CC - Item 4E - Authorization to Attend National League of Cities Annual Congressional Conference . M stafleport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER - DATE: DECEMBER 7, 1999 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO Al !END NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ANNUAL CONGRESSIONAL CONFERENCE,MARCH 10-14, 2000 WASHINGTON D.C. Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. Key Issues that will be discussed are Taxing Internet Sales, Community and Economic Development, Education, Preemption, Infrastructure and the Environment. The City has attended in the past and it has proven beneficial to the community. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the attendance of any Council Member, City Attorney, City Manager and staff designccs. COUNCIL AGENDA DEC 141999 ITEM No. 1L-CGE 2 MARCH 10-14, 2000 • WASHINGTON HILTON AND TOWERS • WASHINGTON, D. ,J 'r 4 . l. am y sA . T 0O' IL * I . C C �-r - ,s:etius _ C ^ / '.I'J lli ` 4,11 Ei igi i i ii 1 1 1Illi111U��L1IW M IIH IL iII I IT‘1 I, .� �� E' t Tit p1L's. a1 00111MITdn ti - iR-I11 ANNUAL CONGRESISIONAL � � -. €rig . 7_ __-. able NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ‘„,__- T - 'CH 10-14,2000•TASHINGTON -+ I TON AND OWERS • 't'ASHINGTON, P. . .. CONGRESSIONAL CITY CoN HiRENCE 2000 I fs( phi t ( I Meet 11^' nd conweLec arT" um it Beef12 nationd.lion on T (mel f r u da,uljP,ALS% r len of the mu mblumium.Moon m I•.ICICSMOIldil f anal Hill i oppar r_ ue'IV r I .enda for num Le ' 1rar t I °.inGzo'n S - anz team in I h f _ f t i d s1 H pct h cb " k a \ u I VI ' -t I ll A1C 1 J us tiwtch I I I,kct f i � in (orLremimfb( n Croierence in hbasharmu.9,I)C densinas vVlarch 2(110 Zap the enpartumn tc learn Tie Congsn d( f _ _ Mod: ehaaes that lie ahead and what c in store tie oppamui_e to k panof for ecu and s u as the Oht Cana-rep d .powerful l rel AA':-nlnnon . its amk d tPreside-9d iandm DC nat o cisionc arC IndLIL that al u Ctakeoneresc hesmc,o"pa shape he 1 marsag cr ua r.da.. , - •m. Ife probEn ewes underwayEndat ,lamb 10 REASONS TO ATTEND THE 2000 CONGRESSIONAL CITY CONFERENCE VF Int:,,,4,-,,new comb to local offaxd tId rfinal me Internet theta d to miss cat on t \larch an rm.._l_ the _i I aboutnational-I al 1' he h NECW tion end V aF . es.e mars4 mteapeon h topminutia,for • Conareslnwl Cita Conferences.each yw offers a national II len;from has 20JO.lnett ook al mere IIaffecty [ hoe llh. .f lied. h f e t H h t 5will share their perspeane,on k tome to V,ashcrenb i in Marsh cuch b.taxmgInters m:elm federal.p at .� 1 1'a h h rl ' UO h o p t t. d d p t f r PA I Jt and C p l tel tensommun cations ent monment You II learn first hand oh the national mach more ' 1' Zs ge im a;fH Math ' contocues kt 1 IIh to - h or and F ClintonC1 adt t 6•( a I l local ,• -ht tearsh \1 Housep fort actionand niu n.t I .1 3 ladli hear theat nnnuon btu the work of how hevllsote nk. acs .the d ry-Con Electronic c711ml share Capmemma ana IICIWC4 Mile Comma .