CC - Item 3B - Resolution No. 99-39 - Proclaiming September 17, 1999 as Historic National Celebration of Constitution Day RESOLUTION NO. 99-39 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROCLAIMING SEPTEMBER 17, 1999 AS HISTORIC NATIONAL CELEBRATION OF CONSTITUTION DAY WHEREAS, the Constitution of the United States of America is the most brilliant and most nearly perfect governmental document ever written by man; and WHFREAS, the Constitution of the United States of America is the Law of the land and guarantees our individual Freedoms; and WHEREAS, the Freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States of America over 200 years ago has enabled Americans to live freely without governmental oppression and Interference; and WHEREAS,Americans are World leaders in Science, Medicine, Technology, and Industry and enjoy prosperity such as no other nation has enjoyed due to the creativity of Americans freed by the Constitution of the United States of America; and WHEREAS,the Anniversary of the Constitution of the United States of America, September 17, 1787 receives no National recognition; and WHEREAS, the threat of our loss of Freedoms, as a self-governing people, is always but one generation away, if our Constitution is not taught from generation to generation. THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that at 4:00 p.m., EDT time, on September 17, 1999, bells should be rung across the Nation with ceremonies by schools, churches,Masonic lodges, businesses, and by all Americans who enjoy this Freedom that mankind has never known before, in celebration of the birth of the Constitution of the United States of America in 1787, and let our Flag and its colors of Red, White and Blue be exhibited in dress and decoration on that day. PASSED,APPROVED and ADOPTED THIS 14TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1999. MAYOR ATTEST: __ I CUL] CITY CLERK SEP 141999 ITEM No.� � B• SEP-e4-99 1e :44 Carl LOUISE LEIGH 918 443 6223 F. O. Fuerp Amer(ren Conine W71t!( A Fri' (9f$uarantrrs Wp Jr17Hann) 8tatre Conatltut ion grelt Totwtttuttun Dttu, Jnr. A NON PROF:T ORCANI1ALDN ` , HISTORIC NATIONAL CELEBRATION OF CONSTITUTION DAY - SEPTEMBER 17, 1999 lnunbrr CO-SPONSORED BY Louise t.`isl: THE RONALD REAGAN PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY National n•P,ha irmcn Ccnprumsn David D,.ies Constitution Day, September 17, 1999 will be celebrated at 4 PM st.m m Sclor D,ck Mnunpoy (EDT) exactly the time the Founding Fathers adjourned the 3towratq ChairmenConstitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787. For the first time in sat.of Florida our history the Preamble to the US Constitution will be led from the co.erno, 1.>.1O,.ares Capitol in Washington DC by Majority Leader, Senator Trent Lott with Stair of No. !mom all the school children and Americans participating by reciting it Go.mnu, Chd::int Todd amtmnn simultaneously. A historic event. stale or Rhode Island C veno: Lluco6h Almond ThE national recitation of the Preamble will be followed by the roll call sap n/w,,.hmngmn of @1l the 50 United States beginning with Delaware, the;first state to ce.rmnrC.,,Lorr< rati!'y the Constitution, to Hawaii the last state to be admitted to the s4 o(u mi Unbn. The roll call of states will emanate from each state capitol. The Govenvis Tun Ge,inge, Governor of Rhode Island as well as First Lady Nancy Reagan will rep?esent their states. The remainder of states will be represented by patriots Lt. Governors, Secretary of States, Attorney Generals and staffC onot,sm.n Chris k, co.Lazio Congrrvmn Rickmembers. The celebration will end with bells and noise makers across Co�rn,can 0W McCollum Ami3riCa. Conrr.vm.r Ed Royce Coogrnmun Dane Rohra h.chn Congressman Don Young Dress in red, white and blue, have a copy of the Preamble to the Assemblyman Robert Marcell Super.isor nuchae;Antonovich Cor'stitution with you and bring your noise makers. Alert your churches David Hu,u•nr to r ng their bells to celebrate the first amendment, freedom of religion. Ccntt, (,, Siud, „r Fupular Culture Have your school ring their bells too. This event will occur annually. Hutu HoWset TV?rcduec, Ser,d out press releases to your local and state newspapers. We will advise you of radio and the Internet web site which will broadcast the I ndrlm ndenrr Hall Knote,ncnr,FEW) event on September 17th. In Southern California KIEV will broadcast RoamFill.CA the event live at 1:0D PM. Ivdcpcndruct Hili Phil°dtlpiu..PA The, original sites of the celebration are The National Constitution Richard M.N:ann Cer!ter, Philadelphia and Independence Hall (exact replica), Buena Prn;denral Lmoo Park, California. 1'urba Lod., C:A Frreaom Foundauon For dny questions or further information please call or fax Mks Free.PA ,man,al:,n; LO1;15E LEIGH Founder 110;;2112 McGirk Ave. 0 Monte, CA P1731 FAX & Phone 628 443-6223 Qrlrbrntr &ins tttutinn Dan. Deitembcr 17th Annualp, at 4,1111 j.Im, try -Consitution Dat,Inc.'Foundei,Louise Leigh, H022 1/2 MtC::k Ave,EI Monte,CAI/1731-2/FM(2V 4 .0323