CC - Item 2A - Public Hearing to Consider Citizen's Option for Public Safety Funds staff eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER A(C DATE: SEPTEMBER 22, 1999 "``DODO____ RE: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER CITIZEN'S OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY (COPS)FUNDS In 1996,the California Legislature approved AB 3229 (Brulte) allocating$100 million additional funding for local police services. Since then the funding has been renewed by the Legislature and the City of Rosemead is likely to receive some State funding for such services in the foreseeable future. The Citizens' Option for Public Safety (COPS), or"Brulte," funds are very similar to the federal Local Law Enforcement Block Grant(LLEBG)funds currently received by the City through the Department of Justice. Both funding sources may be used to pay for any "frontline police services,"as long as the funds are not used to supplant existing services. Since 1996,the City of Rosemead has been in the unique position of having access to more public safety grant funds than it could reasonably spend for viable programs. Accordingly,the City has held its Brulte funds in reserve until it expended its first allocations of Federal law enforcement block grant funds. The City currently holds in reserve $379,375 in unexpended Brulte funds. That total represents the past three-years' allocations to the City. The County Supplemental Law Enforcement Oversight Committee,however,which oversees the distribution of the State funds,has indicated that it may consider rescinding funds held in reserve if cities choose not to expend the funds in a timely fashion. In response,staff has developed the several programs and potential expenditures that would enable the City to use the funds efficiently. During the remainder of the current fiscal year, staff proposes an expenditure of $126,000 for following: (1)a computer upgrade and purchase program for Rosemead deputies($41,000); (2) On- board camera equipment for all patrol vehicles used in Rosemead ($25,000); and (3)the purchase of a vehicle and necessary equipment to be used for a commercial vehicle enforcement program ($60,000). The latter will enable to deal more effectively with oversized vehicles and semi trucks and trailers parked in the City. The$126,000 total represents the first year allocation of Brulte funds to the City. COUNCIL AGENDA SEP 2 81999 ITFP4 [�o I Citizens' Option for Public Safety Funds September 22, 1999 Page 2. During the following two fiscal years (FY 2000/01 and FY 2001/02), staff tentatively recommends using the funds for overtime purposes only. However, that may be revised as the City reconsiders its priorities during the next two years. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council conduct the required public hearing, allocate the necessary Citizens' Option for Public Safety(COPS) Funds from unappropriated reserves and approve the law enforcement equipment purchase outlined in the staff report for FY 1999/2000. staff-memm,niuops fgt