2300 - Duff Park Improvements - Urban Greening Grant Program CALIFORNIA EDMUNDG. for Jal esoerces JOHN LAIRD,Secretary for Natural Resources CAGENCY March 29, 2018 Gloria Molleda, City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 South Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund- Urban Greening Grant Program Duff Park Improvement Project Dear Ms. Molleda: Enclosed is your copy of the fully executed Grant Agreement number U29127-0 in an amount not to exceed $520,533.00 for the Duff Park Improvement Project. Please distribute copies within your organization as appropriate. Careful review of this Grant Agreement, the Grant Guidelines and associated forms and documents located on our website (http://resources.ca.gov/grants/proiect- administration-forms/) is critical to ensure your compliance with the grant program requirements. These documents contain important information regarding your reporting obligations, how to correctly request payments to avoid delays and other pertinent information. The section in your Grant Agreement titled Special Provisions may contain additional restrictions on the availability of your grant funds and should be given special attention. We look forward to working with you in the coming months. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (916) 651-7590 or via email at Larelle.Bu rkham-Grevdanus{o�resou rces.ca.gov .�Sinnccerely,,�n _ /� Il . lie_ ,,c -.'/Z�l &vi 52-t.LG- tet, --b Larelle Burkham-Greydanus Grants Administrator Bonds and Grants Enclosures: 1 1416 Ninth Street, Suite 1311,Sacramento, CA 95814 Ph. 916.653.5656 Fox 916.653.8102 http://resources,ca.gov Salchow N116 Comervamy•California Cmvd Coomtiatian•Cdirama Coastal Cmssrwn<y•&Non*Cmrmatim Cop•G6Mnq Tahoe Conservancy Coachella Volley Mammies.Canurwmy•Colorado River Board olCoblornio•Mm Protection Commission•Deka SttwardshIGCaw1.Dew mmmld9mnng&I4bummys•Deportment ofCmrznorion CeprtmentWFM& .,me'Department Mlamby&Fire Protection'Cepm,merofPerlis&Rnrtation•Department W Resources Recyc np an Rauwy•Deportment of Woe lleroo os Envy R,maeei Conservation&hsdeprwnt Commission•Nabs Morvm Ibiraqe Com mission•Sown,mbSwJoaquin Cepa Conservancy•San Diego River Conservancy {ts San Francisco Boy Comewiion&Development Commission•Son Gabriel&Lowe Los Angeles Riven&Mountains Conservancy'Sanlmpun Roes Conservancy r(y SantoMomon Montains Conwvncy•S.ma Nevado Conservancy'Srme Lor,Cunmiuion•WiSliteCamemom Smd lib\E ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT 441 CSPossTW Y TO: TIIE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS,CITY MANAGERr DATE: APRIL 25,2017 R SUBJECT: CALIFORNIA CLIMATE INVESTMENTS URBAN GREENING PROGRAM — RESOLUTION NO. 2017-18, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FROM THE CALIFORNIA CLIMATE INVESTMENTS URBAN GREENING PROGRAM — DUFF PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SUMMARY Signed into law in 2006, Assembly Bill (AB) 32, also known as the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, required a reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. Recently signed into law, Senate Bill (SB) 32 confirms the State's continued commitment to reducing GHG emissions by directing emissions reductions to meet a target of 40% below 1990 levels by the year 2030. The Duff Park Improvement Project includes a bioswale,walking trail, volleyball,badminton and basketball courts, lighting, and tree planting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the City Council approve Resolution No. 2017-18, authorizing the application for grant funds from the California Climate Investments Urban Greening Program for the Duff Park Improvement Project. DISCUSSION Signed into law on September 14, 2016, SB 859 (Chapter 368, Statutes of 2016) authorized the expenditure of $1.2 billion in Cap and Trade revenues, also known as the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), for projects aimed at reducing GHG emissions. The California Natural Resources Agency (Agency) was allocated $80 million for its Urban Greening Program, specifically for green infrastructure projects that reduce GHG emissions and provide multiple benefits. Consistent with AB 32, the Urban Greening Program will fund projects that reduce greenhouse gases by sequestering carbon, decreasing energy consumption and reducing vehicle miles traveled, while also transforming the built environment into places that are more sustainable,enjoyable, and effective in creating healthy and vibrant communities. ITEM NUMBER:yS City Council Meeting April25,2017 Page 2 oft These projects will establish and enhance parks and open space, using natural solutions to improve air and water quality, reduce energy consumption, and create more walkable trails. Duff Park will enhance and expand Garvey Park and green space. City staff will be requesting the amount of$750,000 from the California Climate Investments Urban Greening Program for this project. FISCAL IMPACT-None LEGAL REVIEW The attached resolution has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15304 (a) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. This exemption covers projects involving minor alterations of land that do not have a significant effect on the environment. