CC – Item 4B – Staff Report Request for Yellow Crosswalks at San Gabriel Blvd. and Graves Av. M� I p ;. staff TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL (cNiANK FROM: G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: NOVEMBER 24, 1998 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR YELLOW CROSSWALKS AT SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD AND GRAVES AVENUE DISCUSSION Per the request of Traffic Commissioner Holly Knapp, staff reviewed the crosswalks at San Gabriel Boulevard and Graves Avenue. Commissioner Knapp informed staff that the crosswalks were faded white. In addition, she requested that staff investigate the feasibility of painting the crosswalks yellow at this intersection. Upon staff review of the Caltrans standards, it was found that this request is allowable under California Vehicle Code(CVC) Section 21368 (Exhibit"A"/Figure 1). The CVC states that a yellow crosswalk may be installed if"the nearest point of the crosswalk is not more than 2,800 feet from a school building or the grounds thereof there are no intervening crosswalks other than those contiguous to the school grounds..." Therefore, the installation of yellow crosswalks at San Gabriel Boulevard and Graves Avenue is recommended. During the field review of the subject site, staff also reviewed the traffic controls surrounding Rice Elementary School. The field observations revealed missing and inappropriate traffic control signs, as indicated in Exhibit"A". RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve staff recommendation that all four legs of the intersection of San Gabriel Boulevard and Graves Avenue be painted with yellow school crosswalks. It is also recommended to approve the installation, replacement, or removal of traffic control signs surrounding Rice Elementary School, as indicated in Exhibit"A". Exhibits. A. Traite Conimäs;ion Staff Report,dated October 26, 1998 COUNCIL AGENDA NOV 241998 ITEM No. • S�A' TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: OCTOBER 26, 1998 RE: BOULEVARDREDCROSSWALK AT SAN GABRIEL AND GRAVES AVENUE REQUEST Commissioner Knapp requested staff review the crosswalk at San Gabriel Boulevard and Graves Avenue. Commissioner Knapp indicated the crosswalks are faded white. She also requested staff investigate the possibility of painting the crosswalk yellow at this intersection. CONDITIONS Figure 1 depicts conditions surrounding Rice Elementary School. This includes the yellow school crosswalks, pavement markings and traffic signs. DISCUSSION Staff reviewed the Caltrans standards, attached, for the installation of yellow school crosswalks. The standards are based on the provisions of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 21368. The CVC states that a yellow crosswalk may be installed if"the nearest point of the crosswalk is not more than 2,800 feet from a school building or the grounds thereof, there are no intervening crosswalks other than those contiguous to the school grounds..." This is applicable to the intersection of San Gabriel Boulevard and Graves Avenue. Therefore, yellow school crosswalks are recommended at the intersection. During field review of the intersection of San Gabriel Boulevard and Graves Avenue, staff also reviewed the traffic controls surrounding Rice Elementary School. The field observations revealed missing and inappropriate traffic control signs. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the Caltrans standards and the existing school crosswalks, the installation of yellow school crosswalks at the intersection of San Gabriel Boulevard and Graves Avenue is recommended. All four legs of the intersection shall be painted with yellow school crosswalks. EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 Request for Yellow Crosswalk at San Gabriel Boulevard And Graves Avenue The following signs are recommended for installation, replacement or removal. These recommendations are identified in Figure 1. 1. Westbound Rush Street east of Angelus Avenue - Install a missing W63 and W65 in conjunction with the existing "SLOW SCHOOL XING" pavement markings. 2. Westbound Rush Street at Angelus Avenue — Remove W65 and install W66A below the existing W66 sign. 3. Eastbound Rush Street west of Angelus Avenue - Install a missing W65 and W66 in conjunction with the existing "SLOW SCHOOL XING" pavement markings. 