RRA - Item 1 ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RESOLUTION NO. 98 - 21 A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $6,702.05 AND DEMANDS NO. 5332 THROUGH NO. 5340. THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. THAT THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR HEREBY CERTIFIES AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE FOLLOWING DEMANDS AND THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FOR PAYMENT THEREOF. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR / PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 10th DAY OF NOVEMBER 1998. CHAIRMAN, ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ATTEST: _ _ - SECRETARY AGENCY AGENDA NOV 10199E ITEM No. I. 11/04/98 09 : 07 ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PAGE` 1 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 98-21 11/10/98 USER: Jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT ACTION PORTABLES INC 43581 GARV SAT/OCT 1998 ' 45-4215-04675-P71145 51. 42 CHECK NO. 5332 51. 42 GARY A. TAYLOR 43578 COMPENSATION/11-10-98 MT 45-4210-04040-FUND45 30. 00 CHECK NO. 5339 30. 00 JAY T. IMPERIAL 43580 COMPENSATION/11-10-98 MT 45-4210-04040-FUND45 30. 00 CHECK NO. 5335 30. 00 JOE VASQUEZ 43579 COMPENSATION/11-10-98 MTG 45-4210-04040-FUND45 30. 00 CHECK NO. 5340 30. 00 MARGARET CLARK 43577 COMPENSATION/11-10-98 MTG 45-4210-04040-FUND45 30. 00 CHECK NO. 5334 30. 00 MCGRATH RENTCORP 43582 GARV SATE PROJ/NOV 1998 45-4215-04675-P71145 434 . 08 CHECK NO. 5336 434 . 08 ROBERT W. BRUESCH 43576 COMPENSATION/11-10-98 MT 45-4210-04040-FUND45 30. 00 CHECK NO. 5333 30. 00 STAR MAINTENANCE SUPPLY 43583 COMM CARPET CLEANING MACHINE 45-4215-04905-P70245 2976. 55 RCRC CHECK NO. 5338 2976. 55 STATE STREET BANK & TRUST 43584 FISCAL AGENT SERV/1998-9. 45-4210-04425-FUND45 3090. 00 CHECK NO. 5337 3090. 00 GRAND TOTAL 6,702 . 05 11/04/98 09 : 07 PAGE: 2 dp704u1 WARRANT SUMMARY BY FUND 11/10/98 USER: jim RECAP BY FUND PRE-PAID WRITTEN RRA 1993A CAPITAL PROJECT 45 6,702. 05 TOTAL 6, 702 . 05 GRAND TOTAL 6, 702 . 05 R R A ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD.,ROSEMEAD.CA 91770•(818)288-6671 •Teiecopier 8183079218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 0e� DATE: NOVEMBER 2, 1998 RE: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS - GARVEY PARK CLUBHOUSE The City recently solicited and opened bids for the renovation and addition of the Sheriff's facility to the Garvey Park Clubhouse. To date, the project has been funded at $ 325, 697. 00, and expenses are estimated to be $ 422 , 628 . 00. The net result is that there is a short fall of $ 96, 931. 00 (see attached - Exhibit "A") . Attached is a letter from the Architect which outlines his feelings as to why the bids came in over budget. Generally speaking he indicates that the economy has changed which has effected the way Contractors are bidding projects and there were some additional requirements stipulated by the Building Department that came after his cost estimates were submitted and he did not revise them accordingly. I have reviewed the bid results with the Architect and the overall short fall and have concluded that we could handle it in either of two ways. First, we could de-scope the project, however, it was felt that this alternative would damage the overall effectiveness and esthetics of the project. The second alternative is to acquire the additional funds, $ 97 , 000. 00 from the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency and proceed with the project as designed. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above, it is recommended that the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency fund the shortfall at $ 97 , 000 . 00. Attachments - Exhibit "A" 1 ' "'"1,"_ � - AGENDA - Architect ' s Letter - Bid Proposal NOV " 1998 07-N-B5S EXHIBIT "A" BUDGETED FUNDS 1992 Prop "A" Residual Funds $ 55, 322. 00 1996 Prop "A" Funds $ 162 , 875. 00 Redevelopment Funds (F.Y. 1998/99) $ 107 ,500. 00 (1) $ 325, 697. 00 EXPENSES Architect's Fee (both facilities) $ 32 , 625. 00 Asbestos Consultants (monitoring) $ 2 , 000. 00 Construction Cost (low bid) $ 388, 000. 00 (2) $ 422, 628. 00 $ 96, 931. 00 (1) Funds to build Sub-Station and Requisite Architect Cost (2) Architect's Estimated Construction Cost March, 1998 - $ 308 , 374 . 