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT-None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Submitted by: stilt _iGA ' Ati. ' J Rafael :4' . Fajardo,P.E. Ka y 0: +'a,P.E. City Engineer Director of Public Works Attachment: Resolution No. 2017-18 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FOR CALIFORNIA CLIMATE INVESTMENTS URBAN GREENING PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Legislature and Governor of the State of California have provided funds for the program shown above; and, WHEREAS, the California Natural Resources Agency has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of this grant program, establishing necessary procedures;and, WHEREAS, said procedures established by the California Natural Resources Agency require a resolution certifying the approval of the application by the applicant governing board before submission of said application of the State; and WHEREAS, the applicant, if selected, will enter into an agreement with the State of California to carry out the project NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the CITY OF ROSEMEAD SECTION 1. Approves the filing of an application for the Duff Park Improvement Project; SECTION 2. Certifies that applicant understand the assurances and certification in the application; and SECTION 3. Certifies that applicant or title holder will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the project consistent with the land tenure requirements; or will secure the resources to do so; and SECTION 4. Certifies that it will comply with the provisions of Section 1771.5 of the State Labor Code; and SECTION 5. If applicable, certifies that the project will comply with any laws and regulations including, but no limited to, legal requirements for building codes, health and safety codes, disable access laws, environmental laws and, that prior to commencement of construction, all applicable permits will have been obtained;and SECTION 6. Certifies that applicant will work towards the Governor's State Planning Priorities intended to promote equity, strengthen the economy, protect the environment, and promote public health and safety as include in Government Code Section 65041.1; and SECTION 7. Appoints the City Manager, or designee, as agent to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to applications, agreements, payment requests and so oil, which may be necessary for the completion of the aforementioned project. SECTION S. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and hereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 25`"day of April, AApril, 2017. Polly tt yor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Rachel Richman, City Attorney Marc Donohue, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) § CITY OF ROSEMEAD I, Marc Donohue, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution, No. 2017-18, was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 25th day of April, 2017. by the following vote, to wit: AYES: ALARCON, ARMENTA, CLARK, LOW,LY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE Marc Donohuey Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY GRANT AGREEMENT GRANTEE NAME: City of Rosemead PROJECT TITLE: Duff Park Improvement Project AUTHORITY: Senate Bill(SB)859 PROGRAM: Urban Greening Grant Program AGREEMENT NUMBER: U29127-0 TERM OF LAND TENURE: 20 years from date of project completion as evidenced by Project Certification Form PROJECT PERFORMANCE PERIOD IS: 2/28/2018 to 05/01/2020 Under the terms and conditions of this agreement,the applicant agrees to complete the project as described in the project scope described in Exhibit A,and any subsequent amendments,and the State of California.acting through the Natural Resources Agency pursuant to Senate Bill(SB)859,agrees to fund the project up to the total state grant amount indicated. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: See project description on page 1 and Exhibit A of the Agreement Total State Grant not to exceed $520,533.00 (or project costs,whichever is less) The Special and General Provisions attached are made a part of and incorporated into the Agreement. CITY OF ROSEMEAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY III``ll BY � oQ n 9 By •J Gloria Molleda ulle Alvis Title City Manager Title Deputy Assistant Secretary Date 21 `LI I I a Date 3/6(20/8' CERTIFICATION OF FUNDING AMOUNT OF ESTIMATE AGREEMENT NUMBER FUND FUNDING • $520,533.00 U29127-0 3228-Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund ADJ.INCREASING APPROPRIATION ENCUMBRANCE 80 0540-3228-000-2016-101 PROGRAM 10 ADJ.DECREASING FUNCTION ENCUMBRANCE so Local Assistance UNENCUMBERED BALANCE LINE ITEM ALLOTMENT CHAPTER STATUTE FISCAL YEAR so 0540-3228-000-2016-101 370/16 2016 16/17 T.BA.NO. B .NO. INDEX OBJ.EXPEND PCA PROJECT NUMBER 0540 751 32291 U29127 I hereby certify,upon my pe • al knowledge that budgeted funds are available for this encumbr nce T JY SIGNAT OF ACCOUNTING e�'Fe•... D TE Agreement No. U29127-0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY GRANT AGREEMENT