RRA - Item 2 - Acceptance of Work for Storm Drain Improvements San Gabriel Blvd. r RIR A ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD..ROSEMEAD,CA 91770•{818)288-6671 •Telecopier 8183079218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: JULY 21, 1998 RE: ACCEPTANCE OF WORK FOR STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD The referenced project has been constructed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications. Attached are the final report of project costs, copies of all change orders, and a location map. The original contract amount was $149,598.00. The total amount to be paid to the contractor including quantity adjustments and the 10 percent retention is $153,700.25. The Contractor has not formally accepted the amount of the final progress payment as he has claimed an additional $54,564.79 to daily remove and set-up traffic control. Staff does not believe this is a valid request in that this requirement was a part of the contract documents. RECOMMENDATION 1. Accept the above referenced project. 2. Authorize the recordation of the Notice of Completion by the Agency Secretary. 3. Authorize the release of the 10 percent retention payment 35 days after the recorded date of the Notice of Completion. Attachments AGENCY AGENnA FGTkjr JUL 2 S 1998 SG Storm Drain NOC ITEM No. 02• • CITY OF ROSEMEAD CONTRACT PROGRESS REPORT Descriptlo Storm Drain Improvements in From: March 5.1998 Repon Number. FINAL San Gabriel Boulevard To: Apn130, 1998 Start Date) January 5,1991 Contracts 97-03 Complete Date: March 3,1998 Contractor Southern California Underground Job II 10142 Contract Price: $149,598.00 Address: P.O.Box 1747,Brea,CA 92622-0747 • I TOTAL I CONTRACT! QUANTITY I PREVIOUS QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT I QUANTITY THIS EST. ESTIMATE TO DATE PRICE TO DATE 1 18'RCP.1500-D i L.F. 1461 0.00 143.00 143 DO $6000 $8,58000 2 ta'RCP.2W0.D I LF. 28, 0.00 28.00 28.00 $6500 31,820 00 3 24'RCP,D-Load per Plan L,F, 1081 0.00', 108.00 108 00 $80 00 $8,640.00 0 JO"RCP.D-Load per PlanL.F. 401 0.00 t 42.00 42.00 $100 00 54,200.00 •_ 5 aT RCP,D-Load _ 552.00 552.00. 6 Catch basin APWA SW.Plan it3061 W-35' EACH 4' 540000 $59,600.00 per L F 554 0.001 Plan per - _ - i 0.00� 4.00 4_00 $240000 $960000 6b Catch basin per APWA SW.Plan#3021 W=7.0' EACH 11 0.00 1.00 100 $3,600.00 $3600.00 Sc Catch basin per APWA SW.Plan R30b1 W=180' EACH I 1 0001 100 1.00 $5,00000_ _ $5.000.00 6d CMrJr basin per APWA SW.Plan Y300-1 W=21 0 EACH 1, 0.00 1.00 1.00 $5.80000 55.800.00 7a Catch basin per APWA SW Plan p314-0 W=14' EACH 2. 0.00 2.00 2.00 $4,600.00 59200.00 8 'Manhole per APWA Std.Plan#321-0 I EACH ' 21 0001 200 2,00 $260000 $520000 9 Mannose per APWA SW Plan#322-0 EACH 3'. 0.00 3.00 3.00 3280000 88.40000 -.1 10 Manhole per APWA Std.Plan Y331-1 EACH 21 0.00 200 200 $800.00 51.600.00 ' 11 Junction structure per APWA Sm.Plan 8332-0 EACH : 1' 0.DO' 1.00 1.00 3500.00 5500.00 12 Transition structure per APWA SW Plan#3042-0 . EACH ' 1 00D 1.00 1.00 31900.00 $1,90000 13 Concrete wear EACH 2 0.00 a.oD a.pp $300 DO $1,200 00 14 Plugendol pipeM_e'pl bock mortar EACH 4i 000 4.00 400 $450 OD $1600.00 15 Construct pipe upport-conduts across trenches EACH 4' 0.00. 600 6.00 5400.00 82,400.00 16 Removelconstruct new curbopemng catch basin L.S. t 0.00 1 00 100 $3,500.00 53500.00 17 R 1.00 ooe/wnstract 4'tnick PCC sidewalk L.S.LS1I, O.pO' 1.00 E600 OO 5800 00 18 Reconsir houselaterals perAPWA'SId.R222-0 EACH 2 OOD 6.00 600 $60000 53.600.00 - _. 1. . -. 19 Remove existig tree.Intron bait(min 36') EACH 1 0.00' 1.0p 1.00 $B00.00 380000 20 Remove existing catch basin 8 local depression LS. 1 0.00 1.00 I 00 $1,200.00 $1200.00 21 Reestablish existing 3'wide pkwy drain opening EACH 1 000 1.00 1.00 $1,600.00 $1.600 00 ' 22 Shoring and bracing L S. 1 0.00 1.00 1.00 $2.000.00 $2,000 00 23 Pubic improvements signs EACH 2 000 200 2.00 560000 $120000 0_ . 