4. Eastbound Rush Street at Angelus Avenue — Install W66A below the existing W66 sign. 5. Northbound Angelus Avenue north of Rush Street - Remove the W63 and W65 sign north of the driveway. This is a redundant sign 6. Northbound Angelus Avenue at Keim Street- Remove W65 and install W66A below the existing W66 sign. 7. Northbound Angelus Avenue at Graves Avenue - Remove W65 and install W66A below the existing W66 sign. 8. Southbound Angelus Avenue at Graves Avenue - Remove W65 and install W66A below the existing W66 sign. 9. Southbound Angelus Avenue at Keim Street- Remove W65 and install W66A below the existing W66 sign. Attachment 066V I1\Rsd\Rice Elementary School • 06 _ I I 03 co E m I I `c_ 1 _ N ,YS. 6 O1 ... 1 c 3 6 "cp E w g W N. 1 1 m a> "A cc a\ I ; 1 sed 1 :F o I 5 g oak; w S I > 5 ro TO w \ o x * \ w,S. 4.4......"' 1 ' _ ; \. N. I I \. d dr 1 ` 1 1 I--I -- i \ ' , ' � 9 9 1 1� 1' 1 \ xmU, 1 11I �— \C �rN I \ cn ,r x I I j 1 n w x I i RI\CAV ,iaycp \ 1 j 'N ) I ` x k 6r i. cI h sk IX. I 1 I z i \ Tr / \ I I \ �\ I / I. \ s I. x1 ` _o / I \\ // I 3 I. ,sl N 0 I/ I - _I I I 6 :, A" 6 1 'a' „ I Ito I. I g ' 1 1 R n. I > N d 1 I x I I \ i G l I I 9.I I \ 1 > arc I e i5I I ` to 1 ¢ I WwI n =1 I M I I u I I I I U 1 2 is I I E 11 9 I. d 1 —_ 6 1 I v II N II e I 1 I I I 4 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I w 1 I- 1 I I I II II I I 1 I ?Jena/Dog jauae9 cies I— ' I I ' , ` I I I 'l \ \ I \ \\ I I I \ \ I 470a 1 I \ \ T 3 I 1 \ \ I. N 1 1 \ ` ' m I I rigure Traffic Manual SCHOOL AREA PEDESTRIAN SAFETY 10-118-1996 Markings 10-04 10-04.1 Functions and Limitations of Markings the protection and safety of persons attending the school..." Markings have definite and important functions to perform in a proper scheme of school area Crosswalk lines are solid lines marking both traffic control. In some cases they are used to edges of the crosswalk. The crosswalk line shall supplement the regulations or warnings of other not be less than 300 mm in width and shall not be devices such as traffic signs. In other cases they spaced less than 1.8 m apart. Where no advance serve,soley on their own merits,as a very effective limit line is provided or where where hicular spe ds s means of conveying certain regulations and exceed 35 mph(56 km/h) or information to the driver without diverting the unexpected, it may s be desirable to p toi ncre6ea mine th driver's attention from the roadway. width Crosswalkctheclrosswalk on woth sides of the crosswalk 10-04.2 Uniformity should extend across the full width of pavement to discourage diagonal walking between crosswalks. Each standard school area marking shall be Crosswalks should be marked at all intersections used only to convey the meaning prescribed for it on the permitted toto Route to o School"intersectionswe students in this chapter. arwhere students could not otherwise recognize the 10-04.3 Crosswalk Lines proper place to cross. For added emphasis, the area of the crosswalk In accordance with the provisions of CVC may be marked with diagonal lines at a 45 degree 21368: angle or with longitudinal lines at a 90 degree angle to the line of the crosswalk. These lines "Whenever a marked pedestrian crosswalk has should be 300 mm to 600 mm wide and spaced 300 been established in a roadway contiguous to a mm to 600 mm apart. When diagonal or school building or the grounds thereof it shall be longitudinal lines are used to mark a crosswalk, painted or marked in yellow as shall be all the the transverse crosswalk lines may be omitted. marked pedestrian crosswalks at an intersection 10-04.4 Limit Lines(Stop Lines) in case any one of the crosswalks is required to be marked in yellow. Other established marked pedestrian crosswalks may be painted or marked Limit lines are solid white lines (CVC 377), in yellow if either (a) the nearest point of the normally 300 mm to 600 mm wide, extending l across all approach lanes. They oint crosswalk is not me than 600 feet fromthe nearest at which vehicles areto stop inacomplte the iance building ore the grounds thereof,or(b) point of the crosswalk is not more than 2,800 feet with a stop sip,traffic signal,officer's direction, from a school building or the grounds thereof, or other legal requirement. The limit line should therehan placed 1.2 m in advance of and o the osare noi8- intervening the crosswalks gros ds, and it be crosswalk fine,but may be placedlfarther those contiguous to the school grounds, appears that the facts and circumstances require in advance where School Safety Patrols or Adult special painting or marking of the crosswalks for Crossing Guards are used.