RRA – Item 2 – Authorization to Attend League of California Cities I ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ,� 8838 VALLEY BLVD..ROSEMEAD.CA 91770•(8181288-6671 •Telecopier 8183079218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS r RO�SEMEADREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: NK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ' DATE: JULY 8, 1998 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES REDEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE AUGUST 27-28, 1998, MONTEREY Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. Topics include: Small Cities Sustaining Redevelopment, Legal Update, Incentives, Working with Business Groups and Creating, Amending and Merging Redevelopment Project Areas. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Agency authorize the attendance of any Agency Member, Agency Attorney, Executive Director and staff designee_ AGENCY AGENDA 1 JUL 141998 ITEM No. • a r r tm ' a it t 2 Ea +Wt. C]'LLSY :. . N ,l. Einar REDEVELOPME\ T 1 RIMEL CONFERENCE LEAGUE OF Thursday —Friday,August 27—28, 1998 Doubletree Hatel, Monterey CALIFORNIA CITIES Who Should Attend... • Mayors • Council members • City managers • Redevelopment directors Attend This Meeting and Benefit By... • Learning about the latest issues in redevelopment • Getting a strong understanding of the procedures of redevelopment • Understanding redevelopment's fundamental concepts and processes • Gaining tips for working more effectively with key interest groups • Making valuable contacts in the redevelopment profession Make plans now to be part of this exciting program!For the first time ever,the Redevelopment Conference will meet in conjunction with the Economic Development Conference as well as the Community Services Conference.There will be sessions on topics of particular interest to redevelopment; however,you may also attend sessions which focus on community services or economic development. Meet city officials who are involved in economic development and community services, and interested in collaborating with redevelopment officials to help make their cities better. Don't miss this opportunity for sharing information and resources among the members of these highly visible and influential professions. The program will feature a number of experts speaking on an array of valuable topics, providing practical information you can use immediately. It will also address the key issues facing cities, and offer you a chance to explore how best you can deal with them. See the following program for an outline of the Redevelopment Conference sessions, shown in conjunction with the sessions of the two other programs occurring at the same time. NOTE: The sessions with a Redevelopment Conference indicator are those most relevant to this conference. Hotel Reservation Deadline: Wednesday, August 5, 1998 Advance Conference Registration Deadline:Wednesday, August 12, 1998 400 A STREET SACRAMENTO. CA 95819 916 638.8200 Thursday,August 27 NOTE: The sessions with a Redevelopment Conference indicator are those most relevant to this conference. 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Registration Open —Panda Lobby,Monterey Conference Center - • 9:00 - 10:30 am General Session—Redevelopment Conference CREATING AND SUSTAINING LIVABLE COMMUNITIES "Livability" is more than an attractive array of amenities, good jobs and low crime rates. It is also the measurable product of leaders who choose to create value in their communities by integrating economic development and quality of life, as livable cities are more likely to be economically successful. Objectives: • Learn how culture builds communities. Discuss leadership strategies in public-private partnerships. Hear how objective analyses of community assets can be promoted for competitive advantage. Speaker: Robert McNulty,President,Partners for Livable Communities,Washington, D.C. 10:45 am - 1215 pm Concurrent Sessions WEAVING YOUR COMMUNITY COMPONENTS Learn how to combine the recreation, cultural,economic, historic and environmental components of your city to draw a picture of what your community has to offer,using the California Park and Recreation Society's "Vision,Insight, and Planning" (VIP) Project to springboard your creativity and move your agency into the 21st century.The VIP Project,a strategic planning process,will identify the vision to move the parks and recreation profession into the next millennium. Objectives: Learn the most relevant trends based upon the VIP Project environmental scan. Share ideas with agencies that are on the cutting edge. Add your insight to the creation of the vision of the profession. REDEVELOPMENT POISED FOR THE 21ST CENTURY:AN INTRODUCTION —Redevelopment Conference This session will introduce participants to the philosophical purpose of redevelopment and provide a broad framework for its modern practice.This will summarize the issues facing redevelopment,focusing on what agencies must do to be ready for the 21st century. Objectives: Provide an overview of redevelopment. Brief on the current issues affecting agencies. Describe what needs to be done today to be ready for tomorrow. Page 3 • PROGRESS THROUGN LEARNING Thursday, August 27, continued NOTE: The sessions with a Redevelopment Conference indicator are those most relevant to this conference. 