24 change Order Not L.S. t1 0.00', 100 1 0 $8.654 37 $66543) 25 Overtime inspection HOURS 10.5 0.00 1050 1050 ($91.25) (5950.13) 25 Lipwtlated DamagesEACH 12 0.00 120D 1200 (5600 00) ($120000) _ /�1 yy Total Construction To Dale $153.700.25 Prepared By: 7 x-ri/ /�J61�i.R--' Date: /-/`""ye Less 5%Retention 50.00 r/ y Total Due To Date _ 5153.700 25 Checked By: /V rC/ Date 7 /611 Previous Payment 8146.015.23 Balance Due _ 57685.D2 Approved By Dale Contractor . ...-... Approved By /` es_ ea By 288 Crly Engineer _,�.'Ci: 'read IT 07116/98 ( W WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO_ 1 l LNGNFFAS ANO Pi,WN:RS • • J fruas3 c wo is covosa©G�I) REv.NO. SUPPLNO_ - AGENCY CiTY OF P-05p-,->ErS0, .. SToerw, UQYIIN m+Qr- JOB NUMBER 10142 PROJECT TITLE'S eeta.livD- ✓C.r'>t�7f'S IN • SHEET _OF _SHEETS CONTRACT NO. 97-03 SPECIAL AGENCY NO. . -TO SO CAL UmDFa:Pnv m1:3 CONTRACTOR- . You are hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and specifications or do the following described work not Included in the plans and specifications on this contract. NOTE This change order is not effective until approved by the Agency. Description of work done, estimate of_quantities and prices to be paid. Segregate between additional work at contract price, agreed price and time and materials ESTrnrATE OF ECTPIA t4ozc AT TimE AJD NATE¢JAL.S FEE. 560-10,1 3-3.2 OF THE SIT_1.1491_ F27✓I5i0N5 . • THECHAI.eE 15 F-0e THE PDDITIOJRL`WCso✓ [ F70'nED t.JFIILE . ( . Exei3VATI we, TO INSTWLL THE 13 -I KY-14 1D 42,-INLI+ RcP srchan Dent NI PIPES. piths To 15e CDJEeED IN TH15 CNAI.>r,C_ pEe THE Ecrw9 Recons u ' 1. ENCCU CED 18-ING1 -n-4Ick ASPNonUT CoNceErc Ravdr,EIJT SAN C--AgeJEL asJD am. 0+09 SATO O«32 D6 ri 2. Ihr-vae,Fn UNn-APYED 1-11,4u4 GAS uNE ANC ENCoUA1rEe.ED lS - NU- ASP-IALT co1-CQE'1C PAVFynEi4T- SAN Cle1 EL BLVD St . 10 .59°5To II +25.a° °4. Ewcous'TEeED UN mA2CED 4-IN_N CA5 uNE INIE2FEP.JIJCc 4Z-Iwcti PGP. SAN C,-n62iEi- BLVD . 5TA. 15+G5ff To IS+ 44 00 rj-(3) IfiLITy LINES CCAs n1.I0 uATEL'� INtEeFE21 NC U1 T14 INSTAl t hOl.1 or 18-tNu-I ace C-LauY1N STn. O+OO TO I2+00 . "10 . V�-1oDIFY CZ c ro-i 3AsiNS PE2 5TD . 314-0 W a' 14- to TO Ti-1E EX15T1NG, 8- INCL-1 GK15 LINE . SAW e/AialEL BLVD LAIbeAlS A-S AND A-9 . CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 REV.NO. SUPPLNO. AGENCY CITY OF 2-o' 1EfAC) ID142. JOB NUMBER continued • ... • . • _• ['omPE rioN ' E x crRxi Woay. RExeyS 1 . - 13oz..4"2- " Z = 2,858.G5 • 4 4 = 1259 45 " 5 . : 1, 143. 15 - uca :2090 .�a . ExieA l.be.c RE7oey '+T3 - 1-(Nu-1 Utas LIIJE INTEZFEIZING ,u�y1�T��rf m.al JLiNE-• A 5- LJO2KN6,- DAY T Tp n-c EN JSION WAglS G{Z .frE.0 DAItu 01-77-9} , ND /ADDITIONAL etrenPe JS rio1J WILL SE C$aultu -- ESTIMATED COST: Decrease $ or Increase $ 8654.3 By reason of this order the time of KiO A JU5-'Yr€bJ r • . C completion will` bet adjusted flows: Prepared By. SIC ' "I 'aJ �t v.-- S . RW. (913—e\1Ee- v Si.natu - Title Date Recommended By. ��. . / .(---L: C ‘71 l6 a Title - .ale City/Agency d!'! (N/H, 5/4,.,1/1 ✓I !/, fr ig ature Title lotE i We, the und- g ed contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, If this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the work above ' specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above. Accepted, Datemc�y..,�,r C - I Contractor�Sout -c/ca C4-4j(.J�dc/.0.0. , By �"'y0 J Title ti-,, ud. A / (y/ • Signature U If the Cantrccter does not sign acceptance of this order, his attention is directec to the recuirements of the specifications as to proceeding with the C orcerec work and filing a written protest within the time therein specified. . o/23/C8 LAI y „I 1111111 tl:f_`` -C - ..1 I I JI i.. De \- v.1 a VI �� r` r � [ C .�-i .............„.„4„ , „ �/s , .cara,fin ; Change Order#1 I ' / �� .w 3U'9 9 3v4l-fm 1 BLVD-1` �4[/�S. e w1 m n SUE” -IrJn ¢tr 5. _.,\ �_°„.. , rOS-1V 4Br " l'-n - 4 _- r S. sT -; � IIS I ; 1 ^' .>, s .—� rr�i'. ” :IiIon1= �� ` sr ,`i ,� cfl p fg � - S II, gg9. dddd s I' @ ''6±A-"r F� i`� e r iisumc MC[�TE= -L ! - ' $ iS1 \ o P 7 1I a c wive, < I dI1 z-. / \ �' r itiat 3 "� �A I. _ ati /naz p ,, ' AA P\• O IN ,,' / 1 31 3 �� S,La rgt 7.` tEL IV C z 1j I new Irt �. n asn1 lEesm/I ( �a„»� (” 3, �w �� --.. � I ! 9 � 'II / / ;' J1.‘,:-.-7;4—'"i —moi .-�� i ;%/ \ 1 r / -7.,J__,—_--%0, 0„,-, ---, _: , , .