Grantee Name: City of Rosemead Project Title: Duff Park Improvement Project Agreement Number: U29127-0 Authority: Senate Bill (SB)859 Program: Urban Greening Grant Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project will improve Duff Park by adding drought-tolerant trees and other plants; a decomposed granite walking path, bioswales, and minor park amenities. A detailed Project Scope and activities, project schedule and Project Budget are described and attached hereto as Exhibit A. Grant Funds are to be used in accordance with the provisions contained in the Urban Greening Grant Program and this Agreement. Projects should reduce GHG emissions by enhancing and expanding neighborhood parks; providing greening of public lands and structures; mitigating urban heat islands; establishing green streets and alleyways; or developing nonmotorized urban trails that provide safe routes for travel between residences, workplaces, commercial centers, and schools. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF GRANT Special Provisions 1. Recipients of Grant Funds shall post signs acknowledging the source of the funds pursuant to the Urban Greening Grant Program Guidelines and Application (Application Guidelines). Size, location and number of signs shall be determined by the State. Required signage must be in place before Grant Funds for construction will be released. 2. Upon completion of detailed Project design, plans and specifications, Grantee shall provide to the State for review and approval a revised detailed Project Budget, Project Scope and detailed site plan. If Project includes habitat restoration or landscaping, Grantee shall provide a planting palette demonstrating how native, low-water, drought-resistant vegetation will be used in the Project. All plantings will be no greater than fifteen gallons. Approval of said plans is a condition precedent to the State's obligation to make any construction funding available pursuant to this Agreement. The approval by the State of such plans and specifications, or any other approvals provided for in this Agreement, shall be for scope of work as described in Exhibit A and shall not relieve Grantee of the obligation to construct and maintain the facilities, or carry out any other obligations required by this Agreement, in accordance with applicable laws or any other standards ordinarily applied to such work or activity. 3. The Grantee may be required to record Deed Restrictions, incorporating by reference this Grant Agreement and giving public notice that the Grantee received Funds under this Agreement in order to assist Grantee in developing the real property and that, in consideration for the receipt of the Grant Funds, the Grantee has agreed to the terms of this Agreement. Page 1 • Agreement No. U29127-0 General Provisions A. Definitions 1. The term"Act"means Senate Bill(SB)859 and/or Assembly Bill(AB) 1613. 2. The term"Agreement" means this Grant Agreement. 3. The term "Application' means the individual application form, its required attachments for grants pursuant to the enabling legislation and/or program and any applicable materials supplied by applicant to the Natural Resources Agency prior to award. 4. The term "Application Guidelines' means the Urban Greening Grant Program Grant Guidelines and Application. 5. The term "Development" means improvement, rehabilitation, restoration, enhancement, preservation, protection and interpretation or other similar activities. 6. The term "Fair Market Value" means the value placed upon the property as supported by an appraisal that has been reviewed and approved by the California Department of General Services(DGS). 7. The term"Grant"or"Grant Funds" means the money provided by the State to the Grantee in this Agreement. 8. The term"Grantee"means an applicant who has a signed agreement for Grant Funds. 9. The term "Interpretation" means visitor-serving amenities that communicate the significance and value of natural, historical and cultural resources in a manner that increases the understanding and enjoyment of these resources, or other similar activities. 10. The term"Other Sources of Funds"means cash or in-kind contributions that are required or used to complete the Urban Greening project beyond the Grant Funds provided by this Agreement. 11. The term"Payment Request Form" means Form RA212. 12. The term "Project" means the Development activity described in the application as modified by Exhibit A to be accomplished with Grant Funds. • 13. The term"Project Budget" means the State approved cost estimate included as an Exhibit to this Agreement. 14. The term "Project Scope" means the description or activity for work to be accomplished by the Urban Greening Project. 15. The term "Public Agency" means any State of California department or agency, a county, city, public district or public agency formed under California law. 16. The term "State" means the Secretary for Natural Resources or his/her representatives, or other political subdivision of the State. Page 2 Agreement No. U29127-0 B. Project Execution 1. Subject to the availability of funds in the Act,the State hereby grants to the Grantee a sum of money (Grant Funds) not to exceed the amount stated on the signature page in consideration of and on condition that the sum be expended in carrying out the purposes as set forth in the description of Project in this Agreement and its attachments and under the Terms and Conditions set forth in this Agreement. 