CC - Item 4B - Staff Report Acceptance of Work for Removal and Replacement of Street Three on Olney c[ M �O ..c.. E \ �j� Or v,® :Ka stat teport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL '' // FROM: FRANK TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 5, 1998 RE: ACCEPTANCE OF WORK FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF STREET TREE ON OLNEY The referenced project has been constructed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications. Attached are the final report of project cost, copies of all change orders, and a location map. The original contract amount was $59,150.00. The total amount to be paid to the contractor including quantity adjustments, change orders and the 10 percent retention is $38,078.76. i RECOMMENDATION 1 1. Accept the above referenced project. 2. Authorize the recordation of the Notice of Completion by the City Clerk. 3. Authorize the release of the 10 percent retention payment 35 days after the • • recorded date of the Notice of Completion. Attachments EGT COUNCIL AGENDA AUG 111998 ITEM No. ---=• eC-- K. 2 CITY OF ROSEMEAD CONTRACT PROGRESS REPORT Description. Replacement of Street Trees on From: 07127190 Report Number: FINAL Olney Strout(Brookline to Rio Hondo) TOT 00104190 Start Date: 191011997 Contract 4 974 Complete Date: Contractor. S A M Landscape Job If 10264 Contract Priv: 559.15000 Address: 346 5.Motor Avenue Azusa,CA 91702 TOTAL ' CONTRAC.I QUANTITY PREVIOUS QUANTITY I UNIT CONTRACT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY THIS EST. i ESTIMATE TO DATE PRICE it TO DATE I v 1 I Remove&construct curb&gutter L F 1101 0.001. 0.CC', 73.COI 535.001, 52.555.001 f 2 Remove A construct B.ench thick AC S.R. 2501 0 00 6.001 164.251 515.00 52663]51 3 Remove existing tree'rootball td dia. EACH T 0.00 000 19.001 5750001 514,250001 4 Remove existing tree/football 6-ida. f EACH __ 2 0.00 0.00 0;0015450.001 511.00 e8 plant bo lp tree(camphor lee.,0.0 o 000 000 EACH 53 000r 0.00 33001 6 Furnish e0a Sco ) v00.00 pe .00 13,200.00 8 iChangeO deaNa mamma ra —.—' 5._.i__ -_-111 000i _ 0001: __--.00 i11 _.. .5 52210001 55521100011 • Total Construction To Date I 538 073.751 Papered By 'Q'^'- TYC - - Date. B A--9(3 Less toy Relermmn moo J Total Due To Dale _ 539,078 751 Checked By le5_ v`- Date'' B- S -ga Premous Payment —1— 53;051 8S 53.996.881 g ,Balance Due Approved By: ��r� I Date. - 5-5 t, - Cann) ,of Approved B ///y' (� -:-. Approved By: Oily Engineer City • 'L-:mead 08/05/98 ( V v\ / " �� ..� CONTZACT C1-LANEE ORDER NQ. .J �. y REV.NO. C—SUPPLNO. (117)6D®Q.00 moms ®DMOsD®GJ) AGENCY CITY Or Y ntr;D JOB NUMBER 102(14 C, TIT '[ori ro gkar� pbJ BEY 5T. PROJECT LE SHEET _OF SHEETS CONTRACT NO. SPECIAL AGENCY NO. TO i }N\ JNDSCAPE CONTRACTOR You are hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and specifications or do the following described work not Included In the plans and specifications on this contract NOTE This change order is not effective until approved by the Agency. Description of work done. estimate of quantities and prices to be paid. Segregate between additional work at contract price, agreed price and time and materials - THE CIN OF O EThEasp IS REPUESTTuC.? 11-1)47- else' IC ED/ Tett S PF I Ns ALLEll INSTEAD OF CAnAR-IDr2 Teas . 2 : Do mo-r INSMLL STREET Tt2EES AT 3522 RioNbNDO,. g4I5 I61555, 96022 rulo 9426 OIJ4EY ST. AS Aer ExiSnNC—, TbEFS Ar THEW. LOCRTIONS- C 3 , N o wtCE V FES OE TO BE RE-MOVED • EXCEL Fo Z p1JE TREE LOCATED AT 1703 0-1,-EY. ST Cor PENS�TI0N . No 0_05r OE c2EDI T MrL CHAI'C I IJ -MFF TYPES W I u. 8E e,12-0JTEhD BUT PAYI O T WILL 6E PE2 OD n 'CV UkliT 11 10E151D ITEM11-(p 2. . cownziocroc WELL l_,C dOO1PENSAcTED FOIZ PGTVViL -ream CANTED +tit_ CsDkin2JACT UNIT IhIrr, BID ITEYrn Co 3 , oia- OC uILl, BE Pa D FRD {2-C '>J/AL FAL THE J C-T CoUN I Z' Pe.IGE - P-31 D 1-1-Er"1'P 3 PLUS '210.°° DOt.uae5 FDR. move-- IN COS H (OVER) Avcr, 1 - ' - continued... • \/ ESTIMATED COST: Decrease $ or Increase $ 210oa By reason of this order the time of completion will be adjusted as follows: C3 Prepared By. P W Q ec 0I-30-98 ir Si•nature . Title Dote Recommended By. ../17 . .a h+`r -a-' tie Date City/Agency .i alu.r.. .<41.. rtifr( // Signature Title o We, the and/rsigned contractor, have given careful consideration tothe change proposed and hereby agree, If this proposal Is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish oil materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and per-form all services necessary for the work above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above. Accept , Date /�3- 1(0- * Contractor S C M C,VoscAPc -u C By Title QQcSLrY--t 11 Signature If the Contractor does not sign acceptance of this order, his attention is directed to the requirements of the specifications as (a proceeding with the ordered work and filing a written protest within the time therein specified. 6/23/55 'N .. 1-Oe • Lt i.. —;•17 ,-^ T s .z / .x a7 ELLS 1 31 r, vo - coo+y� at s .L2- 55 1 H/5510Y ' 31 0I gr i '.. . c 7 ,, o, o -'s-s 333„, <SM - em . 11:°1-2 � i „„ .elle, s 571 `I ; Iti —1 LA— —J LER" sti :RI SO.�IEaI-LAD a`� `�I44 5) V i u.0 72 P __ AV 1 , fly l�3 —,AtAsTh / .� �. I c I B _ g fi— t - t'i 'cm I o, I =I r b x J 1 , 4. 41 � I I�r�, J 'II.r7 57'7"r a. 71." _ 3 7NI VIw tS1 U yr IE. " \\d III I L .I 1 m l I.r5.475 e 3 '� � 1 L1� `. . J„ -1 \ a 1 e i CI rH ;aav x��� ,) EEI ai.1 `= R I I I h I-cv / _\ `/ r At- _ 3 OtEI$II-A i : i I F : s I 1 Change Order#1 \� � I ' _ a4 EL �I U 1 J II , 4 rT a 11 /O ir\ o ® n stattepor , TO: FRAM( G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER FROM: MICHAEL D. BURBANK, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATIOatj DATE: AUGUST 4 , 1998 RE: AWARD OF BID - MONTHLY LIGHTING MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT On Tuesday, August 4 , 1998 , bids were received and opened for the maintenance of the Lighting Systems at Rosemead and Garvey Parks and the Sports Complex. The following are the results of the bid opening: Monthly Bid Amount Reliable Lighting Service $ 480 . 00 Amtech Lighting $ 1, 421 . 71 Because of the disparity between the two bids I talked with the low bidder and reviewed the project and specifications with him. After discussion, he indicated he knew what we expected and he was comfortable with his bid. It should be noted that there is not a Dun & Brad Street Report available for the low bidder because his company is too small. I have reviewed the low bidder ' s references and all of them have checked out positively. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above, it is recommended that the City Council accept the low bid of Reliable Lighting Service and authorize the Mayor to execute the attached Agreement. 07-N-B55 COUNCIL AGENDA attachments AUG 111998 - Agreement - Contractor' s Qualification Statement ITEM No. .Ce--e- • -- / AGREEMENT FOR REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF SPORTS LIGHTING This Agreement dated this 11th day of August, 1998 between the CITY OF ROSEMEAD, a municipal corporation (hereinafter "City") and RELIABLE LIGHTING SERVICES, a corporation (hereinafter "Contractor"). The parties agree as follows: OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACTOR Contractor, at Contractor's expense, shall furnish all tools, implements, methods, processes, facilities labor and material necessary to perform, in a good and worker like manner, all work described herein as set forth in the specifications for lighting maintenance, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. COMPENSATION. The City shall pay Contractor monthly upon invoice per the bid proposal of CONTRACTOR, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. TERMINATION BY CITY. The City may terminate this Agreement, on ten days written notice to Contractor, for any reason. 4. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. All work shall be performed in accordance with the attached specifications. All work shall be performed in a worker like manner and thereafter, all work areas properly cleaned of debris. 5. PROTECTION OF WORK AND PUBLIC The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to protect the work and prevent accidents during any and all phases of work. The Contractor shall strictly adhere to all applicable federal and state OSHA regulations. The Contractor shall provide and maintain any necessary barriers, guards, watch persons, and warning lamps during maintenance procedures. 6 INSURANCE. The Contractor shall obtain the insurance coverage, listed in the attached specifications hereto, with the City of Rosemead, its officers and employees as named insureds. The Contractor shall maintain the required insurance coverage in full force and effect during the initial term and any renewal terms of this Agreement. Said insurance certificates shall contain a provision the 1 insurance coverage shall not be canceled or materially altered until the City is given thirty days prior written notice. 7. INDEMNIFICATION. Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless City, its officers and employees, from and against any and all damages to property or injuries to or death of any person or persons, including property and employees or agents of City, and shall defend, indemnify and save harmless City, its officers, and employees, from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, actions or proceedings of any kind or nature, including, but not by way of limitation, worker's compensation claims, resulting from our arising out of the negligent acts, intentional acts, errors or omissions of Contractors, its employees or subcontractors. 8. LAWS TO BE OBSERVED. The Contractor shall keep himself filly informed of, and act in compliance with all laws, ordinances, statutes and regulations of the City, State and Federal governments. 9. NOTICE. Any notice given hereunder shall be deemed to have been given when delivered personally or when sent to said parties by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the parties at the addressees listed below: CITY: CONTRACTOR_ City of Rosemead Reliable Lighting Services Attn. City Manager Attn_ Javier Valdovinos 8838 E. Valley Boulevard 6187 Anita Street Rosemead CA 91770 Chino, CA 91710 10. TERM OF CONTRACT The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of one(1) year, commencing on September 1, 1998, and may be extended for additional one (1) year terms, upon the mutual consent of both parties. The City Council may approve a renewal term, with a cost of living adjustment, without the necessity of rebidding, if the Council determines. (1) The service being provided by the existing Contractor is satisfactory and it is in the best interests of the City to retain the present Contractor; and (2) The Contractor proposes to provide the same level and quality of service at current prices with a not-to-exceed 5% (5 percent) cost of living adjustment; and 2 (3) That there has been no cost of living adjustment for the past one (1) year. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Aereement on the date first above written. CITY OF ROSEMEAD, a Municipal Corporation By: Mayor Attest: City Clerk /."---Cbntractor 3 EXHIBIT "B" City of Rosemead LIGHTING MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS July, 1998 1. 0 GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK This proposal is for labor and monthly inspection. Materials used to maintain lights shall be billed as an extra. (See extraordinary fee schedule) . The work covered shall consist of furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, transportation and services as required, in order to maintain sports, security and tennis court lights at three (3) facilities. 1. 1 . SERVICE AND INSPECTION Provide all labor and equipment to service and inspect the three locations once monthly. 1. Work to be completed within two (2) weeks after inspection. 1. 2 INSPECTION Inspection will consist of the following: 1. Inspection will take place on the first Tuesday and Thursday of each month between 8 : 00 a.m. - 1: 00 p.m. . (Days may be negotiated after award) . 2. Inspections will take place at both parks and Sports Complex and consist of turning on: a. All sports lights. b. All security lights. c. All tennis court lights 1. 3 MONTHLY INSPECTION REPORT Contractor is to complete monthly inspection report and turn it in monthly with his bills for materials. 2 . 0 EMERGENCY SERVICES Provide an emergency service to respond to calls within 8 hours after notice. - 2 . 1 EMERGENCY SERVICE REQUIREMENTS A. Provide emergency telephone no. B. Hourly cost for emergency service. Not to include replacement materials. C. Operator must have: 1. Electricians services truck. 2 . Ladder truck over 55 feet including welding. Page 1 of 3 3 . 0 FACILITY LOCATIONS AND PROJECT SITES 3 . 1 ROSEMIAD PARK FACILITY: 4343 Encinita Avenue, Rosemead Z . Project Sites 1. Sports light poles numbers (2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6 , 7 , 8 , 9, 11, 12 , 13 , 14 , 22) . A. Work required 1 . Replace burned out lamps. All materials to be General Electric products. 2 . Replace worn out/broken balasts. 3 . Replace broken or worn out lamp sockets. 4 . Replace broken lens covers. 2 . Security light poles numbers (1 , 2 , 3 , 5, 7 , 10, 12, 13 , 15, 16, 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 23 , 24) . A. Work required 1 . Replace burned out lamps. All materials to be General Electric products. 2 . Replace worn out/broken balasts. 3 . Replace broken or worn out lamp sockets. 4 . Replace broken lens covers. 3 . 2 GARVEY PARK FACILITY: 7933 Emerson Place, Rosemead I . Project Sites 1. Sports light pole numbers (20, 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25, 26, 27 , 30) . A. Work Required 1 . Replace burned out lamps. All materials to be General Electric products. 2 . Replace worn out/broken balasts. 3 . Replace broken or worn out lamp sockets. 4 . Replace broken lens covers. 2 . Security lights (1 , 20, 24 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31, 32 , 33 , 34) . A. Work required 1. Replace burned out lamps. All materials to be General Electric products. 2 . Replace worn out/broken balasts. 3 . Replace broken or worn out lamp sockets. 4 . Replace broken lens covers. Page 2 of 3 • 3 . Tennis light pole numbers (2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6, 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16, 17 , 18 , 19) . A. Work required 1. Replace burned out lamps. All materials to be General Electric products. 2 . Replace worn out/broken balasts. 3 . Replace broken or worn out lamp sockets. 4 . Replace broken lens covers. 3 . 