TC - Item 2A - Minutes of February 1, 2018Minutes for the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING February 1, 2018 The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Chair Masuda INVOCATION: Vice Chair Ornelas PRESENT: Chair Masuda, Vice Chair Ornelas, Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Sevilla ABSENT: Commissioner Quintanilla STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Michelle Ramirez and Administrative Assistant Silvia Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Brian Lewin, 9501 E. Ralph Street, asked for an update on, the study for the Temple City Boulevard street grading project and also asked if Ellis Lane was included. Mr'Lewn also requested if they can restripe and replace the pavement markers along Walnut Grove Avenue between Garvey Avenue aril Ramona Boulevard, due to visibility issues when it rains. 2. CONSENTCALENDAR Commissioner Berry asked if staff can system. Commissioner Sevilletasked if they street. Staff also i Staff also or if CommissionervBerry motioned, seconded byl and Item B ('(Installation of crosswalk at Jay Calendar as presented. Votes resulted in: 4. NEW BUSINESS automatic crosswalk lighting Street and possibly closing off the be adding` additional street lights as part of this request. Staff een.done, staff will evaluate the location and if additional traffic king becomes an issue they will also look into how they can that the City isn't looking into closing off the street. Ornelas to approve Item A (December 7, 2017 Minutes) Park at the crossing of Pine Avenue) from the Consent Ornelas, Masuda and Sevilla Abstain: None Absent: Quintaniila A. REVIEW OF REQUEST FOR 20 MINUTE PARKING ZONE (GREEN CURB)— 7540 GARVEY AVENUE Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners with a brief description on the item. Brian Lewin, 9501 Ralph Street, expressed his concern with having the green curb installed in front of the business and does not agree with it. Mr. Lewin also suggested in getting stricter parking enforcement along Garvey Avenue to help clear out all day parkers, to allow all businesses to benefit from the on -street parking. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of February 1, 2018 Page 1 of 3 Commissioner Berry asked if there is a time limit on Garvey Avenue, along with their being a lack of enforcement. Staff confirmed that Garvey Avenue has a 2 -hour street parking limit and is currently working with code enforcement to increase enforcement along Garvey Avenue. Commissioner Sevilla suggested increasing the parking limit to 30-45 minutes Staff informed the Traffic Commissioners that the business making the request is a take-out restaurant and the time limit increase may be inconvenience. Chair Masuda expressed his concerns with approving the green curb and is concerned that other businesses along Valley Boulevard and Garvey Avenue that are consider a quick purchase --business may also start submitting requests to have a green curbs in front of their establishments. Staff informed the Commissioners that every requested is handled on a case-by-case basis, along with having a professional evaluation done by a Traffic Engineer. Vice Chair Ornelas commented that parking restrictions shoo uld be enforced and agrees with installing the 20 - minute parking restriction. Commissioner Sevilla motioned, seconded by Commissioner: Berry to approve that the Traffic Commission propose to the City Council that 40 -feet of green curb be installed in front of the business located at 7540 Garvey Avenue, Unit B. Votes resulted in: Yes: Sevilla, E No: Masuda Abstain: None B. REVIEW OI REQUEST FO1220. MINUTE PARKIN62ONE (GREEN CURB) -8606 GARVEY AVENUE Staff provided the Traffic COmmissione-m with a brief description on the item. Brian Lewin, 9501 Ralph Street asked the Commissioners ifthev can consider the precedential value that it may have on other businesses. Mr. Lewin also mentioned that3he City will have to monitor and maintain the green curbs, and the 20 -minute parking limit is more labor intensive than a 2 -hour parking limit. in front of businesses for extended periods of time and agrees with Commissioner Berry' motioned, seconded by Commissioner Sevilla to approve that the Traffic Commission propose to the City Council that 20 -feet of green curb be installed in front of the business located at 8606 Garvey Avenue. Votes resulted in: Yes: Berry, Sevilla and Ornelas No: Masuda Abstain: None Absent: Quintanilla 3. STAFF REPORT Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners with an update on current and upcoming City events. 4. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Berry commended staff for the sidewalk replacement project. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of February 1, 2018 Page 2 of 3 Vice Chair Ornelas asked staff if reflectors will be added on the divider that is located north of Walnut Grove Avenue before the railroad tracks. Commissioner Sevilla asked if staff can look into installing a No U -Turnor Left turn sign north bound on Rosemead Boulevard, one block north of Marshall Street. Chair Masuda asked staff if alleys are part of resurfacing projects and/or how can they request that an alley be resurfaced. 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for March 1, 2018, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley -Boulevard. Masuda ATTEST: Michelle Ramirez Director of Public Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of February 1, 2018 Page 3 of 3