi arnicp 7tj•es WorkppTogefher, g :, ht ' : p,$1r Cn"` t a ^s Y, l ' HAV _ t hojn � 1 rr C ie rk abr 1 p a .. _,J'tkJ`.,�731y4^ -.�4J`)et ;aY>F �l Y._ 2'Sw:ittitr.. pCk7�� �. r .1 1....r����r: id�:.. „Qs.Oyy N 6 VJ `olumue»eS a^r .®. °s IaaA)S 31 out ( _p sapotiwnj9n)wank/ sas)t,) e!u.m;gop Jo anea7 +e. 0