CC - Item 4C - Authorization to Attend National League of Cities 1999 Congress of Cities & Expositon M F D 0 staf f eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL • FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGE477— DATE: AUGUST 3, 1999 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 1999 CONGRESS OF CITIES &EXPOSITION,NOVEMBER 30- DECEMBER 4, 1999, LOS ANGELES Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. This years conference will focus on five themes: Building Stronger Communities, Today's Youth, Tomorrow's Leaders, Leadership Challenges in the 21st Century,Local Leader's Toolkit for the 21st Century,and the New Los Angeles. The Council and staff have attended these conferences in the past and they have proven to be of benefit to the City. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize the attendance of any Councilmember, City Manager, City Attorney and staff designee. COUNCIL AGENDA AUG 1 0 1999 ITEM No. " et_ L , — Y • .� OA tom//I� V� - J �J t�.o. fps WG Q 8 .n 1 TIMI % >ro 7=2-0 0 •� uannnnoL •� i V � C •a J j..l., Ca., Z l _• ✓ yL—' '‘.---.4 , - -1 li{ • • ram, 1111111111. ' or ___ 04...... ACIIIISIIIIL ter`k 'jam. 0r I f > .a , imgc • OLin I ` . 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V 1 coo ' � ` ': jl \ C vg IE \a �Z O _ 1_ 1 D!sco vering the Future... People, Places, Possibilities Building Stronger city services and adapt to the 1999 Congress of Cities willmmunitiesThe major changes taking place m the financial services industry. ffer a wide range of general while definitions of"communi- planning development,and coor- dination and workshops focus- '"may vary,most would agree of economic develop- thating on key issues facing elected community connects people meat,commerce,trade and tans- and government These work- portation systems will be essential officials today. shops will examine the physical The conference program will and human infrastructure compo- tie producets s nationally onery of camped- The inter- ments rive products nationally and work- of that are essential re ting include general sessions with well natiorulty. This series olwork- of community such as creating shops will look at how cities are To strengthen known national speakers and pan- livable communities,bridging meeting thesechallengesin-mo- ellsts. The general sessions will racial divides,and ll also uti- vative and cost-effective ways. address the major themes of the m"ship. Sessions will also address ways to build partner- an promote conference including youth, leader- ships that are fundamental to an IAC Leaders'TOOBot ship roles,and building strong emironment where people are for 21st Century communities. linked to each other with a sense Municipal govemance that looks cities as renters Again this year,we will focus of togetherness and ownership. to the future while building on the past requires just the right our program on youth participation. Todayrs ymdh, combination of leadership pnnci- We encourage officials to bring Tomorrow's leaders plea and management skills. of opportunity youth from their councils and This theme will discover the pos- These workshops will help you, sibilities with and for youth. the new or veteran elected offi- boards to share the possibilities for y " cial,obtain and master the tools leadership, and Discuss how to obtain youth par- tite future. There is special empha- nectaninmcconchow top necessary to implement your and Vision and meet the challenges of s15 on youth participation on Friday decision making:how to prevent governance in the 21st century. and Saturday of the conference, youth violence and ensure youth From technology,emergency I/ safety;how your city hall can governance. Throughout the conference, response,Y2Kethe media,f- collaboate with your school dis- tial resources,to marketing your you will continue to experience trio;and how to create intergen- l " city,thesethtools of will help you technology. From leaving a mea- emtional connections. Local polish the tools of your trade for NLCMission sage for a colleague,to checking officials are encouraged to invite governing in your city or town their children or local youth lead- iiiiiii your e-mail at home,technology ens(aged 15-18)as youth dele- gates be an integral part of the con- gates to the conference. The New Los Angeles ference. From mobile workshops to special �de� Challenges programs in the city showcase,see The workshops will be orad- w what Los Angeles has done to www.nlcorg nized around five major themes, and In the 21st Century turn the city around and become a As we look to the future,munici- major destination for tourists and each theme will have a workshop pal officials will face many chal- business. Find out about the suc- focusing On small cities: lenges to prepare their co stun- cesshil downtown revitalization, ties for participation in regional economic development through- ' and global economies,take out the city,and how the different advantage of the new and emerg- ing technologies atlable to cultures are building collaborative communities. deliverfasterandmore efficient -