2. Grantee shall furnish any and all additional funds that may be necessary to complete the Project. 3. Grantee shall complete the Project in accordance with the Project Performance Period set forth on the signature page, unless an extension has been formally granted by the State and under the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement. Extensions may be requested in advance and will be considered by State, at its sole discretion, in the event of circumstances beyond the control of the Grantee, but in no event beyond May 1,2020. 4. Grantee shall at all times ensure that Project complies with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code, Division 13, commencing with section 21000, et. seq., Cal Code Regs tit. 14, section 15000 et. seq.) and all other environmental laws, including but not limited to obtaining all necessary permits. Grant Funds will not be disbursed before the close of the period for legal challenge under CEQA. Grant Funds for planning and document preparation may be available sooner if included in the grant Project Scope (Exhibit A) and approved by the State. CEQA compliance shall be completed within one (1) year from the Grant Agreement start date, unless an extension is granted by the State. Changes to the scope resulting from CEQA compliance are permitted provided the State determines that the project continues to meet all objectives of the Urban Greening Grant Program and is consistent with the intent cited in the original Application. If a grantee's project is disapproved on grounds related to the Resource Agency's CEQA determination, the grantee shall have the option of either: (1) reimbursing the Resource Agency for all State-reimbursed preliminary costs (e.g., planning, design, etc.), or (2) relinquishing any planning/design documents, including all copies, reproductions, and variations resulting from said funding, without a license to use or otherwise retain in any form. 5. Projects must comply with any applicable laws pertaining to prevailing wage and labor compliance. 6. Grantee certifies that the Project does and will continue to comply with all current laws and regulations which apply to the Project, including, but not limited to, legal requirements for construction contracts, building codes, environmental laws, health and safety codes, and disabled access laws. Grantee certifies that, prior to commencement of construction, all applicable permits and licenses(e.g., state contractors license)will have been obtained. 7. Grantee shall provide access by the State upon 24 hours notice to determine if Project work is in accordance with the approved Project Scope, including a final inspection upon Project completion. 8. Prior to the commencement of any work, Grantee agrees to submit in writing to the State for prior approval any deviation from the original Project Scope per Exhibit A and the Application. Changes in Project Scope must continue to meet the need cited in the original Page 3 Agreement No. U29127-0 application or they will not be approved. Any modification or alteration in the Project as set forth in the Application on file with the State must be submitted to the State for approval. Any modification or alteration in the Project must also comply with all current laws and regulations, including but not limited to CEQA. 9. Grantee must have (1) fee title, (2) leasehold, or (3) other interest to Project lands and demonstrate to the satisfaction of the State that the proposed Project will provide public benefits that are commensurate with the type and duration of the interest in land. Any acquisition of Project lands by Grantee following award shall not involve eminent domain proceedings or threat of eminent domain proceedings. 10. Grantee shall promptly provide photographs of the site during and after implementation of Project at the request of the State. C. Project Costs 1. Any Grant Funds provided to Grantee under this Agreement will be disbursed for eligible costs, on a reimbursement basis, as follows, but shall not exceed in any event the amount set forth on the signature page of this Agreement: a. Approved direct management costs or construction and Development costs. Up to ten percent (10%) of the reimbursement amount will be held back and issued as a final payment upon completion of the Project. b. Remaining Grant Funds shall be paid up to the total amount of the Grant Funds or the actual Project cost, whichever is less, upon completion of the Project, receipt of a detailed summary of Project costs from the Grantee found to be satisfactory by the State, and the satisfactory completion of a site inspection by the State. 