CC - Approval of Minutes 11-10-98 /V07- ::. Fh L L UNTIL ADO:TTD BY THE RO EA///:C 3 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING CITY COU:JCIL ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 10, 1998 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Bruesch at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The Pledge to the Flag was led by Councilman Imperial The Invocation was delivered by Councilman Taylor ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Councilmembers Clark, Imperial, Taylor, Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, and Mayor Bruesch Absent: None At this time, the Mayor called for one minute of silence in memory of Traffic Commissioner Dan Tirre who passed away suddenly last week. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: OCTOBER 27, 1998 -REGULAR MEETING MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER IMPERIAL that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 27, 1998, be approved as submitted. Vote resulted: Yes: Vasquez, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. PRESENTATIONS: A resolution was presented to Carmelita Mata. Ms. Mata is relocating to Whittier and the Council thanked her for all her volunteer activities and hard work in the community throughout the years. 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE The Council Chamber was filled to overflow with 200 plus people, the majority of whom were present to express their opposition to the proposed Rose Hills Mortuary being built on Del Mar Avenue. Frank Tripepi, City Manager, explained to the audience that the mortuary project is not on tonight's agenda, and the City has not received a project from Rose Hills at this time. Mr. Tripepi emphasized that while everyone is welcome to speak, the Council cannot take any action on this tonight. Mr. Tripepi added that an Urgency Ordinance will be placed on the next Council agenda setting a moratorium on mortuaries pending development standards and requirements that the City may want to impose. Robert Kress, City Attorney, explained that State law prohibits the Council from considering an item not on the agenda. Mr. Kress stated that the mortuary project is not on the agenda; therefore, the Council is legally prohibited from taking any action. Mr. Kress stated that CCI1-10.98 Page ill should the City receive an application in the future, it will be subject to the full public hearing process before the Planning Commission and appeal procedures before the City Council. And, lastly, anyone turning in their name and address tonight will be notified of figure hearings. Mayor Bruesch stressed that the Council can only hear comments from the audience tonight and not act on that item. Councilman Taylor added also that the Council welcomes any comments from the audience; however, no information has been received yet regarding that project and the Council cannot make any comments or decisions tonight. The Mayor called the following people who spoke in opposition of the mortuary project: Thanh Ngo, 3056 Brighton St., #B; Chun Xiao He, 7543 Graves Avenue;Hok Leung, 3223 Del Mar Avenue; Andrew Ying, 3203 Jackson Avenue; Lam Pang, 3254 Kelbum Avenue; Chow Chen, 3303 Del Mar Avenue; and N.T. Chang, 3036 Del Mar. At this point the Mayor asked for a show of hands for those in the audience opposed to the mortuary project. The majority of the audience raised their hands. Comments then continued. Peter Ko, 3206 Del Mar spoke in opposition. Gary Baker, Senior Vice President of Rose Hills, stated that the Rose Hills Cemetery in Whittier is in a residential area with 2 schools nearby. Mr. Baker stated that the projected mortuary in Rosemead will serve approximately 100 families per year or about 2 families per week. Mr. Baker continued that Rose Hills is actively involved in the community, especially with children's programs and has donated time and money through the years for children's programs and other programs. In conclusion, Mr. Baker stated that Rose Hills is sensitive to negative comments; however, there has not been an adverse impact to property values in neighborhoods where their mortuaries are located. The following people spoke in opposition to the project: Thap Lam, 7861 Dorothy Street; Albert Hsu, 3223 Del Mar Avenue; Mary Graves, 7453 Whitmore Street; and Tim Koo, 3223 Del Mar Avenue. The Mayor thanked everyone for their comments. A 5-minute recess was taken at 8:40 p.m. and reconvened accordingly. II. PUBLIC HEARINGS -NONE III, LEGISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 98-50 - CLAIMS AND DEMANDS The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 98-50 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $582,687.16 NUMBERED 25247 THROUGH 25344 Councilmember Taylor requested information on a City Business Meeting, September 17, 1998, attended by Don Wagner and Tom Lee, regarding Valley Boulevard economic development. CC:11-10-9g Page#2 Frank Tripepi, City Manager, responded that he was present for part of that meeting and Mr. Lee inquired about zoning for a possible senior housing project on Valley Boulevard or any other potential projects. MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER IMPERIAL, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER VASQUEZ that the Council adopt Resolution No. 98-50. Vote resulted: Yes: Vasquez, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-A AWARD OF BID FOR GARVEY PARK CLUBHOUSE AND SHERIFFS SUBSTATION CC-B AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY CLERIC TO ATTEND THE 1998 CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF CLERKS AND ELECTED OFFICIALS ANNUAL NEW LAW WORKSHOP AND SEMINARS - DECEMBER 9-11, 1998 - SACRAMENTO CC-C AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND ANNIVERSARY CEREMONIES IN ZAPOPAN,MEXICO- DECEMBER 5-8, 1998 CC-D AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND 32nd ANNUAL CALIFORNIA CONTRACT CITIES SACRAMENTO LEGISLATIVE TOUR- JANUARY 12-13, 1999 Councilman Taylor asked how many staff persons would be at attending the Zapopan, Mexico ceremonies (CC-C). Mr. Tripepi responded that Peter Lyons would be attending as he is bi-lingual in that language. MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER IMPERIAL that the foregoing items on the Consent Calendar be approved. Vote resulted: Yes: Vasquez, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION -None VI. STATUS REPORTS -None A. STATUS REPORT ON CITY GRAFFITI REMOVAL ACTIVITIES Councilman Taylor reported that more graffiti is on the face of the building at the corner of Brookline and Valley Boulevard and also in that alleyway. Mr. Tripepi responded that that graffiti will be removed; however, that area continues to be plagued by graffiti. CC:11d0-98 Page d3 Councilman Taylor requested that a notice be placed in the City's newsletter offering a reward for anyone reporting graffiti resulting in a conviction. Mayor Bruesch stated that there have been increased Sheriffs patrols in that area this past week. There being no further discussion, this item was received and filed. VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS A. MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ Reported that the traffic signals at Walnut Grove and San Gabriel Boulevard by Don Bosco have been out of sequence this past week or so. Mayor Bruesch agreed that that whole area has been having signal problems. B. COUNCILMAN TAYLOR Stated that a fair and impartial method needs to be adopted in profiling businesses in the City's quarterly newsletter. Mr. Taylor stated in fairness to all the businesses, an equitable system needs to be developed before profiling another business in the newsletter. C. COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL Thanked staff on the revision of the agendas. VIII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE -NONE IR. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. in memory of Dan Tint, a long-time Traffic Commissioner. The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 24, 1998, at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: City Clerk MAYOR CC:❑-149g Paget/4