CC - Item 4B – Staff Report Request for Removal of Red Curb at 1216 Walnut Grove Ave. O S f 0 \4O .0s staftep ort TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: DRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: �" OCTOBER 27, 1998 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF RED CURB AT 1216 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE DISCUSSION Staff received a request from Mr. Howard Tong for the removal of red curb in front of his residence at 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue. This subject site is on the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue in the vicinity of Drayer Lane. Mr. Tong wants to provide additional parking for his family and guests. In addition, Mr. Tong has also requested evening and weekend parking on Walnut Grove Avenue. After reviewing the location, staff found that the northbound curb lane is 14 feet in width, which does not provide for a travel lane and parking. The east side of the roadway is posted with"No Stopping Any Time" signs and red curb. The southbound curb lane is 18 feet in width, which allows for a travel lane and parking. There is a portion of unpainted curb in front of 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue which allows parking. This happens to be the only portion of curb in this vicinity not restricted by parking signs or red curb markings. The lack of red curb in front of the subject site may have occurred during sidewalk repairs. When such repairs are done, replacement of the curb paint is at times overlooked. In regards to the consideration of allowing weekend and evening parking on Walnut Grove Avenue, staff finds that with such parking there would be an increase in accident potential. Overall, staff finds that the benefit of parking for residents along Walnut Grove Avenue does not outweigh the increased accident potential. COUNCIL. AGENDA 1 GCT271998 ITEM No. _L/L. et-4 K RECOMMENDATION The Traffic Commission recommends that the City Council APPROVE staff recommendation that no parking on the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue be retained due to the 14 foot curb lane width. In addition, it is recommended the red curb be replaced in front 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue, as shown in Figure 1 in the attached staff report. The installation of weekend and evening parking on Walnut Grove Avenue is also not recommended. On October 1, 1998, the Traffic Commission voted 4-0 to approve the staff recommendation to replace the red curb in front of 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue thereby retaining no parking on the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue. Exhibits: A. Traffic Commission Staff Report,dated September 22, 1998 B. Letter from Mr.&Mrs.Howard J.Tong,dated October 1, 1998 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION ,�n�ppP.� FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER \ DATE: SEPTEMBER 22, 1998 RE: REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF RED CURB AT 1216 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE REQUEST A request has been received from Mr. Howard Tong for the removal of red curb in front of his residence at 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue. Mr. Tong's home is on the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue in the vicinity of Drayer Lane. Mr. Tong is requesting the removal of red curb to provide additional parking for his residents and guests. Mr. Tong has also requested consideration of allowing evening and weekend parking on Walnut Grove Avenue. CONDITIONS Walnut Grove Avenue is a 64-foot wide north/south roadway with a posted speed limit of 45 mph. There are two lanes of travel in each direction separated by a two-way left turn lane. The northbound curb lane is 14 feet in width. This width does not provide for a travel lane and parking. Therefore, the east side of the roadway is posted with "No Stopping Any Time" signs and red curb. The southbound curb lane is 18 feet in width. This width allows for a travel lane and parking. Therefore, the west side does allow parking in certain areas. Those areas where parking is prohibited are posted with "No Stopping Any Time" signs and red curb. In front of 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue, there is a portion of unpainted curb which allows parking. This is the only portion of curb in this vicinity not restricted by parking signs or red curb markings. The curb lane width remains 14-feet at this location. Figure 1 depicts the lane configuration and curb markings in front of 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue. Page 2 Request for Removal of Red Curb at 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue DISCUSSION Staff has contacted Mr. Tong by phone and indicated to him the curb lane is too narrow to allow parking in front of his property. The lack of red curb in front of 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue may have occurred during sidewalk repairs. Often times sidewalks are repaired due to cracks or lifting of the sidewalk that can cause tripping hazards. When the repairs are made, replacement of the curb paint is sometimes overlooked. Mr. Tong has also requested the consideration of allowing weekend and evening parking on Walnut Grove Avenue. This type of parking is sometimes found on roadways experiencing heavy commuter-type traffic. Parking is allowed during non-peak commuter hours and weekends. This would increase on-street parking availability benefiting residents along Walnut Grove Avenue. Staff, however, believes there would also be an increase in accident potential. Staff anticipates an increase in the following type of accidents: 1. Rear-end accidents: Northbound vehicles traveling in the curb lane would need to transition to the number 1 lane when vehicles are parked along the curb. If the northbound vehicles are unable to transition, a rear-end type accident could occur with the parked vehicle. 