CC - Item 3B - Resolution No. 99-45 - Proclaiming November 1 1999 through 2000 as Buck Up for Life Challenge RESOLUTION NO. 99-45 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROCLAIMING NOVEMBER 1, 1999 THROUGH 2000 AS BUCKLE UP FOR LIFE CHALLENGE WHEREAS, traffic crashes are the NUMBER ONE killer of Americans, ages 1-38, and last year in California, 3,459 people were killed in traffic crashes, on our streets and highways; and WHEREAS, the safety seat belt has been proven to be the most effective life-saving and injury-reducing device for all types of motor vehicle crashes; and WHEREAS, as many as 2,000 lives could be saved each year if every driver and passenger would wear safety seat belts during every trip in a car; and WHEREAS, the BUCKLE UP FOR LIFE CHALLENGE has been extended through 1999-2000; and WHEREAS, this extension will give city governments, community organizations, business, industry and labor an additional opportunity to help bring about a significant increase in seat belt and child car seat usage, by focusing public attention on the life-saving benefits of these safety devices; and WHEREAS, the Greater Los Angeles Chapter National Safety Council has invited all of Southern California to join in this vital effort to reduce the terrible carnage that prevails on our streets and highways. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemead, renews its commitment to the vital BUCKLE UP FOR LIFE CHALLENGE, hereby proclaims the remaining holiday months of 1999 and all of 2000 as BUCKLE UP FOR LIFE CHALLENGE and pledges to make every possible effort, through ceremonies, programs and activities, to encourage its citizens to buckle up their seat belts and child safety seats each and every time they travel in a motor vehicle. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 2310 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1999. MAYOR ATTEST: COUNCIL AGENDA CITY CLERK NOV 2 31999 ITEM No. -777- , g GREATER LOS ANGELES CHAPTER NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL 3450 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD • SUITE 700 • LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA 90010 (213) 385-6461 • FAX (213 ) 385-8405 • WWW. GLACNSC. COM November, 1999 Honorable Mayor: Safety belts, infant car seats and child restraints have saved over 30,000 lives. Despite this figure, 20% of Californians are still not wearing their seat belts. Some mistakenly believe that if their vehicle is equipped with an airbag, they do not need to wear their seat belts. There is no better known way to reduce traffic fatalities and prevent serious injuries than to use a seat belt or child restraint. The proof of their effectiveness has led 48 States to enact seat belt laws. For these safety and economic reasons,the Greater Los Angeles Chapter National Safety Council urges your City to renew its commitment to the "Buckle Up for Life"Program. Our target is 100% safety belt/child restraint usage. Your official proclamation (sample enclosed) in support of the "Buckle Up for Life Challenge" is still of primary importance in achieving this goal. Your official City-Wide policy on safety belt usage is vital to this effort. Educational programs to increase seat belt use are a necessity. Our Safety Council has many educational materials available to you at not cost. lust contact us at (213) 385-6461 so we may help you. Best wishes for a safer 2000. We look forward to receiving your 2000 "Buckle Up for Life" Proclamation to put your City, along with so many others, on the side of saving lives and preventing injuries in Southern California. dially MtPh �f. OSEPH M. KAPLAN, President JMK:CA Encl.