\\ha'\ /.losal Endersfrom I aroughoutmc count: /. 8UJ Il be able to attend spmial leaders hip . O t h ill mereate l -alu ft itt :e II> !e \9 1 J.IsCeoldt a a knew t °'22213' H 'rrl e MESHgOE y� VLC ea nr H faea t apo t ofth ir. ; covaREgg d .'Ilk k akeadifference( e s�t r �7 >_o- soar hametnu n _.y.. 1. . s. r 4 Come to CCC 2000 to learn �-.-_ exchange Ideas, i make the - - s• , connectionsd that ill make a 1 } 'rn to 1141 difference dune the coming bear. LEADRRsnP TRAINING INSSEMINARS FULL I/11 SE46U1 HVFDAT SEMPAlu T diners I Hui-DO SFIILCAHS I Aril ‘L'ard.Pucim of FIUDATY ANTI) j"�A1r�� I J N AUG 1T OF HE PUBLINC BUDAY n N ATCRSOFTHE PCBLIC TIARCH 10 PouGl]lutivGLE SATURDAY MA11ES'TO A hex R Fil_ MARCH 10-11 MEDIA LNLI.pr 1om�an S ( r full days) a straan amsan 7 ro c arid Feat-nos: ora lora heat AD 1Da'ACtD PL BLIG I mu, ask era to encase sno SPE',KING CLINIC Fm.ID A SENTAv6 f l IFol -r I ft_°v F TV p SATURDAY aid a raz 4 I 1. . Lh ,scs is,add, 'MARCH 11 and d d . irks. a. BLTLDI[GA P ] e1 p d COA1A1UN1Tl'.RASED L fin,reitczt IJrceI Al rcA :.[ GOA EF-... isa se.,and lx r a,a -,l Cor sVAus. Rmsarrn lit SISO rid 17 LIL ( re .feed DC V :Irdixm G an e(The FO n-�F LT u sI.ar h [ Communicator'AiraJ' 'h`" prm hie . 'OA IGNT1NG i II Ju l aurtailMm:m dfd a r ,..n OF THE PUBLIC'BALERS h 4mune l o p. , OF THE PUBLIC POLICY DELIVERING 'a"'a= TRIANGLEi omou EFEaCTHaE Tat'PI i ee TRTILION) N 4 L � R dnr I at Nor n h .0 cata4 p! A Ahan o-L. It h 4 J R Let-r 1 La AIL 12 AN aAAFm4CaLi officials L loos clam asi .1of A Imitate p -.li I p .ch. DC4C4d the media rnmah MatscuctCL d I d PR DanrU C �.m rend cc : scar_and Crved l IIIHa DsomR vWrn ed [mmdnom dallew j sandm _ rnpnn amv amk S as pepolies C Ca emlF asd .ueRr.n s I Culltbortioe a Caulln Flll-DAlSENIIA4R rap cora ci 144110d1b al d ad Iat Ld 4 l s En1OTIIGEN L I - III • pmin twit nd:e , INTELLIGENCERm.-NampaN. al ✓er. dr.ni NEI DIMENSIONS IS MARCH 10 Falo Aker, 1 LEADERSHIP ( I Rq un Em C.onniurn“mr PRGDUOTIATTl' ht` ti Tuan I The FL sc?and Tana Olh"laF44 mote itcrm'1'111 dram,-lc TI nn A.p a y B ,Ap and L nrn aft a F I.-0 Cm.C.�n d; H nea O s . lls %y prW rha Commmeo.l.11hdnrt Lauri. dtor - readousects pro pre ss 1 ma BUILDING p path hFIn If arsTori ad to vo�k h L °m and CULTURAL Pord.'r COMPETENCY i—:he EQ'a lap and lmlle p P ihahr acharosmciof II II ql.c as al ,p cc i no,dm stater cs pT icd oc R` FeeSc5 erre nh h - p f Ln I lar seal Di in a is osLanno 4S te II aro 1 tad taaJ Fr.an iisrew.ds: kooL It r 1 Treinaril skillsdeal F Id nnm l n re . l h p tInnnL r C41.tad ,aLi. < r- d . Ow- n.p.:erch Far,al h r understandingr r :oath al limes and the HINT Cornerstn dGmyn C<Grp,Pan ice Icor ums ar she Cornerstone curLOTT I .. CONGRESSIONAL CITY CONFERENCE 2000 KEryISSUES : CCP_000 x'Il feature legislative and e Iaa .adeeo Eedpra-.h._e. : �.'..d.