CC – Item 4C– Staff Report Upgrade of City Employee’s Life Insurance Plan S E �� ,0011 • statteport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ��' ,��,�,,R///OSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: �(�I FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: V JULY 7, 1998 RE: UPGRADE OF CITY EMPLOYEE'S LIFE INSURANCE PLAN FROM $10,000 TO $50,000 During the 1998-99 Budget process, staff had requested that our insurance broker solicit proposals to increase our City Employee's Life Insurance Policy from$10,000 to $50,000. Staff did not receive the information until after the final budget had been submitted to the City Council. Attached for your consideration are estimates for$25,000 and $50,000 policies. The estimates take into account the two retirees that reimburse the City for the cost of the premiums. Since their individual policies would remain at $10,000, the City would have lower premiums on the proposed policies. The premium for the $50,000 policy is $7,862.40 which represents an increase of$5,445.60 over the current premium of$2,416.80. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the increase in the City Employee's Life Insurance Policy to $50,000 and appropriate the necessary funds from appropriated reserves. oastalMlems 198 COUNCIL. AGENDA JUL 141998 ITEM No. ±1Z-• Ce- .G \ y S1SN- 17-98 11 : 37 PM CITY OF ROSEMEAD COMPARISON OF .AO P I IFF cr aN`C Current Plan Plan Plan B Life/AD&D: Staff $10,000 $25,000 550,000 Council 10,000 25,000 50,000 Retirees 10,000 10,000 10,000 Rate per$1000 Life .50 .37 03 AD&D .03 .03 .03 Volume $380,000 $920,000 SI,820,OOD Monthly Premium $201.40 $368.00 5655.20 Annual Premium $2,416.80 $4,416.00 $7,862.40 Rate Guarantee 6/1/99 6/1/99 6/1/99 0�1 \-4;.„,1 stafte or TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER _may FROM: MICHAEL D. BURBANK, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATIONr DATE: JULY 8 , 1998 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT BIDS - SPORTS LIGHTING The City has utilized Amtech Lighting Co. to maintain the sports and security lights at Rosemead Park, Garvey Park and the Jess Gonzalez Sports Complex since 1983 . The Agreement expired and the company would like to extend it, however, they want to increase their fees from $ 7 , 620. 00 per year to $ 16,956. 00 per year. (See Exhibit I) RECOMMENNDATION: Based on the above, it is recommended that staff be authorized to solicit bids for the security and sports lighting at the three (3) facilities. MDB:ab O1-L-M6 (33) attachments COUNCIL AGENDA JUL 141998 ITEM No. -a. Q-6-7b J EXHIBIT I 1997/98 ANNUAL PROPOSED MO. ANNUAL FACILITY MO. RATES COST RATES Rosemead Pk. $ 295/mo. $ 3 , 540 $ 545/mo. $ 6, 540 Garvey Pk. $ 185/mo. $ 2, 220 $ 423/mo. $ 5, 076 Sports Complex $ 155/mo $ 1, 860 $ 445/mo. $ 5, 340 ANNUAL COST $ 7, 620 $16,956 O1-L-M6 (34) 1304 South Allec Sheet AMTECH Lighting Services Arane,m CA 92595-6363 Te-ephone (7141687-9191 Facsimile. (7141 687-6864 May I1, 1998 Mr. Mike Burbank CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770-1559 Re: Park Lighting Maintenance Options I want to apologize for any confusion regarding the terms and conditions of our lighting maintenance agreement for your city park locations. Our most current agreement provides you with a fixed monthly labor fee to maintain your lighting, billing material as used. Besides our existing exterior lighting labor only maintenance agreements, there are three other maintenance options available to you and they are: Full Service Maintenance: This agreement typically has an initial wash and relamp of all fixtures, which is amortized over the term of the agreement. 30-day or 60-day inspections with predicted lamp failures and/or ballast replacements, based on manufactures rated life are factored into the monthly fixed labor and material fees. The fixed monthly fees for your locations, including the amortized portion of the initial wash and relamp with 30-day inspections over a 36-month term would be: 1. Rosemead Park- $545.37 2. Jess Gonzales Sport Center- $445.36 3. Garvey Park- $423.31 T&M Maintenance: Called out as needed to replace outages at the following labor rates: Service Truck: $42.00 per hour Electrical Truck: S59.00 per hour Ladder Truck (to 65'): $65.00 per hour Crane(2-men to 100') $140.00 per hour 36 month Group Relamp: The City of Irvine utilizes this method for their park lighting and experience very few T&M calls between relamps. In addition to minimizing outages they maintain higher average fixture lumens. Attached is an HID lumen depreciation chart. HID lamps can lose up to 50% of their lumen output over life and continue to operate. Relamp costs which include materials, tax, lamp disposal, labor, and equipment are: 1. Rosemead Park- $11,027.99 2. Jess Gonzales Sport Center- S7,686.44 3. Garvey Park-$7,148.44 a subsidiary of IABM mdusbies Incorporated Thank you for allowing Amtech Lighting Services the opportunity to