3 SPORTS COMPLEX - 8471 Klingerman Avenue I. Project Sites 1. Sports light poles numbers (1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6, 7 , 8, 9) A. Work required 1. Replace burned out lamps. All materials to be General Electric products. 2 . Replace worn out/broken balasts. 3 . Replace broken or worn out lamp sockets. 4 . Replace broken lens covers. 2 . Security light poles numbers (1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6, 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12 , 13 , 14 , 15) A. Work required 1. Replace burned out lamps. All materials to be General Electric products. 2 . Replace worn out/broken balasts. 3 . Replace broken or worn out lamp sockets. 4 . Replace broken lens covers. 4 . 0 CLEANING LENS 4 . 1 Contractor is to clean all sport and tennis court light lens in May of each year. This service is to be included under normal monthly labor cost and is not to be an extra. 5 . 0 RE-AIMING OF LIGHTS 5. 1 Contractor is to re-aim all Sports lights in May of each year. This service is to be included under his normal monthly labor cost and is not to be an extra. lighting Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT "A" BID PROPOSAL TO: City of Rosemead 5838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 I have received the documents titled: Notice Inviting Bids, Instruction to Bidders, Specifications, Sub Contractor ' s List, Contractor ' s Qualification Statement, and Bid Proposal Form, and Addendums # , € & # . I have satisfied myself as to the scope of work and conditions of the site. In submitting this Proposal , I agree: 1. To hold my bid open for 30 calendar days from the date of this Proposal. 2 . To comply with the provisions of the Notice Inviting Bids, Instruction to Bidders and Specifications. 3 . To furnish Insurance as noted in the Instruction to Bidders. 4 . To begin initial light bulb replacement work within five (5) working days after receiving the Notice to Proceed. 5 . All initial light bulb replacement work must be accomplished within fifteen (15) calendar days. 6. I have completed and enclosed the Contractor ' s Qualification Statement. 7 . To name the City of Rosemead as additional insured on the Insurance Certificate. 8 . All prices are in effect, with out change for twelve months from date of Agreement. I will provide all labor, materials, supplies and equipment and perform all the work as specified in these documents for the lump sum monthly bid of: Rosemead Park: OAMr HitiVP4 O 50,T/ OOiLA&S $ 1160 . 00 Hand Written Sports Complex: ONe /faNOg5O 6i%Y1 OO/L✓+CS $ 160 . 00 Hand Written Garvey Park: D/JE l*u/✓OtZEO s/ ry J'L AYZs $ 160. 00 Hand Written Lump Sum Monthly Bid: $480 . 00 BY: Reliable Lidhtinq Services DATE: 7/30/98 ADDRESS: 6187 Anita St . / Chino / 91710 Street City Zip Code TELEPHONE NO. : 909-613-0021 CONTRACTOR'S LIC. #727552 EXTRAORDINARY MATERIAL COST The contract shall indicate the cost of materials that he will charge the City. Costs are not to reflect labor or installation charges. All lamp replacements shall be General Electric Products . 1. Lamp Replacement Cost A. 1000 Watt Mercury Vapor HR1000DX36 $ 73 . 39 S. 1000 Watt Incandescent 1000 130V $ 26 . 56 C. 400 Watt 120V $ 26 . 03 26 . 03 D. 750 Watt 750 130V $ E. 450 Watt S/B Mercury Vapor HSB450 $ 185 . 93 F. 400 Watt Lucaluy. LU400 $ 51 . 80 G. 400 Watt Mercury HR400DX33 $ 31 . 62 H. MVR1000/U $ 73 . 39 I . MVR250 $ 43 . 08 J. MVR175 $ 38 . 11 2 . Lamps other than listed above will be billed at 30 % off G. E. 9200T Catalog, dated Sept . 