CC – Item 4A – Staff Report Request for Additional Traffic Controls on Mission Dr. E O , st _ report TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: kRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: NOVEMBER 24, 1998 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROLS ON MISSION DRIVE IN FRONT OF ROSEMEAD HIGH SCHOOL DISCUSSION Due to growing concerns of unsafe traffic movements during drop-off times at Rosemead High School, Traffic Commissioner Victor Ruiz requested staff to review the traffic patterns on Mission Drive in front of the High School. Commissioner Ruiz indicated that there were vehicles dropping off students and making U-turns from the north curb line of Mission Drive to head back in an easterly direction. Staff also spoke by telephone with Ms. Geneva Pruitt regarding a request for the Traffic Commission to consider the installation of a crosswalk near the entrance to Rosemead High School. Ms. Pruitt indicated that such a crosswalk would accommodate students being dropped off on the south side of Mission Drive. The conditions and the reported accident history on Mission Drive between Rosemead Boulevard and Loma Avenue are depicted in the Traffic Commission staff report (Exhibit `•A"). The reported accident history shows a series of accidents occurring in the vicinity of the high school. But it is difficult to determine which of these accidents are specifically related to the high school drop-off and pick-up patterns. This past summer, a field review of the subject site was conducted by staff. Though this was not a regular school session, Commissioner Ruiz indicated that the traffic patterns remain unchanged. The COUNCIL AGENDA NOV 241996? ITEM No. ffZ °�--A-4 2 Rosemead City Council November 24, 1998 Page 2 of 8 field review revealed that several vehicles made U-turns from the north curb line. Several more vehicles turned left into the church parking lot on the south side of Mission Drive then turned right upon exiting. Remaining vehicles continued west on Mission Drive. The drop-off/pick-up periods are relatively short, ranging from 20-30 minutes before and after school. The congestion time for the subject site is very limited. Sheriffs enforcement has occurred and resulted in citations for various pedestrian and vehicular violations. Continued enforcement of existing vehicle code violations during drop-off/ pick-up periods will remind motorists and pedestrians of the concern for safety, especially in the vicinity of a school. Students ,who are dropped off or picked up on the south side of Mission Drive, should be directed to the controlled crosswalk at Rosemead Boulevard (signalized). This location provides the best control for pedestrian and vehicles. The installation of a mid-block crosswalk without a traffic control on Mission Drive, or any other street, is not recommended. studies marked crosswalks at locations signals or stop signs to control have an increased accidetptential It is City policy to remove any uncontrolled mid-block crosswalk as resurfacing projects progress. Based on the limited congestion period in the mornings and afternoons, and continued enforcement of existing pedestrian and vehicular violations, staff does not recommend any specific changes be made at this time to the traffic controls on Mission Drive in front of Rosemead High School. However, on November 5, 1998, the Traffic Commission approved the staff recommendation and in addition, three alternatives prepared by staff, which are as follows: • Installation of large botts dots on the double yellow centerline, nearest the green curb in front of the high school and at the entrance of the staff parking lot. • A letter to the students and parents be distributed through the high school addressing the concerns regarding pedestrian and vehicular traffic in front of the school. This letter will be drafted by both school administration and City staff. • A study will be conducted revealing previous research on crosswalks in front of schools. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the following: 1. The Rosemead City Council approve the staff recommendation that no changes be made to the existing traffic controls on Mission Drive in front of Rosemead City Council November24, 1998 Page 3 of 8 Rosemead High School at this time. Staff also recommends that enforcement by the Sheriff's Department of existing code violations be continued. 2. The Rosemead City Council approve three alternatives that staff has prepared and which the Traffic Commission has recommended: I) installation of large botts dots on the double yellow centerline, nearest the green curb in front of the high school and at the entrance of the staff parking lot; 2) a letter to students and parents be distributed through the high school addressing the concerns regarding pedestrian and vehicular traffic in front of the school. This letter will be drafted by both school administration and City staff; and 3) a study to be conducted revealing previous research on crosswalks in front of schools. Exhibits: A. Traffic Commissioner StaltRepor,dated October 27, 1998 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: OCTOBER 27, 1998 RE: REQUEST DRIVEINADDITIONAL CONTROLS HIGH REQUEST Commissioner Ruiz requested staff to review the traffic patterns on Mission Drive in front of Rosemead High School. Commissioner Ruiz indicated that vehicles dropping off students often make U-turns from the north curb line of Mission Drive to head back in an easterly direction. Commissioner Ruiz stated, in general, the traffic movements during the drop off time are unsafe. Staff has also spoke with Ms. Geneva Pruitt on the telephone- Ms. Pruitt is requesting the Commission consider the installation of a crosswalk near the entrance to Rosemead High School to accommodate students dropped off on the south side of Mission drive. CONDITIONS Mission Drive is a 62-foot east/west roadway with a posted speed limit of 40 mph except in the vicinity of Rosemead High School which is posted 25 mph when children are present. There are two lanes of travel in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. Mission Drive, between Rosemead Boulevard