provide you with these lighting maintenance alternatives. Marty and I look forward to an opportunity to discuss these options with you in greater depth at you earliest convenience. Please don't hesitate to call if additional information is required. Best Regards, AMTECH LIGHTING SERVICES Doug Austin Sales Representative CC: Marty Kruse, CLMC y M 4: ;1 staff TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM:lNK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JULY 8, 1998 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO RETAIN CLEMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL TO PREPARE THE AB 939 ANNUAL REPORT TO THE CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD (CIWMB) Last Summer,the City of Rosemead retained Clements Environmental to recalculate the City's base- year data used in preparing the Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE) and to complete the annual report due to the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB). Clements was extremely thorough last year in gathering the appropriate data and the City has not received notification from the CIWMB that the annual report is deficient in any way. Accordingly, staff is recommending the same consultant to complete the 1997 Annual Report due this Summer. Attached for the City Council's review is a letter from Clements Environmental proposing to complete the 1997 Annual Report due to the CIWMB by August 1, 1998 for a fee of$2,000.00. The Scope of Work includes the compilation of the necessary data for the report and the organization of that data into a format acceptable to the CIWMB. Last year, Clements completed this work in a timely and satisfactory manner, and staff recommends that the City Council authorize Clements to perform the work again this year. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to retain Cements Environmental to complete the 1997 AB 939 Annual Report required by the California Integrated Waste Management Board for a fee of$2,000. COUNCIL AGENDA--------- , ""`°"�" ""'' JUL 141998 ITEM No. .a.22------ ( CLEMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL 8 June 1998 Mr. Jeff Stewart Administrative Services Director City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 SUBJECT: PROPOSAL TO PREPARE AB 939 ANNUAL REPORT (1997) Dear Mr. Stewart: Per your request, Clements Environmental is pleased to submit this proposal to the City of Rosemead to prepare the City's 1997 AB 939 Annual Report for submittal to the California Integrated Waste Management Board (Board) by August 1, 1998. The Annual Report requires jurisdictions to describe progress made toward achieving the mandated diversion goal of 50%. The Report describes any new or revised source reduction, recycling or composting programs, or any other changes which have been implemented for the purpose of complying with the diversion mandate. In preparing the Annual Report, we will use disposal information, and data on the diversion programs which the City operates, to track the success of diversion programs. The Board will use the 1997 Annual Report as part of the Board's biennial review to assess implementation and achievement of the diversion goals for the year 2000. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work, schedule, and fee for the project are described below. T^ct: 1: That Compik.t;ii Clements prepared the City's Annual Report last year, and we have maintained a data base of the City's information from that report. We will update this data with new information supplied by the City, including waste generation data such as diversion programs operated by the City, base- year adjustment data, and disposal data, as well as information on SRRE and HHWE program implementation. 3607 SENECA AVENUE, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90039 PHONE 213.669.7610 FAX 213.669.7622 Mr. Pal Malloy City g/Rosemead -2- 23 January 1998 Task 2: Report Preparation The City's Annual Report will be prepared utilizing the Board's Annual Report format, supplemented with additional information as supplied by the City. Clements will complete the Annual Report for submittal to the Board as soon as the City desires, but in no case later than the August I, 1998 due date. PROJECT COSTS Clements Environmental proposes to complete the above-described tasks for a fixed fee of $2,000. Miscellaneous out-of-pocket expenses, such as mileage, reproduction, etc., are included in the above-estimated fee. Invoices for our work will be submitted monthly as work progresses, and will be payable upon receipt. Please indicate your acceptance of this proposal by returning a signed copy to our office. Clements Environmental appreciates the opportunity to submit this proposal, and we look forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (213) 669-7610. Sincerely, CLEMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL �A// Chip Clements, P.E. Principal Accepted: City of Rosemead Name: Date: