CC - Item 4A - Authorization to Attend 4th Annual CJPA Risk Management Conference staf f eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 3, 1999 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND 4TH ANNUAL CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY RISK MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, OCTOBER 5-6, 1999, MONTEREY Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. This year's conference includes sessions on Critical Issues of Potential Liability of Public Agencies, Recent Court Decisions Affecting Public Sector Employees, Techniques to Simplify the Disciplinary Process, and Contractual Risk Transfer. Staff has attended these conferences in the past and they have proven to be of benefit to the City. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize the attendance of any Councilmember, City Manager or staff designee. COUNCIL AGENDA AUG 101999 ITEM No. J eC A K Navigating the Waves of Change 44. <; - ; • t 3Y a • 4! The 4th Annual CALIFORNIA JPIA Risk Management Conference October 5-6, 1999 ]lcatt Regency Monterey Agenda Overview Monday, October 4, 1999 - Pre-Conference 9:00 am Tournament Breakfast Uel Muni..Goll CuurM• Parillan 10:00 am Golf Tournament - Del namno Coll COWS(' 5:00 pm Welcome Reception/Registration • Dol Munro Go!!Count.!'avilon 6:00 pm Dinner Del Monte Coli Course Pavilion C O N C ll R R r N T PROGFAM 111:00 am Risk Management 101 Wnrkshop' SPuakcz Donald Dodson 12:00 Noon Luncheon 5peaker:Ronald Ra ki eh 2:00 pm Workshop Conclusion Tuesday, October 5, 1999 7:30 am Continental Breakfast 8:00 am Registration • 9:00 am Welcome 5 Introductions - Gema.Session keynote: "What Drives Political and Administrative Decision Making?' - Speaker.John Nalbondran 10:00 am "Critical Issues ofPotential Liability for Public Agencies" Speaker Richard S.Whnmore 10:45 am "Recent Court Decisions Affecting Public Sector Employees' Speaker Richard S.Whitmore 'Techniques to Simplify the Disciplinary Process' Speaker Christina L Dyer 12:00 Noon Luncheon _nr.nsor Remm peon 1:30 pm "Conflict Resolution Strategies" Speaker.Anthony Baron, Ph.D_ PrvD• . - -. 'Anatomy of a Lawsuit" Speakers:Maria K.Aarvlp and Aouiph Hernandez 3:15 pm "Contractual Risk Transfer' • Speaker. Rona Id Rakich - "Your Employee Handbook—Does It Help or Harm Your Organization?' Speaker:leiire Thompson Lai• 7:011 pm Dinner al the Monterey Bay Aquarium Wednesday, October 6,1999 7O0 am Continental Breakfast - 8:00 am Registration 8:45 am "Criminal Justice Surviving a Police Use of Force Incident" Speaker: con Grossberg "Return to Work Programs" "'punka r lochlemur 111:30 am "Conducting Internal Investigations" • - - Speaker-Glen Kraemer "IM a Crime What Most Risk Managers Don't Know About Fidelity Bonds" Speakers Dona Id Mclean. Sharon Nash 12:00 pm Luncheon • scaling Is hmiled ork ops, = F 1. CRITICAL ISSUES OF POTENTIAL LIABILITY FOR PUBLIC AGENCIES Presented he Richard S. Whitmore, Founding Panner of Whitmore, Johnson & BoJanos, Attorneys at Law, Mountain View, California Topics will include: • Disability accommodation • Liability for workplace injuries • Changes in the law of sexual harassment • Limitations on affirmative action • Other recent developments affecting public employers 2. RECENT COURT DECISION'S AFFECTING PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYEES Presented by Richard S. Whitmore Topics will include: • Changing requirements for disciplining employees • Arbitration vs_ Litigation of discrimination claims • Faiiure to comply with overtime pay requirements • Potential liability for had job references • Other court decisions affecting personnel and employment issues 3. TECHNIQUES TO SIMPLIFY THE DISCIPLINARY PROCESS Presented by Christina L. Dyer, Attorney with Best Best & Krieger LLP Topics will include: • Tips for documenting employees • Land mines 10 avoid in employee discipline • Overview of disciplining and counseling public employees • What does the Skelly Case really mean? 4. CONFLICT RESOLUTION' STRATEGIES Presented by Anthony Baron, Ph.D., of Baron Center Inc Topics will include: • An