10,45 am - 121$ pm Concurrent Sessions, continued ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 101 This session will be primarily for elected officials,and will focus on what they need to know and do to have a successful economic development program. Objectives: Learn the elements of economic development. Learn how to prepare an economic development strategy'. Learn how to set up an agency and its structure. MILITARY BASE REUSE Is there a magic formula to convert closed military bases into local economic powerhouses?Come hear how several communities are convening military bases into economic success stories. Objectives: Review case study examples of successful military base reuse. Learn to watch for potential pitfalls in the reuse process. LIFE BEYOND STRIP MALLS: MAKING YOUR COMMUNITY A DESTINATION—Redevelopment Conference Q:What do Gilroy, Monterey and Carlsbad have in common?A: Like so many other California cities,they have all successfully promoted a unique aspect or attraction in their communities(garlic,jazz and Lego Land, respectively)!Attend this session and come away with the tools to identify and market all your city has to offer. Objectives: Learn how festivals and signature events create a civic identity and attract businesses and visitors. Locate resources and create"packaging" for your community. Discuss the impact of cultural, historic and arts events on economic development. 1215 - 2:00 pm General Luncheon —Redevelopment Conference WELFARE-TO-WORK — TAKING ADVANTAGE OF NEW OPPORTUNITIES This informative luncheon session will cover how welfare-to-work is working from three perspectives:job creation,workforce preparation and social senices. Objectives: How to engage the business community, state and local job placement groups. Learn effective strategies for linking jobs with residents. How to work with workforce partners. Page 4 Thursday, August 27, continued NOTE: 71,e sessions with a Redevelopment Conference indicator ire those most releuA ni to ibis conference. 2;00 - 7A5 pm Concurrent Sessions PREPARING A STRATEGIC PLAN:THE SYNERGY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY SERVICES How can your city create a strong and effective plan for enhancing the lives of your residents?Come to this exciting session and explore options for combining the resources of community services and economic development. Objectives: Learn about how cities can enhance the economic health of the community through collaborative projects with community services. Explore ways to measure the qualitative goals of your city. HOW SMALL CITIES CAN START, PROMOTE AND SUSTAIN REDEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT —Redevelopment Conference This specially designed informal session will provide participants with an opportunity to gather new information and share useful resources from other small cities who are engaged in redevelopment and economic development efforts. Objectives: Learn how to gain community support for your redevelopment or economic development efforts. Learn how to sustain economic and redevelopment efforts. Engage participants in an informal information exchange. REDEVELOPMENT UPDATE: LEGAL BASIS, LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION —Redevelopment Conference Do you understand the legal basis for redevelopment? do you know the latest laws and court rulings regarding redevelopment?Be sure you are current by attending this session. Objectives: Explain the legal foundation of redevelopment. Brief on the most recent litigation affecting redevelopment. Explain current legislation changing redevelopment law. ARE INCENTIVES REALLY WORTH IT? Tax breaks and other fiscal incentives are a popular way to attract businesses, but are they really worth it?Do communities benefit from the incentives or do they provide more harm than good in the long run?When can incentives be appropriate and when will they create problems?How do you get funding from various federal,state and private sources? Objectives: Debate the benefits and drawbacks of fiscal incentives. Discuss alternatives to incentives and their merits. • Page 5 PROGRESS THROUGH LEARNING Thursday,August 27, continued NOTE: The sessions with a Redevelopment Conference indicator arc those most reliant to this conference. 