25 , 1997 3 . Ballast Replacement Cost - Current List Less 30 % 4 . Lens Replacement Cost Cost + 200 % A. Mercury Vapor Cost +200 % B. 1000 Watt Incandescent Cost +200 % C. 400 Watt Cost + 200 % D. 750 Watt Cost + 200 % E. 450 Watt S/B Mercury Vapor Cost +200 % F. 400 Watt Lucalux Cost +200 % G. 400 Watt Mercury Cost + 200 % 5. Hourly Cost for Emergency Services Service-$59 - 00 per Hour (Electrician Service Truck; Ladder Ladder -$65 . 00 per hour Truck to 55 ' , including welding) 6. Emergency Service Phone Number ( 909) 613-0021 OR (909) 613-1855 01-Z-B7S Page 1 of 1 T E AMERICAN INSTITUTE 0 1 ARCHITECT • • • • AIA Document A305 • Contractor's Qualification Statement 1986 EDITION . This form is approved and recommended by The American Institute of Architects (ALA)and The Associated General Contractors of America(4 GC)for use in evaluat- ing the qualifications of contractors. No endorsement of the submitting party or verification of the information is made by the AIA or AGC. The Undersigned certifies under oath that the information provided herein is true and suffi- ciently complete so as not to be misleading. 5UB?1ITTED TO: City Of Rosemead ADDRESS: I 8838 E . Valley Blvd . Rosemead , CA 91770 SUBMITTED BY: Reliable Lighting Services Corporation ❑ NAME- Javier Valdovinos Partnership 0 ADDRESS: 6187 Anita St . Chino , CA 91710 Intlicidual [1§ PRINCIPAL OFFICE Same Joint Venture ❑ Other ❑ NAME OF PROJECT (if applicable): MAINTENANCE OF SPORTS AND SECURITY LIGHTING AT ROSEMEAD PARK, GARVEY PARK, AND JESS GONZALEZ SPORTS COMPLEX. ' TYPE OF WORK (file separate form for each C!assificaiion of Work): General Construction JIVAC Plumbing • XX Electrical Other (please specify) C ]964. 1719. 19.9, 01936 by Trot AnArriCartlns ueof Arch.,cs, 1735 .vcn York Avanuc,N.Ae' Warning- : DC of - fh keep� ( .. � . : I f . r ^Iconof h iggeds let - A L' cdRod will hc. bi a oIsczL pats:Cunha. RIS DDSUWENT 4.305•CON-TRACTOR'S OLALIFICATION ETCZ ENT- IosG EDITION•A las • i I9NG THE_...ERICA.-INSTITREE o;.ERCIIITECIE. 1735 o c YORK at:NOE NW.,vAGu1\GTON. D C.2{ x. A305-1966 1 WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.copyright laws and Is subject Io legal proseculion, • 1. ORGANIZATION • 1.1 How many years has your organization been in business as a Contractor 2 Years •- 1.2 How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? - 2 Years • 1.2.1 Under what other or former names has your organization operated? • None • • 1.3 If your organization is a corporation, answer the following: 1.3.1 Date of incorporation: , 1.3.2 State of incorporation: 1.3.3 President's name: 1.3.4 Vice-president's name(s): • • • 1.3.5 Secretary's name: 1.3.6 Treasurer's name: • 14 If your organization is a partnership, answer the following: 1.4.1 Date of organization: 1.4.3 Type of partnership (if applicable): 1.4.3 Name(s) of general partner(sp 1.5 If your o:raniza:ion is individually owned, un,wcr he following: 1.5.1 Dae of organization: 8/96 1.5.) \lame of owner: Javier Valdovinos ALA UDCJMENT A305• rpA- c-CR .OUALIFIIiTION p TTCL-IENT• I[ EIITIOA• AIA' _ LIyWa T.._ i.:KJCA> n.T:TI-ar e nalJT:cTc. r,sem YORK A\EN.,E.Nm.v:..NncTos.u.C.aL.x, A305-1965 2 WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying violates US caprngnt J ewes and Is subject to legal prosecution. • I.6 If the form of your organization is other Wan those listed above, describe it and name the principals: 2. LICENSING 2.1 list jurisdictions and trade categories in which your organization is legally qualified to do business, and indicate registration or license numbers, if applicable. C-10 Electrical - License *727552 • 2.2 List jurisdictions in which your organization's partnership or trade name is died_ Lo= Angeles County San Bernardino County • • 3. EXPERIENCE 3.1 List the categories of work that your organization