and Loma Avenue, is fronted by residential uses on the south curb line and the High School on the north curb line. Parking is allowed on the south curb line in front of the residences. Along the north curb line, a drop off/pick up area is located in front of the school. Otherwise, parking is not allowed on the north curb line. Figure 1 depicts conditions on Mission Drive between Rosemead Boulevard and Loma Avenue. EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 Request for Additional Traffic Controls on Mission Drive in Front of Rosemead High School DATA The reported accident history on Mission Drive between Rosemead Boulevard and Loma Avenue was reviewed. The reported accident history from January 1, 1995 through March 31, 1998 revealed thirteen (13) accidents occurring between Monday and Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. The following summarizes these accidents: Location and Description Date Time 1. 210 ' w/o Loma - Eastbound vehicle 01/06/97 7:55 a.m. making an unsafe turn sideswiped an eastbound vehicle proceeding straight (Improper Turn). 2. 531' w/o Newby - Northbound vehicle 03/19/97 7:45 a.m. entering traffic collided with a parked vehicle (Starting/Backing). 3. 200' w/o Newby - Northbound vehicle 02/13/97 7:23 a.m. backing broadsided eastbound stopped vehicle (Starting/Backing). 4. 420' w/o Newby - Eastbound vehicle 02/26/97 2:00 p.m. proceeding straight broadsided an eastbound vehicle proceeding straight (Improper Turn, Inattention). 5. 505' e/o Rosemead —Westbound 01/14/97 2:25 p.m. vehicle making a U-turn broadsided a westbound vehicle proceeding straight (Improper Turn). 6. 400' e/o Rt. 19 — Southbound 02/24/97 12:30 p.m. pedestrian collided with an eastbound vehicle proceeding straight (Pedestrian Violation). 7. 200' w/o Loma - Eastbound vehicle 09/25/96 3:10 p.m. proceeding straight rearended an eastbound vehicle slowing (Too Close). 8. 417' e/o Rosemead - Eastbound vehicle 05/29/96 2:45 p.m. slowing rearended an eastbound vehicle stopped (Too Close). Page 3 Request for Additional Traffic Controls on Mission Drive in Front of Rosemead High School 9. 50' w/o Newby - Westbound vehicle 04/06/95 8:10 a.m. proceeding straight rearended a northbound vehicle turning right (None Stated). 10.466' e/o Rosemead - Westbound 12/13/95 1:45 p.m. vehicle parking sideswiped a westbound vehicle proceeding straight (Improper Turn). 11.300' e/o Rt. 19 - Westbound vehicle 06/06/95 8:00 a.m. proceeding straight rearended a westbound stopped vehicle (Unsafe speed). 12.328' e/o Rt. 19 -Westbound vehicle 04/03/95 7:42 a.m. making a U-turn broadsided a westbound vehicle proceeding straight (Improper Turn). 13.676' e/o Rt. 19 - Westbound vehicle 09/29/95 7:40 a.m. parking sideswiped a parked vehicle (None Stated) DISCUSSION Staff did field review the High School's drop off pattern during the summer session. Though not a regular session, Commissioner Ruiz indicated the traffic patterns are unchanged. During this review, several vehicles were observed making U-turns from the north curb line. In addition, several vehicles would turn left into the church parking lot on the south side of Mission Drive then turn right upon exiting. The remaining vehicles would continue west on Mission Drive. As is typical all schools, the drop for 20 - 30 minutes before and after school. relatively up period is The remainder of the day, there1 is little or no congestion in front of the school. Sheriffs enforcement has occurred and resulted in various citations for pedestrian and vehicular violations. The reported accident history does show a series of accidents occurring in the vicinity of the high school. However, it is difficult to determine which of these accidents were specifically related to high school drop off and pick up patterns. Page 4 Request for Additional Traffic Controls on Mission Drive in Front of Rosemead High School The installation of a mid-block crosswalk on Mission Drive, or any other street, is not recommended. Mid-block crosswalks without traffic controls are a high accident potential. Studies have shown that marked crosswalks at locations without signals or stop signs to control traffic have an increased accident potential. It has been the City's policy to remove any uncontrolled mid-block crosswalks as resurfacing projects progress. Students that are dropped off or picked up on the south side of Mission Drive should be directed to the controlled crosswalk at Rosemead Boulevard (signalized). This location provides the best control for both pedestrians and vehicles. Staff does not recommend any specific changes be made to the traffic controls on Mission Drive in front of Rosemead High School. The congestion time is very limited and continued enforcement of existing vehicle code violations during drop off and pick up periods will remind motorists and pedestrians of the concern for safety especially in the vicinity of a school. Staff has prepared several alternatives that the Traffic Commission may wish to consider. 1. Installation of flexible delineators or large botts dots on the double yellow centerline of Mission Drive. This will reduce the number of vehicles making U-turns and/or left-turns across opposing lanes of traffic. 2. Installation of a raised center median. This would eliminate U-turns and left-turns across opposing lanes of traffic. This would require the removal of parking along at least one side of Mission Drive. 3. Installation of a two-way left-turn lane. This would provide a turning lane for U-turns and left-turns out of the through travel lanes. This would require the removal of parking on both sides of Mission Drive. 4. Send letter to students and parents through the High School to encourage a "circular" pattern around the school (Mission Drive-Rosemead Boulevard-Lower Azusa Road-Encinita Avenue) to reduce the U-turns from the north curb line. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends no changes be made to the existing traffic controls on Mission Drive in front of Rosemead High School at this time. The continued enforcement by the Sheriffs Department of existing code violations is recommended. Attachment u6okil i lismRosemead High Scnooi