200 - 3:15 pm Concurrent Sessions, continued ACHIEVING ECONOMIC VITALITY ON MAIN STREET—Redevelopment Conference Business development and building rehabilitation in traditional commercial districts require a coordinated team approach. The"Main Street"model uses an economic restructuring committee to bring together property and business owners, city officials, real estate professionals,small business support organizations and other key players. Discuss the impact of pedestrian-friendly downtowns on a community. Objectives: To learn how to work with local businesses to promote the downtown district. To provide case studies from successful examples around California. Learn how to set up and sustain a productive economic restructuring committee. Strengthen your understanding of financial tools, development process,and committee roles to stimulate and manage change in your commercial district. 3;30 - 5:00 pm Concurrent Sessions THINK TANK Participate in two rounds of informal, interactive discussions. Each discussion will last 45 minutes, the first from 3:30-4:15 pm and repeated immediately from 4:15-5:00 pm.All topics will be repeated for each session; you are free to go to another table for a second session. The partial list of topics includes: Redevelopment Conference Topics: Know Your City Week Welfare-to-Work,Part II Redevelopment—Ask the Experts Additional Topics: Local Tourism and Entertainment Retail Film Commissions Skateboard Parks Arts Programs Retail Development Trends Regional Cooperation: Industry Cluster Benchmarking for Economic Success Venture Capital Networks New Revenue Opportunities for Cities Sustainability Small Cities Issues Main Street,Part II WALKING TOUR OF DOWNTOWN —Redevelopment Conference In visiting old Monterey today, one is impressed with the ambiance and pleasant environment.But old Monterey was not always so delightful.Through a thoughtful and li intelligent approach to planning and revitalization issues,Monterey has turned a once downtown "red light" district into a thriving downtown district. This session begins with a slideshow of the progress Monterey has made in its redevelopment program, followed by a walking tour of the nearby downtown area. Page 6 PROGRESS THROUGH LEARNING Thursday, August 27, continued NOTE: The sessions with a Redevelopment Conference indicator are those most relcv<nt to this conference. 5:00 - 6:00 pm Joint Hosted Reception —Redevelopment Conference • Continue the stimulating discussions generated from the informal discussion groups and walking tour.Enjoy hosted hors d'oeuvres and local music as you connect with colleagues.A great place to meet and make dinner plans! Friday,August 28 7:45 am - 2:30 pm Registration Open —Pormla Lobby,Monterey Conference Center 7:45 am Continental Breakfast —Redevelopment Conference Grab a cup of coffee and something to eat as you prepare to attend the general session. 8:00 - 9:15 am General Session —Redevelopment Conference WINNING YOUR SHARE: HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY MARKET YOUR PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS Whether you are running community services, economic development or redevelopment programs,you need to plan your marketing strategies to ensure success. This session will give you practical, take-home-and-use tips for designing and sustaining a winning marketing strategy for your programs and projects. Objectives: • To describe the steps and elements of a great program and project marketing plan. To explore applications of the model to programs and projects you are doing. To discuss how you can co-market with other programs and projects in your city. 9:30 - 10:45 am Concurrent Sessions TOUGH CHOICES: ELECTED OFFICIALS' ROLE IN COMMUNITY SERVICES Every day in California, city officials and staff learn more about the fine art of communication and compromise. Come explore the perceptions and responsibilities of these different roles,and their impact on service delivery. Objectives: Learn what city officials and department staff really do. Discuss how to build upon existing networks to facilitate and improve communication in the community and between city departments. WORKING WITH BUSINESS GROUPS, CHAMBERS AND CBOS TO ACHIEVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Local chamber of commerce, business groups and community-based organizations can be valuable assets to cities trying to strengthen the local economy or revitalize the • downtown.How can cities develop effective partnerships with these organizations? What are some of the potential benefits? Objectives: To identify ways to work with local organizations. To explore the potential of collaborations. Page 7 PROGRESS. TNROUGN LEARNING Friday, August 28, continued NOTE: The sessions with a Redevelopment Conference indicator are;[rose most relevant to this conference. 