���M re-an•J pie. acsaions,a1/4 orkshops,and .eel. iJaips on CpItTll,sithCongressional m and Administration leaders lo focus on FDI 1.1FION the federal ss es that Pall he mos.opt- o In PREEn II'CIOS cal to d es andd tothe 2000 and I .I, p 'a be,eaon:od. daw .nh al • .ane p,. ntic.pan a, �.. , Lt.iwe ' MI .. ..la,l 51145n.2 1.1d V 11 d-Jrc. a r e Iad I :J TAX CUTS OA IAAFST\ff\TS d I . t d p c Irl v,e : 1h .l.5,111 ry c I LL Ciclnal-• VJid- at' .n. Gel sd .rd:. as 1 � ;u 9 • p d INIR AS IRLCILRE t h r a. a.UM;Pa iatium.--paint inoanneource fel nJ : np "- e TAXING INTERNET SALES — — E .—� Ic , IL ds. Co _ I ,- a r hEri • h l Dell M I IL f is d il Gal,T on 11 d :a I)a r Grt 51111% ...day n - 1 / r -,•��' d lc � Gr- - n. d L1 d .bone Lr • p C - 1 . 1 ae • d eE r _ �t I E\\IROUIEIT mordonumr a _ t. 11 �m • a -l- • Th 4� Grogan L. I fa _ ' ' / '....1E F le. ar- 1• 1 . n of p I Ir -�� 3. r h p' E hh r I d mica CO\t\IL\ITl IND LCO\O\1IC ` ' 1' tee^ DEVELOPMENT deahadea popte..d uhr hi-En fel .. ' e � .i • .ha I ah caps and n e l re[ n 4n inT uod. l - I rel d .eh adore Ia .a1'.Sa o,e tnd r- =arch( Imrier /' -. in Gun, _iron dun.r=+p.0 r 1 dli adeduaalu.dong son nine t r Fond Gr[ac Na - ELECTRIC HOME and the L BID. G r m P LI DEREGULATION Inds T Fa �* Guerra, JLi .� 1 9 rash Toned 9 i E. 1 all t d ,00.ped o nodule lacw.n. C 1 ado-man AA r 1 lona' rae.. a.l E..- ec:n lclonal C e a r e_.ae.m nm ince an,'10 aoda, ' TELECOA1VILIICATIOAS h p- LAPL. IEDGRORTH I 11 f tne E T of l l,-aldrGed crowGe 212 dc.elorr,e d d e anLI A.Innv.n�rn, Ir' fed ,dr in J J r+ d a n h do .ondar'dd on¢sh o: n1. '+I I1 ,a craa or I s ea:d: P d clop-cent d e outs' so F ] E „IJ lu: e n COe . [loll il iPLrmd:som_os C sudreru ell Panne MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD TODAY! ForFA' /(��� T ��17 SPECIAL EVENTS '�/�VZ113 srmaa.Marsh Iz CELEBRATE DIl ERSI IY BREIRFAS f e,Reghmxeon fm$35($40 ans.'s), ' Dei in and guess at CCC 200C an invited to'C.Lb-ate Diversity in L4,..�� �-x�-i 10 • Am ica's Ge dl at the lith 1 kf sponsored b5 five ' l(ILA l NEC coiiitu y groupsiinP if Ani \1 pal OR ala - '.nam I-^I l : -.e4 s : (AP.AMO),GY Lb nd Bisexual Leal OfiA (GLBLO) Hp ` 15pm r orrc , OustT ,c.,,dn,.and Bad lad lOfficials IIELO),Ndonal Black Caucus of Loral Elaad I Officials(HBC'LE01.and Women in N1un opal Gor rrnm WIMG) :Ip ' c t rci i rr. ..I.. ,y MCC mos The breakfast will feature aA h ll d perspective on-. issues faring ofialsand',me Ill hrsns SATURDAY MARCH 11 CAPITOL STET'S v '31 Hied 1'luny Bark bypopl d d the Capt.]]Stepsm 'll per 6 :ons day.Much l2 t In =2000 at the Open gR -pcian. It dt matter 0 hethor you are Democrat, d ro,- 'c m 1 r 1 r U ii Independent or R e bl ar t.a.,h o-paruaan tun for eraoryone - upr It #rc ors. rsh l mIA ro'nubCHR YOUTH PARTICIPATION #._,. l ,.n. rd Set .IP.ema-s .Mayorsand round menbna are enm.uatN to brute woutA tlvyouth -.. stn _ x $arddpna the I ALCE goal Is pl t' kid t - th • Vnme # n cn.Au lnnzDenm.nal key playas in mmmuAc and should