00 07-N-B55 NO'U-05—'98 12:55 ID: ARCHITECTURE TEL NO:13108314656 U525 P02 ---- gK £ Archl219Wese0lule -19 e91 9mreSen Peeves CA 90731.33 31 Tc¢pas 310/632-2681 Femmes 310/A31-465B November 5, 1998 Mr. Michael Burbank Director of Parks & Recreation City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: Garvey Park Community Center& Sheriff Substation Bid Results Dear Mike, I received the results of the bidding for the Garvey Park Community Center and Sheriff Substation. The bid results were higher than our cost estimates and following suggestions could be the reason: 1) Economic Conditions-The economic conditions in the Los Angeles area and the nation are very strong, as compared to the recession of a few years ago. Contractors are very busy right now and are less likely to take on more jobs. Therefore, their bids will be higher because they will be less interested to take on the Job, unless they are assured of a significant profit. The past projects with Rosemead have been coming in below our cost estimates and this was during the period of the economic recession. Now, Contractors would like to recover the overhead and profit that they lost on past projects during the recession of the past few years. Economic conditions are something that is very difficult to predict or estimate when doing cost estimates, because conditions change quickly. 2) Additional unanticipated project requirements by different government agencies - Our cost estimate was done prior to Building Department corrections. We could not anticipate the additional requirements. Although we try our best to produce a complete set of drawings prior to submittal, it is impossible to assume there will be no changes and increase in costs to the project. We did not redo the cost estimate after all the corrections were in place. • ' NOU-0 -'9e 12:56 ID: ARCHITECTURE TEL NO: 13108314656 U625 P03 fo3©A Although the scope of work of the project can be reduced, I would highly recommend against it, because the project Is an excellent design as is. To reduce the completeness of finish would handicap the building and It would seem like an unfinished building. The existing building is getting a complete facelift, and with the addition of concrete block, the lifespan of the building will be greatly increased and projected maintenance costs will be reduced. Therefore, I highly recommend that additional funds be appropriated to cover the difference between the cost estimate and the lowest bid. if you have any questions on the above, you may personally contact me at(310)832-2681. Sincerely, Hier �J 'c Anthony J. W Architect Director of Architecture 1517:1e12 dot BID PROPOSAL FORK (BIDS53) City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 I have received the documents titled: Notice Inviting Bids, Drawings, Instruction to Bidders, Agreement, Specifications, Sub Contractor' s List, Contractor' s Qualification Statement, Exhibits I-VI, Exhibit A-D, and Bid Proposal Form and Addendums /?, t 2 , t 6 I I have satisfied myself as to the scope of the work and the condition of the sites. In submitting this proposal, I agree: 1. To hold my bid open for sixty (60) calendar days from the date of this proposal. 2 . To comply with the provisions of the Notice Inviting Bids, Instruction to Bidders, Specifications and Drawings. 3 . To furnish bonds and Insurance as noted in the Instruction to Bidders. 4 . To begin work within 20 working days after receiving the Notice to Proceed. 5 . • All work shall be accomplished within (165) calendar days. 6. Owner will retain 10% of the incremental payments pending resolution of Notice of Completion. 7. I have completed and enclosed Exhibits I-VI. 8 . I have enclosed my Sub Contractor's completed Forms, Exhibit A-D. 9 . I have completed and enclosed the Contractor's Qualification Statement and List of Sub-Contractors. 10. To name the City of Rosemead and Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District as additional insured on the Insurance Certificate and list the Project Title - Garvey Park Clubhouse Renovation and Grant No. 58H8-98-1025 on the Insurance Certificate. ; • I will provide all labor, materials, supplies and equipment and perform all the work as specified ""i�'n��these documents -_ �roffor the lump sum bid of: Clubhouse Renovation ul `4nty one*vuck k74&.$23I IOt'Do • � hurd ? Sheriff 's Sub Station COO pc) QQ I + - Lump Sum Bid: $�""Jococo By ; . L,,, Oceanstate Develcpmentrct?TE: 9-29-98 ADDRESS: 2409 W. Hellman Avenue , Alhambra, CA / 91803 Street City Zip Code CONTRACTOR'S LIC $ 597028 . TELEPHONE NO. ( ) 626/ Sgg 2795 1