CC - Item 4E - Staff Report Consideration of Request from Rosemead High School for Support of the 11th Annual Run Against Drugs i E M F i0 q. 9 A' staf _report TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER ' DATE: OCTOBER 6, 1998 RE: CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FROM ROSEMEAD HIGH SCHOOL- FOR SUPPORT OF ELEVENTH ANNUAL RUN\WALK AGAINST DRUGS, ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO, OCTOBER 17, 1998 Attached for your consideration is a letter from Rosemead High School requesting that the City contribute $3,000 towards the cost of purchasing T-shirts and awards. The City has granted similar requests in the past and the funds are included in the 1998-99 Budget. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the Rosemead High School's request and authorize the expenditure of$3,000 for the cost of the T-shirts and awards. I j COUNCIL AGENDA OCT 131998 ITEM No. 31 o c eab jtgb €7,rboot 9063 Mission Drive Rosemead California 91770 (626) 286-1141 - Fax: (626) 286-6396 Dan Morris Principal Doug Halvorsen Asst.Prin. Instruction September 15, 1998 Mayor Robert Bruesch City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Dear Mayor Brnesch: This letter is written on behalf of Rosemead High School requesting the city's assistance in helping sponsor the Eleventh Annual Run/Walk Against Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco. The event will be held Saturday. October 17 1998 on the track and campus of Rosemead High School. This date kicks off"Red Ribbon" Week activities. Students targeted reside in the city of Rosemead ranging in age from kindergarten to twelfth grade. A T-shirt will be given to each participant and prizes to the schools having the greatest number of participants in three categories as well as individual ribbons in each race. Rosemead High School anticipates a crowd in excess of 1,000 for this event. A nominal entrance fee of $3.00 will be charged each participant. (This will insure a commitment and allow us to determine the number of runners we must accommodate.) Yearly, the City of Rosemead has graciously helped cover the cost of the T-shirts and awards, a figure of approximately $3,000.00. It would be greatly appreciated if the City of Rosemead, once again, could help offset the cost of the T-shirts and awards by donating approximately $3,000.00. Your consideration of this matter will be appreciated. Respectfully yours, a / a ✓ Doug alvorsen Assistant Principal for Instruction cc: Frank Tripepi Donald Wagner