2. Payment Documentation: a. All payment requests must be submitted using a completed Payment Request Form. This form must be accompanied by an itemized list of all expenditures that clearly documents the check numbers, dates, recipients, line-item description as described in the Project Budget approved by the State and amounts. Each payment request must also include proof of payment such as receipts, paid invoices, canceled checks or other forms of documentation demonstrating payment has been made. b. Any payment request that is submitted without the required itemization and documentation will not be authorized. If the payment request package is incomplete, inadequate or inaccurate, the State will inform the Grantee and hold the payment request until all required information is received or corrected. Any penalties imposed on the Grantee by a contractor, or other consequence, because of delays in payment will be paid by the Grantee and is not reimbursable under this Agreement. 3. Grant Funds in this award have a limited period in which they must be expended. Grantee expenditures funded by the State must occur within the time frame of the Project Performance Period as indicated in this Agreement. 4. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Grantee shall expend Grant Funds in the manner described in the Exhibit A approved by the State. The total dollars of a category in the Project Budget may be increased by up to ten percent(10%)through a reallocation of funds from another category, without approval by the State. However, the Grantee shall notify the State in writing when any such reallocation is made, and shall identify both the item(s) being increased and those being decreased. Any cumulative increase or decrease of more than ten percent(10%)from the original budget in the amount of a category must be approved by Page 4 Agreement No. U29127-0 the State. In any event, the total amount of the Grant Funds may not be increased, nor may any adjustments exceed the limits for management costs as described in the Application Guidelines. D. Project Administration 1. Grantee shall promptly submit written Project reports and/or photographs upon request by the State. In any event Grantee shall provide the State a report showing total final Project expenditures with the final payment request and required closing documents. 2. Grantee shall make property and facilities acquired or developed pursuant to this Agreement available for inspection upon request by the State. 3. Grantee shall use any income earned by the Grantee from use of the Project to further Project purposes, or, if approved by the State,for related purposes within the jurisdiction. 4. Grantee shall submit all documentation for Project completion, including a notice of completion as applicable and final reimbursement within ninety (90) days of Project completion, but in no event any later than May 1,2020. 5. Final payment is contingent upon State verification that Project is consistent with Project Scope as described in Exhibit A, together with any State approved amendments. 6. This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement in writing between Grantee and State. Any request by the Grantee for amendments must be in writing stating the amendment request and reason for the request. The Grantee shall make requests in a timely manner and in no event less than sixty (60) days before the effective date of the proposed amendment. 7. Grantee must report to the State all sources of other funds for the Project. E. Project Termination 1. Prior to the completion of Project construction, either party may terminate this Agreement by providing the other party with thirty (30) days' written notice of such termination. The State may also terminate this Grant Agreement for any reason at any time if it learns of or otherwise discovers that there is a violation of any state or federal law or policy by Grantee which affects performance of this or any other grant agreement or contract entered into with the State. 2. If the State terminates without cause the Agreement prior to the end of the Project Performance Period, the Grantee shall take all reasonable measures to prevent further costs to the State under this Agreement. The State shall be responsible for any reasonable and non-cancelable obligations incurred by the Grantee in the performance of the Agreement prior to the date of the notice to terminate, but only up to the undisbursed balance of funding authorized in this Agreement. 3. If the Grantee fails to complete the Project in accordance with this Agreement, or fails to fulfill any other obligations of this Agreement prior to the termination date, the Grantee shall be liable for immediate repayment to the State of all amounts disbursed by the State under this Agreement, plus accrued interest and any further costs related to the Project. The State may, at its sale discretion, consider extenuating circumstances and not require repayment for work partially completed provided that the State determines it is in the State's best interest to do so. This paragraph shall not be deemed to limit any other remedies available to the State for breach of this Agreement. Page 5 Agreement No. U29127-0 4. Failure by the Grantee to comply with the terms of this Agreement or any other Agreement under the Act may be cause for suspension of all obligations of the State hereunder. 