CC - Item 4A - Request for West Bound Left-Turn Access at Valley Blvd & Loma Ave. M '''D c.,.. .Ripic staf f eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS 1' _ROOSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: IR—rr ff< G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: Y NOVEMBER 23, 1999 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR WESTBOUND LEFT-TURN ACCESS AT VALLEY BLVD. & LOMA AVENUE DISCUSSION This is a request by Mr. J. Frank Quintanilla of Golden Rose Florist, 9228 Valley Blvd., for a westbound left-turn lane to be installed in order to alleviate the problem of customers making illegal westbound left turns into his parking area. The driveway access to the subject site is almost directly across from Loma Avenue at Valley Blvd. There is an existing dedicated left turn lane for eastbound traffic at Valley Blvd. and Loma Avenue, and a painted median nose for westbound traffic. The reported traffic accident history (January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1998)for this intersection shows that one accident occurred, involving an eastbound vehicle turning left and broadsiding a westbound vehicle proceeding straight. This was identified as a violation of the right-of- way of the westbound vehicle by the eastbound vehicle turning left. Field review incorporated the entire stretch of Valley Blvd., including the intersection at Loma Avenue. Staff found two "T" intersections have a driveway opposite the street that intersects Valley Blvd. The "V intersections were found on Gernert Avenue and Loma Avenue. Both have a painted median nose that denies access to the driveway. Staff observed vehicles turning left through the painted median nose at both intersections. Based on these findings, the removal of the painted median nose and the continuation of the two way left turn lane is recommended for the following locations: Westbound Valley Blvd. at Loma Avenue and Eastbound Valley Blvd. at Gernert Avenue. At the November4, 1999 meeting, the Traffic Commission voted 3-0 to approve this staff recommendation. COUNCIL AGENDA NOV 231999 ITEM No. �. to M E Council T.4T. . , 1999 staf f eport 7- RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council APPROVE the removal of the painted median nose and continuation of the two way left turn lane at the following locations: 1. Westbound Valley Blvd. at Loma Avenue; and 2. Eastbound Valley Blvd. at Gernert Avenue. EXHIBITS: Exhibit A—Staff report,dated September 28, 1999. Exhibit B—Figure 1 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION ((�� FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: SEPTEMBER 28, 1999 RE: VALLEY BOULEVARD AT LOMA AVENUE — REQUEST FOR WESTBOUND LEFT TURN ACCESS REQUEST - A letter, attached, has been received from Mr. J. Frank Quintanilla of the Golden Rose Florist, 9228 Valley Boulevard. Mr. Quintanilla indicates that his customers are making illegal westbound left turns in to his parking lot. Mr. Quintanilla is requesting a left turn lane be installed to provide a legal lane for his customers to turn left in to his parking lot. CONDITIONS The driveway access to the Golden Rose Florist is almost directly across from Lorna Avenue at Valley Boulevard. The existing traffic striping at the intersection provides a dedicated left turn lane on Valley Boulevard for eastbound traffic at Lorna Avenue. In the westbound direction, a painted median nose exists which does not provide access to the Golden Rose Florist. Beyond the painted median nose, a two way left turn lane exists. Figure 1 depicts the traffic striping at the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Loma Avenue. DATA The reported traffic accident history for the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Loma Avenue was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1998. The reported accident history revealed one accident occurring at this intersection during the period reviewed. This accident involved an eastbound vehicle turning left and broadsiding a westbound vehicle proceeding straight. The primary collision factor was identified as a violation of the right-of-way of the westbound vehicle by the eastbound vehicle turning left. DISCUSSION Staff reviewed the entire stretch of Valley Boulevard including the intersection at Loma Avenue. Based on this review, two "r intersections, including Loma Avenue, have a driveway opposite the street that intersects Valley Boulevard. EXHIBIT "A" Valley Boulevard at Loma Avenue— Request for Westbound Left Turn Access Page 2 - The "T" intersections are at Gernert Avenue and Loma Avenue. Each of these intersections has a painted median nose that denies access to the driveway. Field observation of the intersections of Gernert AvenueNalley Boulevard and Lorna AvenueNalley Boulevard indicated vehicles were turning left through the painted median nose. This movement was generally within the painted median nose area and the vehicles did not block through traffic. RECOMMENDATION Based on the field observations and the limited number of occurrences in the City, the removal of the painted median nose and continuation of the two way left turn lane is recommended for the following locations: 1. Westbound Valley Boulevard at Loma Avenue, and 2. Eastbound Valley Boulevard at Gernert Avenue. This recommendation is depicted in Figure 1. Attachments JaRsd\Valley Loma Left Turn Access 1i�y Y GOLDEN ROSE FL RIST August 3, 1999 Ken Rukavina Engineer, City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead,CA 91770 Dear Ken, Good Morning. I sure could use your help with a problem on the street in front of our flower shop. We have received complaints from our customers that the"turning lane"directly in front of our shop ends too soon and if customers make a left turn (if they are traveling West on Valley Blvd.) that it ends up to be an illegal tura I examined it and it sure seems that way to me too. We asked one of the local LA County Sheriff's Deputy's that patrols on the Traffic - - Motorcycles to take a loolc He came by,got off his bike, and examined it carefully. He said that the striping is "improperly laid out." Last month, we contacted Steve Trott,the Public Works Observer about this problem. He said that he would discuss it with you and get back to us. As of today, we have not heard from him. I have a recommendation: would you please repaint the striping and paint a"left hand turn lane." This would be ideal and would make it easy for customers to pull a left into our parking lot. This way, they would not be"scared"of making an illegal left turn. The sniping as it is now is "bad for business"and needs to be altered. I've seen other commercial lots with a similar traffic situation here in Rosemead and they do have their own left hand turn lane. Please help! Sincerely, /4' (CS4/4 ` � - J. Frank Quintanilla ,.),U.re-4. cy t4L6. // P/ cc: Frank Tripepi Ps. K-(9,,lIc -61;(2, a 9 9228 EAST VALLEY BOULEVARD, ROSEMEAD, bra irvt.✓ —77.--80---ea TEL (626) 572-8555 FAX (626) 5 �7pw -,637 0-CC -7 r wn.goldenrosetlonst.com Loma Ave. A / 1 I Ij S Remove painted median nose. Install two way Valley Blvd left tum lane. �� Rose Goo,t,st Not to Scale Valley Blvd. `J Remove • painted median nose. J�1*O� nose. Install two way left turn lane. Figure 1 Gernert Ave. EXHIBIT "B"