2. Sideswipe accidents: If the northbound vehicles are unable to transition, they may try to avoid the parked vehicle and thus sideswipe an adjacent northbound vehicle. 3. Broadside accidents: With vehicles being allowed to park on the east side, the visibility of vehicles from driveways entering traffic is affected. Entering vehicles will "creep" into traffic lanes and may cause or be involved in accidents. Overall, the benefit of parking for residents along Walnut Grove Avenue does not outweigh the increased accident potential. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended the no parking on the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue be retained due to the 14 foot curb lane width. In addition, it is recommended the red curb be replaced in front of 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue. Figure 1 depicts this recommendation. The installation of weekend and evening parking on Walnut Grove Avenue is not recommended. Attachment 066Aplhsd\1216 Walnut Grove m oco n J ca az) D CC 0 U 0 CC 0 L o EC C _> `o > U > 0 0 > E o a) o C m -JCO / N T cu cq KI— CU r e ❑ 0 CD C Q a ci m o _ cIO C N N @ Q a); 3 > co 0 0 To I z Et X o w U 1 1 22toU To: Jessica Wi'kmson Rosemead Traffic Comni,sion From_612 P4_ 1599 I0ry;93 I? nr 4 Raga ^p(g. Mr..@ Mrs.Howard.1 :one 1216 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead, CA 91771 i (62(9`8.-Ih^4 Jessica Wilkinson City of Rosemead 8838E. Valley Blvd PO Pox 399 Rosemead. CA 91770 I Dear Jessica. I am writing in regards to the Rosemead Traffic Commission hearing scheduled for Thursday,October 91, 1995 at 7At_gmt_ Due to my work schedule.]am unable to attend and voice my rebuttal to the staff recomniendation as written by Joanne Itagaki,dated.Sept 22. 1998 It is my hopes. that this letter be allowed to represent my opinions to the traffic commission. As new residents ofRosemead.the Tong family brings anew and large family to the neighborhood. As a consequence- we have many relatives and friends visiting our home frequently. I would estunale a minimum of two or three visits per week and also on weekends_ Our driveway Is not lathe enough to accommodate all our guests. The overflow is forced to pat on the one legal parking space in front of our house(see attached report for details)or across the street. 1 have contacted Jessica Wilkinson and Joanne ltagali to investigate the possibility of allow m 'additional'parking to the street It seems l ogi cal that if one parking space he allowed,that two nrore in the exact same area would he feasible Fnwever,i am dismayed to discover it is now recommended that our only avai lahle parking spot he taken away) Please consider the following in response to the staff anticipated accidents. i Rear-end accidents' Firstly,northlanund vehicles would he approaching from a nearby traffic signal The average velocity achieved at the time of discovery of a parked car is very low. There is ample time to slow down and make a lane change.Secondly,there are has stops poor to and atter our residence. If vehicles do not collide with these basses,why would they collide with s parked vehicle? lathy, it is a fact that there are at least two condominium complexes just south of our house These complexes have gated entryways which force cars in the numher 1 lane to stop In the lane and Int soh'le the fate opens fh ese driveways are hefore our parking area in quest on.yet tl ey Jo it 2et rear-ended it is In cal to assume that the number I lane is the sloe lane.and nonuaulers are aur are of the condo drivewayshos stops. 115 mail vehicles.garbage trucks and parking at 121n wainu!t^Ie avenue. 2 .Sideswipe_ To reaerate point one above. vehicles are not movino fast enough to he Lina;le to slow down and check lane 2 for a lane change. There is ample time and distance to trautt:on Rr a Ione charge. Broadside accidents: There is only one driveway entering traffic alter this parking area. This is our only neighbor located north of our property. We would not want to Jeopardize their safctc. If we felt Ma:this would be a problem,we would drop this request all together. However,iI is proven with and "existing"parking spacewhich has been utilized all the while.that there has never been an accident, rear end,sideswipe or broadside- Further. upon contacting the Rosemead Police dent. !km c been informally cold that there are no accidents recorded in the area of question I au int official :documents to Support Etis clans. In addition to the above arguments, Walnut move,although 2 large street is not a busy street It is obviously busier during the clay hours,as commuters driving to the nearby office buildings ac to work. As Tp 3ess c2 A':i"<mcnn Rosenead Traffic Gommision From:61294315 _ 10^J65 1305'.04 Page 3 of 3 a resident living on this street, it is a known fact that during the evenings and weekends,there are but a few cars that come once in a while. Hardly ally traffic is present at all. It is my belief that allowing weekend and evening parking would provide parking al a time of minima)risk if any. In conclusion,I feel that the addition of two parking spaces adjacent to the existing parking space at 1216 Walnut Grine Avenue should be allowed for evening and weekends. Please consider that evenings and weekend traffic is practically non-existent. Also,it has been proven that parking at this area is safe,and during peak daytime hours as well. Please also consider that forcing my elderly and youth relatives to park across the street and cross five lanes are not only burdensome,hut also dangers these pedestrians crossing this large street which has no crosswalk. Your consideration of this parking request is greatly appreciated. Please contact me at(626)280-1824 if you would Lace to discuss any of these issues. Sincer' y, 'P