5. Failure of the Grantee to comply with the terms of this Agreement shall not be cause for suspending all obligations of the State hereunder if, in the judgment of the State, such failure was due to no fault of the Grantee. At the discretion of the State, any amount required to settle at minimum cost any irrevocable obligations properly incurred shall be eligible for reimbursement under this Agreement. 6. Because the benefit to be derived by the State, from the full compliance by the Grantee with the terms of this Agreement, is the preservation, enhancement or establishment of community green areas and spaces for the people of the State of California, and because such benefit exceeds to an immeasurable and unascertainable extent the amount of money fumished by the State by way of Grant Funds under the provisions of this Agreement, the Grantee agrees that payment by the Grantee to the State of an amount equal to the amount of the Grant Funds disbursed under this Agreement by the State would be inadequate compensation to the State for any breach by the Grantee of this Agreement. The Grantee further agrees therefore, that the appropriate remedy in the event of a breach by the Grantee of this Agreement shall be the specific performance of this Agreement, unless otherwise agreed to by the State. F. Hold Harmless 1. Grantee shall waive all claims and recourses against the State, including the right to contribution for loss or damage to persons or property arising from, growing out of or in any way connected with or incident to this Agreement, except claims arising from the gross negligence of State, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Grantee shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend State, its officers, agents and employees in perpetuity against any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses or liability costs arising out of the Project, including Development, construction, operation or maintenance of the property described in the Project description which claims, demands or causes of action arise under Government Code Section 895.2 or otherwise, including but not limited to items to which the Grantee has certified, except for liability arising out of the gross negligence of State, its officers, agents or employees. Grantee acknowledges that it is solely responsible for compliance with items to which it has certified. 3. Grantee and State agree that in the event of judgment entered against the State and Grantee because of the gross negligence of the State and Grantee, their officers, agents or employees, an apportionment of liability to pay such judgment shall be made by a court of competent jurisdiction. Neither party shall request a jury apportionment. G. Financial Records 1. Grantee shall maintain satisfactory financial accounts, documents and records for the Project and to make them available to the State for auditing at reasonable times. Grantee shall also retain such financial accounts, documents and records for three (3) years after final payment and one(1)year following an audit. 2. Grantee agrees that during regular office hours, the State and its duly authorized representatives shall have the right to inspect and make copies of any books, records or reports of the Grantee pertaining to this Agreement or matters related thereto. Grantee shall maintain and make available for inspection by the State accurate records of all of its costs, disbursements and receipts with respect to its activities under this Agreement. Page 6 Agreement No. U29127-0 3. Grantee shall use applicable Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, unless otherwise agreed to by the State. H. Use of Facilities I. The real property (including any portion of it or any interest in it) may not be sold or transferred without the written approval of the State of California, acting through the Natural Resources Agency, or its successor, provided that such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld as long as the purposes for which the Grant was awarded are maintained. 2. Grantee shall maintain, operate and use the Project in fulfillment of the purpose funded pursuant to this Grant for a minimum of TWENTY (20) YEARS, consistent with the Land Tenure/Site Control requirements included in the Application Guidelines. The Grantee, or the Grantee's successor in interest in the property, may assign without novation the responsibility to maintain and operate the property in accordance with this requirement only with the written approval of the State. Grantee may be excused from its obligations for operation and maintenance of the Project site only upon the written approval of the State for good cause. "Good cause" includes, but is not limited to, natural disasters that destroy the Project improvements and render the Project obsolete or impracticable to rebuild. 3. Grantee shall use the property for the purposes for which the Grant was made and shall make no other use or sale or other disposition of the property. This Agreement shall not prevent the transfer of the property from the Grantee to a Public Agency, if the successor Public Agency assumes the obligations imposed by this Agreement. 