be nurtured and engaged as partners" rmid #pug c mfrtbotrrIrcFI `nova p,roap,,,rs should be r>>-lsy�nld whe areas the dty,houm r,ld Iapm Iolpt eitinal or bbo bave Y solidbase dp w mirmunty arshities.school #I (o n c 1D lad°Ma m act 5 ewo (p 'MA¢othto 'oinnN of the T Ors f. * No r,rbo a:dw, uwa;Dm my EIS nl or adult y-hoaz a Band under) There to is a Sarna L, 333 at tc �' �7L IS no fee fo youth(age]g dundm}Thasua SIC reps - 1 ErniFIR r muskfm adore rh who 1st*. I t t..ants".h net\Ircrgs pavnesnauon ofdmnr officals.me Hen (reals e „worse.,LC P.,should pa)die regmado ( f dry meniM: p leorv. SPECIAL� SU QDAY MAR 12 DATES TO REMEMBER MBER - R' 50 an.-.el ,-,at 1 ca n ( !.:n p p CD February 4. w0 Deadl ne for registration aeN housing - enl IAec *rv,. A m r and le r o,,:a Droolrequest'A Vues must be pumrkd by this dao After Ws date a0 hc Joao= f IY ddegam must ie4ster on site at higlu ata ADVANCE #Be_he hoer)&Cn:homtnn)I UI FaIcm.. #'Lan I r &St: (TI5, ,February4,21150-Deadline form ll i . Cancelraoon liners must 5 V yI is 10 ace-6 J ra ro Sall Coo,( Srenng CammneNee.mg be postmarkedby the dam and are subden to a$O cancellation charge - V 'CU. gut a ro la JrLm Darr.tr.h crsfao - There as d refunds 1 c rekaionsafie this date IO.'s II -alt on El ,1 - rr. \run- I 6 b A �:: c LwJi LEADERSHIP] Noon Imt no Limmortyc%Longs ' HOW TO REGISTER mem At MARCH * n DleeIp 1.01 Enc 0 f nth Yuo:al kemureaI HE'roc �,NR To rep am for the donC ,p ddCoil-can _fdl wthe rcgrm don #1 rue Trd-r.o.I ancc rumen alms form and rent. it wall your check.. p l_w dt card - Na „L, I]-CeLJmmauou to theNI.(.Conference It Cnmr�rcreImamarked by svt.RnsA Alv dorm.- pm GuDdC LC ir-bonReidy February 42000_ - -; dr Ce' \ 1. * Each delegate, speaker member of the .D. Npm. C [ R G etre-DgzrEwme e5 0 P onto. _ G DOpm.. t d, M "mY and rteeanmen m¢PMr.Bann r R o chrge:or press c p4 Cathppi • dS ATI • Momaw MARcc 13 P mens(c g roll t ardi accept.d �tID„ odo,Tt * adymcnt(a k Bur haazrd d included with d .I t a1 se P sit -umbra SPECIAL E\ 44 -A d alk Ad cPb * Pell* ecti t ,m-I p t V oWsand Lund al:mo P meet February JoAnne eons oma register oaim fundswi d mare h- h Al iLlo saA OO pm-d illy b. r(gsand( Evs * Refunds n madeforroman]brh ary 4.'200gked ]pm-r o. pea”GsoupAIeTam_wm¢ yorrt Ile hargeLar i ttrs must he Bastin a rked t:I ala by this date Notelephone ancell - ilk fired No partial AICLLO con. refunds will be made if you decide not to attend particular fntntons. aCDIC - 0,1. TUESDAY MARCH 14 -ram-I J Cape.I h d N .F Hlnnm 111 HOTELS Ersh n Oluc Jpar.League t -e.o.m.,:p k6nt and po ef„,„ If too nd horcmmn hi ms.phrase cA.ek the appmpriam box on oudem.-I tet., &a „cd s rd ,1,m ueregmai onn torn * NEC wdl make a hotel resen anon for lu whenas pregister for the con- vsnoou dicta o fere c * RoomsrW be assigned on a first come,first served basis Iort OFFICEU51 * All conference essions uill be held at the Washington Hilton Honi I'aIF COIN. Sp