CC - Item 5A - Selection of Tree Specie for Street Trees on Valley Blvd -6.. S E M E. O 1 O ....,(1 ..„,• VV` _: . . . c ,,o .a:oE staffeport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 8, 1999 RE: SELECTION OF TREE SPECIE FOR STREET TREES ON VALLEY BOULEVARD At the June 8, 1999 City Council meeting, the City Council was informed that Damon Const. Co. (Damon) was unable to secure the appropriate sized "Sweet Shade"trees for planting in the parkway on Valley Boulevard at the conclusion of street pavement work in June 1999. It was determined that 24-inch box "Sweet Shade" trees were in production, but that they would not be ready for planting until Spring 2000. The City Council elected to wait until Spring 2000 to plant the trees in order to allow sufficient time for trees to Imature and be ready for planting. Staff subsequently directed Mariposa Horticultural Enterprises, Inc. (Mariposa), Damon's subcontractor, to secure the trees and initiate the contract growing process. On August 24, 1999, Mariposa was informed by one their growers, Village Nursery, that a number of the trees have perished and that quite a few more appeared to be following a similar fate. The nursery stated that it appears that they were going to have almost a complete crop failure. Staff contacted one of the other two nurseries, Pacific Coast Nursery, which Mariposa contracted with to grow the remainder of the trees and found that a similar pattern is occurring there also. Pacific Coast Nursery indicated that two trees have already died and that a number of others are appearing distressed as well. Another 1 issue that was noted is the Sweet Shade trees are not growing at the rate that was anticipated. At their current rate of growth, the trees may not be ready for planting until Winter 2001. CQJNb!E. . .r.._. �/4. 4 SEP 141999 I ITEM No. 7:- . 4- June 7, 1999 Page 2 Unfortunately, we found that growers are no longer growing the "Sweet Shade" trees in large numbers to due to their fickle growing habits in the nursery environment. Therefore, Mariposa is not able to secure a sufficient number of additional trees for Valley Boulevard that would be ready for planting in the Spring, leaving a great void. Staff also independently investigated the availability of"Sweet Shade"trees and found this to be true. Given what we know, the Council may want to select another species of tree. In keeping with City Council's desire for an evergreen tree, the needs of the businesses and the availability of a tree that can be planted soon, two different species have been selected for City Council to chose from, Tristaina conferia "Brisbane Box" or Geijera parviflora "Australian Willow". Attached is a fact sheet for each for your information and a summary of the pros and cons prepared by Willdan's Certified Arborist, Mr. Dave Hayes. Initially, the contract called for planting 36-inch box trees on Valley Boulevard. However, staff recommends that 24-inch box trees be planted instead for several reasons. First of all is the availability of the 24-inch box size trees. This size is readily available, whereas there are few 36-inch box ready for planting at this time. 36-inch box trees would need to be contract grown and subsequently planted next year. 24-inch box trees can be procured immediately and planted by the end of October 1999. Secondly, the size difference is not significant as you can see from the table below. Lastly, a smaller tree will likely establish itself faster and be healthier as they will not be root bound in a nursery as long. Following is a table showing the size variation for each tree: Tristania conferta "Brisbane Box Geijera parviflora "Australian Willow" 24-inch Box 36-inch Box 24-inch Box 36-inch Box Ht: 10-12 feet Ht: 12-14 feet Ht: 9-11 feet Ht: 11-13 feet Wd: 4-6 feet Wd: 5-6 feet Wd: 4-5 feet Wd: 6-7 feet Each of the selected tree specie in 24-inch box size are available for viewing in a City vehicle parking space outside of the front entrance to City Hall. Based on City Council's comments regarding the "Brisbane Box" tree at previous City Council meetings, it is recommended that the "Australian Willow" be selected as the parkway tree on Valley Boulevard. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council select the "Australian Willow" as the parkway tree on Valley Boulevard to be planted in the 24-inch box size. 1999rsmd/staff rpt/city Gellert: part:fiara gye-JER-uh par-vih-FLOR-uh (Australian Willow, Wilga) Chart: B30 Rutaeeae(Rue family) Origin: Southern Australia • Species characterliatics: Form-Evergreen. Graceful,fine textured tree with dense,rounded crown of moderate growth t0 40'and 20-25'spread. Pendent twigs and leaves give a weeping effect suggestive of weeping willow,but more delicate and compact. Trunk-Smooth light gray when young,becoming roughened,reddish brown with age. Foliage-Leaves narrow,light olive green 3-6"long and 1/4"wide with slight curvature. Flowers/Nit-Small cream colored flowers In terminal clusters on branchless from spring to autumn. No significant pest problems. Site suitability: , Sunset zones-8,9 aid 13-24. Clearances -Suitable3or 5-6'parkways or 5 x 5'cutouts. Good for streetsides,medians,parks and lawns. Culture considerations: Tblen3tes a wide rat*of moisture levels and soils. Low maintenance once es- tablished. Comments, notes: • • 77 --- s ., •*4'4. 1 04.•".A. '., ' •: t•"1, .. :•-s,Ali.r-"' .,,ikt..4 :t,:,..4i..:-.. ^ ‘' • f. t',.`: f„ V.:* wt..,,i,' . • . .* ' , 1 ..... itsl',:l1-',t '" ;1k4 k- . k I.:;r4'''...; • 'C. ' : ''''- ',air\ '''‘- ,''t , '''.: *''' '• vi.f.`;••' " ......--' . ,.-,4 ,, „1 •:i .,... ..., •,., 'i:, •4,11' , •"*.:, ", '. r 1 . f:' ,r•:", • •• ,t1 •.'• le ' - • 4:-t•A4 ..... .0.4- •• ... ' i ^ : 4\ f:''."%.=,j',4:7j.?,/.q ej--I. :','-) -. ,, ...',• ;I: :.?,..,. s; , . 1;-....1 ‘,.,.,- .,,:,.. - --AL,*..r..„ -,,- • , .:,` ,., \'11,,,..,,,•,',; 't ..,,,t4)-1,417•-•Att":2.'4'• **4 yit'l i'. ' --t'4;ft 11 ' . ' ' ' ,,..ilk 1, ,,1 Im..,..,.!-,zei.gp Ply ..••••?.?:‘ ,. f ',.„ - - . ;, ' vs',;.A-/7•N a,,11-4'1..7, ..f,... i-;.diii, : ',....,!..,,.. k.:, i.,-,....:,,,,...i, -..,1; - ,•.,.. , . 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