4. If the use of the property is changed to a use that is not permitted by the Agreement, or if the property is sold or otherwise disposed of, at the State's sole discretion, an amount equal to (1) the amount of the Grant (2) the Fair Market Value of the real property, or(3) the proceeds from the sale or other disposition, whichever is greater, may be reimbursed to the State. If the property sold or otherwise disposed of is less than the entire interest in the property funded in the Grant, an amount equal to either the proceeds from the sale or other disposition of the interest or the Fair Market Value of the interest sold or otherwise disposed of, whichever is greater, shall be reimbursed to the State. 5. The Grantee shall not use or allow the use of any portion of the real property for mitigation without the written permission of the State. 6. The Grantee shall not use or allow the use of any portion of the real property as security for any debt. I. Nondiscrimination 1. During the performance of this grant, grantee and its subcontractors shall not unlawfully discriminate, harass or allow harassment, against any person because of sex, sexual orientation, race, color, religious creed, marital status, denial of family and medical care leave, ancestry, national origin, medical condition (cancer/genetic characteristics), age (40 and above), disability (mental and physical) including HIV and AIDS, denial of pregnancy disability leave or reasonable accommodation. Grantee and subcontractors shall ensure that the evaluation and treatment of all persons, and particularly their employees and applicants for employment are free from such discrimination and harassment. Grantee and its subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act (Gov. Code, §12900 et seq.) and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (Cal. Code Regs, tit. 2, §7285.0 et seq.). The applicable regulations of the Fair Employment and Housing Commission implementing Government Code, §12990 (a)—(f), are incorporated into this grant by reference and made a part hereof as if set forth in full (Cal. Code Regs, tit. 2, Page 7 Agreement No. U29127-0 §7285.0 et seq.). Grantee shall include this non-discrimination and compliance provisions of this clause in all subcontracts to perform work under the grant. 2. The Grantee shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of residence except to the extent that reasonable difference in admission or other fees may be maintained on the basis of residence and pursuant to law. 3. The completed Project and all related facilities shall be open to members of the public generally, except as noted under the special provisions of this Agreement or under provisions of the Act. J. Application Incorporation The Grant Guidelines and the Application and any subsequent changes or additions to the Application approved in writing by the State are hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement as though set forth in full in this Agreement. K. Severability If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof is held invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Agreement which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are severable. L. Waiver No term or provision hereof will be considered waived by either party, and no breach excused by either party, unless such waiver or consent is in writing and signed on behalf of the party against whom the waiver is asserted. No consent by either party to, or waiver of, a breach by either party, whether expressed or implied, will constitute consent to, waiver of or excuse of any other, different or subsequent breach by either party. M. Assignment Except as expressly provided otherwise, this Agreement is not assignable by the Grantee either in whole or in part. N. Disputes If the Grantee believes that there is a dispute or grievance between Grantee and the State arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the Grantee shall first discuss and attempt to resolve the issue informally with the Agency Grants Administrator. If the issue cannot be resolved at this level, the Grantee shall follow the following procedures: 1. If the issue cannot be resolved informally with the Agency Grants Administrator, the Grantee shall submit, in writing, a grievance report together with any evidence to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Bonds and Grants for the Natural Resources Agency. The grievance report must state the issues in the dispute, the legal authority, or other basis for the Grantee's position and the remedy sought. Within ten (10) working days of receipt of the written grievance report from the Grantee, the Deputy Assistant Secretary shall make a determination on the issue(s) and shall respond in writing to the Grantee indicating the decision and reasons therefore. Should the Grantee disagree with the Deputy Assistant Secretary's decision, the Grantee may appeal to the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Finance for the Natural Resources Agency. 