overview of ways to manage conflict within the work environment • Practical and hands-on steps to resolve conflict • Keys to behavioral change and to understanding communication styles as they relate to communicating in the work environment • Tools for dealing with emotionally enraged employees and customers orizsh•ops • 5. ANATOMY OF A LAWSUIT Presented by Maria K.Aarvig. Esq-, Partner with Creason & Aavig LLP, and Adolph Hernandez, Assistant Vice President, Carl Warren & Company Topics will include: • The Claim Phase: forms, proper claim and insufficient claim, rejection of a timely claim, rejection of a late claim, late claim application • Filing a Lawsuit • The Service of Process • The Mechanics of a Demurrer • The Discovery System • • Motions for Summary Judgement • The Trial System • The Appellate Process • 6. CONTRACTUAL RISK TRANSFER Presented by Ronald Rakich, CPCLI, ARM Topics will include: • Using CAUFORNIA JPIA's contracts manual • The basic principles of risk allocation in contracts, including when not to transfer risk • Indemnity/hold harmless agreements - concepts and uses • Waivers and releases • Ensuring (and insuring) the risk transfer- using proper specifications • Selecting insurance coverage and limits • Obtaining proof- documentation and follow up • The art of negotiation - coverages, limits forms, compliance 7. YOUR EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK—DOES IT HELP OR HARM YOUR _ ORGANIZATION? •- Presented by Jeffrey P. Thompson of Walsh & Declues LLP Topics will include: • Advantages and Disadvantages of Handbooks - FlexibiGry in Administering Policies V.Consistent, Farr, Evenhanded Treatment -Setting Empioyee and Employer Expectations Empioyee Rights V Management Rightc and Supervisor Guide • Essential Personnel Policies - Fyual Opportunity Statement - No Harassment Policy -Family Medical Leave Policy - Dispute Resolution Procedures • The Use of Disclaimers - Benefit Description Disclaimers • The Importance of Properly Drafting and Using the Handbook - Employee Morale - Employment Litigation orizsliops` �� £1. CRIMINAL JUSTICE: SURVIVING A POLICE USE OF FORCE INCIDENT Presented by Scott I. Grossberg, Partner with the Ontario law firm of Cihigoyenetche. Crossberg & Clouse It Topics will include: • Who's policing whom?: The current state of the law pIi • The bigger they are, Inc, harder they fall, punch, kick and choke: • Police use of force 9. RETURN TO WORK PROGRAMS • Presented by ludy Lemm, R.N., CPDM, Consultant Topics will include: • How to design a Return to Work program that motivates employees to return to work safely and quickly • What practices have been proven to be successful in reducing long term and permanent disability • What is "transitional work?" • How do you prevent "light duty" from evolving into a permanent job? • When is enough "enough" when it comes to accommodating �- injured and ill employees? is F: 9. CONDUCTING INTERNAL INVESTIGATIONS . Presented by Glen E. Kraemer, law firm of Curiale, Dellaverson, Hirschfeld, Kelly & Kraemer, LLP t' Topics will include: • Your initial meeting with the employee raising the issue • Determining if an internal investigation is needed • Determining the nature of an issue before initiating an informal investigation f • Planning the investigation • Conducting the actual investigation F•. • Conducting an effective interview ,. • Assessing credibility • Making a recommendation after completing your analysis S • Complying with the organization's policies regarding documentation • Utilizing and consulting with Counsel 10. IT'S A CRIME WHAT MOST RISK MANAGERS DON'! KNOW ABOUT FIDELITY BONDS Presented by Sharon W. Nash, First Vice President and Donald H. McLean, First Vice President of Robert F. Driver Associates• 111 Topics will include: • The human breaking point or why people steal • Nol following procedures can cost a bundle • Loss prevention - setting the standard . • Claims that have happened and the new horizons of computer fraud • • Faithful performance vs. employee dishonesty • California Government Code- Permission to use a Master Bond !'