CC - Item 4A - Staff Report Authorization to Attend League of California Cities Conference 1999 ,¢ • R ®4. . stat eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS t ,.ROOSSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER r DATE: JULY 20, 1999 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 1999 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, OCTOBER 10-12, 1999, SAN JOSE Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. This years conference will include sessions on: Unfunded Mandates, Public-Private Partnerships, Effective Advocacy Techniques, Enhancing Council-Staff Relations, and Working with State and Other Governmental Agencies. The Councilmembers and staff have attended in the past and it has proven to be of benefit to the community_ RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the attendance of any Councilmember, City Attorney, City Manager and staff as designated by the City Manager. COUNCIL. =,GEED,", - JUL 271999 ITEM No. A 1 K. ig 5 a i + .7r yew `c a 'Li y LEAGUE OF Cfl fIFORIO CITIES 4 1-� 4a_ . _ 1999 Annu • Conference IN 1E ^ U FOR THE MILLENNIf' Sundey - Tuesdoy, October 10 - 12, i °D9 Sz.- ,cse Ccnvenib Ceme ,, :ea.e„ • rim.. �� Preliminary Program Schedule �rii 3X �: . s 3D �? , o Ulf ' 30 eft ,-4:+ o , , x 3 ABC:mo.^dn Coes Political Influence Inc Influence Tam Politic-el The lmp6mnma of le9isiofirc term limits 6 N• D Cay Coliabwenon to Increase Influence Ncn r a Strengthening Public Trust i Normal tMu for Loco:Officials ep no Civic Lemma lm Tomorrow resO wet 3 m = 3 Achieving Fiscal Stability — Flail Primer For Local OPlciola Conducting Suamiul Revenue ma Meovure bolos 'Q n T CA a 'D Er 8 lapping Technology C 3 iechno egy App6auons m Sexd O6ciol> —mGia4enge tome .e Cm Mavens car Search or Solutions Ci D p n a_ icoTechnology Demonist-piton Lab n MI• p O O 6 S uccee6ng as Small City > !holing vat UnundeL Mondaur Working son Sze and Omer a 0 Governmental Aoenner o aD co P— Enhancing Your Local Atio Housing the Herr len Million kermnng Technmogv buammea Economy C i Wm's°Opuom n Doing and Keelung ANoroobie Homing 3 n > 3 B uilding the City Team 6 • Probable PubIrc Private P^nrerahips b Enncing CouncilNoll Relohone • IC Performance Mmsmemeni and Accountobiimy 1 nri Srien v'Persona mirk and inking Cert of Number D Understanding Birth Omer enc Working PRP 0 Orgeni 6 One Rel^bonr Ora muon^'Efierwenerr x a n FF ID re re n Department Programs m n CA Fgennol Litigation recording Y2K *meat Business Session CM The Coy Managers Pole In Communiy ea Services m F CA T.k onbecemp ono'be Brow Act 3 MC Fanned League a!Ceres Pepon a CA Tar.and Ciel Rmgbe lirigormn upwre SI CA Con...nage reined to technology A CM s.....the Monege:>Office 9 CA Reaubn^n and Motown rtl^led to guns ER LobarMonogemen'Porinetshlpc: CA Generic litigation update 3 Evolving Roos R oohs.and n CA The pros and Enc of olrernanee Responsiboirnes 0 CC Handling Notal Cnollenoo dispute rma6 eon ta pi FO The Pocttry To System L II res ER Legislative Umom.Issue and CC Technology Apphmrt^m in Admieetrebee re Dyalun mono ors There c FUNrec mpgEnon> fnntiom r CS Mosier Planninc to Meer Commsmty mr FO the lnoec orf{ommem on Cuter F0. monagina Lw Work Tune Social Needs 9FO Loc^ Gave nose Fnmxce.Wno .a FC EMS Issues tr Inc are Service CD Thelmpl a Cm' of the Fume on 0 Socomemm o Plono ^Z F. 6 n Yoor C'S CS Gm Furore o'Public An sFC &wept funning on Inc Fee Service CD New Urbonun.Revomed_Is It Rignt for me 215'Cenruryi CS An ond the Economic Gritty of Your Cy PC Saone on legislation and Liigmbn CD Perspectiveson Schon GroomGrow 3 Afemng Folia Depanmentn PC Ano ey Gener^h Alone Meering PW Technology Apallmnom es Public Weis n PW Inreli.oem ransponomnn Systems OPT"'and Aouomopet MEINTNA le- or9r r :"E I. `4acesig1 if 'r �e p.fi. v wK:-a` t`Rt; I.i . : N315 is fi-� „—.4 o • ' -: 11:00 =. x . ; It0O" Y GS i i e_it, mvas`;. 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