2. The Grantee must submit a letter of appeal to the Assistant Secretary explaining why the Deputy Assistant Secretary's decision is unacceptable. The letter must include, as an Page 8 Agreement No. U29127-0 attachment, copies of the Grantee's original grievance report, evidence originally submitted, and response from the Deputy Assistant Secretary. The Grantee's letter of appeal must be submitted within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the Deputy Assistant Secretary's written decision. The Assistant Secretary or designee shall, within twenty (20) working days of receipt of Grantee's letter of appeal, review the issues raised and shall render a written decision to the Grantee. The decision of the Assistant Secretary or designee shall be final. 0. Audit Requirements Urban Greening Projects are subject to audit by the State annually and for three (3) years following the final payment of Grant Funds. The audit shall include all books, papers, accounts, documents, or other records of the Grantee, as they relate to the Project for which the Grant Funds were granted. Page 9 Agreement No. U29127-0 EXHIBIT A STATE OF CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY GRANT AGREEMENT Urban Greening Grant Program Senate Bill (SB) 859-Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Grantee Name: City of Rosemead Project Title: Duff Park Improvement Project Agreement Number: U29127-0 Project Location: Duff Park at Duff Elementary School on Dorothy Street, City of Rosemead Project Scope: Project will improve Duff Park by adding drought-tolerant trees and other plants; a decomposed granite walking path, bioswales, and minor park amenities. Project components include: • Creating 370 linear ft. of bioswales; • Installing approximately: o 8,500 sq. ft. of decomposed granite walking path; o 200 sq. ft. of curb; o 250 linear ft. of concrete-seat wall; o 6 benches; o 10 trash enclosures; o 22 solar pedestrian lights; • Planting approximately: o 56 drought-tolerant trees (15-gallon or less containers); o 25 drought-tolerant shrubs, bushes, or groundcover; • Installing approximately: o 150 cubic yards of mulch; o irrigation with drip emitters, timers and rain sensors covering 30,200 sq. ft., • Establishing and monitoring all plants and trees; • Installing funding acknowledgement sign. Project Schedule: Activity Description - Timeline Preliminary work on the project Feb. —Mar. 2018 Submit final site design/plans/specifications to Stater" Jul. 2018 Mobilization, begin construction, restoration, and/or other key activities. Oct. 2018—Mar. 2019. Construction Apr. 2019-Mar.2020 Record MOUGA; Submit Project Closeout Package; Final Payment Request May 1, 2020 *A plant palette for all plants within the footprint of the project must be submitted with final designs and reflect appropriate plantings for the area,with consideration given to carbon sequestration and plant origin(native/non- invasive).Trees, regardless of the funding source,may not exceed 15 gallons in initial planting size. **All projects must comply with the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance(MWELO)or the local agency landscape water ordinance(if as strict or stricter)and use low water,drought tolerant plantings. Cost Estimate: See Exhibit A-1 Page 10 • Exhibit A-1 Cost Estimate City of Rosemead Duff Park Improvement Project Agreement No, U29127-0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD-COST ESTIMATE Urban Greening Grant Program Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) Duff Park Improvement Project Urban Total Project Greening- City of Description Costs' GGRF Rosemead Project Management and Non-Construction Costs** Planting Palette/Design 25,000 25,000 0 (not to exceed 25%of grant amount) Subtotal 25,000 25,000 0 Site Preparation Cleaning and Grubbing 10,000_ 10,000 0 Grading 50,000 50,000 0 Mobilization 20,000 20,000 0 Subtotal 80,000 80,000 0 Greening and Construction Drought Tolerant Trees(56 trees total, 15-gallon containers or less) 35,200 35,200 0 Bioswales and Biofiltration System 36,280 36,780 0 Irrigation including drip emitters, timers, and rain sensors 50,000 50,000 0 Mulch 5,000 5,000 0 Drought-tolerant Shrubs(1 gal.) , Bushes(1 gal.), Grasses and Rushes (flats) into bioswales 63,000 49,500 13,500 Permeable Pavement 162,000 0 162,000 Decomposed Granite Path 34,000 34,000 0 PCC Curb 9,000 9,000 0 Concrete Seat Wall 75,000 75,000 0 Solar Pedestrian Lighting (22) 50,000 50,000 0 Benches (6) 9,000 9,000 0 Trash Enclosures (10) 10,000 10,000 0 Canopies, Picnic Tables and Wrought Iron Fence 109,000. 0 109,000 Subtotal 647,480 363,480 284,500 • Other • Funding Acknowledgement Sign 500 0 500 Subtotal 500 0 500 Contingency (not to exceed 10%of grant amount) 52,053 52,053 0 Grand Totals 805,033 520,533 285,000 "All invoices and receipts for all project expenditures from all funding sources will be retained and made available in the event of any future State Audits. "'Only direct project management costs am eligible;no overheardlndirect costs are reimbursable. In-service payroll may not include a "billable rate"or administrative cost allocation. Page 11