normally performs with its own forces. Signs , Lighting, and Electrical 3.2 Clarks ODD Suits. (If :he answer to ally of :he questions below is yes, please attach details.) N.2.1 Has Your organization ever failed to complete any work awarded to it? No 3.2.2 Arc there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or soils pending or outstanding atairst your organization or its officers? No 3 2.3 Has roar organization fled any hm suits or requested arbitration with regard to construc- ;lon contracts within the last live years? No 33 vCi:hi.n tn.: East five years, has tiny officer or principal of your organization ever been SD ofMcur or prnca-al of another organization when at failed to complete a construction contract?(If the answer is cirase attach details.) No AIL DOCUMENT L325•.. r:Nr.D .TOKTOLiUH(AI ION sT,TElIENT• !NAT EUnION• it • Plv .11E eMZRJt A a. . .rI-=O: l a ce.. r, .Eu YORK N_Nt K.NO. .UA iu.GTON.D C ]siert A305-1966 3 WARNING:unlicensed vholocor'na • 3.4 Ona separate sheer, list major construction projects your organization has in progress, giving the name of project, owner, architect, contract amount, percent complete and scheduled completion date. 3.4.1 State total worth of work in progress and-under contract: $40 , 000 . 00 3.5 On a separate sheet, list the major projecCs your organization has completed in the past five years, giving the name of project,owner,architect, contract amount,date of completion and percentage of the cost of the work performed with your own forces. 3.5.1 State average annual amount of construction work performed during the past five years: 400 3.6 On a separate sheet, list the construction experience and present commitments of the key individ- uals of your organization. 4. REFERENCES - 4.1 Trade References: • John Whiteley Federal Sign Co . 562-947-4306/ Pager 714-217-0047 Carlos Morales Excel Lighting 909-371-0592 Fred Ortiz • Sign Industries 626-336-1667 • 4.2 Bank References: Hughes Aircraft Employees Federal Credit Union 440 N. Mountain Ave . Upland , CA 91786 909-982-5560 4.3 Surer:' Name of bonding company: Surety Company of the Pacific Bond"-405036 4.3.2 Namc and address of aecnh 6345 Balboa Blvd . , Building 2 , Suite 325 Encino , CA 91316-1517 PHONE# 800-537-1819 AIA oo^uMrNT A305 cTr C r. a IUTI( :Q ARCMCTI x Tf IUFA xf>CE! I. a:T(l\' nC uxx A306-7986 4 5. FINANCING 5.1 Financial Statement. 5.1.1 Attach a financial statement, preferably audited, including your organization's latest . balance sheet and income statement showing the following items: • Current Assets (e.g., cash, joint venture accounts, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accrued income, deposits, materials inventory and prepaid expenses); . Net Fixed Assets; Other .Assets; Current Liabilities(e.g.,accounts payable, notes payable,accrued expenses, pro- - - vision for income taxes, advances, accrued salaries and accrued payroll taxes): Other Liabilities (e.g., capital, capital stock, authorized and outstanding shares par values, earned surplus and retained earnings). 5.1.2 Name and address of firm preparing attached financial statement and date thereof: Sam Seno & Associates 7771 Garvey Ave . , Suite C Rosemead , CA 91770 5.I.5 Is the attached financial statement for the identical organization named on page (me Yes 5.1.4 If not explain :he relationship and financial responsibility of the organization whose financial statement is provided (ca.. parent-subsidiary), 5.2 Will the organization whose financial statement is attached act as guarantor of the contract for con- struction? Yes AIA DOCUMENT G3.C5 • Ali': rT(:PTtil LIFI(.0 .A .TIr.VLNT• Pi .El iTIM% • _yarv. . CRI: .N I::TeorA c. ,CT,. I-uv u<s Aw ytE u woo'. o.