9:30 - 10:45 am Concurrent Sessions, continued CREATING. AMENDING AND MERGING REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREAS—Redevelopment Conference Redevelopment plans today are more complex, which makes it important for you to understand the process of plan adoption. Whether you are new to redevelopment or an "old hand," you will benefit by the experience of those who have adopted redevelopment plans and amended or merged project areas following 1993's AB 1290, the redevelopment reform measure. Objectives: Learn about the various types of redevelopment projects and how they are implemented. Uncover the key issues in financing the redevelopment agency and major redevelopment projects. PUBLIC SAFETY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES: A CONTINUUM OF CARE Truancy,gangs,theft and violence scar the lives of children, fragment families and, ultimately,destroy the very essence of our communities. The challenge is to identify small problems before they grow and demonstrate that your programs are doing good, and doing it well. Objectives: Learn how to modify highly successful programs and techniques to work in your city. Discuss the very real and often understated economic impact of crime. Explore emerging consolidation trends. HOME-BASED BUSINESSES Small, home-based businesses are an important component in any community, and there are several things cities can do to support home-based businesses and facilitate their growth.Do you know how best to do this? Objectives: To offer ways cities can support home-based businesses in their community. To engage in a discussion on methods for offering assistance to entrepreneurs. 11:00 am - 12-15 pm Concurrent Sessions DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION: LOCAL SUCCESS STORIES There is a growing number of successful stories that demonstrate how cities have revitalized their downtowns. Come join in on this case study of California's most successful downtown revitalization efforts. Objectives: Engage participants in a sharing of resources. Learn tips to achieve a successful revitalization effort in your downtown. Page 8 Friday,August 28, continued NOTE:The sessions with a Redevelopment Conference indica toy are choir most relevant to tFtr conference. 11:00 am - 12.15 pm Concurrent Sessions, continued PARTNERING WITH SCHOOLS ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY SERVICES TO ENHANCE THE LOCAL ECONOMY Attend this session to hear the latest advancements from the City-County-School Partnership and the Investing in Our Youth Task Force. Objective: Consider current collaborative activities among cities, counties and schools. HOW TO EFFECTIVELY WORK WITH NEIGHBORS AND VOTERS TO ACHIEVE YOUR HOUSING GOALS—Redevelopment Conference All redevelopment agencies are responsible by law for creating a certain amount of housing.But are you working well with both neighbors and voters to achieve this needed housing?This session will look at the working relationship between redevelopment, housing authorities, neighbors and voters, and offer ideas for creating greater collaboration and success for all. Objectives: To define the obligations of redevelopment to produce housing. To explore opportunities for partnering with housing authorities. To discuss how to build the trust of neighbors and voters. To consider areas where redevelopment and housing agencies can help create both housing and jobs. SERVING A DIVERSE COMMUNITY California is home to some of the most culturally diverse communities in the world. But how do you provide a consistent level of sen-ice to a city where as many as 60 different languages are spoken? Objectives: Explore how cities are coping with training and hiring, post Proposition 209. Identify some of the most—and least—pleasant offshoots of diversity issues. BEYOND SISTER CITIES: LOCAL ECONOMIES GOING GLOBAL Several California cities arc expanding their economic development strategies beyond the nation's borders. This case study will highlight several examples. Objective: Learn how cities use local capacities to build an international business. 12:15 - 2.30 pm Concluding Luncheon —Redevelopment Conference MEANINGFUL CHANGE: MOVING BEYOND YOUR COMFORT ZONE This conference will close with nationally renowned speaker and author John Alston, who has appeared on such networks as ABC and PBS,and programs such as "Oprah"and 'Mantel." You are guaranteed to leave this thrilling session with a new perspective and a level of enthusiasm and excitement about your work and life that you didn't have at the beginning of the week.Don't miss out on your dose of positive thoughts and energy! 2:30 pm I Adjourn Page 9