-.a C.s..,, A305-1985 5 WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying c101ales MS-CC/cm/Ohl laws and la vm.ant,n lana n an.a..d.aa • 6. SIGNATURE a cv,_• —LOLL' „a_ 6-I Dared a j this —'/ • gr75E/776142 �+r uL� 19 / day of Name of Organization: Reliable Lighting Services By, Javier Valdovinos Tide: Owner 6.2 fr-,/,4-401-6-t.*„ Mg., ✓R✓,E2 1,9L1,o4evcc duly sworn deposes and says that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not ttolbe misleading. Subscribed and sworn before me this 3/4 dayof \,)aLy 19 9,P Notary Public: 6,72 <1572424 My Commission Expires: / SERAPIO A.SENO Commission# 1173632 'to. Nonni Public-California t cirpy., Los Angeles County Fa�� b Fe My C .20312 CAUTION: You should sign an original MA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT l-]os. COeTz.c0.'.5 nLAUEICATIO.STATcgL.T. fleeN=RICA iST _ I WWEDITION. L " •DC.200e6 '�L—i OP. 1 =CS. t.. .. " 'Oi.A MENDE, A" 4' SII:] c o v A306-1986 6 WARNIND:UnliCenseg photocopying violate s US.copsnghl laws and Is subject to legal proseculion. Projects in Progress 1. Rosemead Square/Monterey Park Mall— monthly maintenance 1/98— 12/98 2. City National Bank, several locations, - monthly maintenance 1/98— 12/98 3. Eastland Shopping Center - monthly maintenance 1/98 — 12/98 4. Southbay Pavilion at Carson - monthly maintenance 1/98 — 12/98 5. Hollywood Galaxy - monthly maintenance 1/98 — 12/98 • 6. Kiowa Sqaure, Apple Valley - monthly maintenance 1/98 — 12/98 7. Big Bear K-Mari —monthly maintenance 1/98 — 12/98 Major Completed Projects I. City National Bank 606 S. Olive St. Los Angeles, CA 90014 Repaired neon outages on high rise rooftop logo signs. Contract price: $16,520.00 Completed April 1998. 100% Reliable Lighting Services. 2. The Plaza at West Covina 112 The Plaza West Covina, CA 91790 Retrofitted parking lot lights and freeway pylon sign. Contract Price: $17,400.00 Completed : April 1998. 100%Reliable Lighting Services. 3. USAA Realty Co. 5055 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 320 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Retrofitted lighting fixtures. Contract Price: $7,500.00 Completed: June 1997. 100% Reliable Lighting Services. 4. Citrus Ford 1315 S. Wanamaker Ave. Ontario, CA 91761-8970 Retrofitted canopy lights. Contract Price: $7,500.00 Completed: May 1998. 100%Reliable Lighting Services. • RELIABLE LIGHTING SERVICES Signs*Lighting*Electrical 6187 ANITA ST. CHINO, CA 91710 LICENSE#727552 TEL R FAX # (909) 613-0021 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Prentiss Properties Ltd. 8. Pacific Design Center Hollywood Galaxy and other locations. .Attn. June Butler Attn: Mike Larcy (310) 657-0800 (213) 962-0414 2. Pavilion Management Co. 9. Westfield Corporation Southbay Pavilion at Carson Eastland Shopping Center Attn: Jessie Attn: Ray Jimenez (310) 327-4822 (626) 967-9186 3. PM Realty Co_ 10. Marriott Big Bear K-Mart and Kiowa Square Many locations Attn: Shirley Bernhard Atm: Holly (310) 532-1722 (714) 547-0800 Attn: Scott (310)435-8511 Attn: Doug (714)968-5775 4. PMG 11. Hilton Hotel Rosemead Square and Monterey Park Mall Long Beach Attn: Michele Attn: Scott Peterson (626) 572-5155 (310) 983-3400 5. Majestic Management Co. 12. Spieker Properties Many locations. The Complex Attn: Ron Ozaki Attn: Lila Orrantia (310) 695-0441 (909) 792-5356 6. USAA Realty 13. City National Bank Manhattan Towers and Wilshire Building Many locations Attn: Ray Parker Attn: Fran Payne (213) 857-6990 (213)347-2605 7. Grub and Ellis 14. City of San Gabriel Pine Square— Long Beach Attn: George Kotchnick Attn: Ross Grentry or Hector (626) 308-2875 (562) 901-4400